My Content

Title and Post date Comments & New Comments Last commenter and time Edit Delete Add comment
Take On Wall Street
05/25/2016 - 10:38am
18 TomP
05/25/2016 - 4:48pm
Bernie's New California Ad: "You have the power to choose a new direction for the Democratic Party."
05/25/2016 - 9:25am
17 Fentress
05/26/2016 - 1:44am
My Post at TOP: Tired of the Bullshit Here? Give Bernie a "Bernie" ($27)
05/20/2016 - 9:39am
58 LeChienHarry
05/21/2016 - 3:34pm
The Endgame of the Dem Primary May be Beginning
05/19/2016 - 5:16pm
70 Haikukitty
05/20/2016 - 9:43am
Preparing for the New Refugees.
05/19/2016 - 1:15pm
73 magicsister
05/31/2016 - 3:23pm
Bernie: "The Democratic Party has a choice."
05/18/2016 - 11:19am
105 Heart of the Rockies
05/19/2016 - 11:14pm
My comment for Kos’s hate-filled screed against Bernie supporters.
05/17/2016 - 1:14pm
237 Phoebe Loosinhouse
05/26/2016 - 8:06pm
Pew Research Center Study shows shrinking middle class almost everywhere in America.
05/12/2016 - 11:40am
16 Sunspots
05/15/2016 - 8:05am
My Conversation with Markos regarding his Lack of Cred with Bernie Supporters. .
05/02/2016 - 4:40pm
364 lothbrokr46
07/29/2016 - 8:06pm
Howard Dean: The Truth Is Clinton Took Money From Fossil Fuel Lobbyists
04/01/2016 - 4:36pm
34 Lenzabi
04/01/2016 - 10:10pm
