About that Obama endorsement, things are not as they may seem...
For starters, there's this...
Obama Endorses Hillary, Immediately Meets With Attorney General Loretta Lynch
In order for Clinton to carry Obama's torch, she has to stay out of prison. In order to do that, she has to avoid prosecution.
And so there is no doubt about the implications of Obama's meeting with AG Loretta Lynch meeting, there was also this today...
- Within an hour of Barack Obama's endorsement of Hillary Clinton, his spokesman acknowledged that she faces a 'criminal investigation'
- The misstep sent Republicans cackling to reporters
- Clinton faces the possibility of prosecution for housing classified documents on a private email server
- She used the homebrew setup for all her emails – including sensitive government matters – when she was secretary of state
- White House press secretary Josh Earnest insisted that the endorsement wouldn't be interpreted inside the FBI as a signal to let her off the hook>
Not convinced yet?
Well, 3 days ago, Monday, June 6th, the FBI officially revealed that it is not only a "Criminal Investigation," but of far more grave and compelling import, it is also a Counterintelligence Assessment --- please read those two words again.
FBI requests permission for secret declaration in Hillary e-mail FOIA case
The DoJ acknowledges here that the FBI is conducting a law-enforcement action as well as a counterintelligence assessment.
Do you know that means? Still not convinced?
Well, if you want to understand the full gravity of this "Counterintelligence Assessment," here's a little background from someone who would know.
[COURTESY: CAPT Les Horn, USN (Ret)]
Retired US Army Intelligence Officer.
Chief Human Intelligence Branch for
US European Command in Stuttgart, Germany.
Designated Program Manager for Special Access Program (SAP).
NOTE: Emphasis NOT added by me --- and there is significantly more meat to this piece than I can quote (i.e., see the seven itemized MUST READ bullet points), so please do click the link above and read the entire post. But, here's the money quote...
As a former SAP Program Manager I believe it is inconceivable that if it is verified that Hillary Clinton’s server actually had SAP information on it that she could possibly escape indictment and criminal prosecution. As hard as it is to imagine, that would even be worse then electing to not prosecute a mass murdering serial killer because even they could not inflict as much damage on our country as the compromise of a SAP. Compromise of a SAP not only could — but without doubt would — cause serious damage to our national security. If it is true that Hillary Clinton had SAP information on her unsecure server, whether it was marked or not, you can be sure that the FBI will strongly recommend that charges be brought against Hillary Clinton and continue in an exhaustive investigation to trace back to every single person that had even the tiniest role in this unbelievable security compromise.
If the Attorney General, through “prosecutorial discretion,” elected not to prosecute this crime, I believe congress would have no alternative but to impeach her, and the FBI would then have no choice but to conduct a criminal investigation of her for a DELIBERATE COVER UP –- so grave is this security violation.
If President Obama were to pardon Hillary Clinton for a compromise of this magnitude he would render himself in the historical record as an “enemy of the state,” and could himself face criminal prosecution –- so grave is such a security compromise. Nobody, not even the POTUS could gets away with something like this in our system of government.
Did Maj. Ed Coet convince you? No?
Okay, well, here's one last piece that will make it clear why no one can, should, or will ignore what Hillary has done:
- Intel Vets Urge Fast Report on Clinton’s Emails
A group of U.S. intelligence veterans is calling on President Obama to expedite the FBI review of former Secretary of State Clinton’s alleged email security violations so the public can assess this issue in timely fashion.
FROM: Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity
SUBJECT: Those “Damn Emails” – “Really a Concern”
Again, it really would behoove you to read the entire piece to get the big picture, but here's a rather juicy tid bit:
You might give some thought, Mr. President, to a potentially messy side of this. What is already known about NSA’s collect-it-all electronic practices over the past several years strongly suggests that NSA, and perhaps the FBI, already know chapter and verse. It is virtually certain they know what was in Secretary Clinton’s emails – including the ones she thought she had deleted. It is likely that they have also been able to determine which foreign intelligence agencies and other hackers were able to access the emails.
One ignores this at one’s peril. Secretary Clinton’s security violations can have impact not only on whether she becomes your successor, but also on whether she would, in that case, be beholden to those who know what lies hidden from the rest of us – perhaps even from you.
Intelligence professionals (in contrast to the occasional political functionary) take the compromise of classified information with utmost seriousness. More important: this is for us a quintessentially nonpartisan issue. It has to do, first and foremost, with the national security of the United States.
(emphasis added)
And if you are still not convinced, let me spell it out for you in no uncertain terms:
Do the math.....

