Elizabeth Warren hides from supporters in Northampton, MA

Forty or more peaceable Bernie supporters waited for Senator Warren to appear at the WWII veterans hall in Northampton, where she was slated to talk about "income inequality". That was pretty good turnout on a Sunday, late in the afternoon, with little advanced notice . . .

Warren had evidently been tipped off about the peaceable rally and found an earlier time and a back entrance, where reporters had already interviewed her. Think of the time she spent avoiding even LOOKING at people who voted for her and supported her: several of those present had actively campaigned for the Senator in her bid for the MA Senate seat and committed hours of their time and effort to support her. She hid from them; coming extra early for her press interviews in the back door.

She didn't even have the courage to come in the front door or driveway and at least look at folks who had pounded the pavement and gotten themselves out to elect her when she was campaigning for junior senator. And when she very much needed our votes and efforts to enhance and advance her career. She had been screwed over by the President for leadership and an agency she began, which is opposed by the very head of the DNC.

So she is likely scaring up votes for her candidate at the WWII, preying on fears to win votes for Wall St. and the complete disenfranchisement of voters. Lizzy one note is still pretending, while supporting a Wall St. funded organization, administration and campaign.

Many years ago, a Former first lady got an office by landing in a state with an open seat, and when history called, she took a pass on lies and deception and voted with lies. And here we are again: she doesn't recognize that she too has missed her moment. Oh, I have no doubt that her paper image, likely crafted by the same image consultants hired by other candidates, complete with book tour, will rule the day. But real principles. No. No passionate love of principles, or Democracy: no risking everything for one's country: just seduction, psyops and ultimately betrayal.

She is hiding. She doesn't want to acknowledge Bernie, his principles, or the moment she was offered in history to do something very important. She is the status quo. And based on today, there is no longer any reason to believe a word she says. It's all ambition and we were duped: many more will be, but a good many folks I speak with are really lookiing at this.

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Bollox Ref's picture

was some sort of standard bearer for the rest of us.

Hope she enjoys her Festivus.

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from a reasonably stable genius.

Her Consumer Financial Protection Bureau has already had an impact on your life:
Ten things the CFPB has done for you

She's been a very effective, progressive Senator.

She's been an awesome attacker against Trump.

So yes, it's disappointing that Warren endorsed Hillary Clinton. I wish she hadn't. But keep the big picture in mind.

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She's been on the right side for too long. She's going to do more good than harm IMO. If I'm wrong, well, then I'm wrong, but I think she's being politically shrewd and let's not be so idealist that we can't recognize there's a necessity for it if you want to get things done.

I guess what I'm saying is I'll wait and see.

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PastorAgnostic's picture

Every senator has been instructed by Secret Service to enter that way as a basic precaution.

My gosh are people that dense about the dangers? Do you realize how her public life has changed her private life forever?

And they bitch because she goes in the back as instructed? By those who understand the risk she faces each and every day, and many time more in public?

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She has been in office for a relatively short period of time and is a "junior" Senator. This is her first public office that I know of.
She served in creating a financial consumer's program, but the Obama administration put someone else in to lead it.

A lot of us worked hard to elect her in MA.

In fact, since she is known as a Progressive, its the Bernie voters who put her in office to begin with. And it was shocking to see her entire behavior in this primary season. Even more so now.

To say the bloom is off the rose is an understatement.

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Didn't the Dodd Frank legislation create the Bureau?

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is about to be closed down: by the head of the Democratic Party, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, who has introduced legislation to sandbag it. It has been under threat from the GOP since its inception and its powers were severely proscribed at go. Senator Warren wasn't even given the chance to lead it: the President took that away from her.

A lot of us followed her career with interest and have been strong supporters; a lot of us worked hard to elect her, and a lot of us supported her furthering her own career.

So her perfervid support of Clinton, and witholding her support from Bernie is mindnumbing: because the half the state that supported her candidacy voted for Bernie.

