"Moggies for Moulah" - A Gentle c99 Fundraiser
By now just about everyone who lingers over these pages has read (and commented on) c99p's phenomenal success and growth. It's truly an amazing thing and a most hospitable locale to read and write. Well, with growth and maturity comes responsibility. Or so I've been told. Can't lay claim to the maturity part, but I've heard it enough times to take it as a truism.
While attempting to forestall maturity at all costs, I've nonetheless acquired an innate sense of responsibility. Some things just can't be helped, it seems. And so I've taken it upon myself to be c99's "beggar for bucks", "pleader for pesos", "digger for donations". Thems of youse whats happened upon my previous scribblings will also note that I generally contend with practical matters. My philosophical musings are just way too dark to sully these pages. This "essay" is no different.
Without further ado, I present "Moggies for Moulah". (There's a theme here. See if you can figure it out.)
The Chateau is home to six furballs - three of whom would, by all definitions, be considered normal. The other three are, charitably, peculiar.
JAVA aka Miss Congeniality. She spent the first seven years at the Chateau upstairs, never coming down to the ground floor. Perfectly happy to be by herself. "I'm the cat who walks by himself herself and all places are alike to me." - R.K. or "I vant to be alone." - Garbo.
Two years ago we had a major project done, finally. The Library. The constant activity disturbed her composure and her personal domain. She moved downstairs and never returned.
WHINEY is somewhat better adjusted, but has her own unique feature. She can only be petted when she wants to be petted and lets us know by letting off with a long and persistent yowl. We suspect she's part Siamese. This in itself wouldn't be so unusual except that she can only be petted (when she wants to be petted) in two locations in the house - on a little piece of carpet in front of one of the litter boxes, or in the guest room with her head stuck under the cedar chest.
These two are BONNY&CLYDE Bonny's on the right. They started life out as abandoned farm kittens. They were brought to us when you could hold both of them in one hand. Naturally we immediately lavished them with our typical slavish attention and they've thrived, no doubt thinking that Chateau des Chats is better than dying and going to heaven. They're inseparable. They eat together. They play together. They chase each other around the house (because the other cats are either too staid to run around, or too eccentric to join in on the fun.) They mostly sleep together too.
"I AM smiling, Fucker! Now leave me alone."
Clyde under the lamp. This is just about as relaxed as a moggie can get.
Did you figure out the theme yet? If you didn't it would be mean of me to prolong the suspense.
Moggies like to be warm. Moggies Looooooove to be warm. Their body temperature is 106°. That's why they wear fur coats all the time. Being as we (that includes AB) live in Chateau Igloo with The Norwegian, it's always chilly except under the lamps generously scattered about the house. The moggies appreciate it and show their appreciation by deigning to eat the food we provide without too much fuss.
The thing about lamps is... they run on electricity. And by a strange twist of fate, so does this blog, this haven, this oasis of tranquility and bonhomie, this refuge, this platform for c99ers to vent, to grow, to learn and to teach.
OK here comes the crunchy bit...
This site is People Powered -- Of the 99, by the 99, for the 99.
If you've donated before, thank you from myself and all the others who have donated. Thank you from JtC and Joe, and the rest of the moderators who made and make this place possible.
If you haven't donated yet, please consider that as the site grows its costs go up; consequently, more donations are going to be needed to keep pace if we don't want Teh Googles poking their ugly ads in here.
Donations don't have to be burdensome. Reach into the sofa for those coins between the cushions. Try to make whatever donation you're comfortable with a regular monthly or weekly donation so J&J can figure it into their income stream.
That's it. I'd sell pencils or apples but they don't email all that well.
Bonus Photo - AB, the Marsupial
"Naps are good."

As warm and generous as everyone here is...
...I knew a gentle fundraiser is all it would take to get everyone into the spirit of giving.
I also knew, given our readership, I'd never, ever have to use "pillowcase", "brick", "kittens" and "river" in the same sentence here.
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How nice of you, AB!
And the moogies are cute too. No moogies in our house, only pups.
Thank you!
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Thank you AB...
we here at caucus99percent greatly appreciate it. And thank you to all that have donated in the past and may donate in the future. We hope to keep c99p adless but as costs rise the temptation grows stronger. Please help us follow Bernie's lead of crowdsourcing for the cause.
Of the 99, by the 99, for the 99, indeed!
I need to pay "rent"
so I sent an email (I think I did) under the snail mail donation link request.
Again, thank you for this blog couch!
"Love One Another" ~ George Harrison
Oh shit...
yes you did and in all of the commotion the last couple of days, I forgot to get back to you. I'll do that now. Thanks Janet.
No worries
I came home and checked my files. Nuttin. None in spam, even. Heavens to mergatroid.
I'll be sticking around. No rush.
"Love One Another" ~ George Harrison
In the spirit of this post... here are some haiku-kittehs.
Mostly because I can't pass up an excuse to post photos of the Haikukitty Herd. So, yes, I'm using this post as an excuse to share pictures of the kids like I'm some crazy grandma pulling out her wallet photos. But I will pay for that privilege with a donation to C99. I'm doing a recurring $3/month, but that seems like it may not be enough.... I don't know!
Bubo - AKA Robot Kitty. She has Cerebellar Hyperplasia, so she walks like a little robotic kitten. She is also the house policecat and immediately gets into the middle of any spat, and smacks the crap out of both offenders.
Here she is - Bubo with Kitten Biscuit trying to get into the shot, since she can't stand any other cat getting attention:

Bubo - up close and personal:

Lily White, better known as YaYa, the ghostest with the most-est. She's a weirdo, and her tongue is always out like that.

