The Purpose of All Trump All the Time and why it needs to stop
In the last few days a hack of DNC information has been posted to the web in a variety of places including 'proper mainstream media entities" such as the Washington Post as well as a variety of blogs. A good bit of the hack, known as Guccifer 2.0, was provided to wikileaks and there is huge internet musing on what it may be.
I am not interested in being tagged as a conspiracy theorist, nor am I interested in walking into some sort of propaganda trap. I am not exactly clear on what these leaked documents mean, ultimately, or if they mean what I think they mean. I see reports the DNC is being tightlipped about it.
I am unsure if some of the documents which are being treated as a smoking gun regarding the DNC choosing Clinton as the POTUS candidate over a year ago is nefarious or even relevant or meaningful. I am unsure.
I do think the leaked documents have been avoided by the bulk of the mainstream media and I have not seen a peep about it at TOP. My guess it would be banned as CT over there. Or at least outside the parameters established by the site owner.
Some of the tweeting I am seeing about it is just nut-baggy over the top CT stuff, acting as if a few highlighted items are going to bring down this wealthy and extremely powerful woman.
Snopes has even weighed in, for what that may be worth.
Back on March 15, 2016 , Markos issued guidelines and veiled threats about what people can and cannot say about her. A number of things which may be legitimate have been lumped in with "rightwing talking points' and are thus VERBOTEN. And in and of itself I don't care about that either. It is his blog and if he wants to paint it polka-dot he can.
My concern is that there is a general knowledge that all is not right in Denmark and that which is not right can't be discussed. And that we are being expected to toe a line we can't really discuss.
And there's a lot that appears not right so there's maybe a significant amount of "stuff" to be managed and evaded. "Muddied" was a term in one of the leaked documents.
Thus the censorship of various topics and a HUGE impetus for all Trump all the Time..
Trump represents fearmongering: vote for her or all is lost.
Trump also represents chaffe in the radar: all Trump all the Time sucks the air out of discussing anything else and if it does accidentally get leaked out and discussed, there is fearmongering to encourage you to keep it quiet lest you be banned or Trump wins the presidency.
However.... Trump will NOT be winning the election. This idea is utterly preposterous now. Even the GOP can't stand him.
The way to really deal with him is to SHUT UP and let that fool talk. Feed him 30 miles of good rope. He is working harder than anybody to hang his prospects. It's amazing what it going on.
But to listen to the DNC line, we must quake in our boots (or Gucci loafers, depending on your socioeconomics), and/or talk about him TO THE EXCLUSION OF ALL ELSE.
Clearly, to me, this is about selling a car with a number of valid issues to a customer who suspects something may be not quite right but who is systematically not allowed to be told what those issues might be.
Somebody has leaked a list of issues with the car and it is being "overlooked" in favor of selling the questionable car to the suspicious but uninformed buyer.
And that is really unethical and say a WHOLE LOT about the car dealer.
We should - I argue - stop with the Trump Freak Out, let him rattle on and try to jumpstart more discussion of whether this leaked info is worthwhile or a whole lot of nothing.
I have created an email alert for Guccifer 2.0 docs as more may be coming out soon and the current crop of docs still might grow legs. I don't know.
Please feel free to 'set me straight" on this, if I am missing some sort of key piece of info.
But I suggest Trump needs to be left alone to explode on his own and to allow 'space' for other things to get aired.

This isn't the Cackle Channel
(aka Dead State), so feel free to talk about it and ponder what it all means, free of a banhammer.
from a reasonably stable genius.
One thing we are not supposed to discuss
One has to wonder if Obama and/or Clinton is being blackmailed right now. Suppose Putin threatens to reveal certain documents unless Obama abandons plans to attack Assad forces in Syria. Please tell me this is preposterous.
it is preposterous. Is that ok now? /nt
DNC Pledge
I pledge obedience
To the Candidate Choice
Of the United Corporations of America,
and to the Oligarchy for which s/he stands,
the One Per Cent,
Posing as God,
Offering Servitude and
Destitution for all.
-Nemoshell -Twisted Pledge of Co-opted Republic
Excellent pledge
Wish it didn't ring so true.
OMG, can I be banned from there if someone else
Posted this in regards to a comment I posted here?

