Bernie News Roundup: 'In San Francisco Sanders Urges Supporters To GOTV' & 'Bernie's Boost To Democrats'
Sanders Rallies In San Francisco
Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) held one of the last rallies of his California primary campaign in the Bay Area on Monday, where he defied the Associated Press projection of Hillary Clinton as the Democratic nominee regardless of Tuesday’s result.
Sanders told the roaring crowd at Crissy Field in Presidio, “We’re gonna win here in California!”
Musician Dave Matthews, actors Danny Glover and Shailene Woodley, Princeton professor Cornel West, and Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI) were present to perform and introduce Sanders to the large crowd.
“In case you haven’t noticed, there are a lot of people here tonight. And this is the extended Sanders clan,” Sanders said as he walked onto the stage with his wife, two sons, daughter and grandchildren.
“I want to thank all of you for being part of the political revolution, for understanding that it is just too late for establishment politics and establishment economics, and that we need to transform America,” he said. He added although the campaign stated off as a “fringe campaign, that’s no longer the case.”
Sanders also found time to attack the presumptive Republican nominee: “Let me give you some reassuring news: Donald Trump will not become president of the United States. And he will not become president for a number of fairly obvious reasons,” Sanders said.
He blasted Trump for his attack on Indiana-born judge Gonzalo Curiel — who is of Mexican descent — calling him a “hater.” Curiel, who is presiding in a lawsuit over Trump University, was appointed to the federal bench by President Barack Obama.
Sanders said Trump’s “attack on Latinos and Mexicans” was “not new … What Trump wants to do is divide us up.”
And Dave Matthews takes the stage in support of @BernieSanders in San Francisco.
— Danny Freeman (@DannyEFreeman) June 7, 2016
More On Bernie In Mission Valley
Bernie Sanders visited the Mission District today on the eve of the California primary, and called for his supporters to remake the Democratic Party from the bottom up and take it away from the big donors. But he stopped short of endorsing the slate of candidates for the local Democratic Party Central Committee that is trying to do just that.
Many of the members of the Reform Slate were on hand when Sanders came to the City College Mission campus for a relatively small rally that preceded a much larger event at Crissy Field. This was mostly a GOTV event, designed to encourage people to walk precincts and get last-minute voters to the polls.
The crowd cheered back as Sanders spoke about radical ideas, “I want everybody to understand this if you go out and knock on the door and somebody says these are crazy ideas, they are radical ideas, extremist ideas tell them ‘no.’ Every idea, here (or virtually everyone) has the support of the majority of the people of this country,” he said “You know want to hear a radical extremist idea? it’s giving tax breaks to billionaires when we have massive income and wealth inequality. A radical and extremist idea are insulting Mexicans, latinos, Muslims and African
Americans.” Then he asked, “how to we open the Democratic Party to young people and working people?”
One way, of course, is to start with Democratic Party organization at the local level. It’s no secret that the San Francisco party is run by the real-estate industry and Big Tech, which is spending more than a million dollars to keep control.
Walking in Chinatown w/our candidate @BernieSanders to meet our organizers + CTA resident leaders! #FeelTheBern
— Jane Kim (@JaneKim) June 6, 2016
Sanders Takes A Stroll With Jane Kim
As legislative candidates make a final push before their primary contests Tuesday, one state Senate hopeful's stumping attracted more attention than most.
Jane Kim, the San Francisco supervisor running for state Senate, strolled alongside Bernie Sanders as the Democratic presidential contender ambled through San Francisco's Chinatown on Monday.
She also joined the Vermont senator at a canvassing kickoff event in the city's Mission District.
"Bernie Sanders is speaking exactly to the very issues that my constituents here in the city care about affordable housing, solutions to homelessness, the wealth gap," Kim said in an interview.
"If you want to talk about the wealth gap, San Francisco is exactly the picture of what the wealth gap looks like," she added. "My district has both the wealthiest and poorest residents in our city. And Bernie Sanders is talking abut strengthening the middle class and closing that gap."
Kim is one of a handful of state legislative candidates throughout the country that Sanders has endorsed, as he seeks to boost progressives on the lower rungs of the political ladder.
SF actor/activist Danny Glover campaigns
for Bernie Sanders at Crissy Field. Says "Our vote and every vote counts."
