Okay, I get it

My only response to being sold down the river again.. as I go over the falls for the last time in MY unhealthy life is this:


Fuck giving some god damnned oligarch FROM EITHER PARTY 8 fucking years when neither of them deserved the four they stole....


And will the feminists SERIOUSLY start looking for a worthy female candidate? It will NOT be Warren.. not EVER.

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I felt that voting mattered. But I am sure that in my blood-red Deep South no-paper-trail machine-voting state that few results for her would ever show up no matter how many voted for her. The R Machine(s) will make sure all the electoral college votes go to the R party.

BTW, who is Alan Grayson?

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Only connect. - E.M. Forster

riverlover's picture

And hasn't he been a loose cannon in the past? I am just tired of voting for the wealthy.

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Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.

Pluto's Republic's picture

….as I go over the falls for the last time

It has to be pretty shocking to suddenly "see" the mocking reality and wholesale betrayal that you slept-walked through for most of your political life as a Democrat. But, at least you saw it and you took a stand.

For the past fifty years, Americans have stumbled off to vote, time and again, for the political oligarchy that has actively asset-stripped their nation. Any of their ballot choices will soon become part of the profitable system that is crushing them with neglect — and all the while, Americans still lack common and basic human rights, such as freedom from hunger, affordable shelter, and health care.

And most shocking of all, they will once again vote in 2016 — unwittingly signifying that they are the authors of their own suffering, and that they helped fashion the diminished social mobility and debt they left to their children. I envy them the innocent waking sleep they have enjoyed through all those decades of mock elections.

I wouldn't wish the horrors of awareness on anyone, although the people's refusal to do something about their self-destrucive 18th century constitution always rankled. It has been their undoing.

The truth is, there has never been a way to change the American system. Madison set up the constitution to enshrine the rule of the 'opulent' over the 'mob,' and he did it 'for the ages.' That is why America is not a democracy, and why a citizen initiative to create a government for the people can never succeed. There simply is no route to change in the structure of American politics. It was flash frozen in plutocracy at birth.

The liberal class has failed for decades to decry neoliberalism’s assault on the poor and on workingmen and -women. Instead, it busied itself with a low-caloroie, boutique activism, the kind you find at online enclaves like Daily Kos.

When the paralysis and decay caused by neoliberal policies became obvious, Americans were given endless wars and endless enemies as an antidote. Obsequious hero worship began at once, along with the celebration of American power and the sanctification of military violence. Hero worship of the military has unwittingly laid the ideological groundwork for demagogues who promote glory and strength, and demand order and discipline. This justified the sudden emergence of the authoritarian police state we now live with.

The reintegration of dispossessed Americans into the economy will continue to be easily blocked by the plutocrat politicians. The corporate assault will intensify under the rule of the establishment oligarchy. The expansion of poverty and despair, will accelerate the country’s breakdown. Media demagogues will channel the ensuing rage and heap the blame onto domestic activists and organizers. The easily frightened American people will beg for state repression. They always do.

Environmentalists and anti-capitalists will receive most of the blame for the country’s decline. If I were them, I'd get out of the US as soon as possible.

But, at least you saw it and you took a stand. You have your dignity intact. Most will never know. They'll be busy getting out the vote and spreading the intoxicating dream of "change" for as long as the infrastructure holds out.

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America went to sleep many decades ago, to dream of the America they were told we had versus the one that the news media used to reveal to us daily. It was a nicer place to be, where inspiring leaders aren't gunned down to preserve the rule of evil. A place where wars weren't started for corporate profit, using the blood and broken futures of dreamers to cover the costs.

The dreaming took more and more, as Reality grew darker and more vile. It became harder to face each day, and another person slipped over the edge into a permanent state of imagination to cope. One could only continue to enjoy the nice things life provides if one buries Reality so deeply that it can't intrude upon that experience. Thus, many did just that.

What passes for leadership in this once-storied land noticed this, and took advantage in order to seal themselves into power and opulence. To defend this position meant isolating themselves from the rest of us lest they be infected with the illness seeking solace. Their concern of us shrank to insignificance, for we were too busy dreaming to stop them from taking it all away from us. We could only see that Shining City On The Hill. We asked to be told about the bunny rabbits. We wanted to be protected from exposure to Reality.

They gave us what we asked for, since it fit in so nicely with what they were going to do anyway.

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Vowing To Oppose Everything Trump Attempts.

dewley notid's picture

You'll read a lot of bad press about Congressman Grayson (D-Fla. 9th District) because he's the establishment's worst nightmare. He's currently running against a teabagger for the open Senate seat.
Yes, he's a millionaire. Who other than Bernie isn't?

I'll let you read one of the emails he sent me, and you can google his twitter comments. IMO he's a fighter in the vein of Bernie, but not as "reserved". The subject line reads "The Party's Over"

Dear {dewley},

For the past few months, I’ve been attacked for coming out against the corruption that I see in our party, starting with “Please-Ignore-the-Fact-That-I’m-Under-Criminal-Investigation” Sen. Harry Reid. But despite what the Lie Factory at the top may want you to believe, I love the Democratic Party. I just hate what these Mafia accountants with Napoleonic complexes have done to it. In fact, it’s because I love the party that I so much hate what they have done.

I have listened to so many Democratic activists, as you have reached out to express your anger, your frustration, and your worries. You have felt ignored, belittled, and betrayed. So have I.