Hillary Clinton - Security Risk and Risk to Security
She had a server in her home every hour of everyday for how long?
This isn't just about a 3 AM phone call.
Hillary Clinton has shown she's dangerously unreliable and incompetent, and lacking in good judgment at all hours day or night.
Yeah, you can say that again...!
Nice post, Arthur...
Letting you know I stopped by to read, I can't rate, my account is on the fritz at the moment, but wanted to say hi~
I shave my legs with Occam's Razor~
That Romanian who hacked Hellery's email server
Guccifer was a laid off taxi driver with time to kill. So he went on the web and downloaded some simple hacker tools that anyone can grab. He was not some highly skilled blackhat hacker. Now imagine what a nation state with a real spy organization could do to attack her sever -- and undoubtedly did.
C'mon Release the emails Vladimir Putin. Or Perhaps he is waiting until October.
Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.
Why wouldn't Putin
wait until after Clinton was in office, then use the emails as leverage?
The October surprise -- just before the election
to throw the Clinton Crime Family into chaos mode.
Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.
But what's the point of that?
Do you think Putin would rather have Trump in office than have a compromised and controllable Clinton in office?
Perhaps, but seems unlikely to me.
Actually I think Putin *would*.
He knows he can play "Let's Make a Deal" with Trump, one "businessman" to another. Clinton, even "compromised", would not be controllable and is still a fanatical war hawk who just might push Putin too far.
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
You could be right about how Putin is calculating...
but if the October Surprise doesn't come, the behavior of Clinton towards Russia will be suspect.
Script Kitty, that's the term for the taxi driver.
Not Script Kitty
In programming and hacking culture, a script kiddie or skiddie (also known as skid and script bunny, the term script kitty is not valid in this context) is an unskilled individual who uses scripts or programs developed by others to attack computer systems and networks and deface websites.
The people, united, will never be defeated.
I like Script Kitty better :) n/t
Me too, if I were
writing a movie scripts, for example, I'd make the Rusiisn-linked hacker to use unemployed cab driver as his cover.
Right ‽
No better than FuckUp Mitnick. Unless you by his hype.
I used to have a coffee mug with that quote on it. It was my grandmothers. I had no idea where the quote had come from! Interesting, thank you
What are Obama's motives here?
I don't understand why Obama would publicly endorse Hillary. I would think this would compromise his integrity. That this would taint his legacy.
Do you think he's being blackmailed or somehow forced to endorse? Otherwise, why would a sitting president support someone under CRIMINAL investigation? There has got to be more to this story, because I would think he would want to distance himself as far as possible from any crime or scandal so he doesn't get included in the investigation for whatever part might be construed his office had in it.
Future Favor IOUs
IMO, Obama will undoubtedly get a Corner Office Position at some lobbyist firm. He's just filling his quiver with Hellery promises for future favors.
Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.
Lobbying requires work.
Instead, he'll have the lecture circuit, and he could end up on boards.
I'm sure Obama is looking at the Clinton Foundation
and what a gravy train of dollars for influence it is. And thinking to himself, "I gotta have me one of those." Neoliberal scum that he is.
Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.
neoliberal scum is an oxymoron
neoliberal sounds less libelous.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Agreed, we don't want the Pond Scum Anti-defamation groups to
come after us with a lawsuit for lumping it in with NeoLibs.
Heck, that's borderline hate speech.
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
I won't be voting for Michelle Obama in 8 years either.
Whether they try with the race and gender cards with her or not.
Why would Warren endorse her?
Fighting Wall Street by endorsing Wall Street.
You can fight city hall, but you'll never win.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
Warren is a coward
Only Merkley has stood up against the Clinton machine.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Merkley Has Been a Happy Surprise
Merkley has been a pleasant surprise to me. I chose to work for his initial Senate campaign instead of Obama's in 2008. And I am proud of myself for that. I've been pleased with him as my senator.
gulfgal, re: Merkley
Merkley is also a superdelegate. Sounds like Bernie won't even be able to count on an endorser to vote for him. Makes me ill.
So now, when somebody has a majority of delegates--
It's over. You don't have to clinch anymore.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
Sounds like Merkley was a spy all this time
Send on a covert op to infiltrate and report on sanders campaign.
Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.
I was so sad after I realized Obama sold out
Unfortunately this was quite clear very early in his Presidency and got worse throughout. This is the final straw and I am done with him.