— carolyn tyler (@ctylerabc7) June 7, 2016
‘Main Stream Media biased against any candidate who can strip them of power & wealth’ - @cenkuygur #FeelTheBern
— NC For Bernie (@NCForBernie) June 6, 2016
Obama Called Sanders On Sunday
President Obama called Sen. Bernie Sanders Sunday afternoon, according to a source familiar with the conversation, reports CBS News' Julianna Goldman.
While the source didn't characterize the conversation, Sanders spokesman told CBS News' Kylie Atwood that the two have spoken on multiple occasions.
The call between the two lasted 30-45 minutes, CBS News' Nancy Cordes reported. Sanders also spoke with the president by phone in mid-May.
The Vermont senator took the president's call on the side of the road in the financial district in San Francisco, at around 2:30 p.m. ET. Atwood said that as the press bus drove by, Sanders could be seen standing on Market Street, legal pad in hand, as he talked on a cell phone.
Atwood asked Sanders about the conversation Tuesday, but he declined to say much about it.
"I have spoken to President Obama many many times about many issues, and I really think it's not appropriate to talk about my discussions with the president," he told Atwood. "I try to keep that private."
"We need transformation of our political system, not nibbling around the edges" - @BernieSanders #FeelTheBern
— People For Bernie (@People4Bernie) June 6, 2016
.@BernieSanders: doesn't stop w/ electing me- have 2 get government that represents working people #FeelTheBern
— Jordan (@JordanChariton) June 6, 2016
Bernie: It Is Not Sexist To Stay In The Race
Bernie Sanders laughed out loud when he was asked if he was “sexist” for staying in the presidential race as he was making it harder for the US to elect its first woman president.
“Is that a serious question?” he asked the female reporter.
“Yes it is a serious question,” she replied.
“Your question implies that any woman, that any person, any woman who is running for president is by definition
the best candidate,” he said.
“So if Hillary Clinton runs for president, is your point that it is sexist for any man to oppose?”
The reporter responded that her point was that Ms Clinton has more delegates and super delegates than Mr Sanders and is therefore more likely to win the nomination.
Mr Sanders said the issue of delegate maths was a separate issue.
“I don’t think it is sexist," he said. "[...] our focus right now is running and winning right here in California and the second point that I have made is that it is absolutely imperative that we defeat Donald Trump as a candidate for president of the United States. I believe that I am the stronger candidate.”
Crowd assembling, chanting "California Votes Count" at impromptu @BernieSanders rally at Wilshire/Fairfax Come Down!
— Josh Fox (@joshfoxfilm) June 7, 2016
JUNE 6, 2016
SAN FRANCISCO – Capping his California campaign with an upbeat message, U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders on...— NM Women for Bernie (@NMwomen4Bernie) June 7, 2016
The Race Is Called Before Votes Are Cast
Hillary Clinton has clinched the Democratic nomination for US president after reaching the required number of delegates, an AP tally suggests.
The count puts Mrs Clinton on 2,383 - the number needed to make her the presumptive nominee.
She will become the first female nominee for a major US political party.
But rival Bernie Sanders said Mrs Clinton had not won as she was dependent on superdelegates who could not vote until July's party convention.
Mrs Clinton reached the threshold with a big win in Puerto Rico and a burst of last-minute support from superdelegates, AP said late on Monday night.
Superdelegates are party insiders who can pledge their support for a candidate ahead of the convention but do not formally vote for them until the convention itself.
Mr Sanders has vowed to stay in the race until the convention, and his campaign team said the Vermont senator would attempt to win back superdelegates.
His spokesman Michael Briggs said it was too early to call the contest.
"It is unfortunate that the media, in a rush to judgement, are ignoring the Democratic National Committee's clear statement that it is wrong to count the votes of superdelegates before they actually vote at the convention this
summer," he said.
