
Lee Camp is a descendant of Robert E. Lee

"My family also descends from George Washington and John Marshall, the fourth chief justice of the Supreme Court. (The oligarchy was a rather small club back in the day.) And I, along with many other Lee descendants, say: Remove the statues."

Four Giant Reasons to Remove the Statues, From a Robert E. Lee Descendant

Be Afraid of What's Coming

I don't know if many of you are familiar with James Corbett and the Corbett report, but he is on top of things. I posted the video below in the Weekly Watch, but it deserves to be seen by everyone and passed to to everyone you know.

You cannot unhear this once you tune in.


The Weekly Watch

Making the Most of the Moment

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After last week's topic of homes, I began thinking the most important things in life aren't possessions nor a nice house. Being happy and fulfilled is more about our approach to life, living the life we want, rather than one we've been conditioned to create. Our most precious gift is our time. I know I often get lost in the day to day, and forget to enjoy the moment. Those halcyon days must be recognized to be appreciated, otherwise, the moment is lost.


Billionaires' Toys

(ggersh highlighted this in Friday's Evening Blues, but an expansion might be of interest.) The jumping off point is Gordog's essay at MOA: The Space Race Technical Facts ... While I have little interest in space travel matters, Gordog's clear explication made this interesting to me. It also compelled me to take a look at the news that I had been avoiding.

The Disillusionment of the Deplorables

ICYMI the excellent Twitter thread Azazello posted in last night’s EBs or don’t like reading tweets here it is in article form. It covers the Russia Gate scam and the 1/6 capital event and election shenanigans.

Really worth a read.

Early voting began last Wednesday in Ohio Cong. Dist. 11

where Nina Turner is running for Congress.

A heavy blanket seems to have descended on reporting about the special election, even at so called Progressive sites, which suggests to me that she might be doing rather well. She has been endorsed by Sen. Markey quite recently, the new Rising has a segment about that at YouTube, and by the Cleveland Plain Dealer.
