
Why hasn't Russia wiped out Zelensky's regime yet?

Simplicius the Thinker has a new post out; this one concerns a Putin press conference, in which he (Putin) explains what is happening in the war in Ukraine. But the most interesting part of this post concerns an explanation for why Putin has not committed his full force to wiping out the current regime in Ukraine:

“Two doses of vaccine and you are fully immunized.”

Matt Taibbi and Olaf show how Dr. Peter Hotez's narrative about the vaccines constantly changed.

Notes From The Memory Hole: The Great Double-Talking Vaccine Scientist

Few health figures have been more visible during the pandemic than Dr. Peter Hotez. Interviews by the Director of the Texas Children’s Hospital Center for Vaccine Development are a master class in modern day branding, as the good doctor seldom appears without an instantly recognizable ensemble of lab coat, specs, and bow tie. (If cable TV had a Halloween Party, Hotez-in-a-bag would surely have been one of the most popular get-ups from 2020 on.) Hotez advertises his marketing acumen, making sure every time he appears on air that the shot is crammed with posed copies of his books. He’s become a legit pop culture phenom, appearing with Trevor Noah, TMZ, CNBC, CNN, Fox and beyond.
