
Finally, MSM Gets the Underlying Issue of the Clinton Email Scandal

It's been a long time coming. Since the Clinton email scandal broke almost a year ago, most of the discussion has been sunk in the weeds of "others did it!" "nothingburger!" "Benghazi political bonus point!" "over-classification!" "she said she was sorry!" "beat dead horses much?" etc.

How Clinton, Kos, and the rest of the Triumphalists are Yet Again Throwing Wisconsin to the Wolves

April 5th is Presidential Primary day in Wisconsin.

It is also, however, election day for judicial offices across the state. Most significantly, Wisconsinites will be electing a State Supreme Court judge to a 10-year term.

"Other Factors"

I just caught part of the Rachel Maddow, Bernie Sanders interview. Rachel was pushing Bernie hard to get him to suggest that he would fight to get super delegates to come over to his side, even if he came up somewhat short on pledged delegates. Bernie wouldn't go that far, at least not using that language. But he did say that there could be some "other factors" that could influence the outcome.
