
Important Announcement - Embedded Videos

It was recently brought to my attention by several members that the text editor was malfunctioning and at times would eat partial essays they were preparing. I wasn't able to diagnose the problem until I was able to reproduce it, which happened to me recently as I lost an essay and had to redo it.

I've spent the last couple of days hunting down the bug and finally came to the conclusion that it is being caused by a video filter in the video icon above the text editor. I have since disabled that function and because of that using the video icon no longer works. That's the bad news. The good news is that the same thing can be accomplished by using the video field titled "Video URL" below the text editor. Simply enter the video URL into the box and it will display just like the video icon did. Or you can use the share feature that's included with almost all video formats across the web to embed your videos. See the FAQs for further help for embedding video.

Sometime this morning I will remove the video icon above the text editor until I can get it working correctly.

I'm fairly certain the video filter was causing the problem, but if anyone has any loss of text in the text editor again, please let me know. Or any other problem as far as that goes.

Sorry about any inconvenience but the problem is easily worked around by using the "Video URL" function below the text editor. Redundancy is a good thing sometimes.

Thanks folks.

The Weekly Watch

More Lies, Distractions, and Omissions

What's new?
Open Thread Image.jpg

After being away from the news for 3+ weeks, I've been slowly re-immersing into the cycle. To my mind the big news of the week is Sy Hersh's piece on the US and Norway (plus others) blowing up the Nord Stream pipelines...an act of terror. Though the MSM is ignoring the story, and the white house in full blown denial, Sy has been getting some alternative press coverage. He was interviewed on Democracy Now, Consortium News, and on AcTVism (which I found the best of the three). Though it was obvious to most of us the US was behind the explosion, it is nice to have the details. The other story which has been largely ignored in the MSM is the environmental catastrophe train wreck in Ohio. This story is finally getting a little coverage. Another poorly covered story is the Peace Rally today in DC, Rage Against the War Machine. Sadly TPTB have used identity politics to cause several speakers to drop out. Aaron hosting Jimmy's show explains...(11 min)
Just use the hypertext link for the YT videos.

Album of the Week - 2-18-23

Afternoon folks!

It's another good haul this week. I've uploaded a late 60's album from James Cotton and a compilation of harmonica player Junior Parker's tunes. The harmonica goodness doesn't stop there though, there's some early 70's blues rock with the J. Geils Band, the Climax Blues Band and Blues Image's second album (the one with their big hit "Ride Captain Ride" on it). Following that there's a live Emmylou Harris album on which she sings a few tunes that she did early on in her career with Gram Parsons. Finishing up is a double album of Vassar Clements, notably with David Bromberg as a sideman.


-Welcome to Saturday's Potluck - 2-18-2023

“Learn the rules like a pro, so you can break them like an artist.”
Pablo Picasso

As the flood of breaking news reports, opinions on the sources of the news and suggestions on how to interpret the news I have started to rate the stories on Kubler-Ross Model of five stages of grief. Is the presenter or policy maker at step 1 - denial, step 2 - anger, step 3 - bargaining, step 4 - depression or the final step - acceptance on events related to special military operations in Ukraine?

Friday Night Photos Pelican Place Edition

Happy Friday everyone. Hope everybody is doing well. Post any photos, memes, or music you like.

Just like with the Brandt's Cormorants I posted last week, it's also breeding season for the Brown Pelican.

From All About Birds https://www.allaboutbirds.org/guide/Brown_Pelican/overview
The Brown Pelican is a comically elegant bird with an oversized bill, sinuous neck, and big, dark body. Squadrons glide above the surf along southern and western coasts, rising and falling in a graceful echo of the waves. They feed by plunge-diving from high up, using the force of impact to stun small fish before scooping them up. They are fairly common today—an excellent example of a species’ recovery from pesticide pollution that once placed them at the brink of extinction.

Pelicans incubate their eggs with the skin of their feet, essentially standing on the eggs to keep them warm. In the mid-twentieth century the pesticide DDT caused pelicans to lay thinner eggs that cracked under the weight of incubating parents. After nearly disappearing from North America in the 1960s and 1970s, Brown Pelicans made a full comeback thanks to pesticide regulations.


Open Thread - 02-17-23 - AI and GIGO

The term artificial intelligence (AI) is being bandied about with regularity nowadays, especially in regards to chatbots, with ChatGPT being the most prolific. Hopefully this piece will help explain the concept of AI in context of its current applications and what that may portend for the future. Included, at the end, I'll let my mind run wild in a thought experiment regarding AI's potential abuse.