We had a hurricane a few years ago, and somehow I ended up with this cat, due to someone's basement flooding? It sounds ridiculous, I'm pretty sure I was just suckered into taking someone's unwanted cat. But she sure is pretty:

Lucy Pee-oh-po:
And Oliver, looking pretty arrogant sleeping in my spot while I work (and post cat photos on the internet - that counts as work, right?).

OK, off to make my donation as penance for subjecting everyone to my gratuitous cat photos!
Edited:ugh... typos!
I saw little tongue!!
I have had (and may still) dogs who do that quite adorably. On a human? not good. On an animal? Adorable. We are picky beings.
I am negotiating with new pup. She's a terrier, I was prepared. But still in negotiations. I am weary of ankle-biting and hand slicing. My new tack is "Look at me!!!" Get your face off the ground. She is exhibiting earthdog features, but is happy to lick my face. we are in the dance.
Pretty kitties. I went to greys, but had several tabbies. My foster kitties are medium-haired, now off to destroy another house. My new pup seemed impressed in short visits to their turf. Not a kitty-chaser? No one bopped her yet.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Raising puppies is like raising toddlers...
Too much work! They're cute, but they take so much training! I wish you the best in getting through it.
At least kittens, though insane, don't have to be potty-trained.
My pup came potty-trained, to pellet litter.
She quickly detrained herself. No idea from me why. I had a few weeks of bliss, when she would hop into the box. Now I do "good girl!" and handclaps outside. I was told to just migrate the litter outside. Bzzt! Wood/paper pellets make nice expensive mulch.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Such pretties
and you, my dear, have a beautiful, loving heart.
Thanks for sharing your pooties with us.
"Love One Another" ~ George Harrison
No such thing as "gratuitous cat photos", Haiku.
Kittycats spread joy and tranquility. Even the goofy ones. Love is infectious. It overcomes a great many evils and turmoils.
I was on the phone with StevenD last week and invited him to stay at the Chateau for the Convention. He's coming to rouse the rabble. It turns out he's highly allergic to cats - anaphylactic reaction allergic. Never one to let circumstances stand in my way when I've set a goal, I'm housing him next door with my neighbor; a sort of off-the-cuff airBnB.
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Ohh, do you still have room at the Chateau,...
Now that you've kicked out Steven?
I'm hoping/planning to drive up for the convention! But beyond that, I haven't actually figured out any arrangements.
Yes, Haiku, There's Room.
If you don't mind sharing with one or two other folks.
It's a lot bigger than it looks, but it would be "camping style". We have an inflatable mattress. The Wisconsin-01 Delegation got first bibs. But we can manage if you're flexible.
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I have a sleeping bag. I'm not picky.
If you can arrange for a cat to sleep on me, I'll feel right at home.
Sleeping bag might not be a bad idea. [edit]
It'll no doubt be Polar conditions by that due to the air conditioning.
Don't forget the cat toupee so I recognize you.
I can hardly wait a whole bunch of hippies sleeping all over the floor. Just like old times.
You should know better than anyone the moggies will do as they please... but you can hope.
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Kittens are agents of entropy
My invasion of tiny wobbly fuzzies has grown to the thundering herd stage. Last week they were just pouncing on each other. Now they're chasing from one end of the house to the other, over, under, and through things, so everything goes flying.
I'm resigned to it because, in between, they walk up to me, make eye contact (at very close range), start to purr, and settle down on my chest. Hard to accomplish much that way, but you do get some nice cozy naps. And they're still beautiful.
Thanjs for this AB.
I gave a bit last week and will see if I can spring for some this week. This site is important to me.
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
Thanks, RA...
but I'm hoping to capture the imagination and attention of the 92% who read and never comment.
Donating shouldn't be stressful and come before putting food on your family, for instance. I see the same names again and again. Maybe our beloved lurkers (yes, we love you too) are helping keep the lights on. It would be wonderful if some of them stepped forward and shared of themselves too.
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I'll do a monthly donation
Therefore am waiting until after money day. I want a monthly coming out at beginning of month, not the end of it. Easier.
Hey That's Cool, Granma.
It's not about how much. It's about how many. Just like Bernie's millions of small donations.
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