carpe diem
If not today, then when? If not us, then who?
JtC and friends have provided us the perfect name: caucus99percent
Someone has suggested the perfect action: Re-registration Day
We have the perfect medium: Do I really need to spell it out?
Are we going to let the same-o-same-o happen again?
I have seen this happen too often . . . without coherent action cohesiveness (social relations, and perceived unity) dissipates and nothing (yet again) of any import happens. Going on and on about how we was robbed and other less focused Blah, Blah, Blah is just not going to do it!
I think we need to select one unifying event like Re-registration Day (or as I have suggested Migration Day) or any other one action to provide focus for the disparate (not desperate) group of people that have supported Bernie Sanders throughout the primary season.

I believe you are absolutely right:
This idea of picking a day to re-register, along with a twitter campaign, timing it well to achieve the desired effect — is a gift. The strategy writes itself and it is firmly in the realm of the possible.
An actionable focal point is critically important right now. If it doesn't form — that, too, is fraught with meaning.
I've suggested elsewhere, pick a date,and donate a dollar. Or two. Or pick a number. $.50?
Not to reward, but to warn. There be a Lot of us out here. Now whatchou gonna do?
Just a thought. I like migration day also. I will go back to NPP here in Cali. Again, pick a date and I'm in.
Ya got to be a Spirit, cain't be no Ghost. . .
Explain Bldg #7. . . still waiting. . .
If you’ve ever wondered whether you would have complied in 1930’s Germany,
Now you know. . .
sign at protest march
There may be $$ for the cause
but a coordinated move to Walk Away, Withdraw from this charade game. Big numbers might get noticed (or ignored but transmitted underground). Day after Convention? Moving Day? Up for consensus.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Can c99p do one thing
Is it even possible to get this group of people focused on obtaining one goal?
Cats. Don't herd well. Generally scatter.
For instance, I was tempted to mention that people who do not want the government & commerce in their underpants should not register to vote at all. But then refrained. Because that would detract from the Goal.
If true we are wasting our time!
i think
you have a good idea. I think people should support it. I think that if enough people did, it would cause ripples. Unfortunately, I also think, based on experience, that people, here and elsewhere, would rather be off in some other, overheated thread, overheatedly posting, and for the eleventy-billionth time, who they will or will not vote for, and why. So everyone will Know.
Then let's change that! Now.
human nature, and as expressed on the intertubes?
I'm certainly for that.
Do you have, like, a magic Wand, or Machine? ; )
An example. Many moons ago, people on Daily Kos would periodically piss and moan about George II seeking to install elements of the perfectly useless "missile defense" system in Poland and the Czech Republic. I came across some pleas from the Whos living in a little village in the latter nation, who had voted 71-1 that they did not want the stupid war-toy built outside their homes, and were asking people in the outer world to please help them. They had in those days on Kos what were called "action diaries," where Kossacks were to be encouraged to do something other than foam words onto a screen. So I put up some stuff about these Czech Whos. And nobody gave a shit. There was always some 1000-comment diary going where people could bellow their heated opinion about whatever might be the passing fleeting meaninglessness. In the abstract, the Kossacks would Hate the missile-defense system—just so long as they were required only to call it names, in a comment in a Kos tube. But as for doing something more? No chance.
People mostly go to the tubes to hear themselves talk. They have no mouths, and they must scream.
hecate, get your point.
We were armchair warriors, willing to sign a gazillion petitions, and get stuck on email spam lists and occasionally toss a few bucks toward some heart-tugging need. But isn't a decade or more of that enough?
I am no cat. I do not do well in rah-rah team situations or fake cheerleading. And doing one small thing as a group. We mostly vote when demanded? I will investigate how I drop a registration, if in person, new signature (photos at Dr offices now as well), online or pay parking, I can manage one.small.step.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
If a date to deregister from the Dem party happens, it will likely be chosen and propagated on Facebook.
The reach of Bernie support groups on FB is enormous. Not saying it will happen, but that Facebook is the place where it could.
