A C99% Bernie News Roundup

Hello friends! I am so glad to see you are back up and running! I woke up extra early this morning to try and make a crosspostable BNR to share with you all who (rightfully) do not go over yonder! I truly am sorry I could not do more sooner, (dk5 is a big kospiracy..... middle of primaries 'upgrade' that makes things worse?). I certainly plan on posting original content here at c99% in the future, as well as doing some crossposting Anyways... lets hope this works... and if it does not.. please be patient as I learn your formatting do's and dont's.




The Campaign's Press Release Over The PR Chaos

U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders’ campaign issued the following statement Sunday on long lines at polling places in Puerto Rico’s Democratic Party presidential primary election:

“Some Puerto Rico Democratic officials are claiming that the Sanders campaign requested fewer polling places in today’s primary contest. That’s completely false. The opposite is true. In emails with the party, Sanders’ staff asked the party to maintain the 1,500 plus presidential primary locations promised by the Puerto Rico Democratic party in testimony before the DNC in April, when the party was asking to have its caucus changed to a primary. They cannot blame their shoddy running of the primary on our campaign. This is just one example of irregularities going on in Puerto Rico voting today. We are the campaign that has been fighting to increase voter participation.”



Sanders Vows A Fight To The Convention


Senator Bernie Sanders defiantly vowed again on Sunday to take his campaign to the Democratic National Convention this summer, even as Hillary Clinton edged closer to clinching the party’s presidential nomination and the final primary contests drew near.

Two days before Tuesday’s primaries in California and five other states, Mr. Sanders repeated his pledge not to concede even if Mrs. Clinton acquires enough delegates to reach 2,383, the threshold for securing the nomination.

A win in California is critical to Mr. Sanders’s plan to stay in the race through the convention and would give him a significant lift.

But with her victory in the Puerto Rico primary on Sunday, Mrs. Clinton is only 28 delegates short of the threshold and will most likely declare victory on Tuesday.

Mr. Sanders, however, insists that the convention will be contested because he is still lobbying superdelegates — party officials and state leaders who cast their final votes at the convention — to withdraw support from Mrs. Clinton and back him instead. He plans to make the case that he is a stronger candidate against Donald J. Trump, the presumptive Republican nominee. A number of polls, he said, show he can beat Mr. Trump by larger margins than Mrs. Clinton can.

On Sunday, Mr. Sanders opened a new line of attack against Mrs. Clinton, criticizing donations made by foreign governments while she was secretary of state to the Clinton Foundation, the organization founded by former President Bill Clinton.

When Mr. Sanders, who greeted fans in West Hollywood, was asked by reporters if he remained committed to pushing for a contested convention, he said he “absolutely” was.



Sanders' Super Fun Sunday

Cycling, brunch, the beach – Bernie Sanders had quite the ‘Sunday Fun-day’ this weekend, or at least observed others out and about as he criss-crossed Los Angeles shaking hands and greeting people.

Two days before the California primary, the Vermont senator ventured into restaurants in West Hollywood, interrupted a fundraiser on the Santa Monica pier, and listened to mariachi music in Lynwood. At every corner, as has been the case for months, excited fans swarmed the progressive superstar, jockeying for a photo.

The "Sanders Stroll" has become a bit of legend this campaign cycle. The senator often walks down streets in cities he visits, especially days before voting.

"He likes doing it," Sanders’ communications director Michael Briggs told ABC News, acknowledging the outings were often spur of the moment and improvised, but adding that Sanders wants to "meet people." Briggs said the senator looked at a map and decided where he wanted to venture Sunday.

In West Hollywood, Sanders and his entourage stormed into a restaurant called Hamburger Mary’s, a disco joint of sorts that does a “drag brunch” on Sundays. Standing underneath flashing, colorful party lights, the senator took a microphone and told the patrons he needed them to get out and vote.

One woman exclaimed, "Welcome to West Hollywood," as she stuck her hand out to meet Sanders at a spot across the street. There, at Beach Nation, brunch-goers dined at tables in the sand.

Reporters, staff, and secret service, then traveled with the senator to the Santa Monica pier. Sanders spent over an hour weaving through carnival games and beneath rollercoasters greeting more people. Along the way, a man in the crowd suggested Sanders stop by a fundraising cycling session on the pier. Before long, the senator was onstage at the event. Athletes peeled off their stationary bikes to form a last minute audience for him.




