
Caregiving: Stress and Burnout

"Be careful. There is now a diagnosis for Caregiver Fatigue." (It is also referred to as Caregiver Stress Symptom.) My Doctor told me this as I was back for another infection. One thing that is rarely considered when a person becomes a caregiver is the stress that this situation causes. I became caregiver to both my Mom and now my brother Reid because of necessity.

Help me out on this, How bad is Garland?

Wall Streeter told Michael Hudson that Wall Street presented a front of being enraged at Obama, even as he structured programs to vastly enrich them via qualitative easing (1)
And he said that as long as Wall Street denounced Obama as a slimy dictator/communist etc that Obama could do what they wanted him to do.

Openly Eccentric - Open Thread 4/3/2016

So today I figured I'd share a bit of my Stand-up Material... Yeah, I do it, but not often, and usually only when I get a babysitter and open mic night to line up properly...

So, I present you, The ABC routine:

There's an old saying "It will be a great day when the schools get all the funding they need and the Army has to hold a bake sale to buy a bomber."

You ever stop and think what that would actually look like?

Midnight Mulling - Random vs Random v2

To start, a horoscope! Or, an horoscope!

Freedom is a key aspect of life today, (sign name). You might find that your brain wants to break free and pursue more independent ways of thinking. Don't worry if such ways of thinking lead you into unknown territory. This is a sign that this is probably where you need to be. Your witty banter could take a sudden twist that surprises both you and the people you're talking to.

When starting a political blog for scotch drinkers,

Do we call it Saloon?

For those folks blindly, almost religiously devoted to a horribly flawed, graft, grift, and grime based democratic candidate, should we call it Our Daily Cross?

If we all want to succeed and Win Win Win like Trumps promises us to, should we not rename this place caucus1percent?

My Back Pages - Can the US political system deal with climate change?

This was originally published back in November 2014. While some big things have changed in the political landscape since then, a lot of the conditions described are still current. To my mind, there is a big question as to whether the political order, even if there is a change in leadership, can work out the problem of dealing with the powerful forces holding up action to mitigate climate change. Looking ahead, regardless of the outcome of the nearing election, it looks like the people are going to have to lead on this issue or look for a "Planet B."

The American "system" has been a bit tardy in its response to climate change.

Nevada's Humboldt County Democratic Convention - a participant review

So, Humboldt County has a population of around 14,000, and went about 70% for Romney. There are some Democrats and left-leaning to leftist independents around though, and we're pretty strong for Bernie. Our caucuses elected 53 Bernie delegates and 27 for the other Democratic candidate. I've never caucused before, nor have I attended a party convention, so what follows are my first impressions of the process.