He appears to be a very nice and sincere man but the reality is that after a time you have to judge someone on their actions not if you personally like them or not. This support throughout the primaries and the fucked up things the DNC did to hurt Bernie and disenfranchise his supporters (we have to remember that the DNC is headed by Obama and the DWS shit could not happen without is approval).
So President Obama I am breaking up with you. You are not someone whose values fit in my world. You are nothing more than a dyed in the wool Neo-Liberal a.k.a. Republican light.
When you see the interviews for neighbors of serial killers what
do they almost always say?
"He seemed like such a nice guy..."
Psychopaths and sociopaths have a long history of fooling us into thinking they aren't....
Not saying that he is one, just kinda supporting your assertion that we really need to stop taking politicians at face value as a nation and start looking at their records and not just listening to what they are saying.
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
To protect and preserve is administrations legacy
By endorsing the Clinton's and working hard to them the next controllers of what WE get to know Obama protects himself from being compromised by his own SOS and the CGI.
This entire FBI investigation feels like the trial of scatter Libby ... Who was convicted and then IMMEDIATELY pardoned...
How many times have we seen Power protect itself.
Orwell was an optimist
He will be heading the Clinton Foundation and
taking over the speaking circuit while the master minds are destroying what is left of the country.
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
I do t think he will be heading the cgi BUT I do think
He will work for them and collect a BIG check...
Obamas real legacy will be made by what he does AFTER he leaves office...
Right now the CGI is the most lucritve game In Town for the politically connected.
Orwell was an optimist
I'm beginning to wonder if Obama himself
is not implicated somehow in this mess. Otherwise, why wouldn't he just cut his losses and let justice take it's course. He could let Hillary be indicted, have her plead guilty, and then pardon her.
There's something he doesn't want to get out there.
Life is strong. I'm weak, but Life is strong.
I did read that the FBI has emails between Obama
and #CrookedHillary that they will not release until he's out of office.
Just the fact that he exchanged even one email on her off the grid server exposed the lie that he did not know she was using her home brew bathroom closet server.
18 of the 22 redacted emails from Hillary's server
…were between Obama and Hillary. Some may be part of a back and forth conversation. They may be classified by executive order, after the fact. That's pretty common and their actual content is irrelevant. (My guess is that it pertains to Benghazi, but that's irrelevant, too.)
The only material point is that he was writing her at her private address, which was surely whitelisted. Few email addresses can get through to the Oval Office.
thanks for update
I had missed or forgotten that point about the e-mails being between Prez and SoS as part of the 22 not released.
His legacy?
You think endorsing Clinton would taint his legacy? The man is a war criminal who has started wars, murdered hundreds of thousands, and caused millions of refugees. He's going to have the TPP on his record.
Obama's legacy is already tainted beyond words.
I can make excuses for a lot of that, on his behalf.
But the joy stick drone murders of American citizens is uber-criminal by any standard. Hillary made him an accessory to war crimes in Libya, although one might argue that "being bamboozled while Presidenting" may not technically be a crime. President Obama appears to be a serial bamboozlee — first with the supreme stupidity of the Afghan Surge, and later, falling for the Syrian Army chemical weapon spoof, which was masterminded in Turkey.
I like to think Obama was clueless about Hillary's gun running operation in Benghazi — until the shit hit the fan. And that he had no idea — after 18 months of daily US bombing runs against ISIS that achieved nothing — that ISIS had long caravans of over a thousand oil tanker trucks smuggling Syrian oil through Turkey daily, and selling it to Israel and the rest of the world. Putin exposed this reality at the G-20 with a photo exhibit. One month later, Russia went to Syria and destroyed every one of those tanker trucks.
Obama can't be seen to interfere
or even get special information about the case. Making a half-hearted endorsement as a prelude to an independent DOJ or FBI charge lets him tell his bosses he tried, and keeps him free of charges of intervening in the election or the Dem. primary process. The GOP would have a fit if he tried to wave the party off the nomination because he knew something was coming.
I don't think it would be good optics for Bernie to be too much in the loop, it seems like he came out ready to go to Philly and beyond, and was possibly wrong-footed by Obama's endorsement after Obama told him not to quit. But it was plain to many that Obama was just phoning it in on the endorsement. The optics are complex, and some part of me, even after all this, wants to believe that Obama knows right from wrong and has a soul. I may just be projecting optimism too of course.
This was one that I wondered strongly about as well.
There was no real rush, the SD's don't vote for weeks yet unless they were legitimately worried about enough of them flipping to Sanders that I can think of.
Whether Obama came out now or after the convention would have little effect on the general, so what indeed would his reasons for doing so?