Don't just do something, Stand There!
Some time ago I stumbled upon malapropism and realized it summarized the human condition so very well. This thought hit home on 4 May 1970. Wandering across the quad, in a fog a few days later, I encountered a friend. He was a bit upset that I had missed the memorial service. Perhaps that was a good thing, as I would have been the rabble rouser at that event. Even though tension was in the group, no one there suggested anything like taking into the streets. The local guard unit was in full battle gear at the armory across town and General David Baum was ready to bash heads, and I was well known in town. I had already (a year earlier) sent back my draft card with a nasty note. As as far as I know I am the only student from Eastern Oregon College to have been arrested, and carried off campus as the result of a federal felony warrant.
I have always regretted not being in a position to face down Baum (rumored to be in town). I have no magic wand but I know that confrontation is good for the soul. particularly in times like these.
There's no more action
over on TOP than there is here. They have 500 times the users we have here. C.U.A. has been an GOTV effort there (50 State Strategy on steroids) for over two years, and they're lucky to get four or five C.U.A. Meetups a month there. Ususally the same four or five. That's tragic, becuz C.U.A. is really about the only effective way to run a GOTV effort. It's a sad tale about how "effective" the internet is in organizing.
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
The sense of c99p ? ‽ !
Can we at caucus99percent (as a whole) agree of one single action that would make an impact?
Now is the time to plan. Now is the time to "set the shaped charge", "set the precision timer", and get the word out (via all channels). But most importantly: What we must do is focus.
There are currently 158 users online.
Is there anyway to generate any effective action "out there" in the real world beyond the confines of c99p?
See gg's Open Thread this morning
for starters.
There is so much noise-to-
signal going on at this site this
morning that not much signal
is getting through.
That said, pick a date, any date
for people to un-register, then,
as people trickle in before and
flood after that date, I'm sure it
will be noticed.
Whether or not TPTB will care
is another matter. The smaller
the duopoloy parties are, the
easier they are to co-opt and
control. As it is, whether you vote
D or R, you're "voting" for the
People need to wake up that
"voting" has gotten us where
we are today.
Next suggestion?
Only connect. - E.M. Forster
Saw Similar Elsewhere
I saw a similar comment in another thread this morning. I am trying to amplify this, with very little success. The more that catch this the better in my opinion.
Pick a date then. We can either discuss
or follow or not.
I'm trying to amplify your
message by posting more
comments here beneath it.
Only connect. - E.M. Forster
Also - keep posting about this.
Rabbit is right - there's a lot of disappointment and lamenting going on, and rightfully so.
While it's important to raise this early, please do so again tomorrow, when we might be ready to focus a little better than today.
Exactly. n/t
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
Three months?!? What happened? What did I miss?
I have a feeling you will not go back?
Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.
It may have been my
"granny panties" remark, or any one of a number of anti-HRC comments. I tried to toe the line, but couldn't keep my mouth shut. I'll be back for at least one more post there.
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
Ever participated in open planning conferences with
trained facilitators? I have many times as a 30 year fed employee. Brainstorming sessions with flip charts where we'd throw out any ideas, no matter how good, bad or indifferent to insure we'd cover everything, then work back to analyze, prioritize and select goals and agendas.
Perhaps we could find a way to do that here to analyze all our options and select the one or ones that we come to a consensus on.
did that all the time...
in my classes. No criticism, the more ideas the better. Then evaluate after collecting. Divorce the idea from the person so people (esp young people) are not the issue...the idea is the issue.
It is weird online because comments are unstuck in time. I'm all for brainstorming though.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
I think it could be done. At least then all ideas and opinions
could be hashed out. Now with this Re-registration thing, no one asked me. I didn't and won't sign up for that so where does that leave me? I've asked what the goal is and no one seems to be able to explain it. Is it to pressure the democratic party, the proverbial make it move to the left bullshit? Is it an actual boycott and if so, wait a minute, let's talk about that and possibly expand it. But then, what would the goal of the boycott be? Is it to start a third party and participate in this rigged and corrupt political system? Lots of questions, few answers.
