Take the Blue Pill‽ Take the Red Pill‽
A death by a thousand cuts splashed with salt water would be more pleasant than reading one more "acceptable" article at Daily Kos.
If you attempt to explain how Bernie's proposed agenda benefits demographic [X] you are accused of [X]plaining. And if demographic [X] happens to be an oppressed demographic, you (regardless of your actual circumstances and/or credentials) obviously are privileged and have no understanding of demographic [X]'s circumstances.
If you point out that demographic [Y] will not be voting for Hillary in the general election, you are told that demographic [Y]'s circumstances obviously prevent demographic [Y] from understanding the greatness of Hillary. And, obviously you (along with demographic [Y]) are privileged and have no understanding of the important issues.
Unless it's pro-Hillary through and through your article is fatally flawed and completely unmutual. My head hurts . . . it is becoming increasingly clear . . . I am not now nor have I ever been . . . a Democrat. The prerequisite mental gymnastics are too tortured for my taste.
I laughed! If you are not privileged and have no understanding,
they'll throw some other mischaracterization at you. I tried to discuss w/ Brooklyn Badboy yesterday, and the response: You liberal.
It's terrible! I'm a liberal! Arrgghh!!
Actually, I'm proud to be a liberal, although I think of myself as more of a progressive. But tomayto, tomahto. I told him that he and I agree on many issues, so anything he calls me is also partly true of him.
I've taken to posting a lot of pooties and doggies. Even when they're not necessarily called for. A Hill person or two will laugh and rec, while the ones with no senses of humor tear their hair out because I'm not being Oh. So. Serious. about such important matters as anointing Her Ladyship.
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Liberal as a negative epithet?
Seriously, fuck Brooklyn Badboy and anybody like him. Who the hell on the left uses the word liberal as a slur? That's some right-wing bullshit right here.
'Progressive' is a DLC-coined term--I posted the video
of Al From (from C-Span) defining progressive, and how he and his fellow DLC 'insurgents' took over the Dem Party from the liberal wing.
So, if BBB is a Clinton supporter, I can see why he would think that way. (Not that I agree with it!)
Chris Hedges, Journalist/Author/Activist, Truthdig, 9/20/2015
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
I use them interchangeably.
The DLC was never progressive to begin with. I understand that the DLC decided that it was okay for "liberal" to remain a snarl word, and to get Democrats to fight against other Democrats.
I agree, Ravensword. Of course, From would argue
that he/the DLC 'redefined' the word progressive. And to some extent, he's correct. The organization was anything but progressive or liberal, as 'I' would define it.
But, clearly, they managed [for decades] to control the levers of power of the Dem Party.
Hey, we're in agreement, I think. Was just trying to present the 'Elites' perspective.
Chris Hedges, Journalist/Author/Activist, Truthdig, 9/20/2015
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
I think From needs to go back to where he came from.
The DLC just turned the Democratic Party into a centrist party. Not really progressive, if you ask me. And we all go the short end of the stick b/c we're not even a radical centrist party. The Democratic Party caters to elites, mostly.
I am done with the democrats too
I'm thinking of changing my registration to independent just to show how the corruption is shrinking the party. On the other hand I want to be able to support any candidate that primaries our super delegates. But realistically our incumbent reps are never beaten, they only retire or go after higher positions. Every one of our national house members in the Maine Democrat party has used the position as a stepping stone instead of doing their job and getting better at it. If the governorship or senate seat becomes available they are gone and often don't attain what they run for. Our rep Chellie Pingree jumped right into the fray when Olympia Snowe gave up her senate seat. But when ex governor angus King decided he wanted it as an independent Pingree backed out but now it's plain to see how seriously she takes her house seat.
“The longer we dwell on our misfortunes, the greater is their power to harm us”
― Voltaire
Yesterday Was Pretty Much the End for Me, Too.