It isn't merely that she supported Clinton: its that her support for Bernie would have made a difference and she ignored her constituency: and likely helped sandbag a far better candidate. And the Dems are now going to lose this election, because they are going against the principles of the party and a sizeable constituency. And the GOP base is going to rally a lot of voters BECAUSE of Clinton's server problem.

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Cant Stop the Macedonian Signal's picture

that Debbie Wasserman Schultz took aim at the CFPB:


And after that, Elizabeth Warren absolutely ignored the Democratic primary, instead engaging in a puerile Twitter-War with Donald Trump, which, far from helping any of us, gave Trump more oxygen and took heat off Hillary, by framing things in an All Democrats Together vs Donald Trump kind of way

And after that, she endorsed Hillary and said she'd love to be her VP.

Has Warren done some genuinely good things? Sure.
Have they figured out, at the very least, how to twist her arm? Which hostages to take?

To quote a phrase, "You betcha."

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"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha

"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver

and I'm sick of buying it. No, she had her chance to be real and instead she took the bribe, whatever the bribe is, I'm sure there is one. If there isn't one, then she's worth even less than originally thought. That Twitter 'war' with Trump is the tell too - they took that and either co-opted it or they sent her a script to do it. Either way, she's gone to me.

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Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur

snoopydawg's picture

who she actually is. A one note wonder who gives great speeches against the evils of Wall Street and the bankers, but what has she accomplished during her time in the congress? Has she gotten any bills passed that will help us? Is she still pursuing giving the people on SS, SSDI and SSI additional money because there wasn't a COLA increase this year?
She says that she wants to bring back Glass Steagal and put in place a lot of rules against the banks.
So she gives a speech today on income inequality, yet when she could have made a difference, she didn't back Bernie. And now she's backing the candidate who she knows is against everything that she is for? How in the hell does that make sense? It only does if she is a democrat in name only, which I believe she is.

And I have pointed out many times, she's okay with our bogus war of terror and she voted to give Israel more bombs after they ran out of them while pounding Gaza and killing over 4,000 Palestinians including children.
If a person doesn't have compassion for the defenseless, then they are just as guilty as the people doing the killing IMO

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

We were happy for any sort of bone thrown our way. That's why confirmed moderates like Howard Dean became heroes. How used car salesmen like Barack Obama got away with succeeding as human Rorschach tests. How the Democratic Party posed as a home for progressives and liberals for so long.

But along came Bernie Sanders to show us just how much we had been settling; how our eagerness to find a hero had disempowered us for so long. Now a tossed bone or two will not satisfy us. We must demand what we want and need, and stop settling. Sorry, Elizabeth. Lie down with Clintons, get up with fleas.

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whyvee's picture

and is the reason people are so fed up with Trojan horse politicians. The public's weariness of the usual slick politician has allowed the likes of D. Trump to make it to the top of the Repub. pecking order. I have quoted Fredrick Douglass many times before, "Find out just what any people will quietly submit to and you have the exact measure of the injustice and wrong which will be imposed on them.'

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Pricknick's picture

are accusing like minded individuals of throwing her under the bus.
She threw us under the cake that they want us to eat. So, yeah.

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Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.

She refused to endorse Bernie and then endorsed WS candidate. She at least owes her supporters an honest explanation. She may have a good reason but her lack of transparecy does nothing to support her credibility.

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"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon

Her own personal advancement.

She has been very very VERY slow to support the work to stop the pipeline ( Kinder Morgen) in MA - UNTIL it was pretty obvious we had beaten it. Too little MUCH too late.

If she had to use the BACK entrance, as suggested above, she could have INVITED the people her staff HAD to know were protesting at the FRONT entrance, to come INSIDE - and at least acknowledge their presence. These people were ( not sure what verb tense to use here) her constituents! Which I'm sure she'll suddenly remember if she runs for anything and wants MONEY.

I am genuinely sick of every politician, except for Bernie Sanders. Truly hope he does not "endorse" Clintons, and if he does, it it a meek/mild/pro forma, and then WE get back to working on creating a third party.

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evidently even campaign psy ops can be outsourced to cheat American citizens of a livelihood.

