
Let one thing be made clear. Not all Ukrainians are Nazis.

Most of them are just like you and me. They simply want to survive in this hostile environment.

There is one significant problem that they are simply pawns (just like the rest of us). This chaotic situation is directly encompassed by the TPTB who want to control the world to their advantage. They are more willing to sacrifice the lives of Ukrainians and Russians in order to maintain the control of events.

The Weekly Watch

Blatant Bias and Hypocrisy

Open Thread image.jpg

The Ukrainian invasion, to my mind, is primarily due to the actions and inaction of NATO. I'm against all wars including this one, but it has become an excuse to morph Russiagate into Russiahate. As though the US doesn't have a long list of countries it has invaded and destroyed in the last twenty years....just a short list includes: Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Somalia, Yemen...not to mention the coups conducted all over the planet from Honduras to Ukraine in order to install puppet governments. Sorry folks but Ukraine is not a democracy...(from 2018)

If America’s successful February 2014 overthrow and replacement of Ukraine’s democratically elected neutralist Government doesn’t soon produce a world-ending nuclear war (World War III), then there will be historical accounts of that overthrow, and the accounts are already increasingly trending and consolidating toward a historical consensus that it was a coup — that it was imposed by “somebody from the new coalition” — i.e., that the termination of the then-existing democratic (though like all its predecessors, corrupt) Ukrainian Government, wasn’t authentically a ‘revolution’ such as the US Government has contended, and certainly wasn’t at all democratic, but was instead a coup (and a very bloody one, at that), and totally illegal (though backed by The West).

An Update: My Comment on the Toxicity of the mRNA COVID Vaccines

As a biomedical scientist who is double-vaxxed (and just got a flu shot), and who has published ten papers in the biomedical literature pertinent to COVID, I can tell you that it is abundantly OBVIOUS to anyone who looks objectively at the available data that the current COVID mRNA and DNA vaccines are EXTREMELY DANGEROUS. They cause cells throughout the body to make the COVID spike protein.

Album of the Week - 3-5-22 Updated

Afternoon folks!

This week I have a couple of playlists for you, another Legendary Blues Band album and most of a Kinks album. Youtube seems to be allowing me to upload smaller amounts every time I try these days, not even a complete album anymore. I'll try to add the last two cuts of the Kinks album Saturday evening.

I added the last 2 tracks to the Kinks album and I managed to upload most of a John Lee Hooker album that features duets with Carlos Santana, Bonnie Raitt, Canned Heat, Los Lobos and others.


Repeat of a piece written in 2017

This is what I wrote in 2017, about US propaganda and the Russian "hack". I described a Ukrainian connection back then, which may help some to understand our current circumstances. One prediction I made back then would be that we'd be in a war in Ukraine within a year. I was wrong. It took five years:

The okeydoke that Americans were supposed to get

Submitted by Bob In Portland on Sun, 04/02/2017 - 4:42pm

Welcome to Saturday's Potluck - 3-5-2022

“Learn the rules like a pro, so you can break them like an artist.”
Pablo Picasso

Complicated week - war, supply chains disruptions, propaganda overload might need some low cost comfort food popularized before the last World War before this is over.

The recipe.
