
Open Thread - 4/28/23 - Sign, Sign, Everywhere a Sign

Ever seen this one?

"God Bless our Soldiers. Especially the Snipers". Located just outside the Huntsville, Texas, city limits. Can't quite figure it out. Can you?

This one, near Elgin, Texas: "Dilly Doo's Barbecue". Does that make you hungry? Or think of a sex toy?

Another, on the side of an old box truck near Fredericksburg, Texas: "Trump: Promises Kept". Okay...

I’m gobsmacked,

because I find myself agreeing with something I read on Zerohedge.

A former US Army psychological warfare officer says that Tucker Carlson was fired by Fox News because of the regime’s agenda to maintain an “uninformed semi lobotomized quasi retarded population.”

Spot on. I won’t link to it, because I’m generally not a fan of any of Fox, Carlson, Zerohedge, or the Regime. But I found this amazing, just the same…

Open Thread - Thurs 27 April 2023: Climate Change - Entering a New Phase?

Climate Change - Entering a New Phase?

Bill McKibben, amongst others, has recently written about the next stage of climate change, one which we are rapidly entering. This isn't unexpected. It's going to take more, much more, work to even reduce, let alone stop, the steep and rapid progression of climate change. And we aren't at that level of 'work', and perhaps, unfortunately, never will be (says the pessimist in me).