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Alex Ocana's picture

Well, call and spam centers usually have a better pay than sweat shops, and they are highly profitable for contractors. Bilingual call center employees can also advance to ESL teachers...

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From the Light House.

but those who hire them and constructed a world where outsourcing helps their own munificent bottom line.

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advance to ESL teachers. As an ESL teacher myself, I don't bloody think so.

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jimpost's picture

They simply have to undergo the training. The same training you did.

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The more people I meet, the more I love my cats.

Alex Ocana's picture

Not necessary really all that training and huge amount of college time not necessary and success depends on the quality of the teacher as a person and their ability to work with the curriculum and students of one kind or another.

There are people in my family who can do instant Eng/Esp translation as well as any United Nations translator and hold down conversations in two, or even three languages at the same time.

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From the Light House.

There are people in my family who can do instant Eng/Esp translation as well as any United Nations translator and hold down conversations in two, or even three languages at the same time.

Most of us USAns are language-deprived. I certainly am.

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Alex Ocana's picture

As an ESL teacher myself, I don't bloody think so.

On how good our accent is and what country one lives in. There are plenty of bilingual persons who lived at one point of time or another and speak excellent native English/Spanish who have returned to Latin America from USA and go between call center jobs and ESL teaching in private institutes.

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From the Light House.

evidently even campaign psy ops can be outsourced to cheat American citizens of a livelihood.

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Lenzabi's picture

Her one big thing was her consumer protection thing. I had not known she was cool with arms deals and other related issues. I would love a COLA increase, In all that she hid, and slunk about at that speech/meeting shows her bravery in congress as false bravado? very disappointing indeed.

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So long, and thanks for all the fish

boriscleto's picture

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" In the beginning, the universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry, and is generally considered to have been a bad move. -- Douglas Adams, The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy "

And I didn't see any mention of Dennis Kucinich or Raul Grivalja.

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Markos Moulitsas. I don't know about that.
Tavis Smiley. Show brought to you by Walmart (unless that has recently changed).

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Yaldabaoth, Saklas I'm calling you. Samael. You're not alone. I said, you're not alone, in your darkness. You're not alone, baby. You're not alone. "Original Sinsuality" Tori Amos

with the DLC Turd-way, Bircher-lite Dems.
From 2011:

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Put her on the Brand New Congress list of Dems to be primaried. Traitors are worse than normal conservative Dems.

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she would be a good person to get into the Senate, and has advocated for important premises for years . . . has anyone approached her about running for the Senate: she already has a following that is about to get much larger . . .

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What really gets me is that after Hill depressed voter turnout with her big announcement Monday night, and after the electoral suppression and voter purges on Tuesday, Elizabeth Warren suddenly comes out on Thursday and endorses her? What was it about Hill's dirty tricks that motivated Warren to endorse her? Or, was this in the bag all along and they were waiting to pile on Bernie after he was down? Either way, these people are evil. Hope he doesn't get fooled by worthless promises from Hill to play nice with the American people when he meets with her on Tuesday.

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travelerxxx's picture

I have supported Elizabeth Warren for some time. I stood with her during the depths of the Great Recession (which is not over for about 99% of us), I bought her books, contributed to her campaign (even though I'm in Texas), and castigated right-wing know-nothings who attacked her online. Needless to say, I'm on her email list. No longer.

I looked up her most recent email to me, scrolled down to the unsubscribe link and clicked it. A web page appeared where I could enter my email address, which I did. They also provided a text box with the heading, "Please tell us why you are unsubscribing (optional):" Here is what I wrote in that box.

I am unsubscribing due to Sen. Warren endorsing Wall Street's best friend, Hillary Clinton ... and FAILING to support a man of The People (not the Billionaires).

Then I hit the button marked: "Process Unsubscribe"

See ya, Liz.

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who is admired the world over; is principled; and stands for what MOST real Americans stand for: not the narcissism of persona management, but something true and real, and he has the heart of this nation.
If the DNC and "super delegates" sell out this opportunity for America to realize its principles and best destiny, then we are truly lost, and so is the world.
I love Bernie: this is true heroism: coming from behind: against all odds; leading a masterful and loving effort for his nation after decades of profound thought, service and advocacy.
If this loses in the U.S. we are broken beyond repair and too sated on consumerism and persona management to have any real moral force ever again: another failed banana republic rife with corruption.
Liz, you could have achieved greatness: instead you are a pedestrian self server who caved rather than lead.

