My comments

Subject Author Posted Votes Replies Latest Reply
I felt better thinking that
From:#StopTheSteal and #JerichoMarch20 on Twitter
Marie Sat, 12/12/2020 - 11:26pm 1 1 Sun, 12/13/2020 - 02:21pm
Okay -- guess I tend to tune
From:Fox News Poll: Most Republicans say President Trump was robbed
Marie Sat, 12/12/2020 - 11:16pm 1 0
That CNN exit poll for 65+
From:Fox News Poll: Most Republicans say President Trump was robbed
Marie Sat, 12/12/2020 - 10:51pm 1 0
All this means is that 77%
From:Fox News Poll: Most Republicans say President Trump was robbed
Marie Sat, 12/12/2020 - 06:15pm 1 1 Sat, 12/12/2020 - 07:42pm
59% disapproval among Latinx
From:Fox News Poll: Most Republicans say President Trump was robbed
Marie Sat, 12/12/2020 - 04:23pm 1 2 Sat, 12/12/2020 - 07:19pm
Not sure how they made it to the short list:
From:The Evening Blues - 12-11-20
Marie Fri, 12/11/2020 - 09:23pm 1 0
That one's easy --
From:The Evening Blues - 12-11-20
Marie Fri, 12/11/2020 - 08:34pm 8 1 Fri, 12/11/2020 - 08:54pm
Next stop: SCOTUS.
From:Lin Wood Georgia Election Fraud Case Thrown Out
Marie Sun, 12/06/2020 - 10:35pm 1 0
Trump has already gone through all
From:Trump Attorney Was Fired From Traffic Court
Marie Sun, 12/06/2020 - 10:27pm 1 0
And Putin's alleged couple of hundred thousand dollars
From:Election Fraud Lies: ChiComs Under the Dominion Bed
Marie Fri, 12/04/2020 - 01:18pm 1 1 Fri, 12/04/2020 - 05:09pm
With Guiliani and Flynn leading
From:The Evening Blues - 12-3-20
Marie Thu, 12/03/2020 - 08:28pm 1 0
Saw something where he
From:The Evening Blues - 12-2-20
Marie Thu, 12/03/2020 - 02:17pm 1 0
Why? He's on his book selling tour.
From:The Evening Blues - 12-2-20
Marie Wed, 12/02/2020 - 11:10pm 1 1 Wed, 12/02/2020 - 11:44pm
Well, twitter thumb trump
From:The Evening Blues - 12-1-20
Marie Tue, 12/01/2020 - 09:55pm 1 0
I wouldn't go that far:
From:Election Fraud Lies: Pennsylvania's Dominion Voting Machines Cost Trump the Election
Marie Mon, 11/30/2020 - 02:58pm 1 1 Mon, 11/30/2020 - 04:48pm
So well said.
From:Obomba, Please Kiss My Grits
Marie Thu, 11/26/2020 - 02:17pm 1 0
A lot less true as the old guard Cubans
From:Obomba, Please Kiss My Grits
Marie Thu, 11/26/2020 - 11:34am 1 0
But, she's not doing it for the laughs.
From: Monday OT: 11/23/2020 - Fibonacci Day
Marie Mon, 11/23/2020 - 03:54pm 1 0
Guiliani is the farce version
From: Monday OT: 11/23/2020 - Fibonacci Day
Marie Mon, 11/23/2020 - 10:54am 1 1 Mon, 11/23/2020 - 01:30pm
The city they love,
From:St. Obomba’s holy f’ing *double* hypocrisy
Marie Sat, 11/21/2020 - 06:50pm 1 1 Sat, 11/21/2020 - 08:36pm
Being objective, Trump has every right
From:The Evening Blues - 11-20-20
Marie Fri, 11/20/2020 - 10:23pm 1 1 Fri, 11/20/2020 - 10:32pm
No -- the 1976 swine flu
From:Just saying....
Marie Thu, 11/19/2020 - 03:44pm 1 1 Thu, 11/19/2020 - 08:32pm
C Koch is only disappointed that
From:The Evening Blues - 11-16-20
Marie Mon, 11/16/2020 - 11:40pm 1 1 Tue, 11/17/2020 - 12:17am
In that same era,
From:The Evening Blues - 11-16-20
Marie Mon, 11/16/2020 - 11:35pm 1 0
No they don't.
From:The Evening Blues - 11-16-20
Marie Mon, 11/16/2020 - 11:08pm 1 0
On the "numerous split ticket" voters --
From:Election Fraud Lies: The Duopoly Behind Election Fraud Claims
Marie Mon, 11/16/2020 - 09:42pm 1 0
Some time ago, it was called
From:The Weekly Watch
Marie Sun, 11/15/2020 - 11:29am 1 0
In the video clip, she said that she
From:Welcome to Saturday - Open Themes
Marie Sat, 11/14/2020 - 09:10pm 0
From:Sweden Covid 19 Data Update
Marie Sat, 11/14/2020 - 07:59pm 1 0
This should work out well?
