Political Flatulence
The calls for unity increase on the one hand and the attacks on the left gather steam on the other.
We are treated as spoilt children incapable of making rational decisions.
We are
- told to suck it up. we lost
- When we resist these wonderful arguments we are called racists and misogynists for good measure.
- We are told that they represent the least bad option
Now I have never registered as a Democrat and this last election has convinced me that that is never going to happen, in fact it has made me antagonistic towards their party. Their shtick may be less offensive, but it is still an integral part of a fundamentally undemocratic and corrupted system. I have seen no evidence of any real willingness from them or their party to change this situation. They are part of the problem, not the solution.
They don't even bother to ask for our votes anymore, they demand them, as if it is some form of god given right, if we dare refuse then we are at fault for their failures. If we condemn the failings of one of their candidates then we are aiding and abetting the enemy, our roll is to shut up and get with the program.
I have had enough of this guilt trip, if the Democratic Party cannot earn my vote, then it doesn't get it, full stop. Oh but you can change it from within! Well we have seen people who once were for pushing from within become those within pushing us out. Centrist Republicans have lost control of their Party and now it is long past time that Centrist Democrats lost theirs.
Some say the center is the safe ground, adult and conciliatory. Well I all can say that in my lifetime the centrists of both parties have hailed in a system of ever expanding inequality and rampant and legalized financial corruption. Even the ACA gave a never ending captive resource system to the private health care corporations. I am waiting for a bipartisan bill to privatize Social Security as a means of saving it. TTP and TTIP have bipartisan support no matter what they say during the free for all season. I am in no doubt that when they have finished screaming at each other, they will join hands and sell us to the highest bidder, or at least the one that gives them the most.
We live in an era of a carefully designed boom bust cycle and during each cycle it is the poorest that come off worse and though the rich may initially take a hit they come out richer and more powerful than before. The last cycle socialism worked unbelievably well for the very richest since it was the rest who who paid for their misdemeanors. What a system they have managed to put in place and every time we vote them back in, it gets worse for us.
This cant go on, every false promise is another missed opportunity and another nail in the coffin, if it takes a shock to end it then so be it, we have been subjected to the Shock Doctrine for so long now what is one more? The longer we play a part in the system the longer it will continue.
Yes, but, but
Fuck but, but

The other contradictory thing often repeated is:
1) Sanders is dangerously radical, and his ideas are pie in the sky, and dangerous, and radical.
2) Sanders and Clinton, and their supporters, share the same goals.
It's crazy shit, and it's amazing to see so many people repeat both these statements and never once feel the contradiction of their words. It makes me despair of humanity.
It's crazy shit alright and false to boot
It's not contradictory. You have to understand their mentality.
Sanders is dangerous to their power structure and their profit capabilities. Trying to involve the people already cost them, but they came through by pushing Obama to cave on his principles so that the majority of the American people would be excluded from the power and control they have garnered for themselves.
That's why they think Sanders is dangerous. He's giving people the idea that all is not lost. They successfully pushed a lot of people out already. They don;t want a resurgence from all the lesser people they've made irrelevant.
And of course they have to say this. Apples and Oranges have the same flavor and are produced by the same trees. The more they say it, the truer they make it, at least in their own minds, because if they can get people to vote against their best interests (just like Republicans), then they can further cement their power and control without the lesser and irrelevant people thinking they should have a say. The more people they fool into being useful silent idiots, the better off they are.
From their perspective, what you find crazy, is only rational and sane for purposes of running and controlling THEIR country.
Clintonian: the ability to expound upon two opposing views at
the same time whilst believing that both are viable
That's not just 'Clintons' or 'Clintonian'
Cognitive Dissonance is alive and well amongst many, Democrats, Republicans, Kossacks…the list goes on.
Cultural Cognitive Dissonance Syndrome
e.g. Exceptionalism
We are not, nor have we ever been - 'that city upon a hill'.
Yep. CCDS - Exceptionalism has always been rather disgusting to me.