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lunachickie's picture

to Harry Reid and the President last week, he's a goddamn hero.

Warren could've been one as well, but here we are. She's settling, just like that nice Amish guy in the DirecTV commercials says she should be. I'd be willing to give her the benefit of the doubt if she hadn't done it when she did...

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for showing up and reporting back.

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I signed some Draft Warren petitions before Bernie announced.
She completely fooled me.
I sent her money for her senate campaign.
A fool and their money are soon parted.

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"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

a committed voter who believed: don't blame yourself: you are trying to engage in the political process and it is set up to defeat you at every turn. Duplicity and psy ops are all there seems to be these days, with a few exceptions.

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there is simply no way to know anymore, and I keep making the same mistake again and again.
I am just adding her to the long list of politicians in the Democratic Party that have screwed me over on my dime, as opposed to the Republicans who screwed me over on someone else's.
I am thinking Bernie is my swan song on all things politics.
My current hope is for Hillary to be indicted.
How awful is that?

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"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

snoopydawg's picture

Not awful at all. That's my wish too. But I want them to give the nomination to Bernie because he has earned it. Not to Biden just because.
That has stunk all over it and it's not a fair election. But will they care.

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

It's not awful to hope for an HRC indictment. It's patriotic, as far as I'm concerned. And this time, neither Clinton can claim it's a vast right-wing conspiracy. The OIG report is damning. That either Obama or Warren would endorse HRC boggles my mind. Why are they so willing to throw away their integrity for a pathological liar - and grifter?

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ChemBob's picture

that the fix is in and nothing will happen to Hillary. So instead of a boot in our face forever we're going to get Pradas or something?

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is a multidimensional chess game that will destroy the party in a flash.
If the administration has worries about her legal status, they should have come forward before now.
Instead, they are in stealth mode.
I don't like it one bit.

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"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

elenacarlena's picture

I'm in a minority here, undecided about Hill and Liz.

But I sure in Hell will not vote for Biden or any man taking Hill's place, unless that man is Bern.

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Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.

OK... I will go there...(I'm cowering before I write, as I know I will get my deserved brow beating)

Sorry Elena!! Two women, on a major party ticket, will never pass the test of the American voter mindset. About as much chance as having an all minority ticket. Racism, and sexism DO exist, and I ain't saying it's pretty, just saying it is very real.

And in regard to Hill and Liz, I want to still give Liz the benefit of the doubt, but she will die an awful political death if she chooses to run with Hillary. That is a bad, bad crowd of corruption, and the stink will overwhelm any positive that Warren has built up in her career

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Raggedy Ann's picture

As a woman and a Latina, I know they do. This is not about racism and sexism, it is about oligarchy and whether one wants to continue to enable it in America. Warren has just proved that remaining an oligarchy is cool with her. Voting hrc/Warren or Biden/Warren is just that, accepting oligarchy as America's system of operation. I reject that.

That's my take, anyway - it's what I'm fighting.

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"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11

Well said RA. I guess I'm more concerned about the Warren principles, and mindset, than anything else. I hope she maintains her distance, and doesn't get sandbagged with a VP nomination. I have zero problems with a woman POTUS... but the woman who has just become the first major party nominee is the WRONG WOMAN.

Also, I think anyone associated with any fill-in candidate other than Bernie, should HRC be indicted, is commiting political suicide and deserves to become nothing more than an afterthought to American voters.

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elenacarlena's picture

and I don't know if she should take it or if she'd be more powerful remaining in the Senate. If Hill offers Joe the VP slot, that's OK with me.

But if Hill is indicted and the DNC offers the Prez nom to Joe instead of Bern, that is most emphatically not OK with me.

