
Hellraisers Journal: No Bloodshed as Clifton-Morenci Strike Ends-"Most Remarkable Strike in History"

You ought to be out raising hell. This is the fighting age.
Put on your fighting clothes.
-Mother Jones

Monday February 7, 1916
From the Chicago Day Book: Clifton-Morenci Strike in Arizona Is Settled

From Day Book of February 4th:


Clifton Morenci Strike of 1915, WFM local & national leaders, .png
National & local leaders of the Western Federation of Miners.
Back row, 2nd & 3rd from left: Charles Moyer-WFM President,
& Henry McCluskey-Organizer for Miami Local 70.
Front row from left, John Murray, Canuto Vargas, Pascual Vargas, Luis Soto.

Open Thread Sunday 02-07-16

Good morning 99percenters!
Sunday morning news dump and music by Dan Hicks and His Hot Licks --RIP Dan Hicks.

Pentagon Releases 200 Photos of Bush-Era Prisoner Abuse, Thousands Kept Secret
'What the photos that the government has suppressed would show is that abuse was so widespread that it could only have resulted from policy or a climate calculated to foster abuse.'

The Pentagon on Friday was forced to release nearly 200 photographs of bruises, lacerations, and other injuries inflicted on prisoners presumably by U.S. military personnel in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Hellraisers Journal: Not a Crime to Murder a Union Organizer under Colorado's "Justice" System

Pray for the dead and fight like hell for the living.
-Mother Jones

Sunday February 6, 1916
From the United Mine Workers Journal: John M. O'Neil on Colorado Justice

From the Journal of February 3rd:

The Triumph of Law and Order"

(By John M. O'Neil.)
Gerald Lippiatt.jpg
Gerald Lippiatt (Center), Union Organizer & Martyr

Nearly all the daily journals of the State of Colorado have frequently attempted to defend the fair name of the State and have declared that it was only the pen of the muck-raker that has traduced the reputation of a commonwealth whose people believed in the majesty of the law. The "kept press" has howled with indignation when men, permeated with the spirit of justice, have raised their voice in denunciation of wrong garbed in the veneer of law and order.

Open Secret 02/06/16

Our laws are not generally known; they are kept secret by the small group of nobles who rule us. We are convinced that these ancient laws are scrupulously administered; nevertheless it is an extremely painful thing to be ruled by laws that one does not know. I am not thinking of possible discrepancies that may arise in the interpretation of the laws, or of the disadvantages involved when only a few and not the whole people are allowed to have a say in their interpretation.

Or here's another outcome:

Clinton wins by cornering the market on superdelegates, Sanders concedes, and the Sanderistas decide that "real" socialism isn't worth their time because the "real" socialists, i.e. the sectarians, are too hung up on doctrinal purity. Maybe they'll vote for Clinton or maybe they'll write in Sanders or maybe they'll stay home or something like that.

"Another case of the governor not following the law"

Gov. Paul LePage has ordered the Maine Human Rights Commission and state's the Department of Education to cease issuing rules protecting transgender students.

Schools instead are being given guidelines that lack the force of law.

LePage spokeswoman Adrienne Bennett said LePage has read the court decision and believes it requires the Legislature to take action, and that new rules are not required.

Hellraisers Journal: Gunthug Walter Belk Acquitted of Murder of UMWA Organizer Gerald Lippiatt

Pray for the dead and fight like hell for the living.
-Mother Jones

Saturday February 5, 1916
From the United Mine Workers Journal: Imported Gunthug Walter Belk Acquitted

From the Journal of February 3rd:

Justice Ravished

Gerald Lippiatt.jpg
Organizer Gerald Lippiatt, Center

In our last issue, commenting on the action of the miners' convention in pledging moral and financial support to the miners whom the men in power in the State of Colorado are attempting to condemn to felons' cells for daring to resist the oppression of the economic masters and their henchmen, their hired armies, we remarked that the counties of that State where the coal mines are located "were not ruled, but terrorized."

In the last week we have had further proof of the truth of that statement.

Walter Belk, imported from West Virginia to Colorado and there employed because of his reputation as a mankiller who could be depended upon to use his ready gun any time in the service of those who would pay him his price, was acquitted, on the instruction of the judge on the bench to the jury, of the charge of killing Gerald Lippiatt, union organizer, on the streets of Trinidad just before the opening of the strike in Southern Colorado in the fall of 1913.
