A veritable wasteland of the tubes

An edict from some CIA trained self-serving mini-me tyrant, in hopes of gaining favor with the PTB should Hillary win AND not be indicted;

A democratic underground that was amusing in how trolls organized and attacked everyone not on board with Hill and now, a kos like edict of its own;

A Twitter world which has never been more racist, sexist, anti-LGTB in its history;

A GOP admitting that trump is a racist, and still supporting him (shades of what the German polical class thought of Hitler, or what the original Soviet thought of Stalin - yes, he's crazy, but we will control him);

A group of stories calling into question California's results and suggesting fraud on a huge scale. The more I look, the more it stinks;

A threat that Bill will be back officially in charge of our economy. Seriously Bill, how many billions do you need before you quit wrecking it for everyone else?

Hewitt and the Kochs refusing to support Trump?

This has to be the craziest political season I ever saw in my 58 flat earth revolutions.

Anyway, has anyone visited the wasteland at the GOS? Now that Hill has claimed victory (and the AP should be fined for its timing and games) I wonder about the quality of life over there. I just refuse to go myself.

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Bulldawg's picture

Lots of football spiking, and terrible things being said about Bernie and his supporters. Serious Bernie Derangement Syndrome.

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“Socialism never took root in America because the poor see themselves not as an exploited proletariat but as temporarily embarrassed millionaires.” - John Steinbeck

Ken in MN's picture

...Little Orange Footballs. What's-his-name has gone full Charles Johnson, and his site will soon follow...

(Okay, so maybe he's the anti-Charles Johnson. Instead of waking up one day and discovering the people on his site are completely crazy, he's the one leading them off the proverbial cliff...)

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I want my two dollars!

sojourns's picture

after CA it appears to be not much more than an echo chamber. LieDespartin is still there positing his usual upbeat Sanders diaries.
In general, the exodus now is as large if not larger than the post GOS edict days. The average IQ has dropped to about 40 points with not much more than the Hillarian gush to read about. It's pretty bad.

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"I can't understand why people are frightened of new ideas. I'm frightened of the old ones."
John Cage

PastorAgnostic's picture

Sounds like the perfect audience for Kos.

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Nothing is any different in that community and never will be. The next time someone there wants to witch hunt, who will stop them now that didn't stop them then?

LOF is a sewer.

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"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon

sojourns's picture

I wish that it showed the unique visitors stat. heh.

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"I can't understand why people are frightened of new ideas. I'm frightened of the old ones."
John Cage

PriceRip's picture

          The very notion of "community" has radically changed during the past 4 or 5 decades. My granddaughter is growing up in a world described in science fiction . . . but, as it is, as it ever was, even those of my grandfather's era (1890s) predicted mine.
          As Daily Kos reminds me of "Clockwork Orange", and "Reddit" a rowdy (id est normal) soccer match, I wonder about the future of c99p. Will this all continue to function as a community or will it descend into madness.

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Ken in MN's picture

...once a critical mass is reached madness is never far behind. Groups beyond 100 tend to split into factions. Think of the difference between a middle school with 50 students and one with 5000...

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I want my two dollars!

PastorAgnostic's picture

all the residents are fine. It is those outsiders who are nuts.

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riverlover's picture

I know that as the swimmers come things will get larger and more raucous. I feel for the mods. The atmosphere is good, no screaming battles, no cliques, no defamation.

I am feeling my way as are all of us as powerless individuals. I think we must continue to agree to some points of caucus agreement. Things like we really don't want to be in wars, the big deal is that we may have extincted ourselves and many species, and that everybody (if allowed access) shits in the same toilet. And can pee in the same toilet.

I hope we can agree that we are running out of time. Those of us over 60 [here] mostly understand. But all hell can break loose any time now, not 100 years from now or 10,000 years from now. And we are trying to say STOP. Major course change. I fear for my young adult children. I may never see another generation of part of my DNA. Their father will never. I am not sure that I could be happy about a grandchild, I would fear more that their life would be miserable and mean and short.

Yesterday made me sad. I saw a battle begin for a change which will need to be engaged or that.is.it.

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Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.

PastorAgnostic's picture

it strikes a cord.

Although I never understood why someone would want to strike one. Or, for that matter, what kind of cord? A cord of wood? A woven cord? A ribbon? A cord on a piano or guitar? No, that would be a chord, which would require playing, not striking, three notes. Unless it were a harpsichord, which, unlike a piano or organ, actually strikes the musical string. But why would one want to strike an innocent harpsichord?

A wire? A cord jacket?

I am at the end of my cord on this one.

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Alphalop's picture

and it is up to us to support and follow that tone.

We can keep this place pretty close to the same no matter how large it goes as long as we follow a few simple rules.

1. Don't engage obvious trolls. Feeding trolls just encourages them to stay around and you are giving them excatly that which they crave. Attention. They don't care if it is positive or negative attention, which in and of itself actually makes me sorta pity them.

2. Don't threadjack or participate in thread jackers sub-threads. (which is largely just #1 again really.)

3. Respect differing opinions. Even if you think they are ill informed ones. Don't attack the opinion holder, just try to focus on the logical holes in their argument without going all Ad-Hominem on their asses.

I noticed that TOP didn't fall completely off the rails until Kos let his partisanship interfere with his site policy. Once he set the tone that it was ok to attack Sanders supporters with ad-hominem attacks (which he engaged in repeatedly in his diaries) it was like he rang the dinner bell.

The attacks immediately become more overt, more savage and more and more frequent as the days progressed and nothing was done to curb that behavior.

Lets just say I got a lot more faith in JTC/DK/Etc... to handle these situations appropriately than the little dictator.

Ultimately though it is up to US to keep this community the way it is because WE are the community.

