The People of California, New Mexico, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, & New Jersey Deserve a Vote and a Voice.
The election is NOT over, and I am still supporting Bernie Sanders.
I made a donation today, as I have done either before or after every primary. And that is on top of the donation that I make automatically once a month. Please consider doing the same. Continuing to donate helps to send a message that we intend to support Bernie Sanders all the way to the convention.
From Democracy Now:
Bernie supporter, Gil Cedillo, Los Angeles city council member and former California state legislator, had this to say:
COUNCILMEMBER GIL CEDILLO: Well, it’s highly inappropriate for this news agency to try to announce and determine the outcome of elections that have yet to happen. It’s just wholly inappropriate. It’s a form of voter suppression. As the senator indicated, we have six important races to take place. Every vote counts. Every vote should count. And it’s just wholly inappropriate for this agency to try to determine the outcome of an election. It’s voter suppression in the most rank and raw form. What’s next? A literacy test or a poll tax? This is not something that a legitimate news agency should be involved with.
AMY GOODMAN: Explain what you mean by voter suppression.
COUNCILMEMBER GIL CEDILLO: Well, if you tell someone the election’s over, then people don’t think that they should go and vote. It’s demoralizing. It’s a misrepresentation. And it has a capacity, a potential, to impact the outcome. The fact of the matter is, as the senator indicated, we have important elections today from two of the most important states. Californians are geared up and getting ready to go out to vote this morning. And we want them to know and feel that their vote counts. This goes beyond politics. This is about protecting the right to vote. There are young men and women throughout the world who are prepared to put their lives on the line to defend that right to vote, and it’s just inappropriate for a news agency to try to suppress that vote, whether it’s in California, New Jersey or any of the other states that have elections today.
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NOPE: Not Ready to Make Nice

FULL EVENT: Bernie Sanders Concert and Rally in San Francisco
Edited because accidentally published a no-subject comment and because I plan to spend the afternoon cleaning house and watching another great Bernie Rally.
Never be deceived that the rich will allow you to vote away their wealth.-Lucy Parsons
Nina Turner for Bernie Sanders: We Will Fight On, 6/6/16, San Fr
Never be deceived that the rich will allow you to vote away their wealth.-Lucy Parsons
Donated again today too
on top of the monthly. Right there with Bernie until the bitter end.
Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur
Well you poor FOOLS - MORONS etc.etc.
I sneaked over "there" to see if I could stomach the flood of "WE WON" post ad nauseum . . .
And what do I find about what kos thinks of the democratic process. It is sickening to think that a once balanced blog site with pros and cons debated with civility has now become this putrid anti democracy s...t hole .......