Meteor Blades' take on things all California Primaries, Sanders and Trump

Well, I don't know. As you are so concerned to ever click on TOS, all I can do is pointing you to his diary. I was waiting to read what he would finally say. Somehow what I expected. He is the only FP writer on TOP who at least writes in support of Sanders and in support of movement clinging still to the Democratic Party to change it from within. He sticks to his guns.

Trump is a blessing. Together we should trample his candidacy and rebuild the Democratic Party

In the end of his essay he goes into some details worth knowing for know-nothings like me.

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Although I'm told there's an army of people being paid by them. Haven't been able to tap that vein yet.

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to the very existence of our planet. One candidate will likely plunge headlong into the abyss and take everything down with him. The other will almost certainly ignore the gravity of the problem until it's too late. Our Sophie's Choice is real, and I think the correct answer is, unfortunately, our votes really don't count. You will be confronted with moralists attempting to guilt you into voting for Hillary, but the moral dimension of voting in this election has been stripped away. It is utterly meaningless. Vote for Hillary, vote for Stein, hell, vote for Trump. What you are morally called to do for this country and for our fellow human beings is to throw yourself against the terrible machine that is hellbent on churning up our planet for the short-term greed of the few.

The REAL democracy is taking place in those movements that MB describes as the periphery. Your vote will be meaningless, but your physical presence at a protest, your sustained and unwavering advocacy for real progress, will be the only effective form of political action that can take place in this environment. We will be confronted with another financial crisis in the near future. It will stir within the American people a real desire for fundamental change in our political system. The movements will be there to seize that energy and, hopefully, lead us to a more promising future.

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The beauty of modern man is not in the persons but in the
Disastrous rhythm, the heavy and mobile masses, the dance of the
Dream-led masses down the dark mountain.
- Robinson Jeffers, Rearmament

shaharazade's picture

from 'the periphery' veal pen Democratic establishment groups. Move on? You have to be joking. Any protesting done inside the protest pen does nothing but validate the Democratic party as it is. Until the people stop believing that the only road to democracy is through the complicit R and D duopoly it keeps them powerless. How many times do we have to get screwed before ordinary people realize that this is not what democracy looks like. Politics are not static, political party's come and go. This one needs to go as it is just a donkey puppet who's strings are pulled by same people who pull the elephant puppet's strings. What's all this talk of this is just the way it is and it's 'inevitable'? People need to realize that they do have collective power and stop giving their consent to this fascistic farce of a democratic representational republic. Stockholm Syndrome?

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[video: width:600 height:400]

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Not interested in anything they have to say.

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"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon

JayRaye's picture

"Vote for Hilary you must."

One says, "I'll call you an asshole if you don't vote for Hillary."

The other says, "Stifle yourself, Edith. And bring us all a beer."

Not listening to either one of them, I'm bent on breaking the law that says I only have two parties that I'm allowed to support.

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Never be deceived that the rich will allow you to vote away their wealth.-Lucy Parsons

He plays the part well, because now Republican proto-fascists like Markos can point to him and say nonsense like, "See, eminently reasonable Meteor Blades, Sanders backer, says get on board because Trump/SCOTUS."

It works too often. Time for liberals to get a clue and stop allowing it to. I hope but am not optimistic this is a moment in history that can happen.

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They pretend to be anti-war right up until a democrat gets elected.

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mimi's picture

sixties to seventies. That is very well known. He is not supporting Hillary, because she has shown her war mongering hawkishness often enough and he made his position to oppose her clear since a long time and straight up front. Much clearer than others sitting on the fence over there.

How much anti-war Sanders would be, if he were elected is still to be seen, but to say MB pretends to be anti-war is basically a slandering and defamatory remark considering MB's life story.

So, I oppose your message in this comment.

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in many ways. Hillary has actually committed acts that directly lead to war. Trump is a bellicose idiot. I know which I oppose more. Does MB?