After all it goes against Kos' edict about writing things that make Hillary look bad.

On second thought, the person who posted my comment from here over there should be the one who should be banned, right?
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
good one!
Did someone really re-post this?
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Yes this happened 2 nights ago
I called out someone for telling Bernie to fuck off and it had gotten a lot of recs. I have seen these types of comments over there and even bothered to write to the help desk asking if these types of comments are now acceptable and can I now tell Hillary and her supporters to fuck off too?
Anyway, I said "stay classy, Hillary supporters" and someone posted my comment from here with that picture on in it. And the person told me to stay classy.
I have seen quite a few comments about what is discussed here and on Reddit, but this surprised me.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Kos can do what he wants, I suppose, Snoops. Personally, I
have decided I am not going to worry about what someone from there says about what I say here or elsewhere, and if here gets me banned there, fine. I will abide by kos' rules on his Web site and ONLY on his Web site, because he paid for it, it's a private site. But I'm not going to let him and his lackeys decide what I post elsewhere on the Internet, he never paid for the entire thing and is not the Internet God. I already was criticized once over there for a comment here, and told that person to quit stalking me, that only what I write on TOP is subject to criticism on TOP. If I get banned for that, I will appeal to the moderators at the help desk; whether or not it will work I don't know. But I think kos, or whoever over there still might care about the future of TOP, is going to need us shortly more than we need him. The paid Hillbots will leave, and then how many will be left?
So in short, sure, you could get banned. I don't think you will be. I don't think it would be fair if you were. Yes, it should be the re-poster in trouble, not you. As far as I remember, kos himself said in his edict, "do not talk about Hillary in a damaging way on my Web site, this is a site to support a Democratic candidate," suggesting maybe he would take our side. If not, how much of your Internet life are you willing to place under kos' control?
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I don't think I'm going to be banned either
Since I wasn't the one that posted it. I'm sure if a Bernie supporter did, then they would be banned.
And I'm not censoring my comments here as I hope you have noticed. I never will here, but in the very few comments I write there, I too will abide by his rules
I think it's childish that they are 'spying' on us here and Reddit and then posting what we are saying.
So it has happened to you too? As I said, they are being children and must be threatened by our writing the truth about Hillary, her foundation and how corrupt she is.
The funny thing is, I have read on other websites how Markos has censored people from writing bad things about Hillary and people are laughing at him. Some of the comments are quite funny.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
The next time someone does that...
point them to this at the bottom of every page.
And if it's a longish comment they violate fair use!
Perfect! Heh.
Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.
Good, I'm glad you're not worried about it.
Yes, me too. I find it childish, yes, but also kind of flattering in a way, people following me from Web site to Web site to see what I say about TOP, Bern and Hill; and spending time in their comments at TOP to quote. Who knew we were so fascinating?!?
To me, echo chambers are very obvious and not much use, and places that promote discussion are also very obvious and much more enjoyable. For most of a site to move from the latter to the former is mind boggling. I'm not surprised people are laughing. It's kind of like hitting yourself in the face with a pie, in the middle of a busy park, while taking all the money out of your pockets and throwing it into the air.
Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.
What are some of those websites that are
noticing the mess on TOP? I am always looking for new places to check out.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
I should add....
(and nothing against the poster), but when did Little Napoleon take over the intertubes?
He can say what he wants, and forbid all he wants at his scam site, but the rest of us are subject to his edicts??
I don't think so.
Any way carry on. Denigrate HRC all you, want. Don't talk about Trump all you want. Talk about what you see as the issues at hand.
from a reasonably stable genius.
Gucci Loafers?
Gucci-fer? Coincidence? I think not.
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
When did wikileaks ever set us up
for a disappointment? I am asking that as a serious question. If Assange has ever bull shit us about leaks, I simply do not know about it.
When he says he has the goods, he has the goods.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
The only thing we've ever seen...
is a lot of suspect charges by governments tailor made to make liberals hate him.
I fully expect every person who opposes the government to have the media allege a laundry list of charges, including but not limited to rape, child pornography, incest, homophobia, and racism.