Bernie Blasts The Other Campaigns Foreign Policy Approach

Bernie Sanders unleashed a sharp attack on Hillary Clinton over foreign policy on Sunday, casting her as too eager to use U.S. military force and saying her family charity's acceptance of foreign countries' contributions could be a conflict of interest.

The Vermont senator told CNN's Jake Tapper the former secretary of state is too quick to "rush in" and remove dictators and he criticized Clinton's approaches to Iraq, Libya and Syria.

"I worry about that, yeah, I do. I think her support for the war in Iraq was not just an aberration," Sanders said of Clinton's vote to authorize the Iraq War, in the interview that aired on "State of the Union."

"I think that her willingness to kind of push President (Barack) Obama to overthrow (Libyan leader Moammar) Gaddafi and lead to the kind of instability that we're seeing now in Libya -- not inconsistent with her other views on Syria, where she wants a no-fly zone, which I think can suck us into never-ending conflict in that area," he said.

Speaking about Iraq's Saddam Hussein and Gaddafi, Sanders said: "These are terrible, brutal dictators. But our job is to think what happens the day after these people are removed -- the kind of instability that occurs."

Sanders was also sharply critical of the Clinton Foundation -- the Clinton family's charitable organization -- for accepting millions of dollars in donations from countries like Saudi Arabia during her tenure as America's top diplomat.

"Do I have any problems when a sitting secretary of state and a foundation run by her husband collect many millions of dollars from foreign governments which are dictatorships?" Sanders said. "You don't have a lot of civil liberties or democratic rights in Saudi Arabia. You don't have a lot of respect there for opposition points of view, for gay rights, for women's rights."

"Yes," he said. "Do I have a problem with that? Yeah, I do."




"The Biggest Voter Mobilization Challenge In Years'

Sanders also has a number of advantages. All along, he has done much better in open primaries, where independents as well as registered Democrats can vote. In California, independents, who are officially referred to as “non-partisans,” are eligible to vote as long as they registered by May 23rd. A second factor in Sanders’s favor is that, in recent months, the state has seen a surge in voter registrations, particularly among young voters, who skew heavily toward him. According to figures from the office of California’s Secretary of State, between mid-March and mid-May the number of registered Democrats rose by more than two hundred and twenty thousand, or about three per cent.

In Los Angeles County alone, almost two hundred thousand voters have registered since the start of the year, and more than sixty per cent of them were under the age of twenty. One independent expert, Paul Mitchell, of Political Data Inc., calculated that, since 2012, as many as two million new voters have joined the electoral register statewide, many of them under the age of thirty.

These figures augur well for Sanders, as does some of the recent polling data. The Field Poll showed him running ahead of Clinton in the northern half of the state, including the Bay Area. Clinton was doing best in Los Angeles County and the Central Valley, both of which have large minority populations. However, the poll also showed that, among Latino voters, Clinton was leading Sanders by just four points, forty-six per cent to forty-two. As was the case in many other states, there appears to be a large gender gap in California. Among men, Sanders was leading in the Field Poll by eleven points; among women, Clinton was ahead by nine.

The most recent poll from the Los Angeles Times, which was also published on Thursday, showed the contest virtually tied among registered voters, but among “likely voters” Clinton retained a ten-point lead. These figures raised the question of who is genuinely likely to turn out. Many of Clinton’s supporters are older people and loyal Democrats, who tend to vote pretty reliably. Sanders is counting on young people, independents, and other groups that have a lower propensity to actually appear at the polling stations. Getting enough of these voters to show up on Tuesday will be a big task. How big? “This may be the biggest voter mobilization challenge California has seen in many, many years,” Dan Schnur, the director of the Los Angeles Times poll and the head of U.S.C.’s Jesse M. Unruh Institute of Politics, said.





In the Sanders stump speech, and in his interactions with voters, there are clues to how he broke through with non-white votes. Immigration is now an issue of morality and workers' dignity; gone are the days when, in sync with some labor leaders, he said that only people like David and Charles Koch wanted "open borders." At a Thursday rally in Modesto, Sanders promised to legalize workers by executive order if Congress did not pass "comprehensive" reform.

"Today, there are 11 undocumented people in this country, and when you are a worker, and when you are undocumented, you get cheated and you get exploited every single day," he said. "What your employer can do to you if you are an undocumented worker is a disgrace."

