-- You say you want a revolution --
We've got the perfect opportunity to show how it works. On Monday, the Senate will vote on four gun control measures. Democratic senators filibustered for 14+ hours in order to convince the stupid Repukes that it's okay to have some restrictions on the Second Amendment.
Per Reuters
The Senate is expected to vote on Monday on four proposals. One from Democrat Dianne Feinstein would let the government prevent terrorist suspects from buying guns. A second from Republican John Cornyn, the No. 2 Senate Republican, would require court approval within three days for a government ban on an individual's attempt to buy a gun. Democrats have said Cornyn's plan is unworkable; Republicans say Feinstein's might harm the rights of people wrongly on terror suspect lists.
A third proposal, from Democrat Murphy, would expand background check procedures to the sales of all firearms, including those online and at gun shows. A fourth proposal, from Republican Senator Chuck Grassley, would provide for law enforcement to be notified if a person investigated for terrorism in the last five years tries to buy a gun.
Now it's our time to show what a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can accomplish.
Start calling your senators. It doesn't matter whether they're Dem or Repuke. Just call and let them know that we're paying attention, and this issue is important. The number for the Capitol switchboard is: (202) 224-3121. Then post this information everywhere you can think of. I don't do social media, but y'all do. Go get 'em. Scare the hell out of the senators. Maybe even give them the balls to vote to outlaw assault weapons. Because, factually, what they're voting on is just itty bitty nibbles at a major problem. But it's a start. Let's show our muscle.
Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has. - Margaret Mead

Revolution in which direction?
Gun control legislation is usually full of hidden and/or vaguely worded clauses than could be used to do what gun owners fear most... confiscation.
I will gladly support common sense gun control, but I haven't seen it yet.
Progressive, Independent, Gnostic, Vermonter.
If the government wants to confiscate every single
assault weapon, it wouldn't hurt my feelings at all. If I'm being honest, I wouldn't be upset if all guns were outlawed. Failing that, there is absolutely no need to have an assault weapon unless one intends to quickly kill a whole bunch of people. They may also serve as a substitute for a small penis.
Any other amendments
that you would like to tinker with? How about the 1st? We could do without all the Santa Claus nonsense, ban flash mobs or large marches that disrupt traffic. And the 5th is kind of stale. If they don't want to speak because they would incriminate themselves, they're guilty. Makes sense. Lots of trimming we can do. Just need a precedent, and you have the perfect one.