Unless he is planning on squashing the FBI investigation (Good luck with the details of that not leaking.) and is certain nothing would come of it why would he risk it?
But then again, O has made quite a few questionable decisions in the past so who knows really what his reasons are...
Maybe it's because he is probably more in a bubble than anyone all things considered?
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
I am posting this here as my response,
only because I saw this on FB and didn't know where to post it and this looked like as good a place as any:
In all seriousness though, please see my response to ThoughtfulVoter, which speaks to your question, I believe.
That was some brilliantly sharp snark there. Top Shelf indeed!
Thanks for sharing that, I can always use a chuckle.
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
Only thing I can think of is TIMING. Obama, Warren, even Biden, are chiming in giving her 15 minutes of "fame" as First Woman Nominated by a Major Political Party - which is about as far as she can get before the FBI HASto indict her.
Too much is now available to the public for the FBI to hide it. Don't think Comey will crumble under any kind of pressure, and would be completely destructive to Obama legacy if FBI had to "leak" truth, which we know they'd do.
My gut sense is Clinton won't be nominee, nor will Trump. There's too much manipulating going on in both parties - nothing is settled.
BTW: Not sure where to put this, but think it's important: http://newsvideo.su/video/4374582
Sure hope you're right.
FBI doesn't indict Attorney-General's office indicts
FBI recommends indictments, but they are a police force, not a prosecution office.
The FBI can recommend indictment and Lynch's office will just say "She made serious errors but this office does not feel these constitute criminal activity" and that will be that. More dirt on the Clinton record but it's so spoiled that you can hardly find it next to the stain from the blue dress. No reflection on Obama either. He just comes out and says "The Oval Office does not interfere with the prosecutorial decisions of the A-G." Maybe he can send for a bowl to symbolically wash his hands like Pilate. Lynch gets her reward from Clinton. Maybe staying on in the Clinton Administration. Maybe a cushy job with the Clinton Foundation or Goldman-Sachs's legal department. Those Wall Street firms pay lawyers godawful huge salaries.
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
You're probably correct
and it makes me cry!
Love the poetic descriptions in your comment too.
Damn, I hope you're not as correct as you probably are....
Thanks and I wish I was wrong too.
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
IMO this is how it will work out
If we are waiting around for the government to prosecute the government, we will wait around forever. Not going to happen. You are right ,Voice.
Nice wish for the AG to do the right thing, but... Not going to happen.
I don't know what will happen, but suspect the government will try to carry on - as if nothing has happened. They will hold the elections, declare the winner and we will have lots of speeches telling us -for the good of the country, blah blah. Why shouldn't they try to pull this off, anyway?
Back to business everyone. Oh, and how about going out and buying something nice for yourselves? Or, how about marijuana ( well, I could support that), or if pressed, student loan relief ( watch for that not to really be any relief), or -hell, what do these people want anyway? Just my opinion.
and I have vacillated between "She's toast" and "she's gonna skate" for months now, but the bit about the Special Access info is some serious shit in the intelligence community. There's no spinning away from that at all.
With that in mind, I keep coming back to "If the FBI leaks anything, it is all over, whether Obama, et.al., want to cover it up for her and "move forward" or not--one way or another, that indictment is going down. There was a lot to read between the lines yesterday during the various "endorsements", and I do find it amazingly intriguing that Sanders met with Biden yesterday.
Man, I could almost go for that ticket. VP is kind of a figurehead, for the most part, but it's got a built-in bully pulpit, IMO. So they might--might--be able to persuade me with it. It depends on a few things.
Mind you, Hillary will never, ever, ever see the inside of a jail cell, nor will her idiot husband, but being banished outside the worldwide limelight will kill them another way. Long as these people GO AWAY, I don't care if they actually serve jail time or not (though I really wish they would and they sure as hell deserve it)
I just want the Clintons gone
Gone far away from destroying other people's lives. These people are so disgustingly corrupt and self serving. They should never again be allowed anywhere near the levers of power and their foundation needs to be thoroughly investigated.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
While the Attorney General and DOJ May Not Indict...
You can be sure that the 115th US Congress will be ready to take up the FBI Case Recommendation as their 1st Order of Business in January...
After years of waiting and wanting, they will finally have the ammunition of the 1st competent investigation that zeroed in on the real illegal points the Teabagger Investigations missed in all of their Benghazi Hearings...