One day earlier, at a forum for Asian American and Pacific Islander voters in Palo Alto, Sanders traded the microphone with activists who raised specific concerns about racism and job security. As he has long done at forums like this, Sanders pivoted with every answer to talk about the larger systemic problems with the country.

But that changed when one voter brought up immigration. She asked Sanders about the "two million plus" people deported under the Obama Administration, and about deportations to come. He started his answer with a story about his parents, immigrants from Poland. Then he described his visit to Friendship Park, along the U.S.-Mexican border, one of the events meant to penetrate Spanish-speaking media.

"Anyone been there?" he asked. "It's a beautiful park, right on the ocean. At that park, there is a fence - a very heavily screened fence - and as I understand it, on weekends, for a few hours, people from both sides of the border can get through the border and talk to each other."


Sanders sees these gains as evidence that early losses with nonwhite voters were tricks of the front-loaded Southern campaign schedule. In California, he proved that nonwhite voters could be won over if they simply learned who he was. In a telephone interview Thursday, he said his message is now resonating more with minority voters not because he's doing much differently but because of a greater familiarity with him.




Clinton Wins Puerto Rico, Puerto Wico Wins Much Needed Attention

With two days to go before Hillary Clinton likely secures the 2,383 delegates she needs to win the Democratic presidential nomination, voters in Puerto Rico handed Clinton a victory on Sunday. When the race was called by the major networks, Clinton was winning 64 percent of the vote to Sanders' 34 percent, and a likely majority of the territory's 60 pledged delegates.

On Tuesday, Democratic voters will go to the polls in six states, including delegate-rich California and New Jersey. Barring overwhelming victories for Sanders, the contests will ensure that Clinton wins both a majority of pledged delegates and a majority of overall delegates, assuming her support does not erode significantly among party-insider superdelegates.

But even if its vote won't change the outcome of the race, Puerto Rico was in the relatively rare position of playing more than a bit role in this year's election because of its colossal debt crisis. Candidates from both parties weighed in on whether the US government should allow the island to restructure debts under US bankruptcy laws. Puerto Rico's government, which owes more than $72 billion, has already defaulted three times on various debt payments.

Clinton and Sanders have different opinions on legislation that would help Puerto Rico restructure its debt but would also create a financial review board with oversight of the island's finances, harking back to the island's colonial roots. Clinton said she had "serious concerns" about the review board but urged swift passage. Sanders, on the other hand, said the bill would prioritize creditors over Puerto Rico's residents and encouraged other Democrats not to support it.




Why Supporters Continue To Show Up

Mr. Sanders’s chances of winning the Democratic presidential nomination have been fading since Hillary Clinton’s big win in April in New York. With her victory on Sunday in Puerto Rico, she stands only 28 delegates short of securing the nomination, and she is almost certain to clinch it on Tuesday when New Jersey, California and four other states hold primaries. But one would not know that from the enthusiastic throngs of supporters who still flock to hear him call for a transformation of America’s economy and for a political revolution.

Some are there in solidarity with his message, and others because they believe Mr. Sanders when he says, against the odds, that he can still snag the nomination at the party’s convention in July.

And then there are many who, regardless of their outlook on the race, are streaming in for what they believe may be their last glimpse of a political phenomenon.

Hafeez Alam, 26, a mechanical engineer from Irvine, said that his mother regretted not seeing Barack Obama in person in 2008, and that he was not going to have similar regrets.

“It’s kind of like you listen to your favorite band on YouTube and you watch their concerts and DVDs, but when you go to a live event, it’s a totally different experience,” Mr. Alam said last month at the Irvine rally.

Diana Modica let her children, Charlie Baldwin, 15, and Harriet Baldwin, 14, skip school to attend the Palo Alto rally last week. She said she was holding out hope that Mr. Sanders would win but also wanted to give her children a lesson in political participation. “The last time I saw a presidential candidate was Jesse Jackson in ’84 at Stanford, so you don’t get a lot of chances,” she said.

Asked why she went to see Mr. Sanders last month in her hometown, National City, Calif., Angelica Arroyo said it was like watching a “superstar.”

“I just feel like this is, like, for a bucket list,” said Ms. Arroyo, 21.




Sanders Speaks In San Diego

Bernie Sanders concluded a hurried day of campaigning Sunday by delivering a defiant rebuttal to the growing calls from some Democrats for him to drop out of the presidential race.

