Saturday Open Thread 5/11/24: Odds and Ends

Good morning, good people!
I hope everyone is doing well, or even doing FANTASTIC!
I had this question about definitions, or even words, with my Dear One, a transplanted Texan.
We were looking at flooded roads and ditches, and I asked him, "Do you call ditches beside a highway "bar ditches?" He had never heard the term, and that is the only term I have heard them called in my life.
Another friend from many years ago was from Boston. She was my next door neighbor while we both lived in Houston. I mentioned I needed to locate a washateria. She had no idea what I was talking about, and slid into this lecture about how I was a sort of hillbilly making words up, and that I was really talking about a laundromat. About that time, on a busy street in west Houston, I saw a sign, pulled into the parking lot. The sign at the business said, "Westheimer Washateria". She didn't apologize, but did shut up.
Next up, is nit flies. Tiny. Not gnats, but tiny flies. If I came to your state and complained about nit flies, would you even know wtf I was talking about?
Not to mention, I just might not be talking on a "sale phone", even though it might sound that way if I described it. Dialect, people!

Now, I am asking for assistance, as I do not want to go to a doctor over an appearance issue, not health problem, at least I don't think it is. Has anyone had my skin issues described supra? Think you could find something on your superior internet searches? It is so weird!
See, when I walk in the grass, something causes a strange skin thing. I thought it was me reacting to grass contact, but the same thing is happening to my secretary. It has nothing to do with age, as she is exactly half mine, and for me, it has happened even when I wear jeans tucked into tall rubber boots. Creepy crawlies?
So, here is the problem:
In spring, summer, and fall, if I walk on grass, the next day I get spots on my skin. The spots are thus: my skin turns very white in a circle, a perfect circle, about 1/2 in. in diameter, and at the center, there will be a slightly raised red whelp, the size of a small match head, also a very perfect circular shape. Usually on the ankles, lower legs, but can get to thighs and to hands when I yank a weed from the ground.
In 4 or 5 days, it is gone, what I call "the thing". What baffles, and what doesn't give me answers on typical internet searches, these spots do not itch. Nor sting. At all. Chiggers, mites, and ticks itch like crazy. These skin spots only irritate me to drinking more beer (than usual) is that they look weird. There are days during the off-winter seasons when I can't wear dresses or shorts, because I look damn diseased. Yesterday, I was clear. I walked around in grass today, I have 11 spots on one leg, 9 on the other. I am thinking about blaming Putin, and don't think you could blame me.
I do not want any opposing attorney to ask me, "Ewww, what's up with those spots?" just before I announce, "Ready to proceed." And they will. They will. They do crap like that to throw you off your focus.

Now, I want to update the final resolution of the underwear case.
At the insistence of my client, she wanted her list, the second, truncated one, attached to her Decree of Divorce. This is to insure she could sue her ex for contempt if these items were not, in fact, in storage 6 states away, as he says.
The list is not only a top line featured underwear item of assets awarded to her, it is number and description of them. I hope, for my client's sake, that the elastic still has integrity, as integrity is in short supply. I do not want her known in the small community as Droopy Drawers".
The chat I have had with this compelling community property asset division with my attorney friends often hinged upon the underwear brand, speculating real silk, lace, etc... Turns out it was Maidenform.

After rains, flooding, we are forecast to get rain, hard rains, at least 3 days in the upcoming week.
Fun times, amirite?
Let it be thus:
Your turn!

Happy Saturday!
It isn't supposed to rain here today. Hooray!
Hope the weather in your world is as you wish.
Meanwhile, this is an open thread, open to all ideas and brain travels.
Let 'er rip!
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Good morning before I head out on my bike
I know there are many more but my sister in Michigan says Pop instead of soft drink. It is more in sayings I see a difference. If someone tells me to “catch the light”, it does not mean it is floating somewhere above our head, it is to turn out the lights.
Food is another regional difference to people in the north. Do you use mayonnaise or Miracle Whip.
On barbecue, vinegary sauce or a sweet sauce. I’m sure more will come to mind.
Have a great day and stay out of the grass barefoot!
Life is what you make it, so make it something worthwhile.
This ain't no dress rehearsal!
Good morning, chica!
Well, you are biking, I am still having coffee. Lazy day. I am going to don jeans and rubber boots and walk to some flower beds to yank some weeds. I will be speckled tomorrow and have to wear boots and jeans for several days. Good grief!
Enjoy your weekend!
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Good morning...