Shame on @AP and @MSNBC. Stop trying to suppress votes with your premature proclamations. #FeelTheBern
— Ben Jealous (@BenJealous) June 7, 2016
We r seeing proliferation of millionaires & billionaires while people sleep on streets of #SF. #FeelTheBern
— NationalNursesUnited (@NationalNurses) June 7, 2016
Supporters React To The Early Call
Unbridled fury about the media and the Democratic establishment rippled through a crowd of Bernie Sanders supporters here Monday following reports that Hillary Clinton had clinched the Democratic presidential
nomination.As thousands gathered on the lip of San Francisco Bay on a cold, foggy night, there were angry shouts as people thumbed through news stories on their phones, many of them turning to each other in exasperation to read aloud articles to fellow rally-goers.
The scene at Crissy Field was an apt emblem of the progressive movement that Sanders has led over the past year, an ascent that saw the 74-year-old senator from Vermont rise from being a long shot to a national political force who has roused millions.
Many of the people who were spread out on the grass said they are far from ready to see Sanders cede the nomination to Clinton. There were urgent calls for him to fight on to the Democratic National Convention in
Philadelphia. And most of the dozen interviewed by The Washington Post were deeply bitter about news organizations, which they said had called the race too soon.
“Disgusting. Absolutely horrible to hear,” said Travis Fox, 31, of San Carlos, Calif. “But you know what, I’m more inspired to support Bernie Sanders. He should go all the way.”
John Gates, 29, who works with children who have autism, was roaming alone following rock musician Dave Matthews’s acoustic set. He said Sanders should not quit — and that he would never really trust the media again.
“I don’t think this race is over at all,” Gates said. “People have to realize that what we’re seeing on television and in the media is an illusion and it’s been pushed too far. They can’t decide.”
San Francisco, CA -- Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders is vowing to continue his fight for the…
— Gimme (@GimmeUS) June 7, 2016
Damn right @NinaTurner. We will fight on. For as long as it takes
Fb link: #FeelTheBern
— People For Bernie (@People4Bernie) June 7, 2016
Why Progressive Latinos Should Supports Sanders
The political system is rigged, and our elections have historically been controlled by corporations and big money. This infiltration of our democratic institutions creates a disconnect between the government and
the people, especially those in lower-income communities. The full impact of this disconnect and marginalization is increasingly being felt in working-class neighborhoods affected by high crime and violence, inferior public schools, inaccessible higher education, unhealthy and unaffordable healthcare, environmental racism, police abuse and mass incarceration.Growing up in Santa Monica’s Pico neighborhood, I experienced the struggle of marginalization and poverty firsthand. Unfortunately, my upbringing is a common experience for many Latinos living in California, and what is
most troubling is that the promise of upward social mobility through education and hard work is becoming an elusive dream for many, not just Latinos. With the reality of the aforementioned social conditions in mind, I
proudly stepped onstage last month at my alma mater, Santa Monica High, to introduce presidential hopeful Bernie Sanders.As a progressive Democrat, I am inspired by the success of the Bernie Sanders campaign in engaging both Latinos and an overwhelming number of youth. Latino voters working in a multicultural and multigenerational coalition can become the most influential group in the most powerful progressive voting block ever assembled in California’s political history. Though Latinos constitute the majority of the state’s population, we are a minority when it comes to political power; two of every 10 California voters are expected to be Latino in the June 7 primary elections. This can change if we organize, vote and get involved in all areas of leadership.
The most visible movements of Latino grass-roots leaders and activists involve struggles against racism and discrimination. Latino leaders are defining a new era of progressive politics in California, and the Sanders campaign has embraced these issues. My prediction is that a majority of Latinos will join fellow progressives and working-class families across all ethnic groups to vote for Bernie Sanders. I will proudly be joining them.
Beyond the election, all of those who donated and voted for Sanders need to find ways to stay connected and organized. If we can harness the power of the campaign and apply it to local races, we can begin to shift our democracy in ways that will benefit all communities.
.@BernieSanders: Are we brave enough to create economy that works for us - not just one percent?! Yes! #BernieInSF
— California Nurses (@CalNurses) June 7, 2016
Sanders rallies at the City College of San Francisco
— Robert Costa (@costareports) June 6, 2016
Perspective On Bernie's Refusal To Fold
As a former professional poker player, I approach decision-making from a different perspective. Is Bernie looking at this the way a poker player might? One can easily imagine his critics using poker clichés to chide his stubbornness: “Know when to hold’ em, know when to fold’ em, Bern” or “Never get married to a lousy hand.” But do such axioms actually apply?
