Hellraisers Journal: Revolution Growing in Ireland; Parts of Dublin in Hands of Rebels
Put on your fighting clothes.
-Mother Jones
Friday April 28, 1916
From the NewYork Evening World: "Rebels Hold Part of Dublin"
From Thursday's Evening World:
From The New York Times of April 27th:
LONDON, Thursday, April 27.-British regulars from Belfast and England are now in Dublin and have recaptured from the revolutionary faction several important centres which the members of the Sinn Fein party and their adherents had occupied: These include Stephen's Green, and Liberty Hall.
St. Stephen's Green in more peaceful times.
``````````As a measure of precaution, martial law has been proclaimed in the city and county of Dublin, and the official announcement is made that drastic steps are being taken to suppress the movement in Ireland and arrest all those responsible for it. The associations which participated in the revolt are proclaimed illegal.
That the Government intends to deal with the offenders with a heavy hand is indicated by the publication of a proclamation in the official Gazette tonight suspending in Ireland Section 1 of the Defense of the Realm Amendment act of 1915, which gives to a British subject charged with an offense under the act the right to be tied by a civil court.
The proclamation recites that "the present state of affairs n Ireland is such as to constitute a special military emergency," as specified in subsection 7 of the act, which enacts that in the event of an invasion or other special military emergency arising out of the present war the operation of Section 1 may be suspended either generally or in a specified area....
[Photograph added.]
The Evening World
(New York, New York)
-Apr 27, 1916
The New York Times
(New York, New York)
-Apr 27, 1916
Easter Rising, Liberty Hall, Evening World, Apr 27, 1916
Easter Rising, Revolution Grows, Evening World, Apr 27, 1916
Easter Rising, Stern Measures, Evening World, Apr 27, 1916
St Stephen's Green, Dublin, ab/ 1895
See more:
Sites of 1916: Liberty Hall -by Dr John Gibney
[video:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dr4m7VUk4Ts width:500 height:315]
Sites of 1916: St Stephen’s Green and the Royal College of Surgeons
-by Dr John Gibney
[video:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hevh9Jw-tHw width:500 height:315]
1916 Easter Rising Song- The Heroes of '16
A song celebrating the great heroes of the 1916 Rebellion in Ireland. Song written and arranged by De La Salle Dundalk Music Teacher Pamela Campbell and performed by students from 1st to 6th Year.

Love the song. Thanks!
Don't like the subject material, but then repression of the masses is what Empire does...
Only thing I'm always surprised at is that the Media of the time doesn't seem to take sides, instead it simply reported the facts.
Nowadays, GREAT pains would be made to paint the revolutionaries as either Terrorists with possible links to ISIS, OR hypocrites who are just complaining about a perfectly reasonable regulation that's been in effect for so many years it's pointless to complain about it...
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
thx, DMW
one quibble tho:
They very much did take sides, esp the NYT of the day. Both the Evening World and the NYT are telling the story only from the British point of view. The term "Irish Rebels" is now a term of honor but the Evening World and NYT were using "rebels" as a pejorative in the same way that we would now use terrorist.
Never be deceived that the rich will allow you to vote away their wealth.-Lucy Parsons
Thanks for the correction...
To my modern ears, I suppose it sounds more fair...
Sorry, made the historian's worst possible mistake and didn't take context into account when reading a historical item.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
The Dublin papers were very critical
There were editorials calling for the execution of the leaders - article
Many of the same papers print somewhat the same articles today - Ruth Dudley Edwards, Eoghan Harris, Stephen Collins amongst others.
Thank you, gendjinn
Links to original sources most appreciated at Hellraisers.
Never be deceived that the rich will allow you to vote away their wealth.-Lucy Parsons
FYI Ireland still has too many British apologists
Imagine if in 1876 all of the main newspapers and columnists were writing screeds condemning the Founding Fathers and the revolutionary army terrorists, and that you are a moral bankrupt if you are not critical of and/or ashamed of them.
That's what we still have to put up with in Ireland today. So when someone from Ireland is adding clarification or correcting errors please give them a bit of slack for any perceived tone because more often than not when we push back we get spewed with vitriol.
point taken, gendjinn
WE NEVER FORGET will be honoring all of the Irish Rebel over the next few weeks. There will be several memorials just on the great James Connolly alone beginning tomorrow for he was well known and much beloved by unionist and Socialist in the US, including the family of Elizabeth Gurley Flynn.
In honoring our martyrs, I try to use their own words and/or the words of those closest to them as much as possible.
Yes the Founding Fathers who fought to establish a Republic in the interest of the elite, many of them slave owners, are praised to the skies. The Irish Rebels who wanted a Republic in the interest of the working class man and woman, are vilified to this very day. Go figure.
Never be deceived that the rich will allow you to vote away their wealth.-Lucy Parsons
Oh it's changing, and how!
