Election Fraud Experts say they have proof that the Clinton Campaign benefited from Election Fraud
You know those two guys, Cliff Arnebeck and Bob Fitrakis, the individuals who have filed the lawsuit we have been talking about in the comments here and there?
There was an interesting piece that I just saw on Redacted Tonight where he was talking about this, he had some interesting clips so I thought you guys might want to check it out.
I really hope they are right and that this does indeed go RICO, that would be AMAZING!!!
If they have the evidence they claim to have I think some of us are gonna be doing the happy dance.
From Trustvote.org:
Concern has been expressed that the exit polls of the Democratic Primaries for this year, when compared to electronic voting machine totals, seem to show a pattern that might suggest that the electronic vote totals in about ten states may have been shifted from apparently votes from Sanders to Clinton.. In contrast to other nations, exit polls used currently by the Federal Government to assess election fraud in other countries are adjusted continuously on election day to match electronic voting machine totals, rather than to determine whether the electronic vote is accurate. Edison Research which has done all the prior exit polls in this primary has refused to release the raw data, as it has routinely refused since 2004. A lawsuit is being submitted in Ohio about the refusal of both the Media Consortium and Edison Research to release the raw data which would show much more accurately who people really voted for.

Lee Camp is right.
It all just has to stop. Lie, cheat, steal - do we need a bat to our heads?
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
not going to say nothing will come of this... welcome to Amerikasistan. Anyway, I wish Lee Camp would take over the Daily Show. But he's probably tainted himself with the corporate media by speaking the truth.
I wouldn't be surprised if nothing comes of this either.
The media is propaganda. I agree about Lee Camp taking over the DailyShow. I haven't watched it since Stewart left, and I haven't watched Colbert since he took over the tonight show. I do watch John Oliver. There is a big hole in the news.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
I have been saying the same thing about Camp on the Daily Show
Trevor is ok, but I NEVER missed an episode of it when Stewart hosted it. Same with the Colbert Report. Now I rarely watch it.
I don't watch Colbert on his new show, tried it for about a month but I just don't enjoy that format at all. It's too dated and tired...
The Nightly Show is hit or miss. Some episodes are really good but others, not so much. It's mostly based on who is on the panel and the topic, which is a sign he is not as strong of a host as Colbert. Even on a slow news day the Colbert Report was generally interesting and funny.
Vice is still doing some real interesting investigative journalism on HBO. I would pay for HBO to go for that show alone.
Hell yeah there is a giant hole in the media, but I think more and more online sources line TYT and RT will become more and more relevant as the MSM continues to become less so.
If we can keep the internet free, that is.
With the continuing drop on cost and ease of use of modern production software the barrier of entry to setting up a really professional looking show is getting cheaper and cheaper which gives me hope that the best is yet to come!
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
a bat to their heads, imo.
If nothing else
it helps prove Bernie supporters are not imagining this shit and we are not sore losers,hopefully something good will come from this or maybe the FBI will get her sooner!
These guys are fighters
I am hopeful that the wheels of justice can turn quickly, and the proof of the election fraud (I like that term) that the Clinton machine has perpetrated since Iowa comes to bite her in the ass Before the convention. Let's keep the pressure on and expose this crooked shit ASAP! The public needs to see this!
Any stained glass afficionados? Please check out my website: www.masterpieceglass.net
A million times, thank you for sharing this. I've been hoping against hope that someone, somewhere with the wherewithal and moral compass, was addressing this blatant theft of our democracy. There was no way something this obvious could go completely unanswered, right???
So now we hope and wait...
Change is the end result of all true learning. ~ Leo Buscaglia
The pressure needs to be kept up.
hrc needs to realize that the people will not take this lying down. hrc needs to realize that we are on to all the shenanigans of this election as well as of her server and emails. The pressure needs to be kept up.
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
Thanks for this Al
Glad to see Lee is spreading the word on Trustvote and hope that the lawsuit does indeed expand as a RICO case - there are surely bucketloads of evidence state after state. The evidence that the system has long been broken reaffirms my decision to not only not vote for Hillary (or Whatever Else ultimately runs against her), but to refuse to endorse the corrupt system by participating in it - have said before and will say again that to me, voting feels like an endorsement of the corruption. Instead I will work towards and support promoting the rebuilding of the election process in a true democratic model. Am quitting the Damn-ocratic party that I've belonged to since the age of McGovern.
"So it goes."
Kurt Vonnegut
We can only hope....
Funnily enough, I went for my exercise cycle this lunchtime. The bikepath is a two-lane affair, each lane large enough for two riders to cycle abreast. Anyway, I came across two cyclists dawdling along, taking up both lanes at once and getting in the way of everyone (both directions). I managed to pass them, but heard someone behind me shout 'Are you Clinton supporters?' as they attempted their passage around/between them. Entitled obnoxiousness is not appreciated.
from a reasonably stable genius.
now i have whiskey coke in my sinuses.