(As for sexism, sure, but I'm not convinced an all-female ticket would matter. Who would vote for Hill, yet be so sexist as not to vote for Hill/Liz? I think she loses the sexist vote regardless.)

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Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.

I am purely speculating. My feelings are that Warren as a VP pick would be a way to persuade the progs who supported Bernie to support HRC

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Cant Stop the Macedonian Signal's picture

corruption and mendacity is too strong. She's become a vortex down which people throw their political capital.

Now, Warren on a ticket w/Biden might have worked. But Jesus--they just burned her capital for Hillary!

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"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha

"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver

there, that IS what this is all about and we damned well know it! By getting Warren to get on Maddow and endorse HRC and say she's ready to be POTUS, I do think they're going to do this. And I think they may be just dumb enough to truly discount how much a total female ticket will cause issues with many American's. But they're counting on that fear of the Trumper and I'm willing to bet he gets one hell of a LOT uglier before this is over just to try to cement that into place.

Nope, Warren is gone to me too. I think I did send her money for her Senate run, and I know I thought of her as one of the good ones among so many. And I do not care if she's simply trying to "save" the Democratic party either - she ought to know by now it isn't worth saving!!!! IMO there should be a special place in hell for HER and all the others like her who've so sold out this country, Obama too.

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Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur

they hate us.

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travelerxxx's picture

...but then I doubt any of us have a nice little villa on Martha's Vineyard.

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hate implies they really care about what we think. They DO NOT CARE one damned bit and they're shoving it in our faces as we speak. They really think we're all this dumb and the truly sad part of that? There ARE just enough dumb in this country to perpetuate their grift, if it didn't work for them they would not need to do it.

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Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur

that Bernie has done for us. He's opened millions of eyes to many, many things that aren't what they appear to be.

Bernie Sanders is now a critically important political figure in the U.S. Just think of what we'd be doing right now if he hadn't run.

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Alex Ocana's picture

Bernie's drones and kill list

I have never been able to support Warren (my essay on her parachuting was a scenario, not a support) because she is another war hawk/AIPAC puppet no different than 99% of the Klyntochenian fuckwad politicians in the USA. Take the fucking arrows out of the poor maligned bald eagle and replace them with drones and cluster bombs and morph their ugly faces over the eagle's is the image I carry around.

And I will tell the truth, early in the campaign I sent a number of letters to Sanders Senate Office (as I would guess many others did) explaining what is going on in Palestine and begging him to listen to his brother Larry. It took him until New York, but he finally did. Even though he hasn't realized that the Two State "Solution" is, and has been dead for decades, and even though he fell far short of backing BDS.

When Cornel West and Tulsi came on board I felt that was a good sign because frankly, Bernie's Middle East policies have been far from being revolutionary. In fact, throughout the campaign I have felt ALL of the candidates have thrown Peace Activists under the bus.

The factor, that nobody once mentioned (except the Cuba snark in one of the debates), that allowed me to enthusiastically support Sanders was that he understands our social justice movements in Latin American and the Caribbean. And his stand on Climate Change being the top security threat to the world. Our small island nations have already felt the brunt of climate change disasters (67 killed last year on our island and our infrastructure destroyed) and its noticeably worsening every year. Bernie mentioned it as one of the main convention issues.

Personally I could give two vulture turds for defeating Trump as a campaign energizer. Its a waste of energy and time. Cheez Whiz will have the same handlers as Cackling Hyena. In fact, talking to my brothers and sisters here on the island we agree that we'd rather have someone who is overtly a racist pig talking to our face than some cackling hyena who cuddles up with us and stabs our kids when they sleeping.

The USA is terminally ill and a couple aspirins in the process ain't going to cure the metastasizing cancer. Only Chaos will.

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From the Light House.

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for me! And yes, the US is terminally ill and while aspirin won't cut it, they're all down for giving us as much Morphine as we can stand - more lies, more wars, more mind numbing hypocrisy and stupidity and we'll by God be thankful for as many drugs as we can do. My own hope is for a decent euthanasia out of it. If they want us to live in squalor they can at least put us out of our misery. Fuckers. But they won't do that for us either, they'll rely on us doing it to each other, so much easier and cleaner that way.

