My comments

Subject Author Posted Votes Replies Latest Reply
Models are but models, but some intensive modeling
From:Guilt by Association
enhydra lutris Tue, 02/02/2021 - 11:37am 13 2 Tue, 02/02/2021 - 12:29pm
Hey, I neer fut, you fut!
From:Guilt by Association
enhydra lutris Tue, 02/02/2021 - 11:20am 4 0
"The Law is a Whore" is an old adage, probably dating
From:Guilt by Association
enhydra lutris Tue, 02/02/2021 - 11:19am 7 0
Good morning CSTMS. May I say "Brilliant!"?
From:Guilt by Association
enhydra lutris Tue, 02/02/2021 - 10:09am 13 5 Tue, 02/02/2021 - 02:56pm
Jeez, what a bizarre scenario.
From:Why the Vaccine Rollout is such a chaotic SNAFU - one word.
enhydra lutris Tue, 02/02/2021 - 09:17am 5 0
They breed in my yard, They brounce all around the yard
From:Monday OT: 02/01/21 is National Freedom Day
enhydra lutris Mon, 02/01/2021 - 10:28pm 3 0
still funny.
From:Monday OT: 02/01/21 is National Freedom Day
enhydra lutris Mon, 02/01/2021 - 10:23pm 1 0
one can get very caught up the the day to day business
From:Monday OT: 02/01/21 is National Freedom Day
enhydra lutris Mon, 02/01/2021 - 10:22pm 0
Evening magi. We get Coopers here, you should too, also
From:Monday OT: 02/01/21 is National Freedom Day
enhydra lutris Mon, 02/01/2021 - 10:18pm 3 1 Tue, 02/02/2021 - 04:36am
Good evening dysto. Yeah special musicians, especially
From:Monday OT: 02/01/21 is National Freedom Day
enhydra lutris Mon, 02/01/2021 - 10:09pm 1 0
Only if it is more profitable for those profiting from this
From:Why the Vaccine Rollout is such a chaotic SNAFU - one word.
enhydra lutris Mon, 02/01/2021 - 10:06pm 7 0
That's the case for almost everything, which is why so many
From:Why the Vaccine Rollout is such a chaotic SNAFU - one word.
enhydra lutris Mon, 02/01/2021 - 10:05pm 8 1 Tue, 02/02/2021 - 05:48pm
evening gg. Never read or saw the hunger games, but I suspect
From:Why the Vaccine Rollout is such a chaotic SNAFU - one word.
enhydra lutris Mon, 02/01/2021 - 10:03pm 8 1 Tue, 02/02/2021 - 02:37am
Good evening Pluto. I'm aware of that one, and it is funny
From:Why the Vaccine Rollout is such a chaotic SNAFU - one word.
enhydra lutris Mon, 02/01/2021 - 10:01pm 8 0
Good evening gg - that's all too true.
From:Why the Vaccine Rollout is such a chaotic SNAFU - one word.
enhydra lutris Mon, 02/01/2021 - 05:17pm 6 0
Good afternoon, Joe. Thanks for the news and blues -
From:The Evening Blues - 2-1-21
enhydra lutris Mon, 02/01/2021 - 03:16pm 14 2 Mon, 02/01/2021 - 07:18pm
Good morning earthling. Sounds like you're doing great
From:Monday OT: 02/01/21 is National Freedom Day
enhydra lutris Mon, 02/01/2021 - 01:26pm 4 0
Good morning otc. Congrats on freeing somebody, if
From:Monday OT: 02/01/21 is National Freedom Day
enhydra lutris Mon, 02/01/2021 - 01:20pm 4 0
Good morning MM. Don't need to be cynical to appreciate
From:Monday OT: 02/01/21 is National Freedom Day
enhydra lutris Mon, 02/01/2021 - 12:22pm 4 0
Good morning mimi. Yeah, it ain't right at all and yeah, my
From:Monday OT: 02/01/21 is National Freedom Day
enhydra lutris Mon, 02/01/2021 - 12:01pm 8 1 Mon, 02/01/2021 - 04:18pm
Good morning rand. sorry, can't help, with either the
From:Monday OT: 02/01/21 is National Freedom Day
enhydra lutris Mon, 02/01/2021 - 11:43am 6 1 Mon, 02/01/2021 - 04:23pm
Good morning lot. I saw that, thanks for including it here.
From:Monday OT: 02/01/21 is National Freedom Day
enhydra lutris Mon, 02/01/2021 - 11:42am 6 0
Our primary one in this ares is the Chestnut Backed
From:Monday OT: 02/01/21 is National Freedom Day
enhydra lutris Mon, 02/01/2021 - 10:21am 9 1 Mon, 02/01/2021 - 05:30pm
A dupe, better do something creative with it or I might get
From:Monday OT: 02/01/21 is National Freedom Day
enhydra lutris Mon, 02/01/2021 - 10:17am 5 0
Good morning Jen. Great video, thanks.
From:Monday OT: 02/01/21 is National Freedom Day
enhydra lutris Mon, 02/01/2021 - 10:14am 6 0
Good morning jb. "Eternal vigilance is the price of
From:Monday OT: 02/01/21 is National Freedom Day
enhydra lutris Mon, 02/01/2021 - 10:09am 6 0
Good morning gg. Thanks for the Internationale. The exact
From:Monday OT: 02/01/21 is National Freedom Day
enhydra lutris Mon, 02/01/2021 - 10:01am 5 0
Good morning Dawn. For personal purposes, my
From:Monday OT: 02/01/21 is National Freedom Day
enhydra lutris Mon, 02/01/2021 - 09:58am 6 1 Mon, 02/01/2021 - 05:24pm
Good morning QMS. Thanks for the succinct summary.