The only thing that will get her off the hook from prosecution is for an Obama Pardon, which will certainly cast a shadow over her candidacy. Watch for the downplaying and No Action Taken until the general election, then quick action taken immediately after the election and a Presidential Pardon issued before taking office. This way voters will not be swayed before the election by her guilt...
The real question is...
Who is her running mate going to be?
I'm the only person standing between Richard Nixon and the White House."
~John F. Kennedy~
Economic: -9.13, Social: -7.28,
I had a similar thought on Tuesday, Caerus.
I heard Hillary's remarks before a crowd on Tuesday night when she was "declared" the nominee. It was a sound bite on the radio. She loudly declared that she had broken the glass ceiling. I found that a bit odd. Barack Obama didn't declare that he had "broken the color line" (h/t to the great Jackie), but then again, persons of color are a minority in this country, while women are not.
As a campaign decision, it just didn't seem smart. Her gender if, of course, self evident. Anybody with a 4th grade education knows that America has never had a female president. Whether it's an election, a sporting event or a spelling bee, nobody congratulates themselves because they've gotten to the final round. It's too early. The win that gets you into the finals should be in your rear view mirror until it's all over. If you lose in the finals, then you look back on a second place finish and smile a bit. Then you tell yourself that you ran the good race, fought the good fight, but came up short.
There may be more, but I can think of 2 reasons why she would fall all over herself to declare herself the first woman to be nominated for POTUS by a major party, a fact that everyone not living under a rock already knows: a somewhat bad campaign tactic (exacerbated by her colossal ego) or she knows that this is the end of the line.
"Just call me Hillbilly Dem(exit)."
-H/T to Wavey Davey
another angle
She is still playing the identity politics card because that is all she has. Her campaign has avoided discussion of the issues facing the American people like the plague and only when backed into corner by the popularity of Berni's campaign. IMHO, she honestly believes in her own inevitability. That is the hubris of the Clintons.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
I'm almost wondering if he's trying to remove his culpability
What if he knew it was going to go down with the FBI, but didn't want it to be on his hands?
He endorses her, he has faith in her, he won't get on the Clinton shit list, which is apparently a thing a whole lot of people are terrified of.
Then, when the FBI does bring charges, he can be shocked, shocked, I tell you!
I don't know if I believe this - I just can't quite figure what is going on here. I find it hard to believe the "criminal investigation" leaks are simply mistakes... so SOMETHING is going on...
Yeah, maybe it's just wishful thinking
but I'm hoping his pre-recorded endorsement was perfunctory, that they were just waiting for all states to vote before cutting the chain holding the Sword of Damocles over her head to give the appearance of impartiality and non-influence. Even if that were true though, is it all acting, or just some acting? Thus election gas been a psy-ops shit show from the day that nutty little tyrd announced on his blog that she was going to be our nominee about THREE years ago, if you recall.
I had a bad feeling last night. The reality if what my eyes are telling me dies not comport with my closely held worldviews.
That tells ne my world view us correct and we live in dystopian times, or that my worldview was shaped by years and years of propaganda and it is thus false.
I really can't tell. I'm aware that I am now in full cognitive dissonance territory right now, having a hard time trying to make any sense out if whats been happening
My eyes tell me that Hillary Clinton us guilty as sin if espionage, racketeering, lying under oath, RICO, public corruption, bribery, money laundering and election fraud.
But my President, for whom I voted once in 2008, just endorsed her and said she's qualified for the job.
Am crazy or is our political system?
I don't really care. If things are as bad as they look, hook ne back into the Matrix!
You're not crazy.
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
I kept hearing NPR report that Obama
taped his endorsement of Clinton
on Tuesday, which I found odd
because California wasn't called
(as alpha can attest!) until nearly
6am ET Wednesday.
What really struck me about this
detail was why was NPR
reporting it at all. What was the
significance of when Obama
taped his endorsement for NPR to
be reporting it?
Then I read elsewhere that
Obama's endorsement was
released on Wednesday by ...
the Clinton campaign.
There's something beyond
passing strange going on here.
Only connect. - E.M. Forster
Weird, weird, weird
...just like the mysterious release of absolutely, positively conclusive of the clinching of the 'there's no way it won't be' nomination done by secret poll of anonymous super delegates n the eve of the primary in the huge-est delegate-rich state remaining.
Nothing to see here, people! move along.
'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member
Just realized the double meaning of your sig!
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
Could it possibly be that
he endorsed her, to keep the good will of all the Hillbots who worship her, but he knows that the boom is about to be lowered on her? In a way it could give him some bogus cred when he endorses her replacement, i.e. "someone other than Bernie."