Ya you're right, it's pretty hard online particularly if few really want to try.
moot for me...
lots of bad shit here in Alabama, but we have no party registration. Show up on primary day and ask for the ballot you want.
Sounds good but then we had this deal:
Shows to go ya!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Great idea Big Al, count me in if invited.
Look up at the stars and not down at your feet. Try to make sense of what you see, and wonder about what makes the universe exist. Be curious. Stephen Hawking
I plan to re-register back to indie
soon. I only switched to Dem to vote for Bernie in closed NM. My duty is done. I can wait to re-register on the date we all do it. I think it's a great idea!
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
A coordinated action is revolution.
A single person accomplishes little, it is together that we can have a real effect.
There are currently 163 users online.
I am one of those 163 users.
And I would wholeheartedly participate in a "Re-Registration Day" if I could. Fortunately, I live in Vermont where I do not have to declare party affiliation.
That said, yes, there is no reason we can't mobilize and make this happen. Coordinate with the Sanders people on Reddit, who have lots of grassroots experience. Pick a call to action, a date and a hashtag, and ask people to spread the word via their social media channels.
Speaking of actions we can all take: this article was posted on the BNR today, from the Independent Thinker. Well worth the entire read. He suggests that we all dump our cable television. I agree. Whether we do it individually or as a group on the same day, it would send a compelling message (though I do like the idea of millions of people calling their providers on the same day. Hmmm).
First Step to Success!
We need to get c99p as a whole behind doing something like this.
For what it is worth: From my experience individual action is worth very little. Try saying anything rational at Daily Kos and see what I mean. On the other hand, coordinated group action can be very effective.
Migration Day
should be the day after convention. There are already a lot of people planning to change their registrations that day, including people here. So we can probably have the most impact doing it on that day.
Some people need to stay in the Dem party for upcoming local elections, but they may be willing to join in publicizing this Migration Day.
that I need to stop griping about the stolen election. I've known there was election fraud happening since the Iowa caucuses. It isn't news, though the brazenness and extent of it has shocked me, and probably others.
Agree on coordinated group action.
Personally, I would love to see "Re-Registration Day" and "Dump Cable Day" coincide.
There's a lively discussion about the former going on right now in this diary. We all need to corral common energies into a single spot. I wonder about creating a Facebook Group to organize this -- meaning, invite all the interested parties here, on Reddit, on TheProgressiveWing, and all the other existing Bernie affiliate groups into a common place of communication.
Of course, not all use Facebook.
Just trying to brainstorm effective ways to make this work. I do believe the will and energy are here.
Did my satellite TV disown two years ago. But, yes.
There are also additional Reddit groups. I find it hard to read there, much less communicate.
Other economic stops (dislike the word boycott) might also be in plan (later). Koch products for years, prisoner products newer for me. Just don't call to boycott Amazon.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
I have unfortunately (but fortunately) already dumped cable
But I haven't yet switched my registration. Although I'm dying to do it for personal satisfaction, I like the idea of a set date. Either July 29th - which is already being promoted by some other group - or a week before the convention - I'm torn on that one. I like the idea of it making a statement, but fear it could backfire and be used to prove we aren't really Democrats anyway, even though I've been one my entire life - until now.
That is my concern too, any excuse to delegitimize Bernie
But after the convention? After almost 40 years as a Dem, I might go independent too.
Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.
Eagles92, dumped the cable already
This is a very good idea. Anything political worth watching can be found on the internet.
Look up at the stars and not down at your feet. Try to make sense of what you see, and wonder about what makes the universe exist. Be curious. Stephen Hawking
No party identification in my state as well
and in a number of others, so what is needed to show solidarity is something for people in states like ours to add to the pot. From what I read in other essays is coming up with a hashtag to use showing this happening. For us who have no party, maybe we can come up with a graphic or certain phrases showing that we do not support the Democratic and/or Republican parties and post those along with the people announcing their de-registrations.
