Want to Know Why the World Is Like It Is?!?
Submitted by apenultimate on Sun, 05/05/2019 - 8:09pm
Kim Iversen just dropped a crystal clear, HUGE YouTube video (25 minutes--watch the entire thing) that really everybody in the country should watch.
Kim Iversen Explains the World Situation Succinctly
I've known this was the situation at least 10 years ago, if not more, but I really couldn't find a way to explain it so well to others. This is it. Watch this. It is NOT really about Venezuela--although they are a part of it.
So well done . . .

Her explanation of the petrodollar system and how Venezuela fits in was great, but I find the idea that the end of the oil peg will crash our economy to be far fetched. The US is a net exporter of oil so our domestic supply is not dependent on world oil prices.
I think it is far more likely that the oil companies themselves and their investors stand to lose their foreign profits, and gave bought the status quo.
We can’t save the world by playing by the rules, because the rules have to be changed.
- Greta Thunberg
A lot of the economy is pegged to the petrodollar. If the petrodollar collapses, countries stop buying US treasuries (unless they are backed by something else), etc. That's where the real collapse comes.
Also, another result of the petrodollar has been the economy of weapons that the United States has created--all these wars to keep our hegemony. That might not be so solid as well without the petrodollar.
Dollar collapse hysteria
Thanks but that was hard to watch, she kept saying "I'm not justifying" psychotic behavior, and then proceeded to justify it by saying the alternatives were worse. Worse because then she would have to experience the same treatment given others. The arrogance, it stinks. PU It is not okay to crash any currency, that is all. Just don't.
She also said something like "I know this is a long video but stay with me", yet ends up saying nothing at all about CIPS, the cross border intl payment system China constructed to avoid SWIFT sanctions. Also Russia has established a similar equivalent, soon the world will have more options to buy and sell oil outside of the SWIFT system of political sanctions.
I'd like to know the list of 25, moi search fu is weak this morning or it is not to be found.
RU RU RU: Russian Banks, ready to disengage from the Western banking system
Potential, there's that word again. putin envy Interesting to read Blockchain was substituting for SWIFT. huh Well anyway, it is already obsolete, just like the decrepit US duopoly. I see citizens every day for whom the dollar has already collapsed. get real
CIPS Participants
I downloaded the files but haven't had time to go through them to see who the North American participating financial institutions are.
"Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep."
"If you want revolution, be it."
~Caitlin Johnstone
Bank of America
And I feel grateful for this essay too, or else I would have not gathered those articles to pile on some additional information.
Thanks apenultimate. cheers
Edit to add: Notice the requirement to become a member of CIPS, you must have a SWIFT number. Big club getting bigger is how it looks to me. Why doesn't everyone know these things? heh
Again to lower case the shouting Subject, Bank of Canada is also listed just above BofA. And JPMorgan Chase Bank (China) Company Limited is number 29 on the Direct Participant sheet, HSBC and Deutsche Bank, etc., they are all there already. of course
Interesting video and comments
I don't have a background in economics, so I can't make critical comments. Am aware of the petrodollar, and countries trading in other currencies to get around sanctions.
Getting off oil seems to be a smart course of action. I appreciate her point "why isn't anyone talking about this?"
"Make dirt, not war." eyo
Well I guess I should keep my mouth shut then
Man, I thought my own fine expectations were high, but yours are the cats pajamas. Right on. I will go back to making more dirt. Cheers. lmao
In fact my little dirt patch had its own tiny super bloom, one forget-me-not(!), one poppy, two bee balms. Four sunflowers and another patch of pollinator seeds are coming up, plus a volunteer oak sprout! lol squirrels and jays spreading the acorns. It's all straggly and funky looking, but it feels good and brings some joy.
peace and love
As I toiled away at my desk earlier
Peace bee with you.
I am still . . .
... expecting you to come and live in my round bale gardening commune.
"Make dirt, not war." eyo
Here’s some info I found helpful
Why The U.S. Exports Oil
I thought the US was an exporter of oil bc of access to oil via fracking. Also thought that fracking was cash negative in general per the Keiser report. Any clarification would be appreciated.
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