Statistical electoral fraud reports by 4 separate authors
The reports bloggers have been referencing, in one place, with the summary paragraph of each. Grab your hot beverage - a link for each one takes you to the well written detailed analysis, often with graphs. All are based on the 2016 Democratic primary.
by Doug Johnson Hatlem
Of the theories we have so far for why exit polling missed in Alabama by a huge 14%, the only theory that provides a reasonable explanation is vote tabulating machine tampering. Now, perhaps someone else will come up with a non-fraudulent exit polling miss theory that passes the Alabama Test and explains other states as well. Such a theory cannot be about early voting (Alabama had none) and over-projecting young voters (there were very few according to exit polls of Alabama).
Until someone comes up with such a workable theory, election fraud benefiting Hillary Clinton to the tune of a 120 to 150 pledged delegate difference, is the best explanation we have. People wanting to prove this theory should be suing for a technologically sophisticated and independent review of results and the voting results’ entire computer ecosystems in places like Ohio, South Carolina, Alabama, Boston, Chicago, New York, and many others.
by Axel Geijsel and Rodolfo Cortes Barragan
Are we witnessing a dishonest election? Our first analysis showed that states wherein the voting outcomes are difficult to verify show far greater support for Secretary Clinton. Second, our examination of exit polling suggested large differences between the respondents that took the exit polls and the claimed voters in the final tally. Beyond these points, these irregular patterns of results did not exist in 2008. As such, as a whole, these data suggest that election fraud is occurring in the 2016 Democratic Party Presidential Primary election. This fraud has overwhelmingly benefited Secretary Clinton at the expense of Senator Sanders.
by Spencer Gundert
In summary, just like the mentioned discrepancies between voting results and exit polls, voter suppression has overwhelmingly damaged Bernie Sanders, leaving Clinton unharmed. Again, one or two could be anomalies, but systemic voter suppression is a distinct indicator of electoral fraud.
by Richard Charnin
Sanders exit poll share exceeded his recorded share in 24 of the 26 primaries which were exit polled. The probability is 1 in 190.000. The difference between his exit poll share and recorded share exceeded the margin of error in 11 primaries. The probability is 1 in 77 billion. Is the exit poll shift to Clinton just pure luck? Or is something else going on?
Other information:
Scott Hunt did video documentation specific to California

America desperately needs
UN poll monitors, just like every other banana republic
Can't we handle this ourselves? How about a giant class action
lawsuit because of voter disenfranchisement? I would love to see Bernie take this on instead of making nice.
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A major lawsuit is being filed under RICO act.
It was supposed to be filed last week but the bucket of worms that was California's primary caused the delay. Since California they have added more teams of lawyers. Hopefully they will get it done this week. They are going after the private companies that own the equipment and calibrate them.
I think this election will be remembered for the election fraud in the history books.
RICO suit
I was really pleased when I looked at the video that brought all of this into the open, and that they are also suing what was referred to as the media consortium (he mentioned several by name in the long version of the video) as having abetted these crimes is wonderful news for all of us. Even as votes are STILL being counted in CA, and the story of the massive fraud reported in real news sources for more than a week, from the mainstream media, silence, still. The activities of the big Democrats, who have had roles in the deceit, as well as the Clintons and Barack Obama is really beyond comprehension. They all know what has been uncovered and made public (but only by REAL media), but continue as though nothing has changed. I think that when the RICO suit is actually filed, I am going to send a notice of its filing to various members of the local mainstream media, simply asking "Where have you been?" It pains me to say so, but I really think that is the only way that it possibly will come out. People once again are going to see that Bernie's still in it (thank goodness!) and ask why is that fool still around, doesn't he understand math by now? Media dismissed that IG report and tried to ignore it as much as possible. Most people do not have a clue even now as to just how dangerous she is, nor do they know just how she put all of us in harm's way. That "hugeness" remains, and the revelations about it continue. We need to have a real conversation that exposes this fraud, whether it's Karl again or some Clinton operatives. It certainly is not new, but with the no-trail voting machines, it renders voting nearly useless. That's not what people gave their lives for in service to this country.
Rigged System
Here's my main takeaway from the Sanders campaign:
Bernie's overriding message is that the system is rigged against the 99% and in favor of the 1%. What is now plain is that the political system is equally rigged against any candidate attempting to represent the interests of the 99%, and in favor of candidates representing the interests of the 1%.
I personally have presumed from Day 1 that ways would be found to ensure that Clinton prevailed, but what I didn't anticipate is that the powers that be would be so heavy handed and blatant in their efforts to tilt the scales in her favor. We are clearly a lot further down the road to out and out banana republic status than even a hardened cynic like myself would have imagined.
As far as I'm concerned, a vote for Hillary Clinton in the GE is a vote that tacitly condones the "lie, steal, cheat, do whatever it takes to win" mentality that exemplifies Clinton and those she surrounds herself with. Count me as one who's not willing to go there.
inactive account
My sentiments exactly
Doug Johnson Hatlem has been on top of this fraud for
some time. The article linked above is one of a six part series. Imagine if Bernie got half the support that Obama got in '08 from the establishment. He would have blown Hillary away a long time ago. And they think we are now supposed to rally behind Clinton? What a joke this 'democracy' has become. #BernieOrBust
"Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." - JFK | "The more I see of the moneyed peoples, the more I understand the guillotine." - G. B. Shaw Bernie/Tulsi 2020
if he had honest and unbiased media coverage...
... he would have blown Hillary away a long time ago. His campaign is every bit as historic and unusual as trump's, but different. Problem is, one was seen as a threat while the other was sensational like a train wreck, thus, easy money. Bernie's message has too much resonance to be portrayed as a sideshow, so efforts had to be made to prevent it from catching on.
Two more good links:
All of Lee Camp's work on election fraud has been good. You can backtrack through the videos.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
Thanks for adding!
I was trying to get ALL the current studies on the same thread so that we can easily go back to reference them as things continue to develop. I made the title simple too, so that we can find it in the list when needed.
I know there is another paper out there from a female candidate a few years back, but I couldn't remember which thread it was on.
Knowledge is power!