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
"set the shaped charge"
I'm interested to know why you picked this phrase. To me, it brings to mind one of the zombie propaganda talking points of the early years of the Iraq war when IED's and later EFP's were devastating our Humvees. Despite the fact that factories that made these shaped charges were constantly being uncovered in Iraq, that the main use of these had been in oil drilling, and that Iraq was full of disgruntled, unemployed machinists formerly working in the oil industry, these had to have been made in.....Iran.
Is c99p impotent or unfocused ?
It's not just c99p but since 1969 I have always been around people that just can't seem to get there shit together. We have lots of great ideas but nothing gets done because everyone seems to be focused on some bit of minutia that distracts them from joining together to generate real change.
If you find my choice of words invoke the wrong mental triggers, I am truly sorry. If need be I will remove my comments (Talk to JtC about that.). My background is not the same as yours, words have a different effect on me than on you, by the very definition of the process known as "communication".
Plenty of people get plenty of shit done but in my view,
it's never been the right shit, except in specific limited situations. If we don't get the right shit done it doesn't matter what shit gets done. Maybe saying the same thing as you.
Like this re-registration day. Technically I can't participate or won't participate because I'm not a democrat. Also, what is the goal? There has to be a goal. I think a major problem in most efforts is there is no defined tangible goal, or the goal or goals fall far short of what is needed.
Some movements achieve success because of a easily identifiable goal like voting rights for women or maybe the quest for a higher minimum wage.
But in the big picture, to really change things, I don't think enough people are willing to do or even support what it really takes.
We are on the same page:
While organizing for the event we all can also work up a coherent "manifesto" a bill of particulars if you prefer. But, if the "loyal opposition" doesn't do a coherent coordinated action in a timely manner it will not sustain a revolution by any real definition.
Big Al, music to my ears
Set a short and long term goal, create the strategy that will support that goal, then the actions will write themselves.
There are enough people, 3 is a crowd. We need a facilitator.
Look up at the stars and not down at your feet. Try to make sense of what you see, and wonder about what makes the universe exist. Be curious. Stephen Hawking
you're fine
No need to remove your comments because somebody had a meltdown over your word choice, and that because s/he's fixated on a whole other track entirely.
You evoked the Perfect
The perfect name, the perfect action, and the perfect medium. "We are the 99%" is one of the all time great rallying cries. I am onboard with your effort to organize. I raised the question about "the shaped charge" because it didn't seem like the perfect framing to me. That's all.
My plan is to re-register to "no preference"
the day after the convention. I've heard other folks that intend to do it earlier, but I think that the ultimate forcing factor will be the coronation itself. So, put me down for the day after the convention. As to whether anyone else will choose to do the same- I have no idea. If someone else make a strong case for some other dat, I'm all ears. But that date has the most freight for me... YMMV.
I like your thinking . . .
. . . but I would like to see a consensus of c99p thinking on this point.
I posted this above
But in case people missed it:
DesertRose has started a good conversation around choosing a date and a hashtag. Perhaps we should all join in over there so we're discussing in the same place?
Currently in the running are:
- Sometime immediately before the convention (political leverage that *may* backfire)
- Immediately after the convention (sends a message, but means many can't vote against incumbents in August)
- Labor Day
- Halloween
Eagles92, Yes, Desert Rose
and Price Rip should work together on this. Thanks Eagles92
Look up at the stars and not down at your feet. Try to make sense of what you see, and wonder about what makes the universe exist. Be curious. Stephen Hawking
Here is my thought on the subject...
...I plan on remaining inside the Democratic Party. That way I can continue bitching about it without being completely marginalized with, "Hey! You're not even a Democrat, so fuck off" being the response to my critiques. I also worked hard for this Party, and I goddamn-well want it back! Wall Street isn't going to have it all to themselves without a fight. And we need a vehicle to get from here to there. It may be a beater, but at least it runs. I can't say the same for any of the minor Parties at the present time, and I frankly don't have another fifty years of life left to invest in building any of them up to major Party status...