Another sad part is, American 'culture' was already a joke, but to exceptionlize it as well is just ludicrous.
Most of American culture is corporate/business sponsored and approved holidays which reinforce consumerism and encourage expenditures in order to support prioritization of the wealth and business classes.
New Years, Valentines, Easter, Mother's Day, Father's Day (much lesser degree), Independence Day, Labor Day, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas. Commercialized for consumption.
I have written about the toxicity of exceptionalism many
Just FYI - Was not intended as accusatory.
Not taken as such, more an afirmation
Yes. Absolutely. Agree.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
I'm sure I have some other mental disorders.
Can you give me a diagnosis? I like free consultations!
Okay glad to help--remember advice is worth what you pay for it
Disclosure: I too suffer from many of the same maladies and cast no aspersions on others with the same or similar afflictions:
1. You are delusional if you believe the status quo will be anything but the status quo (absent an explosion) because "incrementalism" is a false mental concept
2. You are maniacal (as in bipolar disorder, mania, alternating with depression) if you think that anything good is likely to evolve from the political/moral morass in which we are encumbered.
3. You have attention deficit disorder, because you do not pay attention to the MSM, and can't keep track of the
bullshitfacts, spewed by them4. You have multiple personality disorder if you can reconcile the idea that "Bernie's and Hillary's positions are quite close to each other"
5. You have post traumatic stress disorder because the TV news shows, newspaper editorials etc. make you duck and cover plus you have become hyper vigilant to avoid being sucked into the maliciousness of our current system of "democracy". Plus you have "flashbacks" to a day when there really was more sanity in politics, then recoil in fear when you realize "that was then, and this is now".
6. You are pseudo-sociopathic because you think think that destroying the current order would be great fun (the reason this would be "pseudo" is probably you actually do have regard for the feelings of other people).
Please call me to set up an appointment for a more in-depth analysis because I have thirty boxes of old newspapers on my couch, which will require some time to clear off.
I knew it!
I knew people without degrees cold give me a psychological evaluation! It's like going to Jenny McCarthy for medical advice on vaccines
The Bard said it best
We can’t save the world by playing by the rules, because the rules have to be changed.
- Greta Thunberg
Yep, Clinton supporters are snakes
Hillary is the most progressive person in congress!
Hillary and Bernie voted the same way 93% of the time!
Bernie is dangerous radical!
Wait, wut?
What I love about that statistic is the refusal of
pundits, Pro and Am alike, to confront the reality that 90% (random number made up by me) of all votes cast by anybody in Congress are "show votes".
The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.
Or votes to adjourn or votes on the motion to vote on the motion
to proceed. Not to mention the motion to honor mothers on Mother's day, et cetera.
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
and the others like " we shall not bother working" and go on
vacation yet again, perhaps they could extend that to a 4 year break this time?
It's easier to go the other direction.
How important were the 7% they disagreed on?
What did honest serpents ever do to you?
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
I really am.
I've got sharp fangs and a rattle too. Makes me uber scary.
this is the one that gets me
this is the one that gets me by the throat. i can deal better with anti-bernie criticism if it is consistent and has some inner logic. throwing what ever comes to mind in the moment and hoping something will stick just annoys the bloody hell out of me.
Sore Loser!
Now I have to ask myself, why wouldn't any self-respecting progressive, who's in favor of a foreign policy based on negotiation and consensus building, as opposed to unilateral big-stick militarism, who's in favor of an even-handed approach to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, as opposed to uncritical embrace of the Israeli extreme right, who favors Medicare For All instead of the current broken and corrupt for-profit health care system, who favors meaningful regulation of Wall St., instead of a de facto policy of privatizing profits and socializing losses, who favors keeping decent paying jobs at home instead of shipping them overseas via "free trade" agreements, who - well I could go on, but you get the general drift - why oh why would someone on the "yea" side of all these issues not be perfectly willing to do a complete about face and embrace all the things they used to be against, and reject all the things they used to be for? Because, you know, party unity and everything.