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"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me

Ken in MN's picture

Seriously, if I wanted that level of abuse I'd call my ex, and life is too short for that...

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I want my two dollars!

I think it stands for Great Orange Satan, i. e. Daily Kos. I've advocated frequently for an acronyms list with definitions tool on caucus99%, but nothing so far.

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PriceRip's picture

          You might consider starting an article with that as a theme/title. As readers add comments and the list gets "fleshed-out", JtC and company will take notice. Then, as you suggested, it could form the foundation of a part of the site editing tools.

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riverlover's picture

I see your list in process and agree. I think linearly as well.

At some point there must be a rampart patrol bigger than now. But we must get to core beliefs (that are not at all concurrent with PTB).

And modifications and additions by consensus. Do we sound socialist?

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Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.

Haikukitty's picture

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EdMass's picture

ask what ToP was a few weeks ago.. The other Place.

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Prof: Nancy! I’m going to Greece!
Nancy: And swim the English Channel?
Prof: No. No. To ancient Greece where burning Sapho stood beside the wine dark sea. Wa de do da! Nancy, I’ve invented a time machine!

Firesign Theater

Stop the War!

Ken in MN's picture

(My point was I've mostly forgotten about that place...)

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I want my two dollars!

to read through every post and comment here and make a list of acronyms. I have my hands full as it is. If someone would like to compile a list I'd gladly publish it as a FAQ.

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I worked in a federally funded employment and traiing outfit. I'm a master at acronyms.

GOS does stand for Great Orange Satan, and it was coined at and by LOFs.
LOF is Little Orange Footballs and it was coined here by??
TOP is that other place, also coined here.

There are many more. If we include Hecate's terms of endearment for the players, it is a pretty long list. My favorite from Hecate is the Mad Bomber.

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"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon

Ken in MN's picture

...unless anyone can claim coining the phrase in relation to TOP before May 20, 2016...

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I want my two dollars!

I prefer to think of TOP as "That Oppresive Place."

And of course the Flag Brigade is still out in full force:

And all of "her" supporters still have on their blindfolds.

And the whole place is just oozing with "party Unity."

It remains the mouthpiece of the new Demo-Corporate Party

As you can see, I had a little meltdown yesterday.

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Ken in MN's picture

...until I realized how utterly depressing it all is. Oh well, it's almost Friday...

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I want my two dollars!

I'm not an original PUMA, but I sure as hell am now.

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"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon

hecate's picture

dk, just for you. ; ) Calling in the airstrikes.


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Alphalop's picture

They came running into my office barking their furry little asses off!

It's kinda funny, maybe she is just picking up my emotions, but twice now when Clinton has been on the TV or Computer Zoe has actually started a low rumbling growl in short little burst.

I don't think Loki cares about politics at all, he just sleeps right through it. Smile

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"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me

PastorAgnostic's picture

Norse god of mischief?

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Alphalop's picture

it has been my long standing tradition to basically let my furry companions chose their own name via their actions so we never name them in the first week.

A couple of weeks later though he got the Middle name Gozer (which probably should have been his first name, lol!) after he destroyed 4 pairs of my shades and two pair of sandals. Smile

(Edited to add the following line.) Great Pun by the way, yeah, he is generally pretty Low Key now except when he comes and literally punches me in my shoulder from behind when I am sitting at the desk too long and he decides its time to play, I am gonna steal that other meaning though too, it is now officially part of his narrative. Smile

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"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me

Haikukitty's picture

He is the feline god of mischief, for sure.

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hecate's picture

are sensitive to Wrongness. Almost anyone these days who on a tube starts mouthing politics will cause the cats to run out of this room.

I played some old Ron Paul the other day, and one of them bit into my hand, and wouldn't let go, until I turned it off.


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Alphalop's picture

I will take a picture next time it happens, but several times now whenever Bernie was on TV doing a speech she would park her butt on the floor in front of the TV and sit there looking up at it, usually for the entire time.

For her to watch TV isn't unusual in and of itself, for example she also sits on my recliner between my legs with her paws hanging over the front and watches EVERY episode of Walking Dead with me like that (Unless I am watching while cleaning house or something), but never for anything as uninteresting as someone just talking on TV.

She even has her favorite commercials, and whenever the music for one of them starts she comes running from whatever room she is in to watch them. (Usually those for Pet Stores or products, she loves to watch animals the tube.)

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"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me

riverlover's picture

had no response to that. The Hill-bark got a tail-down. Wink

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Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.

and he seems fine today. I think he too was depressed and disgusted with Shillary's "win" of the primary...

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Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur

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"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon

hecate's picture

get one of those old-fashioned hand mikes, like Milo used to order the bombing of his own squadron in Catch-22. She will recite into it the coordinates for the bombings, and then authenticate it with the barking, so the commanders will know it is really her. There shall probably be a tragicomic ending, some night, when The Clenis inevitably strays into unauthorized personnel, and she gets really mad at him, and so does the barking for an airstrike, but on the White House, and when not only he, but also she, is in it.

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barking for an airstrike, but on the White House, and when not only he, but also she, is in it.

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"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon

with BIPM. And even he put up a poll on Wed. asking whom would you vote for $rhill or dRumpf? I told him that was shitty timing on his part, and on fairly neutral territory at that. Gave him my first jeers since I've been reading his posts. Too soon, too raw a wound.

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Ya got to be a Spirit, cain't be no Ghost. . .

Explain Bldg #7. . . still waiting. . .

If you’ve ever wondered whether you would have complied in 1930’s Germany,
Now you know. . .
sign at protest march

PastorAgnostic's picture

under a HillBilly administration.

In charge of economic progress.

Watch me pull a rabbit out of my hat.

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PriceRip's picture

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Is that what we're calling it now?

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