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Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur

ThoughtfulVoter's picture

Since Elizabeth Warren endorsed Hillary Clinton, the Massachusetts senator has seen her social media popularity plummet.

Read more at http://www.inquisitr.com/3192814/elizabeth-warrens-popularity-suffers-af...

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Warren held out this long. Maybe Hillary finally sent her a horse's head. There is a limit to courage.

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On to Biden since 1973

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lunachickie's picture

but someone has to tell us what the actual fuck kind of "horse head" would make all these people denounce their own beliefs pretty soon. If they're actually being blackmailed and threatened, they have to realize by now that it will never stop until somebody blows a damned whistle.

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Cant Stop the Macedonian Signal's picture

was put in the bed of the CFPB, not Warren herself.

Threaten somebody's lifework, and guess what often happens.

Now I, myself, would tell them to go fuck themselves, but that's why I haven't got a federal agency I invented or a Senate seat.

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"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha

"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver

lotlizard's picture

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PastorAgnostic's picture

Look, she is not your personal servant. She is a senator of the US Senate.

She receives death threats each day. She has reactionary Christian bible beating creeps egging their flocks to remove her from humanity's current roll. She has a presidential candidate insulting her and demeaning her.

Add to this, some crazy dude sees two male lovers kiss, which drives him on to kill 50 innocents? Or some whack job, knowing there will be an OPEN POLITICAL meeting, step up behind poor Gabby and shoot her in the head?

Liz represents a growing, national progressive movement. With every new success, she makes more enemies, many of them who stood up and cheered at the news of Orlando. We see how they behave at trump rallies, attacking and beating on people who disagree with their racist, sexist, insane vies. They view Liz as a growing threat to their way of life. And they common carry.

And you complain because she went in the back entrance?


In case you are myopic or too self absorbed, perhaps too slow to get her basic security needs which will only increase over time,

As for her refusal to endorse Bernie early on, the senate was designed to be more contemplative, less mob-like, and generally lower key than the house or the general public. (See generally, Ted Cruz). Absent rare circumstances, no senator should be doing endorsements during the primaries. Durbin did not, and he is one of my faves. Stepping back and letting people vote is what matters.

Plus, to make our nation work, a senator should analyze, negotiat, compromise, with all sides. Strong partisan politics has temporarily derailed our senate under McTurtle, and many senators (on both sides) regret it deeply. She is merely bringing back honor and dignity to the process. I am sorry that her effort offends you, although that kinda makes you just like those who drove McTurtle into such partisan positions, just from a different direction.

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lotlizard's picture

So is attacking them frontally with “you” rhetoric in an attempt to shame them.

Disagree vigorously, but please, do not mount personal attacks on other posters, especially one whose essay or comment you are replying to directly. Moderation cannot stress this point often enough.

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I Am a refugee from DU and was thinking this would be a more peaceful site. Passsionate beliefs yes, but not thought attacks, no, please. I am worn out from all the horrible mean-spirited nonsense.

Thanks for speaking up. Gives me a better sense of what the limits are, at least for now.

Not sure where I can go next if this place turns into a war zone as well.

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I'm in it all the way to the convention! #Bernie16

PastorAgnostic's picture

That this diary should be deleted because it's basic premise was wrong.
Second, the steaming lack of logics present here was so putrid that I said the author should be ashamed.

The rest of the post was a quiet explanation, an offer of an alternative, one based in the real world, of why she used another entrance, especially in this day and age.

Liz risks her life every day in public. Ever since Trump abused her with that Pocahontas tag, she has received anonymous death threats, some in the classic cut and past and glue of letters from newspapers.

What shocks me is how many others piled onto this ridiculous attack on Liz. Just because someone signs her petition does not mean they then own her. Like some Indian slave. She is an individual, whose professional life is in the senate, hopefully with a president who is not named trump. She has to deal with politics on a level that few of us can imagine, much less handle. If she makes mistakes, it means she is human.

