
Polls: Americans don't care about COVID and the vaccines anymore

This essay is about the fact that if you still feel that COVID and the vaccines are an important issue, then you aren't just in the minority. Your chosen minority is so small that it is statistically insignificant.
And that isn't my opinion.

For instance, Gallup:

Embedding Videos Again

One more time. I've noticed folks still having a hard time embedding videos.

It's pretty easy to embed youtube and other videos the old fashion way by using the share link.

Go to the video page that you want to embed (we'll use youtube as an example), Click the "Share" link below the video, then click the "Embed" link, then click the "copy" link (that will copy the embed code to your browser), then right click and "paste" the code into the essay or comment body and you're done.

If you want to center the code in the page, highlight all of the code you just embedded and then click the "C" button in the icons above the box (c99text editor) and that will center your video. The "C" button or icon is short for "center".

Almost all the different video sites will have a "Share" or "Embed" link somewhere, you may have to search a bit but it's there.

This FAQ in Method 3 explains it as well.

I had previously recommended using the "Video URL" box below the c99 text editor but I had forgotten that it only allows one video at a time to be posted, my bad.

Mastering the share links on the various video sites will allow you to embed almost all videos on the web. It's also how you embed twitter tweets as well.

I hope to eventually fix the video filter so as to get the video icon working again. There was a major conflict between the c99 software and the video filter code that was causing severe problems site-wide.

Sorry about the inconvenience and thanks for your patience.

The Weekly Watch

Means of Control

Open Thread Image.jpg

If nothing else was gleaned from the plandemic, we must recognize how easily we were controlled by scaring us about our health. TPTB took note and no doubt have more in store. Our medical system focuses on illness, not health, after all that's is much more profitable. The processed foods most people eat, make them ill, and add even more profit to big pharma. Another trick in the works is Central Bank Digital Currency, so how and where we spend our money will be supervised and approved. Then of course there is the war machine and its Russia hate propaganda spewing from its Ministry of Truth. The control over the media megaphone underlies all these control mechanisms.


Album of the Week - 2-25-23

Afternoon folks!

Well, we've got variety this week. Starting off, we've got a double album compilation of Elmore James tunes, a few of which include Arthur Crudup, Bobo Jenkins and John Brim. Then we've got an early 70's Taj Mahal album followed by a whole bunch of blues rock. There's half of a Steppenwolf live album (the other half is a long jam which I have to work out how to split for Youtube), a classic Mountain album and the Blues Magoos. Then there's a compilation of the lesser-known band Love followed by an early album by the band Lindisfarne (the gods of copyright may have blocked a tune or two from this depending upon where Youtube thinks you are), an album by Curved Air and finally a little jazz fusion from Weather Report.


Welcome to Saturday's Potluck - 2-25-2023

“Learn the rules like a pro, so you can break them like an artist.”
Pablo Picasso

Progress once again seems to be happening in my slow forced move to Idaho.

Greater Idaho resolution passes Idaho House; calls for talks with Oregon over moving border Oregonlive Feb 17, 2023

With a wink and a smirk the Idaho House of Representatives on Wednesday passed a nonbinding memorial calling for formal talks between the Idaho and Oregon legislatures to discuss moving some rural Oregon counties out of their state and into Idaho.

The proposal is rooted in the so-called Greater Idaho movement, which seeks to include about 11 counties, or 63% of Oregon’s landmass, within Idaho’s borders because proponents of the plan think eastern Oregon is more politically and culturally aligned with Idaho than Oregon’s larger progressive cities in the western part of the state.
Rep. Ned Burns, D-Bellevue, criticized legislators for working on the proposal, saying they are backing a far-fetched plan to help Oregon residents at a time when the Idaho Legislature has not yet set any of Idaho’s 2024 state budget or passed property tax reduction acts that Idahoans have said in public surveys should be a top legislative priority.

Even Rep. Lance Clow, R-Twin Falls, who voted for the memorial to encourage discussion, expressed his doubts.

“The reality is, I don’t believe this will ever happen,” Clow said.

In the end, the Idaho House voted 41-28 to adopt the memorial.

Couples Cooking with New Stove

Both A and B strongly prefer a gas stove over electric. In our case, propane is used. Most gas stoves come prepped for natural gas. Once upon a time, the conversion from NG to propane was simple. Unbolt a connection, turn it in the opposite direction, screw it on, you are done.
Well, not so in today's higher tech world. A and B happen to have a good friend who worked for a firm that sold appliances, and the friend had tools, time, and wanted to help.

Friday Night Photos Stacked Edition

Happy Friday everyone. Hope everybody is doing well. Post any photos, memes, or music you like.

For anybody who read the thread title and expected to see photos of well endowed women I'm sorry to disappoint you. In this case stacked refers to stacking multiple frames of the same image shot at different focus points to increase the depth of field. Depth of field (DOF) is how much of the subject is in focus. The two main factors that determine DOF are the aperture setting of the lens and distance between the camera and the subject. The larger the aperture the the smaller the DOF and the smaller the aperture the larger the DOF. With distance, the closer to the subject the smaller the DOF, the farther from the subject the larger the DOF.

5 frame stack
2023-02-23- ZS PMax
