Every time there is police brutality, the city responsible should be shut down.
Watching the final Puerto Rico and California returns come in I was rendered "speechless". I have to wonder how the USA electoral process ended up with two of the most unappetizing candidates possible. On one side, a candidate whose main platform is bigotry and on the other a candidate who is a corporate neo-fascist war hawk. I couldn't make it through one minute of the war hawk's victory speech. With Sanders' speech scheduled for 1 AM I listened to TYT to keep me awake, wondering if all the spin was true. Sanders would capitulate and the convention would be another pro-corporate media Holloween Party spouting off flippable/floppable insanities couched as human rights and caring for the working class.
Even though Sanders didn't get a majority of the pledged delegates, I want the movement issues to go the convention. I want to see Nina Turner and/or Dr. Cornell West give the nomination speech. I want the regular base non-politician delegates to give hours of seconding speeches to the issues of importance to them. I want to see a strong platform minority report and, if not allowed, chaos both within and without the convention. Not for Sanders to be nominee, but for the issues of racial, social and economic justice..
Because I am from Latin America, not the USA, those issues revolve around our relationships with the USA and institutionalized racism. I want an end to American subversion and military force in our countries all over the world, an end to corporate dictatorships under the guise of "aid", an end to neo-colonialism and support for madmen wherever they are, an end to perpetual war, an end to apartheid and ethnic cleansing in Palestine. In order to get there the rule of the corporate/banker/vulture fund class has to be ended first and we need to be allowed to run our own affairs without subversion, economic and/or military invasion.
Without a struggle and creating chaos the issues will be buried behind corporate/state wing Democratic compromises with the Tea Party lunatics. In my experience the only way to force the big-owners-of-everything to capitulate is through constant, 24/7 massive non-violent, constitutionally protected protest. Every time there is police brutality, the city responsible should be shut down. Every time a new fracking field or off shore oil field is auctioned, the frackers need to be shut down. Bad paper collection agencies handling student debt should be blockaded. Massive deportation of refugees needs to be met with massive non-violent civil disobedience. Every political rally by either neocon bigots or neoliberal state/corporatists need to have people within and without protesting in favor of racial, social and economic justice. I love #BlackLivesMatter tactics. Massive protest, 24/7, all over the country wherever an injustice and war can be confronted, is the only way to win.
This my opinion alone, not that of the Sanders campaign, and probably not even of most Sanders supporters. Its based on the Latin American experience of revolution where we have faced centuries of exploration, colonialism, racism and oligarchic dictatorships. It really does behoove American revolutionaries, if they haven't already, to look at how non-violent movements have been victorious and modify them to fit American reality. I want to be clear that my belief is that a strong non-violent revolution, results in a peaceful revolutionary change. Fuck weapons and guns and looting. Fuck rigged elections. Blockading roads and throwing tear gas canisters back at militarized police are not violence. Non-violent does not mean "peaceful".
I was impressed with Sander's speech. It would have been horrible to abandon the movement issues and millions of revolutionary bases in favor of Clintonism/Trumpism, as Nina said, "Fight on!" As Sanders said, "The struggle continues." We, in my opinion, need to bring the struggle front and center and let the 1 % know that these issues of racial, social and economic justice, will be front and center, or else the political hacks will face the ire of the people.

Protest is the first step...
...but then you have to take the second step, which is building community. After that you can take the third step, using what is left of democracy to start peacefully replacing the oligarchy's tools.
Occupy was the first step; the second step got passed over though, leaving us where we are now.