Well, there's only one logical reason I can think of: Like I said before, sore losers!
Eat shit and die, motherfuckers. Oh, but before you do, be sure and stick around until Nov. 8th and vote for Hillary. 'Cuz underneath those trivial and superficial differences, at the end of the day we're all loyal and faithful Democrats after all.
inactive account
why oh fucking why
There is nothing which I dread so much as a division of the republic into two great parties.. This...is to be dreaded as the greatest political evil under our Constitution.--John Adams
Yer goddamned right I'm a sore loser!
After 30 years of Neoliberal economic and Neoconservative foreign policy ass-reamings "I'm sore as hell and not gonna bend over anymore!!!"
(With apologies to Howard Beale...)
I want my two dollars!
I'm not a sore loser, and I really resent being called
that by those fuckers over at TOP. I don't think we've lost. Doubtful Bernie will be the nominee. But he really did start a movement. All those bastards over at TOP keep talking about reality because they don't understand democracy. In a democracy, everyone chips in and then decides, together, how we want to spend our contributions. Do we want to go to war? Hell, no!! Do we want everyone to have access to health care when they need it? Absolutely!! And we continue to vote for what we want. Not what the lobbyists want us to want, because, in a democracy there's no reason for politicians to be bought. They're civil servants. Not money-grubbing SOBs only looking out for their own welfare.
So, regardless of what those bastards say, I'm not an idealistic dreamer. I'm a real Democrat. You know, the kind that believes in democracy.
Great post, mouselander.
I wish that I had more than one "thumbs up" to rec this. One of your best.
"Just call me Hillbilly Dem(exit)."
-H/T to Wavey Davey
The Great Politic
Why don't they just understand, what's the matter with them?
Don't despair, because actually you like it really.
Can't be sure
of course, but I believe Dapablo is speaking in the voice of the establishment.
The more people I meet, the more I love my cats.
I have had it with all that. Done, finito, c'est tout.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Been here before
This is starting to remind me a lot of 1968. I voted for Nixon after the Dems refused to modify the crazy stance on Vietnam. I would do it again.
My Dad used to say,
"Nixon being President wasn't nearly as disturbing as Nixon being elected President."
The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.
Humphrey finally did come out against the war
but the party did vote down the peace plank. The horror was recorded in my diary. I was fifteen.
On another note - damn. You voted for Nixon?
Twain Disciple
Hillary is to the right of Nixon
So I hope you have a few "Damn"s left for her voters!
When I was a kid, Republicans used to red scare people, now it's the Democrats. I am getting too damn old for this crap!
No fucking kidding!
Considerably to the right.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
I was about the same age
and politics was something on TV then. Until the Watergate hearings, such televised stuff would not be allowed now. That was when the sheets were first pulled off the nasty stuff for me. Totally blew off what happened in Chicago. And then ended up living a few islands away from where Abbie Hoffman hid in plain sight and started Save the River. Thus my handle.
Peace out.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Amongst the many bemusing developments in
American culture over the last decade, one of the most unpredictable to me has been that heterosexual anal intercourse became a trending fad. I am unaware whether a similar craze is raging through the lesbian community, via strap-on technology.
The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.
That whole subject will “peg” many people’s gross-out meter. n/t
And yet, the media buzz is that everyone's doing it.
The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.
In Solidarity with you Sister!
Even if some of my posts seem otherwise. We differ only in tactics, not goals! So far, I am only voting for one Democrat in Fall, my Congressperson, Tammy Duckworth, who is running for Senator. Although she was a protege of Rahm Emanuel, since her election to Congress she has won my vote for the following reasons:
1. She has answered my query on TPP with a written response that she was opposed and will vote against it.
2. She has been a firm supporter of postal workers. I am a former postal worker. She voted for me to keep my job, so she has earned a quid pro quo.
