My comments

Subject Author Posted Votes Replies Latest Reply
Will Anybody at MSDNC, CNN, CBS, etc remind him about that quote
From:In a bold and stunning move, Senate Dems tap Schumer as their leader.
daithiarla Wed, 11/16/2016 - 01:24pm 0
They got what they wanted
daithiarla Thu, 11/10/2016 - 01:18pm 0
I'm hurt...
From:The reason Elizabeth avoided the protest, and why I am leaving.
daithiarla Thu, 06/16/2016 - 12:45pm 1 Thu, 06/16/2016 - 12:52pm
This is true
From:The reason Elizabeth avoided the protest, and why I am leaving.
daithiarla Thu, 06/16/2016 - 12:24pm 1 Thu, 06/16/2016 - 12:42pm
I like this one
From:From the Onion
daithiarla Fri, 06/10/2016 - 10:00am 1 Fri, 06/10/2016 - 02:48pm
You're right
From:Lanny Davis: No scandal over Hillary's emails!!!
daithiarla Fri, 06/03/2016 - 01:54pm 0
Thank you
From:Hellraisers Journal: New Castle, Pennsylvania, Remembers James Connolly, Editor of The Free Press
daithiarla Thu, 05/19/2016 - 01:36pm 1 Thu, 05/19/2016 - 01:42pm
Maybe it's meant as a joke?
From:Hillary On Tape Laughing About How She Got A Rapist Off On A Technicality.
daithiarla Thu, 05/05/2016 - 05:52pm 2 Thu, 05/05/2016 - 06:56pm
War - what is it good for?
From:News Dump Thursday: Al-Qaeda Edition
daithiarla Thu, 05/05/2016 - 04:00pm 0
No offence intended
From:Hellraisers Journal: Revolution Growing in Ireland; Parts of Dublin in Hands of Rebels
daithiarla Thu, 04/28/2016 - 09:46pm 0
Liberty Hall
From:Hellraisers Journal: Revolution Growing in Ireland; Parts of Dublin in Hands of Rebels
daithiarla Thu, 04/28/2016 - 07:05pm 1 Thu, 04/28/2016 - 09:34pm
Post a link to this in every fake user's diary...
From:Clinton Super PAC Caught Spending $1 Million on Social Media Trolls
daithiarla Fri, 04/22/2016 - 05:56pm 0
Same thing happened to me over there
From:Time To Map Out Plan B. #BernieOrBust (Updated)
daithiarla Wed, 04/20/2016 - 07:03pm 0
The truth hurts, apparently
From:Bernie vs HRC debate today: A+ for Hillary on Social Security
daithiarla Fri, 04/15/2016 - 11:42am 0
I actually DID laugh out loud!
From:Bernie vs HRC debate today: A+ for Hillary on Social Security
daithiarla Fri, 04/15/2016 - 09:47am 1 Fri, 04/15/2016 - 10:06am