“Socialism never took root in America because the poor see themselves not as an exploited proletariat but as temporarily embarrassed millionaires.” - John Steinbeck
I wonder why Bernie went and talked to Biden after Obama
To see if Bernie wants to be Biden's VP?
Beware the bullshit factories.
Links Please?
Enquiring Minds Want To Know!
It would also aid the effort to expose the backroom dealings we all suspect are going on.
Vowing To Oppose Everything Trump Attempts.
Yes, I second that request
The googles have nothing, and I have a few very upset friends who might find that thought a bit cheering. It does wonders for me.
Take that, Trial Balloon! You might--MIGHT--get my vote on a Biden Sanders ticket, but show me the damn money, don't just float the idea here
Just remember Biden's old nickname
The Senator from Citibank
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
Do you doubt Obama was forced to appoint Hillary as SoS?
Of course he was forced, I take that as a given. Obama must appear to be on Hillary's side, must appear to HAVE BEEN on her side, up until the moment the indictment hammer DROPS. He did the DNC's bidding, as a loyal Democratic Establishment Party Politician. He gave Hillary her day in the limelight, so she can bask in her delusions of grandeur. Now it's time for reality.
Hillary will never be President of the United States.
Hillary will never be Commander in Chief of the United States Armed Forces.
Hillary will not be the Democratic Party Presidential Nominee.
Hillary has already tainted his legacy... (Did you hear what happened in Libya?) ...nothing he can do about that. Right now, all he can do is follow the script... and damage control.
I would ask that you read the links provided... all of them ...they speak for themselves and explain Obama's conflicting motivations --- Party Loyalty vs. National Security. To put it bluntly, I honestly don't think Obama has a choice in any of this.
Yup, as we say in New York City, do the math.....
Agree is something like this -
appearing to be on Hillary's side, as a loyal Democratic Establishment Party Politician, doing the DNC's bidding. I suspect he really doesn't care for her thoroughgoing corruption and is giving the DOJ the green light to prosecute. The question is will they then go with Bernie (miracle) or some anointed DNC figure.
I really don't think the DNC will have a choice,
Bernie has just too many supporters. The DNC, as we know it, is dead, they just don't know it yet. Their days are numbered.
Biden doesn't even want to run, so forget that. He is done with Politics.
Yeah, but Liz Warren does, now, per Politico:
And thanks for the link. I appreciate it when claims include links to supporting documents.
"All Life is Problem Solving" - Karl Popper
I said this last week
That DNC would never tolerate Bernie getting the nom, and while Biden will be first choice as plan B for DNC, people won't tolerate it. Warren is supposed to ameliorate the Bernie supporters. She's the viable Plan B.
I might have been able to consider supporting this plan (not happily) had they gone about it more graciously, but this is just gross.
'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member
Yes, She could be the "compromise candidate"
Still a woman. Supposedly anti-Wall street. I don't trust her after she endorsed Clinton. not at all.
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
Completely agreed, but
I think Warren is going nowhere, and that's fine with me. We need her in the Senate.
And besides, the whole "Pocahontas" soundbyte bullshit is catching on on the right. Big Media will never let it happen, that one is too damned juicy of a fight.
I wonder what little Napoleon would have to say after his pronouncement in July 2014. It is amazing just how fast and how easily power corrupts.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Hey there gulfgal, been a long time since our dark vigil
on the GULF ROV LIVEBLOG. Nice to see you here in fairer times in fairer waters. After having been banned twice from DailyKos, first 5 years ago and then again 1 year ago, I had given up hope of enjoying our old warm virtual family again. This place is a godsend oasis of free speech and candid honest verse. Once upon a time, TOP was that. Let this place be a rebirth from the ashes!
Maybe I will even start posting my poetry again...
Take that, kos!
I suspect the million or 2 BernieOrBust folks who
show up in Philly will have something to say about that, and Warren lost their (read, OUR) support when she (a) failed to endorse Bernie when it fucking mattered, and (b) proved to be a fucking sellout by endorsing $Hillary. Seriously, FUCK WARREN. Will never be Warren. She could have run, last year, but no. She was fucking silent.
Warren has lost cred with me.
Who am I? A citizen with a voice. She revealed herself. I'm glad or else I would still be in her fan club. No more.
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
You've been deputized over at the subreddit to assist the Love Sheriff Posse. I'm the sheriff, I deputized you! --
Sounds great, angel d!
I will report for duty! What are my next steps?
Missed you lately!
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
While I am sympathetic to your desires...
