
No mess

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Well the cold snap has passed and we have survived without any broken pipes or power failures. Our brand new roof gutters have survived the ice storm and they did fill up completely with ice but hung in there.
Now it's just rain at about 50f.

The Weekly Watch

Merry Christmas

Or Happy Hanukah, Cool Kwanzaa, and Festive Festivus (for the rest of us),
or just have a good day if you are a devout non-celebrant.

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by H. P. Lovecraft

The cottage hearth beams warm and bright,
The candles gaily glow;
The stars emit a kinder light
Above the drifted snow.

Down from the sky a magic steals
To glad the passing year,
And belfries sing with joyous peals,
For Christmastide is here!