So let’s play Bernie’s cards. His holdings are weaker than Hillary’s; he trails in delegates, superdelegates and the popular vote. His path to the nomination at this point is narrower than a militiaman’s view on gun laws.
If he refuses to drop out of the race, and it results in a contested convention, what is his expected net gain versus what he might lose?Conventional wisdom would have dictated him suspending his campaign weeks, if not months, ago. If he did so, he would have been commended by Democratic elites for showing his loyalty and demonstrating an understanding that
unifying against the GOP opposition was more important than furthering his personal ambitions. But Bernie is an unusual candidate. His personal ambitions seem secondary to his sense of mission. If we don’t conflate the two, then we might conclude that the best way for him to further his mission is by keeping his candidacy alive, which enables him to continue galvanizing support for his views.Has this strategy succeeded? By ignoring calls to drop out, he’s increased his leverage in shaping the eventual
Democratic platform and having a say in policy. Additionally, he’s kept alive his slim hopes for a miraculous come-from-behind victory. Not only that but he’s well positioned to step in and save the day if, between now and
the end of July, some new Hillary bombshell drops or an old scandal blows up. That’s no small thing, because if that were to actually happen and Bernie had already dropped out, who knows what kind of mess would develop come convention time? If Bernie’s still in, on the other hand, the nomination would likely be handed to him, and rightly so...
While many progressives may not approve of Bernie’s tactics, from a poker perspective he has played a tricky hand well. By refusing to acquiesce, he has adopted a strategy that should ultimately help him derive maximum value
from what is a second-best hand. And that’s a good thing not just for him and his flock, but for all Democrats.
California replace Barbara Boxer with Bernie Sanders supporter Steve Stokes. #CAprimary #LosAngeles @Stokes4Senate
— Tweeting Yarnie (@TweetingYarnie) June 7, 2016
Zogby Reacts To Being Called A 'Hatchet Man ' On Israel
In some ways I fault The Washington Post and other mainstream news outlets for having unleashed the mini-firestorm that followed my recent appointment to the Democratic Party’s platform drafting committee. When I
first heard from DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz that I was to be named to the committee, I held my breath, fully expecting an attack from the usual collection of far-right, anti-Arab and hardline pro-Israel groups. Sure
enough, they didn’t disappoint. I was called “a professional Israel-hater,” “a defender of terrorism,” “Bernie’s Svengali,” and it was claimed (falsely) that I had “accused Israel of committing a Holocaust.”This, unfortunately, is what I have learned to expect from that crowd. What, however, I found most troubling was the first headline that appeared in The Washington Post announcing “Sanders picks pro-Palestinian activist for Democratic platform committee.” With this, the die was cast. Other major newspapers and media outlets followed suit framing the entire discussion of the platform and my appointment around Israel/Palestine — culminating in a
call I received yesterday, right after lunch, from a journalist who asked if he was right in assuming that Bernie had appointed me as his hatchet man on Israel.I am, of course, a strong supporter of Palestinian rights, so is Bernie Sanders and so, according to a recent Gallup poll, are a majority of Democrats. But the crude effort to reduce Sanders’ entire campaign and my entire life’s work to an effort to “get Israel” betrays an unsettling anti-Arab bias and a bizarre obsession to which I must respond. It does damage to Sanders, to me and to our nation’s ability to have an honest conversation about a critical issue of importance.
By focusing exclusively on Israel and ignoring all of the other concerns that Sanders has brought to this year’s presidential campaign, the press does a grave disservice to his efforts to elevate the issues of universal health care, free college tuition, raising the minimum wage, investing in clean energy, rebuilding our crumbling infrastructure and making Wall Street pay its fair share in taxes. This is a not-so-subtle attempt to demean the man and dismiss his candidacy as marginal.
When the mainstream media and the far-right groups converge in turning my entire life’s work into a one- dimensional caricature — “pro-Palestinian activist” — they are not complimenting me. They are setting me up. Make no mistake, I am proud of my advocacy for Palestinian rights, but given the political climate in which we live, such crude reductionism lays the predicate for political exclusion, violence and threats of violence. Over the
years, Arab Americans have suffered from all of these challenges to our rights. I know. I’ve been there.