A lovely 53 degrees and sunny. High today 70. Rain coming back most of next week. We've had 3+ inches this month so far. About right for the garden, but makes mowing a more regular chore. Spent much of yesterday mowing, weedeating, and pruning...still fighting fire blight in the apple trees. Hauled off the the infected cuttings to the dump. I normally burn them, but went to town this AM and discovered them in the back of my little car.
I like the variety of dialects. I think much of it is fading with the influence of TV and other broadcasts. Linguist suggest the Appalachian dialect is directly related to old English.
Some of my favorite expressions:
Of a morning (or evening) means in the morning
I'm afeared (afraid)
fixing to (about to) As in: I'm fixing to go to the garden.
done (completed) As in: I've done hoed the beans
All soft drinks are cokes in our corner.
And the common y'all which most know. In NC they say youins.
So hope y'all have a lovely day!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Perfect weather,
Dear One gets a kick out of the local speak. He has finally figured out that when someone says, "The garbage can tumped over" means it fell and emptied onto the floor.
I know my grandparents used expressions that were Creole on maternal side, Old English on the paternal side.
I am going to try to get in some shopping ahead of the Sunday and Monday heavy storms and rains. Must run into town, fetch some groceries. Gas went up to $3.29 per gallon, so running got a bit pricier this week.
Take care, enjoy your weekend, my friend!
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
G’Day All
don’t know if anyone caught the aurora
last night should have a couple more nights
to view it supposedly seen as far south as
florida alabama and arizona I’ll try to stay awake
tonight and cruise up to the airstrip to goggle
here’s hoping this one works
Ya got to be a Spirit, cain't be no Ghost. . .
Explain Bldg #7. . . still waiting. . .
If you’ve ever wondered whether you would have complied in 1930’s Germany,
Now you know. . .
sign at protest march
Thanks for adding that video!
Stay awake, dude! Eyes wide open!
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Hola, otc. Tell those other attorneys that your spirit
animal is the Jaguar, hence spots. Then intone that you hope the trial or hearing will not be further disrupted and degraded by more childish remarks abut peoples' appearence.
I kinda capisce dialects having grown up among folks who used a lot of polyglot slang full of borrow words including mucho pidgen, some border spanglish and un poco hawaiian. Accents, however, are another can of worms. I was about 10 when we got new neighbors who had relocated from Tejas. They had a son my age named "Dwaht". Later in life I met a lady from Amarillo who seemed to get somewhere between 5 and 7 syllables into that word. Then I ran into some assorted refugees from "d awl bidness", folks from Philly who liked their eggs "dip't", a lady from "Joisy" and some dudes from "Brookln", all before running into a glob of "Yoopers" and their "Newfie" friends. Of course, me Dad still had a wee bit a the brogue, which helped the process.
Have you considered that the spots might be a reaction to cast off chupacabra fur? They do shed, ya know. Even if it isn't, the explanation would certainly shut people up.
be well and have a good one
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Good morning, dear friend!
@#We Texians do tend to add syllables to make one syllable words less boring.
Yous'guys is really out there.
Big Awul. That's our Big Bidness.
Ya know, you might be on to something with the fur shedding chupies! You are difinately on the right track about rude ass attorneys. If it is a woman lawyer, she gets a back atcha, bitch. If it a man, I give my sympathies about their tiny dick. So sad.
I may start taking shoes, but wearing rubber boots to get to work. I have to walk thru grass to get from my car to the office door. The spots are ridiculous. I may go to a dr. and just see if he can figure this out. We will have that chupies discussion, fer shure.
Enjoy your weekend and drop by anytime in these crazy OTs!
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Cool photos of the borealis
People south of me said they saw it last night during the peak time. Bummer, but I have a chance tonight. I’d love to be on the island…alas.
They were even seen in Florida.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Some pics
I’ll add a few more. Twit keeps showing me the same one.if it loads.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Thanks for the pics and vids! Those are my only viewing options!
You and Sam have an exciting weekend, snoopy. Give her a hug for me.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Wow I didn’t think it’d be that intense
Check out the photos people sent in front last night. I just thought we’d get one color of sky. I’ll definitely look tonight and they say it should be just as intense.
Wondering if I should go out west by the airport so the mountain doesn’t block my view.
Sam say hi. Might get the top back down this week. It was cold, rainy and windy all last week. Lost my power yesterday morning.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
take the drive!
I’m taking dawgs with me tonight
and libations gonna make it a thing
I guess
high pressure no clouds
not even chemtrails!
check that channel for updates
on the space weather kinda cool
Ya got to be a Spirit, cain't be no Ghost. . .
