The Evils of Two Lessers
This from a CounterPunch article dated July 7, 2011, by Margaret Kimberly:
While Democrats were always a war party, just as much as Republicans, they were also known for their willingness to use the federal government to create and enhance programs which benefited working people. They protected and expanded the modern welfare state as it existed in this country. President Johnson was responsible for the horrific escalation of the war against Vietnam, but he also was responsible for the very existence of the programs which Democrats are now ready to eviscerate. Johnson was the embodiment of the lesser of two evils argument, attacked because he waged an aggressive and immoral war, but at the same time credited with responding to movement demands and eliminating poverty for millions of people.
That lesser of two evils argument now has almost no meaning. Not only is Obama keeping the country in a perpetual state of war, but at the first sign of Republican resistance, he is willing to throw what used to be the foundation of the Democratic party under the wheels of a bus.
I think Ms. Kimberly makes a very valid point. During the LBJ era, it was possible to argue that there were tangible benefits for voting Democratic, because as flawed and wrongheaded as the Democrats were on foreign policy, at least their domestic agenda was far more egalitarian and compassionate towards the poor than the Republican alternative.
Fast forward five decades, and it's quite clear that Johnson's neoliberal successors are far more sympathetic to the dog eat dog, sink or swim philosophy of such worthies as Milton Friedman and Ayn Rand than they are to the humanistic philosophy embodied in Gandhi's injunction: The true measure of any society can be found in how it treats its most vulnerable members.
Though I continue to have the greatest respect and admiration for Bernie Sanders, I reject his implicit argument that Donald Trump represents a significantly "Greater Evil", and thus making sure he's defeated (obviously by Hillary Clinton) should be considered high priority and of the utmost importance going forward. To my mind, the scourge of "Lesser Evil-ism" is a far more insidious and destructive force than anything represented by Donald Trump, and my own personal focus will thus be on trying to encourage people as forcefully as possible to break free of that toxic and destructive paradigm, which Ralph Nader rightly called "a snare, a trap, and a delusion."
In presidential elections the duopoly candidates typically receive over 98% of all votes cast. Will this year be any different? Sadly, the answer is probably no. But what seems altogether clear is that as long as the neoliberal establishment is successful in convincing the vast majority that there are only two (bad) choices and every responsible voter has to choose one, then this modus operandi will continue to be deployed, and any meaningful alternatives will continue to be relegated to the far margins.

Watch The Media Coverage
As I see it, this election is already different. Both Jill Stein and Gary Johnson are getting more media coverage than in years past. I have seen reports indicating that both the Greens and the Libertarians have a good chance of qualifying this year for federal matching funds for the next election.
Could it be that the PTB have decided that having a place for disaffected Democrats and Republicans isn't such a bad idea after all? Both the Greens and the Libertarians could be seen as test markets for some of the more "extreme" (to PTB thinking) ideas, allowing the major parties to work up some kind of lie (see: H Clinton 2016) claiming to see things in a similar manner to reclaim some of these voters without having to actually make any changes.
But to enable such a strategy -and I have no evidence supporting that this is actually the plan, just my own thoughts- it would be necessary to let the Sheeple know that these parties even exist. The ideas being tested would need some kind of coverage in order to get public discussion under way, and it would have to be prodded in order for the major party bigwigs to come up with strategies to manage this outbreak of non-conformity in the shortest possible time.
So watch not only that Stein and Johnson get covered, but see what ideas are presented in connection to them. That is the key to this idea I have.
Vowing To Oppose Everything Trump Attempts.
It is NEVER in the interest of the PTB to shine light on the
Opposition. Witness this year's fiasco, orchestrated by the PTB, essentially denying anybody but Drumpf and Medusa coverage. I am actually shocked that Jill Stein and Gary Johnson get any press coverage. Maybe viewership is dropping on the MSM channels and they need a little spice in the menu to enhance interest. Whatever the reason third and fourth party candidates get any play is NOT due to the beneficence of the Corporate Masters.
How about we demand
that Stein and Johnson be part of the presidential debates? And of course Bernie, too, if he runs indy.
The time to reject the farce is now.
We shouldn't let this opportunity pass us by. Neither candidate is acceptable, no candidate is acceptable.
I've said before......
Clinton or Trump are not the answer for the question that is the ailing U.S.
So why would you vote for half of the wrong answer?
from a reasonably stable genius.