California – you vote tomorrow, June 7. Questions or issues? Call or email our hotline.
— Bernie Sanders (@BernieSanders) June 7, 2016
Why Sanders Is All About Cesar Chavez
"I'd say this is pragmatic and smart, rather than anything approaching pandering," said Efrén Pérez, a Vanderbilt University political scientist, California native and expert in Latino political behavior.
Sanders is turning to a kind of respectful symbolism, Perez said, in an attempt to cover a whole slate of policy positions that may not be as attractive to California Democrats, many of whom are Latino.
"It's a very basic sort of psychology," Perez said. "I think he sees the handwriting on the wall in terms of whatthe California electorate looks like; it's not only Latino — heavily Latino — but largely Mexican American. Chavez is like Martin Luther King — an icon — so he is trafficking in symbolism that has meaning. He is trying to say, by referring to Cesar Chavez, 'I understand and respect voters like you. I understand your history, and can you take a second look at me?'"
Chavez, born to a farming family in Arizona in the late 1920s, saw his family's fortunes fall dramatically during the Great Depression. After losing its farm, the family joined many others migrating from state to state following crop development cycles and doing the hard labor of removing fruits and vegetables from plant stalks. Chavez left school in eighth grade because his family needed the wages Chavez could earn with full-time work. He later joined the U.S. Navy, became an organizer for a civil rights group and then, while only in his mid-30s, founded the National Farm Workers Association. That union later merged with the Agricultural Workers Organizing Committee and subsequently became a part of the United Farm Workers.
Chavez leaned on some of the tactics employed by civil rights activists, including marches, boycotts and nonviolent resistance, and often drew connections between the movements. Chavez even managed to persuade some middle- and upper-class Americans who had never picked a fruit or vegetable in their lives to stop buying certain products in protest. He also voiced opposition to foreign guest-worker programs and reported illegal workers to federal immigration authorities.
That combination, Chavez believed, bolstered the ability of legal workers to demand better work conditions. And he was involved in successful efforts to boost agricultural worker wages and demand safer and more sanitary working and living conditions. Chavez died in 1993 and was posthumously awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom the following year.
And, for Sanders, maybe it's just that simple.
Use #BernieFriendFinder to find friends who like @BernieSanders and make sure they VOTE!
— FeelTheBern (@2016FeelTheBern) June 7, 2016
Bernie's Campaign A Boost For All Dems
For all the chatter about who will get ahold of Bernie Sanders’ powerful email list of donors, one group already has it — along with the names, credit card numbers and addresses of the vast majority of his nearly 2.5 million donors.
It’s called ActBlue, a nonprofit little known outside the cloistered world of digital political circles that serves as the unsung central hub of donating via the Web for Democrats everywhere.
And the fact that Sanders used the platform — and that ActBlue gets to keep a database of Sanders supporters who collectively pumped more than $200 million into his campaign — is expected to redound to the benefit of down-ballot Democrats, from small-town council candidates to incumbent U.S. senators, all across the country.
Now, when any of those Democratic candidates sends an email to anyone saved in ActBlue’s vast catalogue of credit card accounts — which has grown exponentially thanks to Sanders — they can process donations with as little as a single click.
The ease and simplicity of the centralized system is the envy of digitally minded Republicans, who for years have failed to consolidate around a single platform, and who worry that the chasm between the GOP and the Democrats is growing only wider.
“What he’s done for the party and for ActBlue is something that every Republican would salivate over,” Vincent Harris, who served as the top digital strategist on Rand Paul’s presidential campaign, said of Sanders. “Republicans still are fragmented, siloed and left by the wayside.”
— kp (@katelynpolich) June 6, 2016

Well today is opposites day..
Well today is opposites day.. I got the tweets right but the video embeds did not work as intended. Im about to be on my way to work and will fix when I get there! Sorry for the delay! Still learning your ropes
Thanks, LD
Love the tone of this BNR. Energetic in spite of the news out of PR and the AP. Progs have been bullied for so long, you can feel the dispondency settling back in. Need to fight against that and push forward.
"Intelligence is the ability to adapt to change." Stephen Hawking
I'm so mad I could spit.