From:Monday OT: 02/01/21 is National Freedom Day
enhydra lutris Mon, 02/01/2021 - 09:12am 5 0
Good morning Lookout. It isn't whether or even when it
From:Monday OT: 02/01/21 is National Freedom Day
enhydra lutris Mon, 02/01/2021 - 09:12am 11 1 Mon, 02/01/2021 - 09:46am
Good morning RA. In a different format it is a palindrome -
From:Monday OT: 02/01/21 is National Freedom Day
enhydra lutris Mon, 02/01/2021 - 08:47am 7 1 Mon, 02/01/2021 - 09:19am
"Something there is that doesn't like a wall ... "
From:The Weekly Watch
enhydra lutris Sun, 01/31/2021 - 11:21am 6 0
Wonderful rendition, thanks.
From:The Weekly Watch
enhydra lutris Sun, 01/31/2021 - 11:14am 4 0
Good morning Lookout. Thanks for the WW. It has
From:The Weekly Watch
enhydra lutris Sun, 01/31/2021 - 09:30am 13 1 Sun, 01/31/2021 - 09:41am
Good evening Betty, thanks. I think that the evidence indicates
From:The Disappearing Religious Right
enhydra lutris Sat, 01/30/2021 - 10:08pm 9 1 Sun, 01/31/2021 - 05:27pm
Great accessory for herding chickens. :-)
From:Welcome to Saturday ...
enhydra lutris Sat, 01/30/2021 - 12:40pm 6 0
heh, rerad about that, but headline only and not as precise
From:Welcome to Saturday ...
enhydra lutris Sat, 01/30/2021 - 12:20pm 10 2 Sat, 01/30/2021 - 03:25pm
Hola, back from the market. Still haven't checked the
From:Welcome to Saturday ...
enhydra lutris Sat, 01/30/2021 - 12:03pm 4 1 Sat, 01/30/2021 - 12:22pm
Good morning smiley. Thanks for the column, the poetry, art and
From:Welcome to Saturday ...
enhydra lutris Sat, 01/30/2021 - 10:06am 9 1 Sat, 01/30/2021 - 11:13am
mornin' Dysto. In Hayward we just get Forter's,
From:Friday Photography - Two days in the life of a Monarch
enhydra lutris Sat, 01/30/2021 - 08:56am 1 0
mornin' Gator. I think I saw this movie, we airlift in
From:Friday Open Thread ~ "What are you watching and who are you listening to?" edition ~ An evening with Shane Claiborne
enhydra lutris Sat, 01/30/2021 - 08:49am 2 0
Hola, peachcreek. Thanks for the info.
From:Friday Open Thread ~ "What are you watching and who are you listening to?" edition ~ An evening with Shane Claiborne
enhydra lutris Sat, 01/30/2021 - 08:48am 1 0
I concur in all the non-terns. I don't disagree, but simply
From:Friday Photography - Two days in the life of a Monarch
enhydra lutris Fri, 01/29/2021 - 08:55pm 5 1 Fri, 01/29/2021 - 10:49pm
Good evening Joe. Thanks for the Evening Blues.
From:The Evening Blues - 1-29-21
enhydra lutris Fri, 01/29/2021 - 07:40pm 9 1 Fri, 01/29/2021 - 07:51pm
Dang, your headline had me thinking coronation and guillotine.
From:Friday Photography - Two days in the life of a Monarch
enhydra lutris Fri, 01/29/2021 - 06:46pm 7 2 Fri, 01/29/2021 - 07:17pm
Da kine big mo hurry scurry all him day today, sorry.
From:Friday Open Thread ~ "What are you watching and who are you listening to?" edition ~ An evening with Shane Claiborne
enhydra lutris Fri, 01/29/2021 - 06:39pm 4 0
Good morning Philly, thanks for the column.
From:Friday Open Thread ~ "What are you watching and who are you listening to?" edition ~ An evening with Shane Claiborne
enhydra lutris Fri, 01/29/2021 - 12:38pm 1 0
I thought about promoting them as cheap food
From:Friday Open Thread ~ "What are you watching and who are you listening to?" edition ~ An evening with Shane Claiborne
enhydra lutris Fri, 01/29/2021 - 12:37pm 5 2 Sat, 01/30/2021 - 12:12am
Wow - seriously delayed dupe
From:Friday Open Thread ~ "What are you watching and who are you listening to?" edition ~ An evening with Shane Claiborne
enhydra lutris Fri, 01/29/2021 - 12:30pm 1 1 Fri, 01/29/2021 - 01:00pm
There was a pause in the use of a specific batch of Moderna in
From:Friday Open Thread ~ "What are you watching and who are you listening to?" edition ~ An evening with Shane Claiborne
enhydra lutris Fri, 01/29/2021 - 12:26pm 4 0
Good morning Lookout, thanks for the vid. I love the name,
From:Friday Open Thread ~ "What are you watching and who are you listening to?" edition ~ An evening with Shane Claiborne
enhydra lutris Fri, 01/29/2021 - 12:13pm 5 0
From:The Evening Blues - 1-27-21
enhydra lutris Thu, 01/28/2021 - 04:08pm 2 1 Thu, 01/28/2021 - 04:39pm
Newsom lifted the stay at home order, but that reverts
From:The Evening Blues - 1-27-21
enhydra lutris Thu, 01/28/2021 - 04:05pm 3 0
Good afternoon QMS, thanks. Half a cc is a bit hard on the
From:Hot Air
enhydra lutris Thu, 01/28/2021 - 03:50pm 3 1 Thu, 01/28/2021 - 03:57pm