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My personal line in the sand is a foreign policy that favors systematic, deliberate, ongoing illegal military aggression that kills men, women, and children all over the world. But that's just me, the oddball. Many more people are quite comfortable voting for politicians whose policies include terrorism and mass murder... including both my Senators, Democrats who can't even raise a mild objection to the repetetive slaughter of Afghan, Somali, Yemeni, Libyan, Iraqi and Pakistani civilians with drone missiles because they're both too busy doing their jobs, which apparently consists of hustling Pentagon pork 24/7.

Have a great day.

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mimi's picture

anti-war positions in the sixties and seventies (Vietnam). That's more forty years ago.

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JayRaye's picture

and advises others to vote for her can then claim to be anti-war, at least not with any credibility.

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Never be deceived that the rich will allow you to vote away their wealth.-Lucy Parsons

JayRaye's picture

I no longer have enuf respect left for him to consider his opinion on the matter. See above at geebeebee's comment. MB has been there while Bernie supporters were being treated like crap, and I saw very little from him in the way of asking for fairness.

And now he wants us to make up with a party that has treated us like crap, don't think so. And why would they want us anyway after they've proven that we are racist, sexist, violent, immature, uninformed, boy-chasing girls, and mansplaining men, and etc etc etc.

They've convinced me: We peons are not worthy to a part of their great Democratic Party, the fake liberal half of the Great American Ruling Class Party.

As Tony Mazzocchi used to say:

The bosses have two parties.
We need one of our own.
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Never be deceived that the rich will allow you to vote away their wealth.-Lucy Parsons

ArizonaProgressive's picture

the fake liberal half of the Great American Ruling Class Party

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to go there and read the thing. Sorry, but I just won't even go there at all anymore, period.

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Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur

TheLeftistheCenter's picture

needs to ask themselves so they can decide to vote Dem or not.

1) What is the goal
2) What is the most likely path there?

For me:
1) The goal is to overturn the corrupt system
2) At this point I think a Hillary Presidency is the best path to that goal because:
a) Dems need more proof how corrupt the party is and Hillary will give it to them
b) The Bernie movement will have a lot more chance of influencing Hillary than Trump

I don't know if MB sees it in this same light nor am I sure I will still see it this way after the convention, but at the moment I kind of agree with him though maybe not for the same reasons.

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gulfgal98's picture

Bernie's ideology and Hillary's are at direct odds with one another. She is a neo-liberal through and through. She and Bill are the force behind transforming the Democratic party from that of the people to that of the oligarchs. Further, two of her key advisors on foreign policy are Henry Kissinger and Robert Kagan of PNAC fame. She may make some superficial gestures about various programs such as rasiing the minimum wage or college tuition, but in the end, whatever she does will be to benefit the bankers and corporatists.

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Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy

TheLeftistheCenter's picture

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She only respects important people with lots of money and power. Trump has already been influenced by ordinary people more than Hillary will ever be. At least he says he dislikes the labor destroying trade deals that have made Hillary and Bill and their friends so rich. She's a ruthless wolf in sheep's clothing and always has been.

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Twain Disciple

TheLeftistheCenter's picture

heavy left voter pressure that is just more evidence for all to see, how corrupt the party is.

I have a whole long thought process on the topic I will write a diary on to get assorted views, should Hillary be the nominee after the convention and I'm still following the same belief.

(thank you mod for deleting the x dups :p)

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lotlizard's picture

I seriously doubt it.

The Bernie movement will have a lot more chance of influencing Hillary than Trump

At least Trump has said a few things about war and empire that no one else has.

Others take heart from some of Trump's sporadic sputterings that seem to echo fragments of a Ron Paul-like desire to rein in the bipartisan imperial project. They point to the fact that Trump declared — in a GOP debate, no less — that Dubya and his cronies should be put on trial for the Iraq War: something no other figure in either major party has ever done. He has also made noises about a more rational policy toward Russia (as opposed to the endless provocations and Cold War chest-beating of the Peace Prize Prez). He even once mentioned in a speech that we should take cognizance of the millions of foreigners who've been killed in the War on Terror: again, something that no other Dem/GOP politician has ever dared mention. (Not even Bernie Sanders, whose "radical" stance is that the Saudis should take over some of the killing for us.) Such statements have been seized upon by some who hope that a Trump presidency will break the bipartisan consensus on America's deadly and sinister foreign policy.