From:Welcome to Saturday - Open Themes
Marie Sat, 11/14/2020 - 07:01pm 1 0
Where are you finding
From:Welcome to Saturday - Open Themes
Marie Sat, 11/14/2020 - 06:01pm 1 1 Sat, 11/14/2020 - 08:16pm
Not forgotten and being remembered:
From:Pink Tide rolls back into South America
Marie Sat, 11/14/2020 - 03:00pm 1 0
From "the pit"
From:Welcome to Saturday - Open Themes
Marie Sat, 11/14/2020 - 11:53am 1 2 Sat, 11/14/2020 - 07:01pm
Could you rephrase the
From:Amerikan War, Inc.™ satire doesn’t get any better that this
Marie Sat, 11/14/2020 - 11:42am 1 1 Sun, 11/15/2020 - 08:20am
Please stop approving and using
From:Amerikan War, Inc.™ satire doesn’t get any better that this
Marie Sat, 11/14/2020 - 11:32am 1 4 Sat, 11/14/2020 - 02:43pm
Maybe, maybe not.
From:The fraud evidence is IN. But YOU can't see it. Nyah nyah!!
Marie Thu, 11/12/2020 - 06:05pm 1 0
If there were anomalies
From:The fraud evidence is IN. But YOU can't see it. Nyah nyah!!
Marie Thu, 11/12/2020 - 12:06pm 1 1 Thu, 11/12/2020 - 12:42pm
That's not a fix.
From:The fraud evidence is IN. But YOU can't see it. Nyah nyah!!
Marie Thu, 11/12/2020 - 01:22am 1 0
What narrative are you referring to?
From:The fraud evidence is IN. But YOU can't see it. Nyah nyah!!
Marie Thu, 11/12/2020 - 12:43am 1 1 Thu, 11/12/2020 - 12:21pm
What I can telll you --
From:The fraud evidence is IN. But YOU can't see it. Nyah nyah!!
Marie Wed, 11/11/2020 - 11:53pm 1 1 Thu, 11/12/2020 - 11:40am
Thanks again.
From:The fraud evidence is IN. But YOU can't see it. Nyah nyah!!
Marie Wed, 11/11/2020 - 08:38pm 1 1 Wed, 11/11/2020 - 09:37pm
Thanks edg
From:The fraud evidence is IN. But YOU can't see it. Nyah nyah!!
Marie Wed, 11/11/2020 - 08:32pm 1 3 Thu, 11/12/2020 - 04:29pm
Let's not overlook that this
From:Trump Unplugged & Trump Canceled
Marie Wed, 11/11/2020 - 03:33pm 1 1 Wed, 11/11/2020 - 07:09pm
That's only true when
From:Trump Unplugged & Trump Canceled
Marie Wed, 11/11/2020 - 03:28pm 8 0
If not carrying and covering
From:Trump Unplugged & Trump Canceled
Marie Wed, 11/11/2020 - 01:45pm 1 2 Wed, 11/11/2020 - 06:04pm
Thank you, thank you, thank you!
From:Trump Unplugged & Trump Canceled
Marie Wed, 11/11/2020 - 01:13pm 1 1 Wed, 11/11/2020 - 04:51pm
considered it within the framework of monitoring --
From:The Evening Blues - 11-10-20
Marie Tue, 11/10/2020 - 10:10pm 1 0
It's now so endemic that
From:The Evening Blues - 11-10-20
Marie Tue, 11/10/2020 - 07:48pm 1 1 Tue, 11/10/2020 - 09:53pm
Not new -- it's what
From:The Evening Blues - 11-10-20
Marie Tue, 11/10/2020 - 06:20pm 1 0
From:A Mystery for the Ages
Marie Tue, 11/10/2020 - 06:15pm 1 1 Tue, 11/10/2020 - 08:59pm
There's a side of me
From:The Evening Blues - 11-10-20
Marie Tue, 11/10/2020 - 06:07pm 1 0
Suspicions aren't crazy, but that's a
From:The Evening Blues - 11-10-20
Marie Tue, 11/10/2020 - 06:00pm 1 1 Tue, 11/10/2020 - 07:12pm
Suggesting nothing.
From:The Evening Blues - 11-10-20
Marie Tue, 11/10/2020 - 05:39pm 1 1 Tue, 11/10/2020 - 06:15pm
Not the ages --
From:A Mystery for the Ages
Marie Tue, 11/10/2020 - 04:39pm 1 1 Tue, 11/10/2020 - 05:52pm