Holy sh*t
this reminds me that I have no liquor in this house. At all. Though if I had, it would be up my nose as well, over the bicyclists, that's funny.
But "running out of booze". That does actually happens around here from time to time; we're not much on drinking as a general ritual, but I usually try to keep something basic around for guests (Captain Morgan, maybe a bottle of wine). I don't even have that much, though--it's a wonder I haven't noticed before now, lol! We'll be fixing that by tomorrow, lemme tellya...
I'm on my 2nd beer, haven't drank since primary night. Boy, I
was on a roll, lol!
3 bottles of wine and a beer seemed to be about right for it though.
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
Depending on where you live I recommend Bevmo or Total Wine
for all your mental health needs.
(If you are in Colorado, Oregon, etc. please disregard and report to your local shop stat...
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
In Florida,
thy savior is called "Publix"...

Publix is good in a pinch, there is one a mile away.
but walking into Total Wine the first time made me feel like I was at my "church."
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
It's all in your head... just remember, you aren't seeing it.
Because if you see it... you might lose faith in the system. Which of course will end up with riots in the streets, complete chaos and utter despair.
All because you couldn't let a few votes go. Remember, unless you believe in the government, you will feel free to commit any crime you want to!
Or am I confusing that with why you have to believe in God?
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
Politics? Religion? eh... it's all on the table here at c99 n/t
"Intelligence is the ability to adapt to change." Stephen Hawking
NEW: http://www.twitter.com/trueblueinwdc
A young Sanders supporter sent me this today.
I canvased for 5 hours in the Sacramento heat on Tuesday with a smile on my face and knowing we could lose. I could deal with that.
This broke me. It's brought me to tears:
Millions of Vote-by-Mail Ballots Still Uncounted (in California)
The system is fucked up and the rich take advantage of it. Fuck A.P. for calling it for Hillary. Fuck MSMBC, and Fuck Hillary. It may be immoral, but it's not illegal. Right? Right?
I have no need to beat you, I just want to go my way."~ Malcolm Renyolds
I think it was an abject sham that the MSM
declared CA for Hillary knowing these ballots were out there.
And if they didn't know it, well then they are not journalists, they are news parrots....
Actually that's gonna be my new name for ALL of them, ala, "Did you hear what the parrots are saying now?" since any more that seems to be all that they do is repeat shit and conduct little worthy of the term "Journalistic".
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
German right-wing populists call it the “lying press”
or Lügenpresse. Unfortunately — journalism today being in the shape it’s in — with some justification.
I love this quote from Cliff in his PC about the lawsuit.
I don't think people realize how powerful the RICO statute can be when appropriately wielded.
It brought down the mob, and if it can help with bringing down those behind the corruption in the Clinton cabal it would really be on a roll.
Fingers extra crossed, lol!
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
Oh, and I love how he is including the media in the lawsuit ...
I really want to get my hands on a PDF of the filing on this case, I am by no means a legal scholar but I did sleep at a motel 6 once....
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
I feel better. Apparently I have been living in a vacuum...
These last few days.
I knew I should bring my upset to this site.
I am all for the biggest lawsuit they can bring. Bernie has put himself through a meat grinder of a Primary season to expose exactly this type of incompetence and corruption. We need to make sure what he has been through for us counts to the maximum extent.
Thank you so much for the hope. Is there anything we can do to support the case?
I have no need to beat you, I just want to go my way."~ Malcolm Renyolds
Well, since you asked, they do have a donate page. :)
You can check it out here, I don't know if they met their goal to be able to conduct the primary polls in CA that they wanted since it was decided they were not needed this year (Sigh).
You could also go to their contact page and ask them, if you have any special skills in web design it sure looks like they could use a volunteer for that, lol!
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
I love this post. I want to have hope. I really do.
But I'm thinking nothing will happen.
Don't believe everything you think.
I feel that. I was in despair an hour ago....
But we have to keep going forward anyway. To do otherwise is suicide by climate change.
I have no need to beat you, I just want to go my way."~ Malcolm Renyolds
It is ok to have momentary bouts of despair, but don't let it
linger around too long, there is too much to be done.
Seriously though, while it is disappointing just keep in mind that we knew this was a long shot from the beginning and Bernie has succeeded beyond my wildest expectations already!
EVERYONE is talking about shit that almost nobody was talking about a year ago.
Oh, and California ain't over yet. There are a LOT of ballots to be counted, and I think that since most of them were provisional, etc a majority of them are going to go to Sanders.
Whenever you despair just remember, we are making more progress faster than most of us ever expected and we are just getting started!
We will fix this shit. We have no other choice...
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
Karl Rove!!!!
I REMEMBER when he freaked out when Faux News declared Ohio for Obama. He literally had a hissy fit.