...I wholly disagree with your conclusions:
1. Hillary will be President of the United States.
2. Hillary will be Commander in Chief of the United States Armed Forces.
3. Hillary will be the Democratic Party Presidential Nominee.
The Plutocracy has already decided. Period. End of story. Remember, laws are for suckers like us. They don't apply to the Plutocracy or their wholly-owned politicians. Elections are a farce and public opinion is something to be ignored. (How else is it possible for Congress to pass an agenda that has minuscule public support, while the stated agenda of Senator Sanders, which is demonstrably the Center-Left norm in the rest of the developed world, with broad support among all groups of Americans, is successfully painted by the Corporate Media and Clinton supporters as Wild-Eyed, Pie-in-the-Sky, Ultra-Left Wing Radical Socialism?)
We all know that this election was supposed to be a Bush Family Crime Syndicate vs. Clinton Crime Family Syndicate affair, so that the Plutocracy would be guaranteed a win either way. Republican't voters decided not to go along with this predetermined outcome (and not for noble reasons, to be sure), which explains why so many plutocrats like the Koch Brothers are seemingly inexplicably and seemingly suddenly expressing support for Clinton. These people may be dangerous sociopaths, but they aren't fools. The only people who are fools are those who still cling to the notion that, at the highest levels of the Parties, there is any functional difference (as opposed to stated difference) between those who label themselves Democrat and those who label themselves Republican't...
I want my two dollars!
Probably right Ken
I'm looking at this as "air the dirty laundry now" thing. Put clinton under a "criminal investigation", jump through some hoops to make it look good, then tell the American people "look, poor hillary went through an IG investigation AND a criminal investigation and still there is nothing to see. Please everyone, stop persecuting her with these made up charges." Then they'll throw in "if she were a man it would have never gotten this far."
I hope I'm wrong.
My desires???
Who said anything about my desires?
Are you speaking your desires, perhaps?
Honestly, this has zero to do with my desires, though seeing justice done is most certainly a desire of mine, but did you read the diary and all of the links provided? Having read those links myself, several times, I really don't see how any can come to any other conclusion then that Hillary will be indicted, because they really have no choice. My conclusions are based upon the facts and issues raised in the links. You need to read the links in order to understand those facts, the situation, the issues, and what is happening. Hillary's political career is over, I don't think there is any other logical conclusion one can make.
Respectfully, you stated your desires quite clearly...
...although you claimed they were indisputable fact (which I contend are not) and I was responding to your comment, not your diary, where you stated:
Now reread my comment. You will see quite clearly that I argue that laws make no difference in this case. I will further state that National Security makes no difference. Secretary Clinton and her ilk are part of a completely different system of justice. Were any of us mere mortals guilty of perpetrating the same criminal acts as Secretary Clinton, you bet your ass we'd be in prison, if we were lucky, or GITMO, if only slightly less lucky, or in some CIA black site in some depressing eastern bloc country, or extra-judicially murdered by a drone strike...
I want my two dollars!
"National Security makes no difference"
That's the meme you are promoting? Really?
In my diary? Hmmm...
Listen, friend, you cannot respond to my "comment" without responding to my diary in the same breath, because my "comment" is, it goes without saying, predicated on my "diary."
Read your comment four times. Both of them. Thanks.
Please read my diary. Then please read ALL of the links I have provided.
Then please respond with a cogent comment relevant to THOSE facts and relevant to MY CONCLUSIONS BASED UPON THOSE FACTS, and stop attempting to insult me by falsely claiming that my LOGICAL CONCLUSION is nothing but my desire, such tactics are worthy of DailyKos, not here --- not on c99 --- otherwise, I will assume that you have one and only one agenda here, namely, to promote the meme that "National Security makes no difference."
You clearly do not have a clue what is at stake here or the significance and ramifications of the words you have just uttered.
lol .... seriously, do the math ... in what reality does "National Security make no difference" ???
Please, friend. Save it.
If you wish to participate in my diaries, show some respect, for me and for this nation.
Hillary will be indicted, because some very high level very serious people are demanding it, and I don't mean ordinary citizens, I mean people at the highest levels within the UNITED STATES MILITARY and at the highest levels within the UNITED STATES INTELLIGENCE COMMUNITY.
These are people that are not ignored.
Hillary is done.
Who owns the military?
How heavily does the Department of Defense rely on contractors now, and what would they do if the contractors pulled their contracts? And how much does that impact their decisions?
Just wondering how deep the rabbit hole goes, and if we've reached Qward yet. (We passed Bizarro World a ways back.)