But complaining about the use a back entrance in the face of unknown protesters, then bitching that she missed an opportunity to hear them bitch? What a smug, self-satisfied, THIS IS ALL,ABOUT ME! ME! ME! position. I was there to protest, and you wouldn't let me! Bwaaaaaaaaaaa!

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lotlizard's picture

Don’t order other posters around. Don’t engage in personal attacks. Respect the forum and the community. Omit the personal hostility and simply proceed with the quiet explanation.

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There was going to be NO shouting, screaming or anything said.

The protest was planned to be people with their backs to EW but holding up SIGNS for Bernie.

the reason EW went into the vet hall through the back entrance was to avoid BAD OPTICS that the media would have picked up on and asked her about.

What I find interesting is that EW was thought to be able to rally the Bernie supporters to the HRC camp. and I feel the timing of the EW endorsement was intended to do just that. First the full court media declaration...before cali voted... The "meeting with Obama... And then EWs endorsement ... ALL intended to convince progressives to rally around HRC.

I seriously do not think any of the HRC people expected such push back against the ew endorsement... But Nina Turner put it into words for many of us

It's easy to start a twitter fight with trump but where was EW when her voice was needed in the real fight to get unregulated $$$ out of our political system... Seems EW chose the Wallstreet side.

The lesson the "party" still hasn't seemed to learn is that we are not supporting our fav Americas got talent contestant... We ARE issue based voters and EW just doesn't fit the profile of someone fighting the same fights we have fought by supporting Bernie.

EW has a progressive problem... And IMHO instead of going in "the back way". She needs to address and anger and disappointment AND sooner rather then never.

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Orwell was an optimist

Raggedy Ann's picture

1000 recs!

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"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11

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Orwell was an optimist

Doctors and lawyers are professionals

Elected politicans are Public Servants


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Orwell was an optimist

death threats EVERY DAY???? Do you think we'd respect him if he ran and hid every time some nut threatened HIM? You think Mr Obama doesn't face that every day? She is a sitting Senator, and if she can't get out in front of people while loaded down with SS protection, then who in the fuck can?

No, I won't give her that quarter here and I think all of those out here who will not are right on the money. We're sick of being sold out over and over and over again by people who make promises and then renege on them when the going gets tough. If she can't handle that spotlight and the "threats" from a bunch of her OWN supporters demanding to know why she's sold out, how in hell is she gonna face down the Trumpers, who do conceal and open carry as you so rightly point out?

She had a small chance there to save some shred of respect for her and show some for people who've supported her and she refused to take it. Too bad, I hope she loses enough support to turn it around but I won't hold my breath for that anymore. Makes about as much sense as thinking Sanders would "push" SHillary to the Left - we see how that worked out, don't we?

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Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur

Particular after JtC admonishment to everyone to chill. You do not get to tell other people to delete their essay. it is legitimate to express your concern for Warren and other public figures, but it is not legitimate to inflate it and accuse this essay of endangerment.

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"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon

PastorAgnostic's picture

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if dk is "correct" why did you then edit your comment above? Did you add more insults to your posts? You made this comment at 7:09am central time and then edited a comment above that changed the time stamp to 7:10am central. You edited that comment right after posting this one. What's up with that?

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stevej's picture

should be above criticism. That never leads anywhere good.

Sometimes that criticism will be unfair (although I do not think that is the case this time). That is just the way ti is. The alternative is unthinkable.

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“To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.” -Voltaire

PastorAgnostic's picture

But to claim that she snuck in the face of real threats in the world is silly. Even worse, it ignores how she persevered in the face of protests.

She did not know who the protesters were. She did not know they were peaceful(likely) or a one issue pony. They could have just as easily a group of conceal carry KKK critters from Alabama who hate liberals and threaten to shoot progressives on weekends.

All she knew was there were protesters. And every single pol is instructed to take basic precautions. Bernie does the same thing.

To accuse her this way in the headline is petty and unfair.

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JtC just wrote an essay about the way commenters are posting on this site.

Are screaming in bold font and all caps, insults, and disrespect the way communication works around here? Is the appropriate response to disagreement 'delete'?

