
The Weekly Watch

The Culture of Incompetence

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It seems to me that incompetence reigns supreme across the government, corporate, and economic spectrum...at least here in the western world. The sad state of the US with its crumbling infrastructure, the mass of homeless people camping on urban outskirts, overcrowded prisons swelled beyond their capacity, schools more concerned with identity issues than education, (and I'm sure you can add to the list)...all as we send our wealth over seas to feed failing war(s) and the unquenchable MIC. The post WWII industrial powerhouse has been shipped out of the country, a deal sealed by Clinton's NAFTA. Ross Perot was right about the "giant sucking sound" NAFTA would create. I remember just a couple of decades ago it was easy to find a carpentry crew, mechanics, welders, and other skilled trades people, but not today. It seems we no longer train craftsmen and women.


Album of the Week 6-24-23

Afternoon folks!

Surprise! There are more albums. Smile

Starting out, there's an acoustic blues album from one-man band Jesse "Lone Cat" Fuller, followed by another blues album by Little Junior Parker. After that there's the third album by Osibisa (a band from Ghana). Then it's blues-rock time with albums from the J. Geils Band, some members of Foghat between the time that they left Savoy Brown and when they founded Foghat and an album from The Blasters. Then we move on to country rock with a live album from The Flying Burrito Brothers and we finish up with a classical-rock album from Renaissance.


Coup in Russia

It's disgusting watching these liberals celebrate this coup attempt. A bunch of them ignorantly think that this will bring peace in Ukraine.
When I warned them of the danger of WW3, they didn't care.

Does anyone remember the Russian Civil War? The last time the UK and US invaded Russia?
Millions died. Maybe tens of milllions. This nation has tens of thousands of nuclear weapons.

Welcome to Saturday's Potluck - June 24, 2023

“Learn the rules like a pro, so you can break them like an artist.”
Pablo Picasso

Foreshadowing is a narrative device in which a storyteller gives an advance hint of what is to come later in the story. Foreshadowing often appears at the beginning of a story, and it helps develop or subvert the audience's expectations about upcoming events

(Wikepedia) Only now our news sources use the technique to prepare an audience (us) for major events such as the the "mutiny" playing our in Russia. It is real with real consequences.

Friday Night Photos Flora Edition

Happy Friday everyone. I hope everybody is doing well. Post any photos, memes, or music you like.

Now that summer is here we are finally getting our spring weather with overcast skies in the early morning and sunshine by late morning through the rest of the day and temps in the mid 70s, which is about 10° below normal for this time of year. It's been very pleasant.

A mix of some of the local plant life around where I live

Focus Stacking - NZ9_5124_37941

Open Thread - 6/23/23 - Odds and Ends

A client of mine was a friend of Janis Joplin. She also worked in the music industry. I hope to share some cool stories when the client makes an appointment to do some estate planning.

Texas mis-pronouncements:
Guadalupe' is pronouced "Guadalupee"
San Jacinto is pronounced just as spelled
Bahia grass is pronounced "bahaya"