We are chatting on Irish leftie blog about how the Centenary of Anniversaries of WW1, 1916 Rising and War of Independence in the context of 20 years after the GFA are heralding a sea change in attitudes.
In 6 years time there will be a completely different attitude, and most of the vile UK apologists will be retired or in the ground.
This is good to hear
Could we have links, please, to that blog. Sounds very interesting.
I'm off to work now and work all day tomorrow also (long day.) But hope to hear more about "Irish leftie blog."
Never be deceived that the rich will allow you to vote away their wealth.-Lucy Parsons
The lefty blog is
Cedar Lounge Revolution
An Sionnach Fionn has been doing some great historical articles and lots of photos.
Well you're not completely wrong either
For example, being called a rebel in 1916 is not exactly like being called a terrorist in 2016. I seriously doubt that NYT meant the word as a compliment just like they didn't mean "agitator" as a compliment, but many unionist, esp IWW took on the terms and made them their own.
When called an "agitator" on the Senate floor by a U. S. Senator, Mother Jones proclaimed that she was glad that she had lived to be a grandmother in agitation and that she hoped to live to a great-grandmother in agitation.
We sure wouldn't do that today if called a terrorist.
My main point, however, is that NYT etc told the story from the British point of view, quoting British sources only. Hopefully in weeks to come, the trade union and Socialist papers and magazines will begin to get out the story from the point of view of the Irish Rebels.
Never be deceived that the rich will allow you to vote away their wealth.-Lucy Parsons
Hi JaeRae, interesting video clips - with the Irish accents! Our
son is off to Ireland in the fall to study there for a few years. I wouldn't be surprised to hear the lilt in his voice after a few years :=)
Resilience: practical action to improve things we can control.
3D+: developing language for postmodern spirituality.
wouldn't be surprise if your son does develope
something of an Irish lilt.
When I go home to Minnesota each year, they tell me that I have a bit of a Texas accent. Not surprising since I've been here now for 20 years.
What a lovely place to go to study. Tell him to be sure and go to Mother Jones Festival, held each year in County Cork!
Never be deceived that the rich will allow you to vote away their wealth.-Lucy Parsons
Ooh, thanks for the Mother jones Festival tip, JaeRae. I sure
will. And I'll ask him to send us video. Enjoy your day,
Resilience: practical action to improve things we can control.
3D+: developing language for postmodern spirituality.
Liberty Hall
The building in the picture is actually the old Liberty Hall, replaced in the 1950's by a sixteen story office building that is still known as Liberty Hall. The old building was not the headquarters of Sinn Fein. It was the Headquarters of the Irish Transport and General Workers Union (ITGWU) and the new building is the Headquarters of SIPTU, which was formed by the merger of the ITGWU and the Federated Workers' Union of Ireland in 1990.
The people lined up outside with rifles are members of the Irish Citizen Army (ICA) - a militia formed during the 1913 lockout when striking ITGWU workers were attacked by police and strike breakers. The ICA was formed to defend workers from attack and later joined the Irish Volunteers in the 1916 Easter Rising. According to Desmond Greaves in his biography of James Connolly, the leader of the ICA, one of the last speeches that Connolly gave to his Citizen Army volunteers before the Rising was that “In the event of victory, hold on to your rifles, as those with whom we are fighting may stop before our goal is reached. We are out for economic as well as political liberty.”
It's worth remembering that Connolly was seriously wounded during the rising and was held in Dublin Castle before being transported to Kilmainham Jail where he was executed while strapped to a chair, he being too weak to stand because of his wounds. One of the employer's leaders during the 1913 lockout - William Martin Murphy - was also the owner of the "Irish Independent" newspaper which called for the death penalty for Connolly following the Rising. It's a long held belief in Ireland - especially amongst Irish Republicans and socialists - that this was more an act of retaliation against Connolly for his role in the 1913 Lockout than for his role in the 1916 Rising.
Not sure what point you think you are making here.
1. The date on this issue of Hellraisers is clearly marked. So everyone can clearly see that this is the old Liberty Hall. This essay is not about 1950s, and the Hellraisers Journal does not report on the 1950s.
2. The Evening World did report in this article of April 27, 1916, that Sinn Fein was headquartered there, Hellraisers is series and reports events day by day. The British blamed Sinn Fein for the Rising and Evening World is reporting from the British point of view.
As has been explained before, reports by the kept press are often corrected once we begin to get the other side of the story from union and Socialist press of the day.
3. I will put the photo in block-quotes to make it more clear that the photo is from the Evening World article.
Never be deceived that the rich will allow you to vote away their wealth.-Lucy Parsons
No offence intended
No offence intended. I'm from Dublin and was just trying to add some historical context for anyone not familiar with it. I like your diaries a lot, especially the ones dealing with the Rising. Sorry if my comment came off as ham fisted. It's very clear where the photo came from.