No media looked into it then - and now we know why. They kept rerunning the tape of that online, and remember pundits "laughing" at Rove. Wonder how many knew the truth then??????
And here it is, still going on.
Damn, I hope this DOES expose the truth.
Great essay, thank you.
ETA: http://trustvote.org/
Yeah, I remember thinking that was a weird reaction by Rove
even by Rovian standards, but now after listening to that it makes perfect sense.
He was obviously blindsided by the results, and now we know it wasn't from ignorance or living in a bubble.
We Americans were the ones living a bubble, we actually thought our elections were somewhat legitimate.
Sure, we suspected all politicians were corrupt, but many of us at least thought they got elected "Fairly"....
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
You mean Rove's hackers got out-hacked?
It must have occurred to somebody that two (or more) sides can play that game....
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
Lee Camp's report just flipped my mood and re-engerized me.
He's been single-handedly outdoing the entire MSM with his fearless reporting. Sort of like his mentors in comedy, Bill Hicks and George Carlin.
Lee's been paving the way, along with folks like TYT and the Intercept, for a new paradigm of journalism that digs for the truth on the lesser traveled roads where it lies. Each of these outlets are looking for and cultivating crowd-sourced content, giving a platform to lonesome warriors like these TrustVote.org folks and doing real investigative journalism. They will be the future, and are gaining believers and new subscribers by the boatload who are fed up with the courtiers and lapdogs of the MSM.
I remember reading their work on election fraud in Ohio during the 2004 GE. These guys are very thorough.
Here's more from their press conference:
And the full thing:
"If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:
- Kurt Vonnegut
Great Post 33, I can't believe I dropped the ball on linking
those earlier.
Thanks for the ass coverage.
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
we're finding that even bright folks we know who make a point of
gathering news and consider themselves informed still think this stuff about election fraud and "the damn emails" is just conspiracy theory and right-wing talking points. They believe the wheels of justice would have gotten to Clinton if she'd done anything really wrong. They believe we have a tattered democracy but a democracy still. They believe the Ds are the good guys, or at least much better than the Rs. They think PBS and NPR are still trustworthy. They haven't noticed what's changed. They haven't noticed the uniform scripts across the MSM, the coordination. They don't believe it if you tell them, and tell them where to do their own research. They're not interested because they know their unchallenged worldview is right. Insofar as we all create our own realities and walk around in them, they're correct. Frustrating. And they might very well put Hillary Clinton into office for all the reasons above, plus Trump.
"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society." --Jiddu Krishnamurti
In a way, I envy their misguided belief. It would be nice to
still have faith in our system.
But my already weaking belief that I lived in a true Democratic Republic has been completely erased by the events of the last 6 or so months.
Granted, it was already weak, but now it is like Humpty Dumpty....
All the queens horses and all of her men cannot fix it any more than they could him.
Good thing I am into building things, so lets get moving on building something new to replace this shattered egg!
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
No sweat man, thanks for covering this. I jumped out of my chair
hearing this from Lee tonight. Struck me as the biggest news of the day, or the best thing I've seen (next to Bernie's bad-ass short but decisive, forthright and unequivocal speech in front of the White House).
But wait til you get a load of the full presentation...it's pretty mind-blowing! I'm bouncing around this unbelievable 2.5 hr video and right now reminded of the incredible stuff they uncovered in 2004. Namely, how the 2004 Ohio results were privately transferred to Chattanooga, TN run by a born-again Christian IT company (51min mark).
And get this, there was a contract signed in 2003 that if the results were questioned in Ohio they'd have to be counted by this company. Said company was located in the basement of a bank, the same place that houses servers for GBW43, Karl Rove's WH email, and the Swift Boaters.
It goes on and on like this.
This is the kind of democracy/elections we're running, folks. It's a complete fraud.
You don't think there were some inside arrangements made to switch the votes, if Hillary wasn't going to get them? It's just far too fucking easy. This should be the story of the century: our elections are complete bullshit.
I encourage everyone to have a look at this presentation/discussion, and just for good measure will attach it again:
"If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:
- Kurt Vonnegut
I too have been watching pieces of it here and there but have
yet to sit down and do a full viewing and not sure if I will get around to it in the next day or two in all honesty, it's a long one, lol!
But if you do so, please feel free to do a post or send me a PM with updates on what you think are relevant sections and I will update my essay to include them.
Or if you decide to do an entirely new essay on it with a play by play of the video please let me know so I can cross link it.
Thanks again bro! I am off to watch the section you just referenced right now!
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
Redacted Tonight RE: Election Fraud
The first vid from the OP...
[video:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ibK4de85IKw width:500 height:400]
A full broadcast submitted a few hours later
[video:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WudPj7p5uC4 width:500 height:400]
Thanks for sharing! I will watch it now!
I really dig most of his stuff even if it is a bit "Unpolished" at times. That actually may be one of the things I like about it.
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
Thanks for the links!