3. I hate Mark Kirk's guts. Like Hillary, he has falsely claimed to be in combat when he was, in fact, manning a desk in the Pentagon. Tammy, as nearly everyone knows, is a REAL combat veteran!
Unfortunately, her replacement is one of DWS' fake progressive shills.
And you KNOW that I wouldn't vote for HRC if she was running against Satan and my soul depended on it.
EDITTED for grammar.
EDIT 2: replacement not opponent
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
I'll vote for Peter Welch in VT again
If Bernie loses I hope he returns to being Independent.
Patrick Leahy generally OK sometimes he slips up, but VT is an odd State in this hell I liked Jim Jeffords [R then I] quite a lot. In a very small State they are closer to their constituents I suppose.
Everyone loved Jim Jeffords when he became an
independent. His move changed which party held the majority. He was a good man. May he RIP.
The three we have at federal level are pretty Independent
I wish they all would put an "I" after their name.
I wish they would put a (G) after their name to build the party
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
Middle of the road
I like Jim Hightower's statement: "The only things in the middle of the road are yellow lines and dead armadillos."
Can someone please get this shell off my back!
Shells on backs are good protection
and can be decorated to fit the vibe. I am "into" rings now, a chinese source, 0.99 on Amazon with $6.95 shipping from China. I do not have access to a Geiger counter (that would require driving and illegal parking) but I assume they are not radioactive. No green fingers, no Ni allergy.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Dem has-beens cause
A Mighty Wind.
from a reasonably stable genius.
Don't you mean "Dem has-BEANS", Bollox Ref?
After all, we're talking causing mighty winds here.....
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
Point taken thanatokephaliodes
I'm sticking with the DLC turdway types from the era of Melrose Place.
Lanny Davis and his Master and Mistress for example.
from a reasonably stable genius.
How can change happen from within....
... if the only role you can have is the one they give you to "STFU, fall in line, vote how we tell you to vote...???"
Does anyone remember the ending of Nineteen Eighty-Four? If you work from within to try to change things but never succeed because you are told it's not the right time to change anything ("We're in the beginning of a political campaign so we don't have time to impeach war criminals or investigate their lies and war crimes.) and besides which, you can't change things..., who becomes changed (at least after enough brainwashing)?
So..., who's ready to love Big Sister or Big Brother upon command? Or do you already love the Big Head on the Telescreen who tells you who to trust, who to believe, who to vote for, no matter what your conscience tells you...? (You do know the latest versions of flat screen televisions can turn on/off cameras and microphones from some remote location to monitor what you are watching and even what you are saying and doing, right? Telescreens are already here.)
[Here's where a Bernie supporter would tell me to go pound sand..., and..., a Hillbot would say (unconvincingly) that change can happen incrementally if we truly believe it can because the wizard behind the curtain says so, and for that piece of advice we all need to contribute to corporate profits and lose our money in Wall Street investments so they can add to their offshore accounts once the money laundering is done, and if nothing else, we should go to some foreign country and fight for corporate greed because it's the patriotic thing to do. It's complicated and we wouldn't understand so they're not going to explain it to us.]
I believe in an America where the separation of church and state is absolute ..., where no church or church school is granted any public funds or political preference. — President John F. Kennedy, Houston, TX, 12 September 1960
"Underneath the spreading Chestnut tree...
I sold you and you sold me."
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
It’s all a state secret, you see. Or secret ruling on secret law
by a secret court in secret session.
Due process — pffft.
Habeas corpus — pffft.
Trial by one’s peers — pffft.
Confront one’s accusers — pffft.
“We ought to double Guantanamo!”
— supposedly sane, moderate, devoutly Mormon Republican and savvy businessman Mitt Romney
How Bernie Has Changed Politics
Over at Salon: http://www.salon.com/2016/06/03/why_millennials_love_bernie_sanders_this...
The more things change . . .
"They'll say we're disturbing the peace, but there is no peace. What really bothers them is that we are disturbing the war." Howard Zinn
The DLC stole our Party.
$hit. The Democratic Party is OUR party.
