
The Logos of Ajax

You were not present upon the field
and so you have no right to speak of it.
When the walls fell I took what was mine by right
and you have no right to speak of it.

Who are you to judge me? A soldier, the greatest.
For I was the one who spared Achilles body from
the cruel revenge of the Trojans. I was the one
who stood glorious on the field, showing my courage,

Jordan Peterson Destroys a Feminist Thirty Years Later

This is another email to my brother. Background: I can't debate him at all, hate it, don't want to, but I allowed my beloved brother an opening: I told him I am listening to this guy JP on the Joe Rogan Experience podcasts, and he sounds reasonable in his arguments - on the JRE podcast! But put him in a different element and he unleashes what to me is unreasonable argument. See below. I'd like to hear your honest opinions of this guy. THANKS!

“Everybody Immediately Knew That It Was for Amazon”: Has Bezos Become More Powerful in D.C. Than Trump?

This guy is a freaking boil on the butt of the universe. What is his thing about control? Bastid wants EVERYTHING run through him. Am I simple minded because I think this is a TERRIBLE idea?

“Everybody Immediately Knew That It Was for Amazon”: Has Bezos Become More Powerful in D.C. Than Trump?