Traitor is reserved for those they had under surveillance and can't legitimately claim any of the above without raising questions about why they didn't prosecute beforehand.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
Yes, I've had the same thought
about the rape charges. Nobody supports a suspected rapist, so that charge is perfect to turn liberals and everyone else against Assange. The fact that he's been forced to seek refuge in an embassy for years, even though no official criminal charges have been brought, is ridiculous.
I don't remember the name of the military guy who was telling unflattering truths about the Iraq war, when he was suddenly and completely silenced with similar "charges". I think his might have been child porn or something.
Believe me, I DO NOT support rapists, child pornographers, or anyone who harms others. But I do agree with you that there's no better way to marginalize and silence someone than with false charges of disgusting crimes.
"Stand Up! Keep Fighting!" - Paul Wellstone
Puppy face! Incredibly cute puppy face! I know, off topic,
but I just had to say that. Adore your avatar. Give him/her extra hugs and face rubs from us!
Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.
That incredibly cute puppy face
belongs to MaryAnn, the happiest, sweetest pup in all the world! I will give her, and her sister, Tracy, many extra hugs tonight!!
"Stand Up! Keep Fighting!" - Paul Wellstone
The women who said that Assange had sex with them without using a condom didn't want to press charges against him. Sweden's rape laws are confusing, but he didn't stalk those two women and then raped them. The women had consensual sex with him, but one said that he didn't wear a condom and I have forgotten what else happened.
But the prosecutor hasn't brought charges against him, IIRC. She only wants to talk with him and he said that he would talk with her there if he got it in writing that he wouldn't be sent to the US. She refused to give it to him.
And also remember that the US had another country's ambassador's plane grounded because they thought he was on it.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
It was worse than that, Snoops
The US had the PRESIDENT OF BOLIVIA'S plane grounded because they thought Edward Snowden might be on it.
(Snowden is an even bigger boogeyman than Assange, but no one has - yet - been able to trump up any charges against him other than "treason".)
The incident showed the US in an extremely unflattering Biggest Meanest Bully On The Block light. And Assange later claimed that Wikileaks creating Internet "chatter" about Snowden possibly taking a flight to Bolivia, as a distraction from tentative plans to get him to Venezuela, was the direct cause of the incident. (Biggest DUMBEST Meanest Bully On The Block....)
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
Thanks for the correction
I forgot who the official was on the plane and that it was Snowden not Assange. But with all of the crappy things Obama has done, it's hard for me to keep facts straight
Biggest bully on the block is correct.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
I think you mean U.N. weapons inspector in Iraq, Scott Ritter.
shoot the messenger, doncha know...
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
This seems a reasonable hypothesis to me, Doc.
Distract, they love to distract. Even if there isn't a plan to distract, I am heartily sick of the All-Trump All-The-Time Show. If you don't agree he's a horrible person by now, you just don't have a heart. I'd love to see a lot more on Hill's failings so it all comes out before the convention. AFAIK, afterward would be too late.
Does anyone know what would happen to the Dem nom if Hill is the nominee and then gets charged with crimes before the election? Could she be removed?
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As I See It
The only example I can offer would be what the Democrats had to do in 1968 after RFK was killed. Granted, this was before the convention that year, but I don't remember Humphrey running in any primaries. He was named by the convention as the nominee.
Under the possibility that Hillary could be indicted, the convention is likely to have a backup plan. His name is Joe Biden.
Vowing To Oppose Everything Trump Attempts.
That's what I'm afraid of, or whoever she names as VP.
Not fair after all the work Bernie put in. That's why I'm hoping the FBI investigation returns indictments, if they're going to, before the convention.
Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.
I have a question.
Did you folks see and read the first Guccifer release of documents from Hillary's hacked server?
It pertained to the false flag attack on Iraq by the US, and contained original documents passed between Colin Powell, Tony Blair, and George Bush, as they conspired on making a case for war with Iraq a year before the attack. Again, these are documents that were stored on Hillary's email server. It is not clear where she got them.
Was this reported in the US news? This Guccifer leak happened within the past year. I never see it mentioned by anyone….
Pluto, are you referring to his
Downing Street Memos? That release?
Even with all the evidence showing how they were making shit up so that they could overthrow Saddam, people still believe that he was behind 9/11.
The intelligence of people in this country is astounding.