The Party belongs to US and it is time we Occupied it.
The Clintons and their minions and the likes of Robert Rubin and Rahm Emmanuel have taken over what used to be our party and it is up to us to take it back.
OR we can leave the Name and the Banner and go Green. But if we have the stuff we will take back the Blue and make it BlueGreen.
Names are slippery things, we need to focus on POLICY not Personality or names.
150 years ago the Republican Party was the Progressive Party.
Lincoln believed that the Government should print the nations money in quantities that would support the deployment of resources, and the manufacture of goods. He also established the State Land Grant Universities., realizing that the real constraints on wealth are Resources, Labor and Knowledge. Lincoln was familar with the writings of Carl Marks.
After Lincoln's death, the ass hat economic predators wishing to cloak themselves in the ethical capitol of being the party who freed the slaves, inserted themselves into reconstruction in a way that left the South unreconstructed and much poorer, and subverted the Republican Party until Teddy Roosevelt snapped it back to its roots for about a minute, enacting labor and anti-trust law.
Under Union pressure, FDR made the Democratic Party what the Bull Moose Republican Party was under Teddy Roosevelt, and the reforms lasted for about 20 years until the Supreme Court inexplicably found that companies were not harmed by the Wall Street Market Makers who used their privilege of naked short selling to artificially drive the stock of an otherwise sound company down, did not harm the company, which reopened the Wall Street Casino behavior that had been tamed for a few decades, and the McCarthy Red Scare which effectively turned the country against the labor movement by projecting Communism and Socialism as necessarily being collectivist dictatorships, while ignoring that most rural development depended arguably collectivist efforts, on Co=Ops.
When we talk about Parties, we are actually talking about party organizations with a place on the ballot in enough states to win a national election. Some in positions of power will always try to make the government serve them to the detriment of the majority of the people.
We really need to spend some time developing a model of a system which is more resistant to exploitation and capture while being flexible and dynamic. Like maybe a constitutionally protected direct democracy and an initiative process .
Who is Carl Marks?
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
The creator of Duckburg and Uncle Scrooge?
Re: Reconstruction
The nascent Robber Barons and War Profiteers after the Civil War bought themselves a bloody shirt (i.e. - corrupted the party of Lincoln) because why buy a party that's broken and losing?
Which means they will now be drawn more to the cohesive party of Hillary rather than the broken party of Donald and the dunces.
It's Karl, not Carl.
I sucked it up.
I looked around and then found the most deserving recipient of projectiles.
I'm ignoring the theatrics. The convention will go forward. If there is a blatant declaration that a vote isn't necessary, I hope there's a riot on the floor and over half the delegates leave or throw the other half out..
My better than half will prevail.
No more bullshit.
No more fainting couch.
Muerte al fascismo. Muerte a la tiranía. colapso total de los que promueven tampoco. A la pared con el unico porciento%
I sucked it up.
I didn't hit the save button multiple times.
I didn't punch it on my laptop.
This duplicates crap and the inability to delete REPLIES has got to be fixed. I wish I had the mone to fix it.
Muerte al fascismo. Muerte a la tiranía. colapso total de los que promueven tampoco. A la pared con el unico porciento%
Don't Worry
I won't demand anything of you
"Now I have never registered as a Democrat"
Then you didn't vote for Bernie in a primary. That's part of the problem. People bitch and moan, but don't DO anything.
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
? Untrue and in Vermont we have open primaries
So please stop with the bullshit
Oh and btw Bernie got 86.1% of the vote
Hillary and Trump attracted about the same number of Vermonters below 20k each
Bernie got nearly 166k that is more than everyone else combined
IMHO somebody needs to
go back to Little Orange Footballs. They practice that kind of partisan incivility there, on each other, constantly.
Here we supposedly try to keep our disagreements relatively civil.
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
The best thing about democracy...
...is that you have the freedom to choose the leader that you have been ordered and instructed to choose. That's what makes it the best governmental system.