Rousing more than 4,000 supporters as the sun set over his rally near Qualcomm Stadium, Sanders signaled that he plans to fight on to the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia and is far from ready to cede the nomination to his rival, Hillary Clinton, who picked up more delegates in contests over weekend as she inched closer to clinching.

The sprawling and rebellious scene in Southern California captured the spirit of the Sanders campaign ahead of the primaries that will take place Tuesday here and in five other states. Instead of beginning to accept Clinton’s likely ascent, the Vermont senator and the people behind him are responding with simmering indignation about the forces they believe are aligned against him.

The sea of blue “Bernie” T-shirts roared as Sanders’s unfurled a rapid-fire riff on his perceived foes in the political realm and beyond: “corporate” news organizations, presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump, the “oligarchy” of billionaires.

“Any objective analyst of the current campaign understands that the energy and the grass-roots activism of this campaign is with us,” Sanders bellowed, putting an emphasis on that last word. “Not Hillary Clinton.”

My view is we have got to take on Wall Street, not take their money,” Sanders said as the crowd erupted, immediately following boos at the mention of her name.

Sanders’s volleys kept coming over the course of his 50-minute speech. He hit Clinton hard for not moving quickly in the past to support a $15 federal minimum wage. He dismissed her position on fracking and said that entire energy process must be banned in the United States.




What Americans Abroad Know About Bernie

As the prospect of Donald Trump in the White House moves from ludicrous to terrifying, it’s time to reconsider the electability question. Despite polls suggesting that Hillary Clinton is more likely to lose the general election than Bernie Sanders, her supporters routinely argue that Sanders’ program is too radically utopian to have a chance. Often a note of condescension is injected: Young people support Sanders because they want free stuff. Once his proposals are seriously considered, it’s argued, any adult will reject them out of hand.

Although countless analyses have been devoted to the demographics each candidate needs to win, one demographic has not been part of the national conversation. Sanders won the first global Democratic Party primary by a landslide — 69% of the vote — that the media hardly noted and never analyzed. Democrats Abroad, the overseas arm of the Democratic Party, organized the election, which took place in March, to represent citizens who live outside the U.S., a group the Democratic National Committee considers the 51st state.

Expatriate Democrats could choose to send primary election absentee ballots back to their home states, or they could participate in the global primary, which will send 21 delegates to the party convention in July. Ballots could be cast by fax, email or snail mail in the global primary, or at one of 104 polling places that were organized in cities from Lima to London. (Since I was traveling at the time, I faxed my ballot, but my daughter sent me a festive photo showing her feeling the Bern in Berlin.)

Of the 8 million Americans who live abroad, 34,700 participated in the global Democratic primary. Although the sampling is not huge, it’s considerably larger than that used for polls that play crucial roles in the electoral process. While we are wondering what drives young Latinas or older white men to support this or that candidate, we ought to consider why 69% of Democratic voters who live in 40 countries preferred Bernie Sanders.

The answer is quite simple: The Sanders proposals that may strike Americans who have never lived in other countries as impractical and outlandish are simply common sense elsewhere — especially in Canada and Western Europe, where the majority of Democrats Abroad voters live. Universal healthcare? The U.S. is the only developed country that lacks it. Family leave? While it is nice that San Francisco just mandated six weeks of paid leave for new parents, Germany mandates 14 months — 16 if both parents share the time spent at home. Free college tuition? Britain recently tripled its college tuition fees, though it’s still the case that a year at Oxford will cost you a fraction of a year at a middling American college. In the rest of Europe, free tuition, and interest-free loans for living expenses, are the rule.





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I can't stand going over there

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kharma's picture

Sanders all the way for me.

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There is nothing which I dread so much as a division of the republic into two great parties.. This...is to be dreaded as the greatest political evil under our Constitution.--John Adams

But as you can see, even with my early wake up I managed to screw it up still :). But I've learned my lessons for the next time!

Glad to be venturing into new territories!

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0 users have voted.

we've certainly been called that at t.o.p!

0 users have voted.

as far as crossposting, take a look at this little jewel of a Firefox extension. I use it all the time and I guarantee that once you learn how to use it you can copy and paste your diaries in just a matter of minutes. This little proggy is a miracle, Joe shikspack and I used it extensively putting together The Evening Blues series and it cut the production time at least in half.

Thanks again.

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kharma's picture

0 users have voted.

