
They're coming after us in every way imaginable

We're in for a world of hurt should the FEDNOW system be enacted.
This is much worse than what took place in Nazi Germany for the level
of control that tptb want over us is total control.

One has to think that the WEF/SV/DC Axis of Evil is taking
us there.

Everything in bold was my emphasis, I didn't bold nearly enough

The Weekly Watch

The Bully's Stick is Flaccid

Open Thread Image.jpg

I think we are close to the top of the sanction escalator of economic control, you know the modern day siege we use against countries which won't do our bidding. The USD is quickly being supplanted with 100+ countries de-dollarizing and trading in their own currencies. Lula, while in China this week, questioned the use of dollars. The BRICS+ are establishing their own bank with Former Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff at its head. It will take time for the system to unwind, but there's a new alliance building across the world of countries who see through the hypocrisy of US superiority with the world's largest prison population, homeless filled urban areas, student debt at 1.75 trillion, and medical bills as the number one cause of bankruptcies.

(8 min)

Album of the Week - 4-15-23

Afternoon folks!

Another week, more great stuff... We've got a compilation of some classic Muddy Waters followed by a compilation of Pee Wee Crayton's better known material. After that there's a somewhat jazzier album from Santana, blues rock from Foghat and Rory Gallagher, country rock from Michael Nesmith and we finish the week off with The Tubes.

Enjoy and have a great weekend!

Welcome to Saturday's Potluck - April 15, 2023

“Learn the rules like a pro, so you can break them like an artist.”
Pablo Picasso

Learning the skills to grow ones own food has always provided a comfort of some level by being self sufficient or a better educated purchaser. Most commonly thought of as a vegetable garden, my definition includes kitchen craft and animal husbandry. A good loaf of bread and glass of beer requires carefully growing yeasts in the proper enviornment.

(3:48 min)

Friday Night Photos Japanese Garden Edition

Happy Friday everyone. I hope everybody is doing well. Post any photos, memes, or music you like.

On Tuesday the camera club I belong to went to the Japanese Friendship Garden in Balboa Park. The garden is beautifully landscaped and well maintained and is a great place to get away from the daily grind and enjoy some quiet moments relaxing in a picturesque setting.