The disenfranchisement of Democratic voters in choosing our candidates has been largely ignored by the complicit national media. Leaders have been replaced or squelched by corporate bag men. We have been directed to sit down, shut up, and do what we are told. Or, as Archie Bunker used to say to Edith, “Stifle!”

Up for grabs, right now, is the very notion that candidates matter, that programs matter, that government matters, and that democracy even exists. Any candidate who shows the slightest commitment to Democratic principles is condemned by the party overlords and their media stenographers as “unelectable,” or “ideological,” or “unrealistic.” In fact, the one last thing that the Democratic Politburo is good at is defeating progressive Democratic candidates. Lord knows that they don’t have a clue about how to beat Republicans. In Florida, a very purple state, party bosses have delivered the nomination in statewide races to right-wing Democrats virtually every time this century. And we have lost 14 of those 15 races.

I will not sit down. I will not shut up. I will not do as I am told. And because of that, malicious party hacks are bent on ending this campaign. Help me fight back against the D.C. Establishment’s attacks, and show them you won’t settle either -- by chipping in to our insurgent campaign now >>

I cannot with good conscience stand by and watch our party abandon the progressive principles and grassroots activists who have built the party we know and love today. I cannot stand by and watch our party recruit and promote candidates who betray the very people our party is supposed to serve, by eschewing the progressive values that working families so desperately need.

Once upon a time, our party was about so much more than the color blue. This party was about recognizing that many working families and seniors are struggling, and about making things better for them. It was about recognizing the injustice and inequality in our society, and then DOING SOMETHING ABOUT IT.

When I was growing up, my parents were Democrats, not because it was trendy, but because they counted on the Democratic Party to improve their lives. They counted on the Democrats to fight for the healthcare benefits I needed to stay alive as a sick child. They counted on the Democrats to fight for the public housing we lived in, instead of the slum my father grew up in. They counted on the Democrats to protect their right to organize, and fair compensation to them as public employees.

What our corrupt, decrepit, and power-mad Democratic Establishment seems to have forgotten is the people like my parents today, the people who would like to vote for Democrats, feel that way because they need our help. Every time our self-appointed “leaders” ram through the nomination of a sellout corporate Democrat, another angel in heaven dies, and (perhaps more importantly) another 100,000 more Democrats flee the un-Democratic Party. Yes, the lobbyists are pleased, and they will keep those PAC checks coming, but our soul is gone. As Walt Kelly used to say in Pogo, “we have met the enemy, and he is us.”

I’m trying to change that. I’m trying to remind our party that we don’t have to be Republican to beat a Republican – that never works -- and that we can still be champions for the People. But there’s only so much I can do alone.

Today, I’m asking you to stand with me, and speak out against what our party has become. Chip in $15, or whatever you can afford now, to help us send a powerful message to our party’s rotten, unscrupulous Establishment.

Despite what our party Politburo may think, there’s a lot more at stake this year than which party gets to kowtow best to the 1 percent. This election season, we will decide what kind of party we want to be from here on out. We're fighting for the soul of the Democratic Party. I hope you’ll join us.


Rep. Alan Grayson

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Nature is my religion; the earth is my temple.

is why I admire Grayson. Having 31 million, most of which he'll spend educating the kids he had with his ex (or is it UN?) wife (is that 4 or 5) and leaving them a bit of something, but most of it he'll use as seeder to run for president, if he does, and I suspect he's about to.

I like the Castro twins from Texas, my former home state, but I consider Grayson to be one fucking helluvalot closer to what I give a shit about, not just for others, but for myself as I discovered shortly before my husband died that while I'd been raised as a bit of a rich bitch in comparison to most in the US, I'm just part of hoi polloi.. and THAT is what both Sanders and Grayson care about. The difference is that GRAYSON ISN'T GROUND DOWN.. and neither is his current I (second) wife, who's just started HER way up the Florida political ladder; and who is a GENUINE M.D., not a Bible pounding fucking fake.

Be well, Dewly, and I'll keep a light on for you and all of those a bit younger than me, that somehow we survive long enough to SEE some change or die trying for it.

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Muerte al fascismo. Muerte a la tiranía. colapso total de los que promueven tampoco. A la pared con el unico porciento%

dewley notid's picture

Well-worded reply with kindness thrown in.

For the record, I'm no spring chicken myself; Medicare kicks in in a couple more weeks. Biggrin

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Nature is my religion; the earth is my temple.

riverlover's picture

He talks the talk, anyway, with all the right code words (Mafia). You and I, Fentress, have probably similar backgrounds. Yes, it's gotten harder being alone, trying to settle up. While living down.

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Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.

He'll never be a billionaire or the best buddy of billionaires.

I'm tired of grasping greedy liars.
and I'm just tired.

The only way I'll get through this year or any other is taking a LOT of time to just be, tune in on a small living thing, and focus on that.

And pray that others discover that is more important to them, also, than dying with the most toys.

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Muerte al fascismo. Muerte a la tiranía. colapso total de los que promueven tampoco. A la pared con el unico porciento%

riverlover's picture

A dealer on Amazon has cheap rings ($0.99-$5.99?) with $6 postage. Stainless steel, titanium, carbon fiber... Just bands. I have a Ti plated with rose gold, SS with carbon fiber inlay, SS with Iridium plating (blue), and SS with red/black carbon fiber interweave insert. Nice. No green fingers. I have not checked to see if they are radioactive, have not visited old workplace, but they came through USPS, so probably would have been detected there.

0 users have voted.

Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.