Explain Bldg #7. . . still waiting. . .
If you’ve ever wondered whether you would have complied in 1930’s Germany,
Now you know. . .
sign at protest march
they reportedly
saw them in key west
last nightthat’s a little south o’you ain’t it?
if you got clear sky’s give it a shot
Ya got to be a Spirit, cain't be no Ghost. . .
Explain Bldg #7. . . still waiting. . .
If you’ve ever wondered whether you would have complied in 1930’s Germany,
Now you know. . .
sign at protest march
It will not be visible in east texas.
It would have been grand.
I agree with you that Snoopy should get in a drive for better viewing.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Howling thunderstorms here
so no auroras tonight. Drat! This area never gets any good sky stuff!
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
We usually miss out on all
Well, at least we have homes, so we can't bitch too much!
I have enjoyed lots of videos that other lucky people posted.
I may not see auroras, but i do see spots.
Glad you popped in, enjoy your Sunday, chica!
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Glad to see all the aurora b. photos. Oregon’s skies always seem too overcast to view anything.
Re. dialects, moving to New England in my 40’s was a bit of culture shock, wordwise. I grew up on the West Coast, had heard “tonic” used as a medicine but never as a soda pop. My co-workers enjoyed laughing at me when we discussed the 1975 Ford Gran Torino I inherited from my “aunt.” They asked if I was talking about the bug you squish on the floor since the way it’s correctly pronounced is “awnt.” The first time I heard the lady I worked with use “wicked” instead of “very,” I thought it must be some juvenile fad she picked up from her teenage daughters. One of our warehouse guys invited us to his wedding. When discussing it, one woman said she thought it would be a “shot” wedding since he’d been married before. I was really confused, asked her several times what she was talking about, did she mean “shotgun” wedding? She got more frustrated, kept repeating louder and louder, “You know, a shot wedding.” Finally I asked her to spell it, and of course learned she was talking about a “short” wedding.
I had to walk thru grass to get to my car, so I will give a spot report tomorrow.
The oddest aspect of the spot thing is that there has been no change in the mixed grasses at either my home or office. Some Bahia, some Bermuda, some St. Augustine, and the usual clovers and wild flowers. 4 years ago, it didn't bother me to go bare foot in shorts. But for the last 3 years, wowzer. I guess I should go to the dr. just out of sheer curiosity, and the tiny hope we can figure it out, prevent it from occurring.
So nice to have you drop in the OT!
Take good care, chica!
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Dr. Meryl Nass on Jimmy
Talking about the WHO taking over national sovereignty. Dr. Nass has been doing incredible work trying to derail this travesty.
Meryl says that one version of the treaty has mandatory gain of function that every member must do and share it with the other countries. She says this violates the bio weapons treaty.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
I had that video up
So glad you brought it to our attention.
The Texas Attorney General is one of the 22 AGs who said "Not no, but HELL NO!"
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Jimmy went off on West
I wonder what she thought about it. But the biggest cuck who failed to stand up during Covid and seeing through the scam was Naomi Klein of Disaster Capitalism. She was for the lockdowns, masks on young kids and vaccine mandates and everything in between. It’s exactly what she wrote about and came to fame on and yet she failed to recognize it? Boo on her.
Meryl is a fiery little lady who stands 5-2, but she’s been kicking the PTB’S buttocks!
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Meryl on the Mad Cow ….er bird flu in cows fear porn
What Cow’s Milk tells us about PCR testing -
Heh…those doctors who took away Nass' license should be kicking themselves for giving her the time to do all that she is doing. She puts out up to 7 or more essays every day.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
I am a subscriber
Good for her!
She is litigating her license return, but it is a long and costly slog. She will ultimately prevail, in my humble opinion.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
They’re dragging it out as far as they can
She went months in between hearings and her lawyer has destroyed every expert witness that was hired against her. Now she is suing for many bucks. I hope she wins!
It’s amazing how almost every medical organization fell in line with Pfizer and destroyed our rights.
Now the news is coming out on women who got jabbed while pregnant. That was the biggest crime against humanity in history. I just can’t believe how or why they are staying silent.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
It will make
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
The last several days
...were on the unusual side here. It hasn't rained here in about three weeks. The last three days particularly Thursday and Friday were the hottest days this year so far. When we returned from my daughter's place on the other side of Florida, we weren't feeling very well, everyone had some kind of uri granddaughter brought home from the daycare center.