There is nothing which I dread so much as a division of the republic into two great parties.. This...is to be dreaded as the greatest political evil under our Constitution.--John Adams

and it lifts all the HTML, images, links, youtubes, everything. it takes a while to get used to but man, it's a time saver.

0 users have voted.

should have inquired about it sooner! I take all responsibility for that!

0 users have voted.

I'll certainly give that a shot when I get home! (stuck on IE with only half my features due to work restrictions at the moment)

0 users have voted.
JekyllnHyde's picture

My first experience with posting a long diary was this past Saturday when I posted my tribute to Muhammad Ali. It was certainly time-consuming as formatting the diary was tedious work. It's good information as, time permitting, I hope to post other such historical diaries here on c99% this summer.

LD - thank you for posting BNR over here. So long as Bernie's making noises this election season, I'll continue to rec and republish BNR (and all other Bernie Diaries) on DK, as I've tried to do over the past year. Our appreciation for all of your hard work.

0 users have voted.

A riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma

how to get the extension to copy the twitter/youtube url's? I managed to get the 'all links' but it didnt pick up twitter, etc. I r stupidz Smile

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enhydra lutris's picture

0 users have voted.

That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

Pluto's Republic's picture

But this is the first time I've seen one. It's an excellent production in every way.

Thank you for posting here.

0 users have voted.

Thank you for the C99% BNR.

Go Bernie!

0 users have voted.
kharma's picture

We appreciate your hard work. This battle doesn't end with Sanders--he's only a burst of momentum for what's got to come if mankind wants to continue to inhabit this planet.

0 users have voted.

There is nothing which I dread so much as a division of the republic into two great parties.. This...is to be dreaded as the greatest political evil under our Constitution.--John Adams

just a little time consuming. Bbefore dk5 it would have been a simple copy/paste. But now that they no longer show you a formatting screen with all your codes, etc... you cannot simply copy paste, but have to individually piece the entire thing together again with different embed codes, (which as we see here, did not work with the tweets). As I usually wake up at about 2:30 to 3am to put together the BNR before I have to leave for work by 5am... (and am often still at the computer at 5:30 struggling with the dkos format (why I stayed is another story we can get into someday... but basically to sum it up: using an established platform to poke the establishment in the eye each and everyday for a year!).. I don't then have time to crosspost to other sites (even my own bnr website!). I only manage to be here at the moment because I've snuck around the corporate overlords... except for the whole get to twitter thing.

0 users have voted.

extension I linked to above, it will solve all of that.

0 users have voted.

When it comes to a good deal of website creation, extensions, widgets, gidgets, gadgets, etc;I sometimes feel like Sarah Palin in a library.... completely at a loss for what to do!

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mimi's picture

I am just amazed about your work. Hard working good American guy. If there weren't some like you it would be much harder to go through all this campaigning mess.
Thanks a lot for posting here.

0 users have voted.
Lookout's picture

Thanks for posting here. I always enjoy the BNR. I'm hopeful for tomorrow after our disappointing weekend.


0 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

Shahryar's picture

with no mention of the superdelegates.

0 users have voted.

to find a single article that did not go with that count this morning and I could not find ONE. Not surprising I guess as theres a lot of money to be made from the personal/media wars between dems and trump or repubs and Clinton, while a Sanders presidency would actually force a focus on the issues, if not the media establishment itself.

0 users have voted.

It is so nice to see you here. Yahoo Yahoo Yahoo Yahoo Yahoo

0 users have voted.

"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon

Welcome, and thanks! Hope all is well.

0 users have voted.

One day away from 365 editions of the BNR, got the new site in the works, a wedding coming up, among some other big life events!

Hope all is well with you!

0 users have voted.
Lookout's picture

Using the Green papers http://www.thegreenpapers.com/P16/D-PU.phtml

Bernie has 1526 pledged delegates to $hillarys 1811...a 285 delegate gap. A steep climb, but as more email and foundation information gets out, the more likely the super-delegates will look our way (my guess anyway).

The real news has all their Bernie stories together at this link. It is an interesting look into time just reading headlines.

They also have all of Nader's breaking through power sessions from DC a couple of weeks ago archived.

And a final note...
I was looking for Steve D's peoples convention the day before the DNC in Philly

When I came across this: http://thepeoplesconvention.org/ an online effort. I'll do some homework and post what I learn in the Evening Blues.