Even if people are busy and don't have time to read a lot of articles, I would think that they would be curious enough to do some research
But these are the people who listen to Faux news.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Uh oh.
I am talking about the very first documents that were taken from Hillary's server in October 2015. And leaked by someone: the mentioned of the hacker Guccifer has been scrubbed. The documents were published in the Telegraph, and elsewhere in the world. But I'm beginning to think that Americans haven't seen them. It's the most damning stuff on her email server.
Not this.
"It's not clear where she got [the documents]."
I'd love to know the answer to that one!
Was she a senator when the documents were created and she saved them somewhere? Did she simply download an archive while SoS? If she got them while a senator, how the hell? Seriously wtf? Was her server admin working in the IT department of the freaking Pentagon when the documents were written? Maybe Manning originally leaked them, and she got them from wikileaks?
Calgon, take me away! Except not yet, I have to go find them.
She may have pulled them from the SOS database
…from Powell's documents. Although, I recall a handwritten letter from Sydney Blumenthal was released with this batch.
So, you saw the document, too? Was this reported in the US, then?
Not a Manning leak. They were released only nine months ago for the first time. The world press cites Hillary's server.
All I saw was one @The Telegraph re: Tony Blair
Didn't find anything about false flags, though considering what I've learned about oh, J. Edgar Hoover and his shenanigans regarding The Black Panthers (and Malcolm X, and MLKj), the Gulf of Tonkin, and Killary's sarin gas deals, nothing should surprise me. We know there were no weapons of mass destruction.
The Telegraph is citing the Daily Mail
Their version created a shitstorm in the UK.
Check it out.
As pithy as it is, it's been scrubbed. The source of the leak was Guccifer, then. He was arrested in Romania a few weeks later, and was given 20 plus years. But just last week, he was extradited to the US (for the Hillary hack?). He was promised only two years and a new identity, so he jumped at it.
Now the Mail claims that it was the White House that released those damning documents — documents that taint Hillary and provide proof that Powell was a co-conspiritor in war crimes.
That makes no sense.
What I want to know, however, is why all the Dems looking at Hillary's email server issue, never mention this payload.
That makes no sense, either. Unless they never saw them.
Will check out the Daily Mail
But first have to run & get lunch for the week. Have spent all day in bed with my phone. Time to be at least somewhat productive.
I found a link over at r/kossacks_for_sanders that blew my mind. Have you seen any of these documents or heard about them? Today was a first for me. Your info too. Enjoy or cringe, actually.
Thanks, Deja
Interesting link. And sad.
People need to be careful.
They could have video of Hillary selling babies
on the street corner, and it will be ignored by everyone but the right and left.
If she never used a govt email and never sent state documents on her private email, does that mean she never got or sent ANY state documents anywhere all four years she was SOS? Of course she sent stuff over her private email. Of course she was hacked. Of course they got state stuff. Guarantee you the Republicans won't ignore it.
This is a free and open site. We just ask that people be civil.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
Funny thing...
I just read about Web Hubbell being Chelsea's father and not Bill. Some RWNJ posted about it on my local site and I had no clue what he was talking about, so I googled it. Who knows if true, and I don't care. And it is assholish to question someone's parentage imo. It was, however, also assholish for Chelsea to state that Bernie would dismantle ACA and Medicare or w/e stupid shit she knowingly said.
I just think it would be funny as hell to post it over at TOP and watch the heads explode. I'm laughing just thinking about it. Not saying anyone should do it, and nobody should, but it's just funny to imagine the reaction. If I were a true troll, I would do it. lol
Another RWNJ poster asked how many grandchildren Bill has that we don't know about. Funny stuff. Rightwingers can be hilarious in their wackines.
Who is this Kos Fellow at Orange State?
And why should I care what he or, his Kook-Aid drinking followers say or, think?
They have no relevance in my world...
I'm the only person standing between Richard Nixon and the White House."
~John F. Kennedy~
Economic: -9.13, Social: -7.28,
Moved the comment to an Essay - Left the video though NT
From the Light House.
Let Them Run Trump All The Time
Who says we are going to be swayed as they hope? Last time I checked, many of us are too smart to fall for that.
Vowing To Oppose Everything Trump Attempts.