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PastorAgnostic's picture

Delete might not be the best request, especially as it gives us a yardstick with which to measure future posts.

But, the author dissed someone who cannot defend herself and worse, was simply following her security's directions.

Speaking of petty and ignorant, see below:

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Alex Ocana's picture

Just a simple question -- was this before or after the Orlando Massacre? I agree that she needs to be secure in what amounts to the final stages of an insane decaying empire. I don't agree with Senator Warren's "foreign policy." or with her endorsement of a candidate who has a program directly opposed to her own.

And as I said before, Trump and Klynton will have the same vulture fund/corporate/war industry/big oil/big pharma managers and it is a waste of time to even think about either one of them or care which one might win. IMO, We need to get to mass non-violent protests against the entire system.

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From the Light House.

Not a "personal" servant? Not sure where you get THAT: but I do believe the term service, as in SERVING is all over the job description of what she signed on for as an elected person: they are supposed to serve the people who elect them: it also gives her access to power over people, which should be done by someone who well considers that they serve the people that put them in office.

As far as victimology goes, while Liz has adopted important positions, its not as if she's put herself in the way of taking on these poisonous interests herself: she supports others who have done vastly more, long after these positions have widespread support. She gets much more public adoration and attention for it. It isn't hard to agree and jump on the bandwagon when there is little personal risk. And nearly every public figure has taken on threats: some from even more sinister factions like corporations and other politicians ganging up and ostracizing them: especially if they are principled. In the scope of things, while Consumer Protection is a fine development: Nader started that long before she came along . . . it is a relatively tiny part of policy in the scope of what needs to happen in this nation. She is famous for that policy, and its great she's been on it, but the very campaign she has signed onto is working to defeat that . . . DWS has proposed legislation to sack it. So how in hell does this make ANY sense? And the person she is backing dismantled the very policy she says is most vital to reainstate, and that person also says she will never reiinstate it. So the whole victimology thing is specious reasoning; she ran for office and won support for this and is now acting in complete contradiction of everything she says she fights for. This is really serious: and if you're voting for People Magazine in public office then feel free to overlook this volte face.

It is very sad to see Warren participate in the slimy, meaningless Punch and Judy show being enacted "for the peasants". And it degrades her to be posting responses on "twitter" that are nothing but Jr. High School distractions, then claiming this is somehow a policy discussion. And many don't appear to understand what is being done: you are hearing nothing about how your life will positively benefit from a policy, or what will be addressed: it is all distraction. And it won't work: Dems will lose.

I'm not buying the special victimology: as someone pointed out, there are those who are, and who have, served their terms with much less public adoration and attention, who have stood by their principles, originating legislation and amendments who get a lot of good done across a wide spectrum of concerns.

She has allied herself with someone who is currently under FBI investigation for the ludicrous behavior of a home brew server and potential violations of national security; this is being completely minimized and ignored. This is a tragic time for our nation and the world.

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PastorAgnostic's picture

Took her in another entrance.

That is what you were bitching about, rather mindlessly, I might add.

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kharma's picture

Disagree all you want but we have to slow down and keep it civil.

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There is nothing which I dread so much as a division of the republic into two great parties.. This...is to be dreaded as the greatest political evil under our Constitution.--John Adams

That is not happening, obviously.
That person goes on my Ignore list; your sage advice, kharma, is being ignored. Sorry.

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since I didn't know that was an option here.
I hope to not have to use it often. I left DU because I was tired of the real gratuitous drama. I had a lot of users on ignore over there.
thanks for this tip....

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I'm in it all the way to the convention! #Bernie16

The ignore list is in my head. Just as your ignore list is in your head Smile it is a function I wish all blog sites would have.

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I actually feel better since I just spent the last few minutes trying to find said function and was having zero luck!!
Thought I was losing my mind!!

No problem, I will just have to get used to the user names!


Have a lucky 13 kinda day!

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I'm in it all the way to the convention! #Bernie16

OH, now I feel stupid and sorry. I did not mean to waste your time, I apologize.
But you did make me laugh as I smh Smile I looked for it when I first got here.

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