Monopoly, It's Not Just a Game
Submitted by JtC on Sat, 08/20/2022 - 1:21pm
Folks, please take an hour of your time to view this. I know everyone says that about videos they want folks to watch but I do heartily suggest that you take a look at this one.
I'm interested in what you think about this presentation either pro or con. Tell us where you think it is right or wrong.
I'm hoping it strikes a meaningful discussion.

Did you collect your $200...
when you passed GO?
I don't usually promote videos unless they're of the musical variety, but I want to see what you all think about this.
My apologies to anyone who may have already posted this here. If you did I admit I missed it.
I am impressed that
he used only original source.
I do not view this as an opinion piece.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Only 1/2 of the penny
At 57:50, the narrator states that the Great Reset and New World Order have been tested in every Communist dictatorship in the world. He needs to mention these conditions have been tested in every Fascist dictatorship, as well. Same coin, just 2-sided.
My wife...
made the same observation, almost verbatim.
That was his only misspeak, in my opinion.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
I would say that the aspects of this New World Order
has never gained traction in Communist countries. This proposed New World Order is actually fascistic - a unholy seamless marriage between corporation and government.
"You will own nothing and be happy." That won't fly in China and Russia. Home ownership in both countries is almost 90% compared to 65% in the US. Both of these countries are pushing back vigorously and offering a Multi-polar World Order which has been gaining momentum in the non-aligned countries.
I think the author still carries the deeply ingrained propaganda taught in the west from childhood since the 1950's.
U.S. Homeownership History
homeownership averaged 45% (going back to 1891). There was a fairly steady increase of homeownership, reaching 65.6% until Reagan, when ownership started decreasing. Under Clinton and Bush's housing bubbles, rates reached 69.2%. After the big housing bubble, homeownership dipped below 63%. Now we are in another housing bubble, but homeownership is beginning to fall. I think this housing bubble/mess is different from the one that resulted in the 2008 crisis. Unless economic policies change, we could get back to the homeownership rates of pre-FDR.
Until FDR's New Deal policies were implemented,The final end game of the WEF is to reduce
the world's population to approximately 500 thousand to 1 million controlled by a one-world government. This was nearly accomplished with the downfall of the USSR in 1991. Fortunately, China and Russia did not agree to this plan.
“You’ll own nothing and be happy”
Here's what I wonder about that statement. Who gets to be in the big club and who will own nothing. Where will that division fall? Does everyone give up their wealth, even millionaires and billionaires?
That statement "own nothing" will
only pertain to the physical goods that require the world's resources to produce. One's access to these goods will be by rental. The 'elites' own shares in the corporations that will manufacture and rent these goods so they will profit.
It is meant to de-industrialize the economy to prevent further degradation of the environment. Of course, if you have a high enough income, you can 'rent' a luxury car, a yacht or an airplane and even take out a 99 year 'rental' on a suitable mansion on a nice island.
It also serves as a form of permanent control. Just try and rent a car (or even an apartment) w/o valid credit/bank card.
My warped mind made me think of this video.
Very informative
My comment to you is:
Which Side (of the new line) Are You On?
Which Side Are You On....
The Gates foundation used to admit that
It should be obvious to everyone that the globalists are crashing many economies around the world including America which started many decades ago when our jobs and factories were offshored and our wages haven’t kept up with the cost of living. The minimum wage has been set at $7.25 since before Obama was elected. Democrats had the chance to raise it finally but president Manchin vetoed the bill. As you see in my essay he vetoed anything that would have helped us and everything went to the already obscenely rich and corporations. Democrats still get credit for cutting the pope’s poverty rate in half, but they rescinded it a year ago. But why only in half when there’s plenty of money to cut it all the way?
Putin came right out and said that Biden has declared economic war on Europe and it’s true. Germany and the UK economies are in dire straits and many people are going to starve or freeze to death this winter unless they get some help.
The UK is or has been trashing their health care system for decades and are going to crash it even harder with the new cuts that are coming. Tuss is all in favor of doing it.
Excellent article and I didn’t vote for any of the people trying to change my world did you? I think it’s treason how our government has abdicated its duty to we the people and have been souly working for their donors.
BTW China just canceled the debt of 17 countries. We have no idea how many countries we have indebted through the IMF and I doubt that America will ever cancel their debts. We create the problems and then loan countries money and all they have to do is put the citizens on an austerity program and privatize their industries so that global corporations can take their resources.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Interesting about Wells
Ok, now I remember.
Leftie that I am, I didn't feel shocked that the video did mention a Nazi war criminal participating in The Great Reset planning. In other words, I took a "no shit!" attitude toward that info, then winced at the communist remark.
Ok. He was even handed, now that I think about it.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
A pyramid of corporations...
puppet mastered by the foundation owning elites. Sounds about right.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
I hadn't realized that
My question, "Will the rich still be considered rich when money is worthless?"
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
After a certain amount
actual money is of no intrinsic value. The real value is in the power and control that it can provide.
They own one another... a tapestry or web of collusion. I hadn't put the idea together that foundations were so involved in the scheme.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
I knew the Gates Foundation was intimately involved,
Hoo Boy!