I want my two dollars!
I will be dead too soon as well!
My daughter and granddaughter my see the fruits of this action. I am (and I presume all of c99p are) good with considering suggestions, but actions speak louder than words. I thing the demonstrations at the convention might work but the fact that there is such a lack of coherence and coordination is both unfortunate and inevitable. It's in our blood.
I suspect many of us have reached an age where
we want to accomplish The Most with The Least Effort. And I have long view capabilities, even showing up in job references. So I don't have micro-demands. But caucus, consensus. Here and elsewhere. As long as the sites don't go down.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Excellent idea
I can spread the word on Twitter. I'm in Texas and don't have to register, so never have, so don't have a party to leave.
Just give me a date, and I'll post it on Twitter daily through then.
I will also post daily on
I will also post daily on twitter....the day after the convention seems to make sense but whatever everyone agrees upon will work.
I really like the idea of re-registering to I the day after conv
However, I live in NYS. If I want to vote in the primary next year for the city-level positions controlled by the dem party, I would have to register again as dem in Oct this year.
I may do it anyway, just not sure yet.
Start a petition and other activities to
get that changed asap. There need to be state-wide efforts nation wide to open all elections. Maybe a class- action lawsuit from Independents who have to pay for elections through their taxes but cannot participate? Classic taxation without representation.
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
Start a petition? Wow. Had to take a couple of seconds there...
Oh yeah, that will happen. Sure it will.
We are and have been in a situation where those in government can simply decide not to be accountable/hold anyone accountable. So again, yeah - that's gonna work…
The system is isn't just corrupt. It is diseased and the people who could be working on a cure instead spend time getting wealthy by profiting from the destruction and death it causes.
Pharmaceutical companies are better in that at leafs they give you a way to treat symptoms for diseases they would rather not cure because there's no profit if the disease does not exist.
The political and wealth classes don't even want to treat the symptoms anymore.
Taxation? Really? LOL - what representation? Taxes are just one policy subject that we are not represented by politicians. The politicians work for the wealthy and business class. A single party - both serving the same few masters and ensuring all the other people are distracted by their antics as they help wealth and business class members take more, and keep it from everyone else.
Welcome to the United States, INC.
Sure, everyone is supposed to be a shareholder, but we all know some shareholders are far more equal than most others.
Yup, I see your point...much easier to just give up. n/t
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
LOL - I know what I can not change
But if you want to frame it like that, then hey - let's go there.
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
Courage to change the things I can,
And wisdom to know when to let it all fucking burn.
I DO think that a coordinated change of registration
is a GOOD idea, PriceRip.
Just in case you misunderstood
my pessimistically ended remark earlier.
Only connect. - E.M. Forster
if you are not willing to vote your conscience then perhaps
one should not even vote at all.
my advice to the establishment/corporate Democrat party surrogates and fans.
trump presents an opportunity for a anti-GOP tidal wave, and the corrupt D's are blundering the moment in order to accomodate insider corruption. now, they will be lucky just to beat trump and take the senate. the House? it's not important to Democrat establishment. it's just collateral damage, just like so many state legislatrues and governor races.
did 9 months in California prison, because Neoliberal Democrats and GOP maggots work together to profit off the drug war
A Mari Usque Ad Mare
Yes, seize the day from sea to shining sea.
Who do we know that can tally the results of our action? No need to answer here, just a thought for those taking the lead.
Look up at the stars and not down at your feet. Try to make sense of what you see, and wonder about what makes the universe exist. Be curious. Stephen Hawking
Can we coordinate 99%'s Migration Day with these groups?
Black Men for Bernie
Occupy Wall Street
California Nurses Association/National Nurses United
Bernie or Bust Facebook
Won't Vote Hillary
Jack Pine Radicals
Kossacks for Sanders
This list took only a few trips to Google and we know there are more….
