
11 Reasons Hillary's Legal Issues Could Be Very Real Problems Ending Her Nomination

The following has been cross-posted from Kossacks for Sanders. In light of a couple recent heavily read essays here on the lack of probability of an FBI recommendation to indict, I thought this might offer a glimmer of hope for some of us. ~ Thumb

Why Clinton's email is indeed a BIG deal and the EO that says so.

There have been many saying that this email thing isn't really a very big deal.

At first, I agreed. While I thought it was an indicator that she had stuff to hide, from an election standpoint I didn't think it would be a significant issue in the General.

But more and more has come out which has caused me to re-evaluate this position.

Hellraisers Journal: Elizabeth Gurley Flynn on the “Glory” of War and Thoughts on Breeding for War

Defend your country?
What ground do you own?
-not even enough to stand on, perhaps,
much less enough to bury yourself in!
-Elizabeth Gurley Flynn

Tuesday May 30, 1916
St. Louis, Missouri - Elizabeth Gurley Flynn Speaks on Preparedness

Robert Minor, Breed Mother Breed, NY Call, Aug 8, 1915.png
From the New York Call of August 8, 1915