I will not go to GOS today, because they will be insufferably smug. I almost impulsively went there to GBCW and tell them to screw themselves, but I want to see them go insane tonight after Bernie takes CA.
“Socialism never took root in America because the poor see themselves not as an exploited proletariat but as temporarily embarrassed millionaires.” - John Steinbeck
But why would you go there tomorrow? Lol
the GOS has become a DNC PROPOGANDA site .... All you will get there are endless attacks On trump and NO USEFUL NEWS.
I spent yesterday pursuing other blogs, less party centric blogs and I was amazed at how much NEWS I have not been getting... Even though I watch my local news every night
I can tell,you what movie made the most money last weekend
I can tell you what the best restaurant to go to this weekend is
I can give you ALL the "tmz" type gossip
And which utube vid is making the rounds on FB
But I can't tell,you any serious news because THE news is t reporting news any more.... and places like the GOS no longer talk about issues.
So I can understand why you might want to a paid a place like TOP today and even tomorrow but what would make you want to go there a week from now or 3 days from now.
Unless you are a party dead ender and want to spike your nerf ball in the fac of an anonymous Bernie supporter.
Me... If it ends tonight then I have a BIG decision to make... Do I want to remain a registered democrat. The ONLY reason to do that would be to vote in primaries... But this primary race has pulled every state curtain back and citizens voting in primaries chose nothing.
I am a sanders supporter today...
I WILL be a sanders supporter next week too
I,will continue to work for the change I want to see
I will have decide,IF I need or even want to be a democrat to work for that change.
Let's continue to,work to bring out as large a vote for BERNIE as possible and hope he is victorious in cali today.
I am a progressive and a Bernie supporter
I am not sure I can, in good faith, remain a D-emocrat
Have a great day
Orwell was an optimist
Thank you for creating such a wonderful, positive and energizing daily Bernie diary... And doing it on the GOS too. Lol
The tradition is for DK BERNERS to gather in the BNR to watch the primary returns.... Where will the live BNR be tonight????? (Smile)
Orwell was an optimist
The great thing about being an Independent
is that you change your affiliation like your change your socks. MI has no party affiliation, but we do have to pick one party ticket or the other when we vote in a primary. I've voted in both party primaries at one time or another. Free, good gertie, free at last.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
You mean a DLC propaganda site
Real progressives (Sanders, Grayson, Kucinich, etc.), and activists and whistleblowers are just mocked over there.
Their bellicose and iron-fist promotion of a corrupt Corporatist-Neocon-War criminal (and chronic liar) for President over the one true FDR-Democrat in almost a Century proves to the World now just where they really stand. They can never, ever claim that they're in any shape, way, or form .... a "progressive" site ever again.
No credibility is left there.
no DKos for me
I went cold turkey on the site about two weeks ago. It was a struggle at first. The site is addictive, with new stories up throughout the day. But the Bernie bashing and the ever Trump got so wearing I finally said to myself, I need to be away from here. Each time I think about returning, even for just for some Kerry Eleveld, I tell myself, you'll hate it. So I pass another DKos-free day. And, hey, they've been good days. I think this is the longest DKos-free period I've had in several years.
Thanks LD
Great selection of Bernin' issues. Go Calijersey, Dakotas, and the rest!
question everything
I think its a shame
that they shove so many states onto the same voting day in primaries. I know I know... its the system.. but it sucks. If Sanders could spend as much time anywhere else as he spent in Cali, NH, etc... he'd be far better known and appreciated, but as it is the calendar works against actual grassroots campaigning as it limits the ability to focus on individual states and issues.
And don't forget that Debbie Wasserman Schultz also
worked against Bernie to limit his exposure in the debate schedule. I will never forget that.
Congrats on your one year anniversary of BNR, LD.
You're truly a long distance runner. Well done. Thanks for keeping the faith.
"Just call me Hillbilly Dem(exit)."
-H/T to Wavey Davey
Thanks Hillbilly!
But of course!
"Just call me Hillbilly Dem(exit)."
-H/T to Wavey Davey
Great roundup LD
The entire machine is organized against us.
But this fight is far from over.
There is nothing which I dread so much as a division of the republic into two great parties.. to be dreaded as the greatest political evil under our Constitution.--John Adams
Thanks Kharma!