0 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

Raggedy Ann's picture

up on Truthdig about storming the dem convention. Game on.

0 users have voted.

"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11

champagne corks in anticipation of 'winning the nomination' on Tues. night. It's just disgusting at TOP, but Obama on the national scene is chomping at the bit too.
Plus the MSM is reporting that Bernie's camp is 'divided' over whether to concede Tues. or not. That has to be complete bullshit, as Bernie keeps repeating that he'll got all the way to Philly. However, the next couple of days/weeks are going to be very hard for Bernie and all of us who support him.

0 users have voted.

"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin

prfb's picture

when The Media decides that you are OVER. I'm thinking of the famous "Dean scream".

Granted that Bernie has bucked a stiff tide of media indifference since the get-go, I think there will be a lot of citizens who may miss his personal resolution to continue when faced with a universal roaring din of "SHE'S WON IT!" and "Sanders who?"

And then, of course, expect an increase in "bad sport" and "sorehead" accusations. The Media has stamped you a loser; have the grace to disappear!

0 users have voted.
Shahryar's picture

"The Hillary Bark". Loop that, play it every 15 minutes, talk about it all day for two weeks about how unhinged she is. That would have some effect. But no.

0 users have voted.

some Dem establishment hacks are trying to convince Sanders to give up. That's the only division I saw. But we already knew that.

0 users have voted.
Raggedy Ann's picture

A million thanks, Liepar!

0 users have voted.

"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11

shaharazade's picture

It's so nice to read the BNR without going to GOS. I admire your hard work, fortitude and spunk as the BNR and the few lefty 'ideological purist's' writers left are the only redeeming value left there. I can't go there to read the writers I like anymore as teh stupid are on a ugly rampage. This primary has been an eye opener and we all got to see behind the curtain.

Go Bernie I hope the people in CA and everywhere on Tuesday turn out and vote for the 'political revolution' that's already started. Supper delegates Boooo! I Liked the CNN video with the moron of a shill vs. Cenk. Who believes the propaganda the establishment corporate media online and off catapult. Their one goal seems to be disenfranchising any voter who dares to not fall in line for the inevitable coronation. Fer god's sake don't get your hopes for a democratic election up. Thanks again LD for posting here at caucus99percent and thanks for your hard work creating the BNR.

0 users have voted.

Many thanks! If I could wish for a superpower it would be for the ability to be at all the places I want to be at the same time! Thanks everyone for the kind words/warm reception.

0 users have voted.

Thank you for all the work and intelligence you put into it! Yay!

0 users have voted.
featheredsprite's picture

For a while, I went "over there" to recommend BNR but it's just too stressful there. I've missed you and am very glad to have you here!


0 users have voted.

Life is strong. I'm weak, but Life is strong.

lunachickie's picture

Thanks for posting all this--I really, really appreciate the depth of reporting here....

0 users have voted.

Please do stick around.

0 users have voted.
Alex Ocana's picture

Thanks for bringing BNR here. It is going to save a lot of headaches trying to remember where I posted what.

0 users have voted.

From the Light House.

skod's picture

Excellent to see you here!

0 users have voted.

I've missed BNR....hope this is the start of a long & beautiful relationship!

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DesertRose's picture


0 users have voted.

Appreciate having the BNR on Caucus 99 ~ Yay!

0 users have voted.

great to see you here!

0 users have voted.

and everyone else for the kind words!

0 users have voted.
thanatokephaloides's picture

Give rose

0 users have voted.

"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar

"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides

QMS's picture

Your work is much appreciated. Fresh air!

0 users have voted.

Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare

Christine.MI's picture

sane, truthful, and awesome! Thanks for being here, LD!

0 users have voted.

I try to go over to DK to rec you and any other brave (foolish?) stalwarts who continue to post there. I make my recs and get out of Dodge,, I don't want to give DK the clicks. It's way too toxic over there,,,

Tomorrow will be a big day for us all,,, a lot riding on California.

Thank you for all you do!! xoxo

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Sandino's picture

Now that the MSM has pulled their call-it-early stunt a day before Tweety said they would, those primary voters most susceptible to swallowing that crap, and least informed, i.e. the hillaroids, will be able to just stay home and celebrate. I hope thousands in CA, NJ, ND, SD, MN, etc. do just that. It would be an excellent crowning example of the rake-stepping dynamic of the Clinton campaign.

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I've really missed your work since I left TOP and came here.

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