First, this person who had been banned was back, spreading her BS and smears. Then someone wrote a poem, which seemed Pro-Bernie is some ways, but quite the opposite in other ways. The title was something along the lines of "God Forbid an Old White Jew Would Speak about Blacks, Women, and Poverty". The work seemed to be based on words, thoughts, or feelings of Bernie or maybe the writer, but several lines were about accepting white guilt. I was not comfortable with this nuance of Jewish people being tied to white guilt for slavery, and one line even said something about hatred of ancestors for what they had done or something along those lines.
It is one of the few times in the last few days that I was tempted to actually log in and say something. Comments talked about Bernie, but it was a big blank about the whole idea that someone Jewish people might not be a good fit for this kind of guilt.
I am currently preparing a research paper on Staro Sajmiste Logor, one of the less known death camps, so maybe I just flipped out too much. However, they also had some previously banned person back on there lecturing and this person is a bit AS in my opinion.
Along with this narrative of sexism and racism, I am growing very uncomfortable with the way the Jewish people are somehow being positioned or at least what is being done to Bernie. It is not as if I am not also very critical of current Israel policy towards the Palestinians. However, this particular diary just went over the top for me.
It gets on my nerves, and you know how I am about my nerves...
Exactly, it is simple trolling!
Same topic, slightly different point, then in reply to my criticism the perpetrator stated, "I was just asking a question." This behavior is acceptable if you are framing Bernie supporters as ignorant. That's becoming, over there, the general tone that brooks no argument.
Oops, that last sentence flowed, because I used to wile away the hours browsing through the OED at our local tiny Carnegie Library.
WHY!!!! ????
WHY is ANYONE still subjecting themselves to that hateful place? It is no longer what any of us thought it was... the curtains have been pulled open and the man behind the controls has been exposed for the FRAUD that he truly is...
We were betrayed.... Many of us HURT.... IMO, it is not healthy to keep going over there and allowing those people to abuse us....just stop, please... stop doing that to yourselves... let it go...
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First Nations News
I have reached that point, too
For me, the intervals between peeking over there are getting longer and longer. I do step over if someone here references a diary that needs some recs, but frankly am getting less and less interested in even showing that kind of support. When I do visit, I am shocked at how weak the writing is and I veer away from comments.
I feel sorry for the people who have been using the site to talk about climate issues--seems like a lot of eyeballs so I can see why they continue but it's pretty sad.
If people still feel a connection there and still want to participate, I think that is their decision. And it's okay to point out that this may be unhealthy, at the same time. We can discuss these things. Sometimes I just wish people would stop wingeing about it all but each person has to do their breaking up in their own way, at their own speed.
I have come to feel rather cold-hearted and disgusted by TOP, ready to move on.
I have been back once,
yesterday to look for something in the past. I didn't even look at anything else. And then I logged out and left. I seriously doubt that I will ever go back. There just isn't anything there for me any more. Even those still trying to support Bernie...I feel kind of sorry for them. They are yelling into an intellectual vacuum. Wasting their talent, time and emotional strength.
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First Nations News
I missed my opportunity to say what I think about naming
another party: not Green (too much marginalization is automatic); not Democratic ('nuf said); others....well?
I vote for Independant _________ Party. Lots of folks would ID with "i (I)ndependant because at this point they are fed up with both parties.
You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again you did not know. ~ William Wiberforce
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Origins of War
Just a few minutes ago, my wife was reading Science News and she commented on a short piece concerning origin of war. Jane Goodall documented that some "lesser" primates have wars. Most times when we form groups, we define an us versus them dichotomy. I really don't like that atmosphere, and am more inclined to open free-for-all process-of-elimination direct democracy elections.
There, simply put, must be a better way that is attainable within a short time. I am fed up with the "we can't do that, it's too idealistic" group (that would be Democrats, to the kid in the way far back of the room).
I like Independent...
Independent Peoples Party or even just the Independent Party.
Clintonista-style special pleading.