The temps were just about maxed out when we got home, a couple of hours later the aircon went. To add to the discomfort, there was a wildfire burning on Friday not too far away, adding to the poor air quality. Over the last two days it has just gotten larger but the Fire Dept now says it is 115 acres but 90 percent under control. They also said, if the smoke bothers you, stay inside and keep the windows closed. LoL. It's really bothering me. To top it off, there's a "Rockville" event going on over at the raceway; it's heavy metal and louder than the large jets taking off from the airport, if you can believe that. The bass sounds were thumping against the house for a couple of days and nights and its miles away.
Ms So was concerned gators could get in the yard at my daughter's place by climbing over the fence. Daughter was skeptical. Ms So just found this video below which has the exact same fence as my daughter's place, with a similar body of water behind it. A gator had eaten a neighbor's dog over there a couple of months ago which gave rise to the concern, but they didn't have a fence. I'd never seen a gator climb like this, but apparently it's not all that unusual, as there are a number of similar youtube videos.
語必忠信 行必正直
Never saw a gator
Speaking of smoke, we are getting smoke from some fire in Mexico. Air quality is poor.
It rained hard here for an hour, is now a light rain. Storms and heavy rains tomorrow and Monday.
Not sure I remember this much rain in spring. But, this is really a record setting rain level.
My Florida gator story: Ok, equestrian sports is pretty big here. My dressage instructor was in the 1980 Olympics, which was our year of boycott, compete in the US, finger given to Russia, where the Olympics was held. All the best competitors from the US do their competition for selection to the teams in Florida. All of the equestrian folks hire someone to be in or near their horses' stalls, since horses have been known to be injured or killed by gators, according to my instructor.
We have gators right where I live, but they prefer the lake to yards, and we only get a report of gator injury every 10 years or so.
However, wild hogs kill people much more often, and those damn things are everywhere. I know they leave tracks as close as 30 feet from my home.
If this doesn't kill us, something else will, friend!
Thanks for dropping in the OT, friend!
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Green energy huh
Who’s bright idea was this?
Wind mills need energy to run them when the wind doesn’t blow.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Charging stations
Solar panels and solar wind mills break, wear out, or get damaged, and are buried in land fills, and they are pretty much poisonous. They cannot be recycled.
But, Snoopy, carry your cloth bag to the grocery store, do not drive, recycle your mail, and be a good Earth Protector.
Oh! Donate to kill off cows and eat crickets and worms!
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
And make sure that you separate your garbage and not knowing that both bins are dumped in the same place.
Thinking that we the people can stop climate change when the military drives vehicles that get 3 mpg and the parasite class drives their planes solo to meet up with other parasites that do the same. I’m so sick of the parasites blaming us for things we do which don’t cause the problem.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
The effort to separate out
What was accomplished? Behavioral control at your own expense, and your own discomfort, and detriment.
I live near an Air Force airport. Helicopter pilots go there as reservists to to fly copter so many hours per month to meet their military requirements. They fly over constantly. My tax dollars at work, my air smugged and polluted right here at my property.
How do I offset that harm? Just die?
And climate change is a hoax thinking is irrational and right wing ct?
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Behavioral control to stop what’s happening that we didn’t cause. You have helicopters flying non stop, I have the numerous different jets doing the same. Growing up they would fly over my house on their way home from the west desert and now they do touch and goes for hours and fly over the whole city and the noise controls are no longer effective because of the bigger engines.
Heh someone said that they flip the pilots the bird every time they fly over. I do that same, but sometimes I yell it out loud. Usually the 4th time they fly over me during my walk.
Hill is now home to the F-35's and boy are they loud.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
This is why
And we sincere do gooders must confront that with ... facts ...excuses ...reasons...superiority ...and so on. How?
BTW, I am very close to Houston Intercontinental Airport, a/k/a Bush Airport. Those planes do not make near the noise that the military copters do, but they leave lots of chemtrails, whatever those things really are.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Another Biden gaffe
Biden calls North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un president of South Korea in latest world leader blunder
Pleasantly surprised to find this Ayageum youtube earlier today. I actually like this recording of Magic Lily better than that of the original artist, Ahn Ye-eun. Can't believe she made this 5 years ago.
상사화 Magic Lily
안예은 – Ahn Ye-eun: Lyrics, melody, original performance
In Pennsylvania it's pop and a hoagie, not soda and a sub. I can do a pretty good gold ole boy accent, but can't remember much of the distinctive vocab that's fit to print. I used to have a pretty marked new york accent, but worked hard to disguise it once I came to the south after being mocked relentlessly by my "shipmates."