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
VERY good question!
Can the military and the intelligence community override the civillian establishment? In theory, no. But what about in reality?
Unless they have a way to go around the Pres and his AG. I realize that the intelligence community does have ways of going around anything, but would they use them?
Life is strong. I'm weak, but Life is strong.
It's not a meme, it's a fact...
...because for people like Hillary Clinton, the fact that she breached national security DOES NOT mean she will ever be held to account, much as she deserves to be held to account. It is my considered opinion that there are two systems of justice in this country; one for all of us, and one for the lucky few. Nothing damaged national security more than Bu$hCo illegally invading and occupying Afghanistan and Iraq, and yet not one single person responsible for either of those FUBARs was held to account, nor ever will be held to account. EVER. It doesn't matter how many people write letters about it, nor does it matter hwo many credentials or years of experience back up their authority. I'm sorry if this sad reality doesn't meet your expectations of justice. It certainly doesn't meet mine. But that, my friend, is the world we live in right now. Godspeed on changing that fact; I sincerely wish you luck.
(P.S. There is no need for hostility. WE are on the same side here. I just don't agree with your conclusion that Secretary Clinton is finished, much as I also wish it were true. I laid out why I believe I am correct, so please get back to me on November 9, 2016 and we'll see who was ultimately right. Again, this is NOT the result I desire, but rather the result I find most likely, sad as that is...)
I want my two dollars!
You did not read my diary and the links.
Please read the words of the experts.
Now, of course, at the end of the day, any argument between us is pointless, and that is NOT my intention. The FBI/DoJ either will indict or they will not indict. FULL STOP.
But/so... just to set the record straight.
You fail to grasp the gravity and the distinctions and the flaw is inherent in this one sentence of yours:
This statement is correct, but it does not apply. Why?
Because prosecuting a PAST President is of zero concern to the MILITARY and INTELLIGENCE communities. They may have DAMAGED National Security, sure, but the operative word there is DAMAGED and that is in the PAST TENSE.
Hillary Diane Rodham Clinton represents a clear and PRESENT threat to NATIONAL SECURITY. NOW. AS IN, TODAY. TOMORROW, and INTO THE FUTURE.
There is no way they will PUNISH those folks for the past. That is WATER UNDER THE BRIDGE.
On the whole other end of the fucking spectrum is a lady who wants to FUCKING TAKE CONTROL OF THE UNITED STATES ARMED FORCES and do WHO THE FUCK KNOWS WHAT WITH IT!!!!
I am not angry with you, friend, I am just a tough New Yorker who has trained in Martial Arts (and am an instructor) and have trained with former military/special forces in hand-to-hand combat for 40+ years and I know how the intelligence community and the military think. I am also a 30+ year IT professional, with a degree in IT, and my advisor in college was a Major with the PENTAGON in SECURITY.
Hillary represents a threat. That is something of a wholly different nature.
There is an unspoken reality between the Intelligence community, the Military, and the White House.
They will never let Hillary become President.
Please notice that I highlighted the word "NOW."
Not past tense. They MUST act. They will not allow Obama to NOT act.
Hillary is done.
You really do need to read the links I provided, TWICE, it is rather glaringly evident from the profound ignorance of your comments that you did not. Again, this is not me being hostile, I am just not inclined to suffer fools lightly, not when National Security issues are involved.
If Hillary is let into the White House, people will die, Americans. You have failed to include THAT FACT in your calculus. Please think on that long and hard before you insult me again by mislabeling my conclusions and the conclusions of FORMER SENIOR INTELLIGENCE OFFICERS OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA as my "desires."
I am completely cognizant with the nature of your argument...
...and the gravity of the situation, and nobody is questioning your bona fides, or of those you cite, or of your analysis of the situation. But please consider the fact that nobody in a position of power beyond Scooter Libby was punished (and barely so) for breaching national security during the Bush Administration only further emboldened people like Secretary Clinton to recklessly do they same. She knew full well that nothing would happen to her as a result. This is not a National Security argument. It is a political argument, one that recognizes the power structure in Washington DC. Is that unfortunate? Hell yeah! Will people die as a result? If past is prologue, then absofuckinglutely. Is there anything that anybody with any power is going to do to stop that? No. Nein. Nyet. ghobe'. So let me state this as clearly as I possibly can: Hillary Clinton will NEVER be held accountable for her actions. Period. End of sentence. FULL STOP. Calling me profoundly ignorant isn't going to change that fact...
I want my two dollars!