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TheLeftistheCenter's picture

is reliable enough to convince me he won't flip if in office.

Money talks and Trump likes money.

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lotlizard's picture

Trump likes money but is already a billionaire. One could therefore argue that Trump is much more likely to feel he has enough, which would put him in a stronger position to resist certain kinds of corruption.

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TheLeftistheCenter's picture

but you could be right.

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He can post here. Why carry his baggage for him?

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Sea Turtle

mimi's picture

What is the meaning of carrying his baggage for him?

He has said nothing here on this site. May be understandable considering most reactions here, he sure isn't a masochist, which I consider a healthy thing.

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Not Henry Kissinger's picture

On another day perhaps people might be more generous to you, but after the PR election debacle and the today's bum's rush by the MSM to crown Hillary, people don't seem to be in much of a mood for unity essays.

In any event, it would be nice if some folks could show a little more courtesy to you, even if they don't agree with MB's view.

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The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?

Linking to DK, to quote him, is carrying that baggage here.

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mimi's picture

and it's not of any relevance anymore.

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edg's picture

Donald Trump is too much of a bumbler to get anything done. Hillary Clinton will busily work to get the wrong things done. Which is worse?

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stevej's picture

one is a sociopathic racist and the other is a sociopathic mad bomber.
Good times.

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“To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.” -Voltaire

TheLeftistheCenter's picture

being an idiot, think of all the lottery winners gone broke. He may get nothing done because the system works against him, but not because hes incompetent.

A fool and his money are soon departed, so Trump is no fool.

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edg's picture

As you say, he didn't get rich by being an idiot. I'm of the opinion, though, that he wants to win the presidency, not be the president. It's just another notch in his bedpost. I just can't see Trump being interested enough in the job to get much done, good or bad.

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Crider's picture

The latest thing where he said a judge is 'Mexican' and therefore won't give him a fair trial in the Trump U lawsuit means he's just too out there to get elected.

For a while, it seems he had been behaving himself and the media is always happy to pretend none of the past things ever happened, but he keeps revealing himself truthfully to our modern nation's demographic.

So that's why I don't think he has a chance in hell of getting elected.

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You know --those handlers who first suggested he run for prez (hint: name begins with C; ends in"ton").

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petral's picture

Other than that, Trump's foolishness may do less damage -- and give the possibility of the Repubs losing congress in the midterms making him even less effective.

OTOH, Hillary will self-destruct. She's too much like Nixon. So, what's to choose?

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I think you all are being too harsh on MB. And Thom Hartman. I don't like groupthink wherever I visit or blog and there is a whiff of it here. These are not our enemies, by a long shot. They are our allies, and we need allies.

I'm as hard core Bernie as any here -- he's gotten $100/month from me for a year.

Even Noam Chomsky advocates for voting for Hillary over Trump if it comes down to it. My bottom line is the planet. And I think Hillary and Dems will hurt it less irrevocably than Repugs. It will take less to recover from a one term HRC than from a Trump who is a major Climate Denier.

I'm not ready to say I will vote for HRC if she makes it to November, but I will be checking the polls right up to election day to see if it's close or if there is a margin to skip voting for her ( I live in swing state).


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lotlizard's picture

My personal line in the sand is a foreign policy that favors systematic, deliberate, ongoing illegal military aggression that kills men, women, and children all over the world. But that's just me, the oddball. Many more people are quite comfortable voting for politicians whose policies include terrorism and mass murder... including both my Senators, Democrats who can't even raise a mild objection to the repetetive slaughter of Afghan, Somali, Yemeni, Libyan, Iraqi and Pakistani civilians with drone missiles because they're both too busy doing their jobs, which apparently consists of hustling Pentagon pork 24/7.

So that makes two of us “oddballs” against politicians whose careers profit from worldwide killing.

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mimi's picture

let's see where we are in eight weeks from now.

Need to watch the primary results now.

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