Good idea labryon
Look up at the stars and not down at your feet. Try to make sense of what you see, and wonder about what makes the universe exist. Be curious. Stephen Hawking
You already named the missing "force" above, Price.
There is no stated goal. No vision. Nothing to win or strive for. And — characteristic of Dems — no hardball. Here are some examples of goals:
Goal: No Confidence. Damage the Federal-level Party so severely that it must be rebuilt.
Do as much public damage as possible to the Democratic Party before the convention begins. Forcefully declare the Party has NO CONFIDENCE in the Party. Pull out of the party within three business days of the convention. Demand that Hillary Clinton step down or the No Confidence Campaign will barrel forward to election day with the goal that Hillary loses.
Goal: Dump Hillary.
Refuse to discuss who you are voting for, or if you are voting at all. Build the publicity around "Anybody but Hillary!" Greet any opposition with this Demand: "If you want a Democratic president, Dump Hillary. It's up to you." Make the #PullingOut days the exact days of the convention.
Goal: Fair Election in November. Destroy the two-party system.
Begin a campaign for Fair Election Fridays. Every Friday between now and Election Day, is the day to quit the Democratic Party. Demand UN and international election monitors for the 2016 elections. Step it up to a "NO CONFIDENCE in the US Government" or a "NO CONFIDENCE in the Two Party System." Invite Republicans to join Fair Election Fridays, and dump their party affiliations.
And so forth. Continue until you believe you have full representation in government.
How the people you are addressing react to these goals — stated plainly — will tell you how serious they are about their own sovereignty.
These are all amazing goals, Pluto.
That is where I lack skills - I have plenty of passion but don't really know how to take concrete action most of the time. What should I actually DO? This is a very helpful start.
Which is why I really like the idea of de-registration day (or days) along with a hashtag and spreading it around the various progressive gathering places. It may not matter, but at least its some kind of action, which is a start.
I also really like the idea people have been floating of the NeverHillary or AnybodyButClinton, something that already has some momentum that could be built upon.
We most definitely must fight back against this nonsense of unity, sore loser, or whatever. There was a lawsuit filed about the voting fraud on the 6th, and I hope something comes of that, too. But I think we have to keep the pressure on, and not let the MSM set the narrative (or at least push back against that narrative).
Very constructive feedback, Miss Haiku.
We are definitely on the same page.
Goals must be BIG enough to unlock the people's pent-up desire for self-determination. Really big and BOLD.
And there must be leverage. Obstructions to the people's will must be completely destroyed. The Party will either stop obstructing or it will be smeared, discredited, exposed, and destroyed. Not next year. This year.
That sort of thing. It's important to ascertain whether or not people really understand and commit to what "change" really means.
I think the hashtag strategy is vital. I lean toward the once a week push to discard the Party from your life. That has the potential to grow and gather momentum through the summer and fall.
The Sanders' campaign was essential.
It set the stage and was the first step. Now, we the people have to take the second and subsequent steps. Without the passion and focus on issues that the Sanders' campaign so effectively engendered and illustrated, we would not be able to garner support for step 2. Just think of all those rallies, those people may be our hope for step 2.
I think someone has mentioned that if we do nothing now, we loose this opportunity. It goes without saying that we are running out of time. The 1% will run out the clock.
I like the idea of bold, strong, action. Clear goals with specific actions that are widespread.
The three goals you outlined above seem to me to be excellent. There is a lot of justifiable anger about the deceit, fraud, and unethical behavior by the party. There is anger about the deceit in the media and a new realization among more people than before that our journalists are impostors....not journalists at all but paid shills. There is growing anger that all of the issues that Bernie highlighted in every one of his speeches will never be seriously addressed in the current system.
Hey PriceRip
First, I want to say that I offer 100% support for picking a day to Dump the Dems.
But I seriously want to suggest that c99 is not the place to organize such a movement. The site was founded for discussion and is set up for discussion. Please don't write off discussion as "impotence." After all it was discussion here at c99 which led to this idea.