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
And in every one of the companies you will find
Blackrock at the top. Anyone know how much money the Rothschilds own? Of course not because it’s verboten to tell us.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
And Vanguard.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Redundant but I hadn’t watched it yet
YouTube doesn’t show up on my phone for some reason. I did know how powerful the Clinton foundation was because when Obama told Hillary to stop being so blatant with her pay to play during her tenure she told him to pound sand. Almost every government in the world was donating to their foundation and many were doing it against their will and still doing it after she left. Others switched to McCain’s foundation until he fled from the world and I’m guessing that Obama’s foundation has quickly moved up the ranks.
Foundations are just a way for the rich to not pay taxes and who remembers when congress broke up monopolies? Just like the military doesn’t protect our freedoms, congress doesn’t protect us from the parasite class and boy is that aptly named? Congress and the feds create money to give to the rich who then buy back their own stock to pay themselves and their shareholders. It’s a big effing club that we can’t even see who’s in it.
Great video. How’d you find it?
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Yes, my question too.
Thanks JtC For providing this video.
It was time well spent watching it.
It makes it easy to tie unto ongoing world events such as the war in Ukraine and the Dutch farmers to name a few.
We all have been painted into a corner,
the engine of production, capitalism, has effectively squandered the possibility of finding a sustainable relationship between the human population and the rest of the life forms on the planet by rapacious consumption of natural resources and ignoring the reciprocal nature and balance of the natural world.
These wounds in the web of life on this planet can not be healed so long as we continue with our outsized human presence, which continues growing. The WEF solution is totalitarian control and culling the human herd. I do not see this as a viable solution, primarily because it fails to address the destructive nature of the avarice capitalism embodies as well as its complete disregard for the reciprocal order of the natural world.
If there is to be a solution to our current conundrum, it must of needs come from an impulse of mutual benefit, not dominion. It must arise from love and respect for each other and all life forms. But it must also acknowledge the inescapable reality that there are already far to many humans on the planet to support our collective lifestyle. Perhaps with a combination of consuming less and procreating less we can find a more sustainable future.
“The story around the world gives a silent testimony:
— The Beresovka mammoth, frozen in mud, with buttercups in his mouth…..”
The Adam and Eve Story, Chan Thomas 1963
Hi all,
Just in case others have my experience...
I've nothing to add, since I do not see anything in the OP. No video, no link, just the text. Obviously others are seeing it. I presume it is my adblock or something, but it may be that others might not be seeing it as well.
We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.
Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.
both - Albert Einstein
Working here
Which vid? The one at the top named Monopoly? It's a rumble.
hope that helps.
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
grazie mille
We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.
Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.
both - Albert Einstein
It doesn’t show up on my phone either
But you can watch it on YouTube. The title is: monopoly who owns the world. But it’s age restricted there so you have to register. Age restricted because google doesn’t want people to know the information?
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
I posted...
the rumble version because you have to jump through some hoops to view it at youtube. If you still have probs after QMS' and snoop's advice let me know.
It probably is an issue with AdBlock or NoScript if you run that as well. NoScript will block it if you haven't whitelisted it.
thanks !
We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.
Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.
both - Albert Einstein
The video is good
Methodical, calm, detailed, in many ways un-judgemental. I know the author alludes to other videos, but I feel the threat is greater, and more opaque. The amassing of personal information and the inserting of corporations in education and healthcare (beyond covid), and actually all our basic needs is hard to fight, or even conceive of. How long have these entities been recording everything sent over the internet? All that text, all those cameras. What is the threat assessment already assigned to us by some AI. We'll probably never know. After Assange and Snowden that door is locked for good.
Hola JtC, good video and good information and documentation
on who directly and indirectly owns everything and on how it all interlocks. Not so crazy about his "tested in every communist country" bit (like many others) in part because I'm not sure it is even meaningful can it be proved, can it be disproved, can we even define what a communist country is, etc.
I personally don't go along with the attempt to imply that the covid-19 outbreak was all part of a plot - evidence is a bit thin. Iy you wargame a nuke attack on the US you obviously limit the foes to nuclear nations, with enough power to try it, and some sort of sufficient grievance or causus belli. If you wargame a massive viral outbreak you probably will go with some member of the coronavirus family because they are multitudinous and arguably common, known to mutate and jump species, etc., and you will probably source it to China because historically a lot of them have come from there; so the existence of such a wargame isn't really the big red flag he seems to be trying to imply it is.
All the same, the video needs to be widely disseminated IMHO, and I intend to forward it as soon as I figure out how (I have no clue how to embed a rumble in anything, let alone an e-mail).
be well and have a good one
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Thanks for your input el...
to embed the rumble video go here:
Right below the video is an "Embed" button. Click it and then copy and paste the javascript or iframe code (there's a little arrow that will allow you to select from the two options) into whatever app you'll be using, whether it's email or whatever.
Or you can just send the link to the rumble video I posted in this comment and let your friends go to rumble and view it from there.
Here's that link again:
It's remarkable
how all-encompassing the monopoly is. It looks as if a very few own everything. George Carlin was wrong, it's not a big club. It's a very very small club. It's tiny, microscopic. Carlin was right though about the fact that "you (meaning just about everyone) ain't in it.
On the other hand, ninety-nine point nine percent is a large percentage.
edited to ad TY for the video, it's a good one.