I know its not in everyone's musical wheelhouse.. but to quote from one of my favorite bands:
Good morning LD
I couldn't believe my eyes this am when I clicked on c99. What a treat having your diary cross posted here. I was at your site yesterday looking around. (My registration link doesn't work, ahem.) I saw this post about dkos' numbers. Amazing. He wouldn't be living the high life in Cali if the Dems weren't making it worth his while.
Did you see the story on what the Dems did in PR??? GeeBeeBee posted it here from Reddit. Absolutely amazing how flagrant and condoned by all of the establishment the fraud is. I tweeted it. Sent it to Redacted and TYT. That story should be all over Twitter.
Anyway, congrat on one year at dkos. I hope you get to put away your asbestos fire suit and high blood pressure pills soon. Can't wait to see the primaries today. If they stole all the others, why not these? Poor Bernie. Poor us.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
I'm sorting out an issue with the
registration issue (damn the issues!) I'll PM you a temp PW! As you can see I am still working out my ability to crosspost in a mad rush out the door.. but I've made progress! Thanks for the warm welcome
Thanks LD, I am so nervous and sick about the future
that I couldn't really read through the links. I don't know anymore how to get rid of my anxieties and completely negatives outlooks for the future. I guess we all will be successfully suffocated under the "system" of power with all its enablers, money gangsters, media liars and corporations that destroy our natural livelihood provided by mother earth.
So, good luck to you all in America and elsewhere.
This is the only thing that can distract me right now from all the anxiety this country causes me to have:
If the sun would shine strongly enough today, all would get a true sun bern and feel it.
PS. Oh, I have the TV on silently and all I see is the announcements of Hillary be the winner. May be we should have a poll to decide who and what is the biggest enabling force of this undemocratic militant oligarchy in sheep clothes. The media, the MIC, the corporations, the intertubes or the money people in the banks, Wall Street etc ?
Who cares anyway?
What I always do
is procrastinate on despair.
Walk away from this crap, get your hands in the dirt, go swimming, or like you just did, listen to music.
What I always tell myself: I can always give up later.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
mimi, turn off the TV and turn up the music...
I love that song. My daughter and I used to sing it together when she was a young little girl.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
I never watch TV more than three minutes and then only muted
I watch France24 and other foreign channels online, if at all. Just realized how much one gets into a non-real world while reading blogs etc.
I have to turn off the internet ... I was successful for around six hours ...
PS. When should I start to watch the results from CA? midnight EST today? That means I can turn off the internet for 10 hours from now on. OMG what do I do with 10 hours offline life?
You could try this procedure, it seems to work for me. :)
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
Oh, no, no, no - I am an old conservative mama
when it comes to the weedy stuff. I know, I know, I am really not the best fit for the DFHs around here. But I like the company.
May be I really should get a "Bloody Mary" and some "enchiladas" and some pop corn (I can't stand pop corn though) tonight and just look at the disaster unfolding grinning all over my face. I mean if things are getting bad, the best thing might be just to start laughing hysterically. It's so darn boring being me. Sigh.
One Whole Year!
Thank you so much!
Heading out to vote in California now-
Feel the Bern!
Peace and Love ~
Glad you're here LD...
It sure is nice to read the BNR without all the snarking comments at the DailyLost.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Great to see you and BNR here, LD!
Wonderful edition, especially after the shameless AP and NBC attempt to suppress the vote today. I'm going to vote for Bernie here in NM right now!
Please help support caucus99percent!
Congratulations on one full year of BNR, Liepar!
Thank you for cross posting BNR here!
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Thank you gulfgal!
Certainly wish I could of been around sooner, but am happy to be here now!
Excited and pleased to see you here. Thanks!
I admit...
...that I went over to Little Orange Footballs to rec BNR #365. But I'm glad you're here now so I don't have to do that anymore...
I want my two dollars!
Thanks, LD!
I'm another one who won't go to MyDK/LOF to see this- but really appreciate seeing it here instead.
Glad you brought your wonderful BNR over. Congratulations!
I won't take credit for this thought, but hey everybody, Hillary has already been crowned, so maybe her voters don't need to go to the polls.
We do. GOTV. Let's go!
You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again you did not know. ~ William Wiberforce
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