I think reddit is the perfect place to set up a forum committed to this action. That doesn't mean leaving c99, co-ordination can exist between the two sites just as it does between Kossacks for Sanders and c99.
I suggest setting up the site TODAY as in the title of your essay. I will certainly join. Probably wise not to use the name of c99 in the name of this site. KfS is already regretting that choice. I would suggest a name that calls to a broader audience than just our little web site.
A core group could meet and form a plan to proceed: brainstorm, choose date (or dates), choose name, plan action, plan publicity for action, etc. If you try to do that here you might end up just going around in a big circles with endless discussion and not getting anywhere. Plus I'm not sure how c99 admin would feel about that action being planned with this site's name.
The reason I suggest that a core group set up a plan to proceed is because at some point someone somewhere has to make a decision. You will know if your decision was a good one by the response you get to the plan of action. And if it is not a good one, then reassess the plan. And try again.
I think this idea has great potential.
I've been thinking what I could do since I live in Texas-I can't Ditch the Dems until the next primary since we choose our party here by requesting their ballot in the primary. But then it dawned on me that I could send out letters and emails to the DNC, state Dems and local Dem groups I have worked with, etc, with the chosen date on it: telling them to go and fuck themselves, or something to that effect (hopefully I'll be in a more polite frame of mind by then).
Anyway just some thots. The overall plan is a good one IMO. What we need now is a path to a plan by which to proceed.
Never be deceived that the rich will allow you to vote away their wealth.-Lucy Parsons
Reddit is the answer. Absolutely.
They can act and organize instantly, and they are wired into full spectrum social media. The readership is huge, as well, and viral at times.
Check out what our core group is talking about today, and you can easily see the reach and power of it:
great link, thx Pluto. yep I like the idea of having different
formants for different purposes.
Sometimes it's good to have broad general discussion and sometimes it's good to gather a smaller group to plan for a specific direction action.
reddit can be a great venue for planning a specific action.
Never be deceived that the rich will allow you to vote away their wealth.-Lucy Parsons
The idea has merit, depending on where one resides
Here in Minnesota we do not list political party affiliation on our voter registration forms, so re-registering is not a possibility. Once registered in one's precinct (which can be done up to and including election day with proof of residence to make sure one can vote at that precinct), one is forever on that computer printout every election year. Only if one moves out of that precinct must one re-register with a new residence to vote in a different precinct.
The lack of political party affiliation listed on our voter registration form is connected with days of yore when we did not list political party affiliation on our paper ballots (which we still use) on election day. We simply voted for the person who best represented our interests.
Nowadays that notion seems quaint, mythical, like unicorns pooping rainbows.
I can give moral support for switching political party affiliation in other states, but it won't affect anyone in MN.
What I am looking for now is a way for Dem voters to eliminate and/or punish our superdelegates for participating in a "secret survey" before July 25 that - in ADVANCE - enabled $Hillary to claim she has enough superdelegate votes to make her the official candidate for the Dems in Nov. That is the latest outrage from the KKKlinton KKKamp that has frosted my tits.
Additionally, I just watched a video connected to voter fraud that Cenk talked about a while back because is filing a law suit about it. (One of my senators, Al Franken, is even briefly mentioned as one who knew about voter fraud years ago and distanced himself from it, just as Al Gore and John Kerry turned into Harvey Milquetoast figures and meekly accepted the elections that were stolen from them, after which I lost all respect for either of them.)
Video is 2:25:30 long: Protecting Our Elections
This is an excerpt:
TrustVoteDotOrg Lawsuit June 6
I believe in an America where the separation of church and state is absolute ..., where no church or church school is granted any public funds or political preference. — President John F. Kennedy, Houston, TX, 12 September 1960
NonnieO, good to see you here
Look up at the stars and not down at your feet. Try to make sense of what you see, and wonder about what makes the universe exist. Be curious. Stephen Hawking
I changed mine a couple days after the AZ Primary.
I'm just waiting for the rest of you guys to catch up. Pick a date.
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X