語必忠信 行必正直
I am so damn tired
Presidents are not the best of the best citizenry. They are the best corporate donors can buy.
North, south, feh...just a gaffe. Nothing to see here.
By the way, the song you posted is just enchanting!
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Hiya OTC. We are at or just above the 45th parallel.
The stars were bright last night as the crescent moon slipped to the western horizon. I checked maybe six or seven times from 11 pm until 5 am this morning to see any hint of Aurora borealis (northern lights - gets more results than the Latin). Nada. Maybe tonight, but clouds are moving in.
Our weather has been mercurial, moving between very warm back to early Spring. Very confusing for birds, insects and plants. Putting spring greens in raised beds but none of the lettuce came up because it got suddenly too hot. We have a marvelous and mysterious white slime mold growing among the Radishes since yesterday noonish. Quite a scary sight to see as I was putting the cover on in the dark last evening.
Growing up in the Pacific NW, we always said 'ant' for my mother's sister. The phrase 'oh man'
is used frequently and will never leave. The first time we visited my cousins on Long Island I kept hearing about a cousin named Carl and couldn't figure it out until I was introduced to my older cousin Carol. Ohhh, kay.
In middle age I spent lots of time around fishing for Salmon and the story-telling culture was pervasive. The number of local sayings and phrases woven into the stories was a given. Things like colder than a witches' elbow or some other body part. The art of story telling is almost lost but it is a great way to learn someone's history and timelines.
Storytelling is learned by hearing others for many years, and then practicing by doing. Some can tell the same story many times and it never grows old. When I was married to the pirate, he had that gift. As time went on he would catch me telling the old boys on the boat ramp about our latest sortie for Salmon. I got better as time went on.
I've been thinking a lot about your spots. Do they leave any sort of permanent mark or problem? Sometimes the best source of information are plant or garden people as they have likely seen such things. I have no faith in the standard medico to even come close. And they will want to slather on the cortisone cream I'll bet.
It sounds like a contact dermatitis, which raises a local immune reaction then subsides. If you have systemic inflammation or allergic reactions to other things, you might be more susceptible to reactions. There could also be pollens from the grasses, molds, and even spray drift from a neighbor. Just spitballing here.
A really good naturopath or integrative doctor may have ideas. If your body is dealing and you have no lingering bad effects, maybe it's ok.
Best wishes on your weather. We've had floods in the last several weeks: The Loire is the highest we've ever seen it. Swans keep trying to nest at waters' edge and have gotten wiped out maybe three times so far. Storks nest in trees and rooftops so they are ok. A very large birdie which stands as tall as a cow's rump. Wow.
A society grows great when old men plant trees in whose shade they know they shall never sit. Allegedly Greek, but more possibly fairly modern quote.
Consider helping by donating using the button in the upper left hand corner. Thank you.
Here is a picture of one of the 4 new ones
There is no itching, no dryness, no cracking, and in fact, I wouldn't know they were there if I could not see them. Every grass rash is itchy.
As for chemicals, we use none, nor does my secretary at her home, and neither of us have neighbors within a half mile of our residences.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Looks kinda like
a chigger bite to me. With all the unusual wet weather you’ve had, it could well be chiggers…
Teeny, tiny, nearly invisible little red bugs. And you find them in moist areas (and especially in berry thickets, like blackberry or raspberry)…
Twice bitten, permanently shy.
I have had many chigger bites in my life,
I thought that was the problem, but these dang spots do not itch or sting.
The single "symptom", or evidence, that I have is that I can see them.
It is the damnedest thing!
My secretary didn't even know she had them until she wore some sandals, and I pointed them out to her. She has never had anything like that before.
Dagnabbit, as my g'parents said...
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
I think it was in Croatia
Slimy radishes? Well, all I can say is "how icky is that?" Icky is used often in these parts.
The Carl/Carol story is hilarious! Lol!
As I type, the rains have come. We might get up to 2 inches of rain today, and the same tomorrow. It just stalls out everything. Lawn work, shopping trips, and causes cancellations for scheduled appointments with clients.
I am hoping the lights do not go out...again.
I am sick of the rain, and last summer, I was sick of the drought.
If it ain't one thing, its' another.
It is always wonderful to have you drop by, chica. And I will say, my dermatologist leans toward natural remedies. He is always booked several weeks out, and by the time I see him, the darn spots are gone!
The picture I posted was my calf, maybe 3 inches above the top of the rubber boot. All grass had been mowed, and I came into contact with no grass or weeds.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981