The Endgame of the Dem Primary May be Beginning
Out of all the progressive [mainstream] bloggers during this primary season, I have found Greg Sargent at WaPo to be pretty fair. Paul Waldman, who subs for him, often has sarcastic comments about Bernie and his supporters, but Sargent is pretty fair overall. No gratuitous bs or shade thrown. I think his post this afternoon could be correct that the endgame is here or, at least, it is beginning.
Before I quote from it, I want to be clear. I have always expected Bernie to endorse Hillary at some point. At issue is how hard he campaigns for her and what he says. I never expected a third party run. He rejected that last year.
Here are some snippets from "Hillary Clinton signals possible endgame for Dem primary battle":
And in terms of the near-term question of how those will get resolved, perhaps the most important thing she offered in that CNN interview with Chris Cuomo was this signal to Bernie Sanders and his supporters that she is open to platform and process concessions at the convention:
Clinton dodged a question from Cuomo on whether she would choose Sanders as her running mate.
“What brings us together is Donald Trump. I think that’s what brings us together,” she said, after remarking that would be a discussion for later. Assessing her chances against Trump, Clinton said the party would unify.
“That doesn’t mean we won’t have some vigorous discussion and debate about issues, about the platform, about all of the process of a convention. I welcome that. I think that’s healthy. I think bringing people into the party giving them a voice at the end is going to help us in the fall. I think as I said I will certainly do my part and more to reach out and bring in Senator Sanders’ supporters and I have every reason to expect he’ll do the same,” she said
. (bold in original).
Sargent notes that "[t]he cynical view of these comments is that Clinton isn’t actually prepared to make any meaningful concessions towards Sanders and his supporters." He also observes that some Hillary folks will scream "no concessions:"
Why should anyone make any concessions to the guy who lost??? Sanders and his supporters are out of control!!! Screw ’em!!!
But he also believes that it may be in both Bernie and Hillary's interest to work things out:
It’s possible the Clinton camp might actually conclude it’s in her best interests to make some real concessions towards Sanders, which is to say, this wouldn’t be about giving away stuff to the undeserving, demanding loser that some Clinton supporters keep seeing in him. Meanwhile, he might conclude it’s in his interests not to ask for too much, in order to make resolution possible.
My bet is that they reach some agreement eventually, after California votes.
I'm ok with that. I know many here are not.
However Bernie's campaign turns out, and whatever he does, the important thing is to build the movement.
Now that I am free of TOP, I can say the following. While I still take the Dem Party road, that track would be strengthened if there was stronger Green Party competition. A stronger left helps regardless of your electoral road. Issues matter; activism matters.
I remember discussions at the Denver Convention in 2000 where we nominated Nader. We said a time will come when either the GP becomes the left party or the Dems change. Bernie has gotten the most support in my lifetime for real change. It's growing!
I can work with folks taking either electoral road. Like Bernie, I oppose Trump. I know some people in their anger support him. It's your right. Not my job to convince you otherwise. But I will say what I plan to do and why. And listen to other views.
Not a Tip Jar, dammit!
good, 'cause I'd flag it if it were
not that we can flag anything, I just don't like bringing it over here.
TomP we are better than TOP that is why you are here. eom
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
Damn right!
We are better.
You know what, I will delete that line.
Glad you said that. Thanks.
Thank you Tom...
I know you are still conditioned to working with the dumb f@cks over there and that it will take you awhile to get comfortable "speaking" here. At c99 we are all peers, and we are only entitled to our own opinions. Thanks, again.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
I am so used to be attacked and insulted
for my posts. You're right. Very different here.
I know that his rhetoric is godawful, more embarrassing than even W's off the cuff remarks were. But in the end, I cannot join with someone who is merely the enemy of my enemy, especially when I am not entirely sure they are enemies in either economics or foreign policy issues. The cultural issues have a tendency to sort themselves out regardless of political power. The GOP is not my problem. Neo-con foreign policy and neo-lib economics are.
I understand.
For me, it would be Hillary or Greens, but your right to chose otherwise.
Different folks find different key issues.
Just a sucky situation
If the Greens had used Nader rather than the reverse, we might have a realistic option. Instead we have a pretty hapless one, which really only exists as a protest vote. As much as I cannot vote for Clinton, I also cannot rationally steer anyone away.
I would love to see Benrie win California.
It probably would not change the ultimate outcome of this election, but it would be an earthquake for the Dem Party.
At least Bernie ran. And he has influenced many young folks who knew something deep was wrong.
It really is a long struggle.
Oh for your optimism
It is possible that this will lead somewhere based on the young energy of his supporters. But where do they go? I just see no way that the DNC turns away from corporate cash...unless Trump destroys Hillary. If she wins, preferable for the next four years by a little bit, what will the takeaway be?
There is no movement inside the political system for Bernie. And short of O'Malley--well liked by the very few who know his existence, it's hard to see who might pick up the mantle. Will the young bring the Greens to national viability? Hope so. But not hopeful.
I'm thinking longer term.
Keeping hope alive is a revolutionary act.
Democratic socialism has never had this much support in this nation.
I'm happy about the growth of the movement.
Thank you
A very nice reminder! Now if we can get the dopey Dems to stop f'ing up the word hope.
I'm afraid Tom
that most people have short attentions spans. It's going to take some serious work and some serious money to keep this going if Bernie loses. And I fear that if Bernie ends up endorsing clinton and asking his supporters to do the same, it will splinter the movement. I will not vote for clinton. She's a serial liar and a serial flip-flopper and any agreement she and Bernie would come to is not worth squat.
I've made overtures that I'd vote for trump before I vote for her but in reality I'll vote Green if Bernie's not on the ticket. There's no way I can vote for either of them and I'm in Ohio so if trump beats her by one vote blame it on me.
Bernie or Bust...
Same here.
I agree with everything you've said (and probably then some - my opinions on HRC are much much worse than 'serial liar' but that's a starting point).
I'm also part of the Bernie or Bust movement and live in Ohio, so if it's by two votes...I'll take half the blame and gladly.
Love of power is a puppet string. - Makana, Fire is Ours
I hear you. The movement is bigger than
Bernie and this election. Solidarity.
I'll share the blame. I'm also in Ohio and everything you said resonates with me. If Bernie isn't the nominee, I'll vote Green. (Pretty sure my partner will do the same, so there's three of us to blame, so far...)
"There’s nothing revolutionary about a movement that retreats into an endorsement of the lesser of two evils." Scott McLarty @ CounterPunch
In my state, if I voted Green, I'd be
voting for Hillary in essence.
As of right now, this very day, my plan IS to vote for Trump.
Granted between now and November, I may change my mind. But right now, Trump has my vote.
I hear you.
Thanks for commenting.
Passive vs Active resistance
I cannot and will not vote for HRC for any reason, including the big scary Republican.
Voting Green or any other third party is passive resistance which in essence states "I can live with it if she wins" which means that things will not be very good for many for a very long time. Active resistance is voting for Trump which means accepting that things may not be so great for some time for many, including myself, but in the long run will do more for making change happen.
Hopefully, it will be a non-issue.
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
I was where you are around August
Now I am Sanders or Green. I am also in WDC, so it doesn't really matter. Would probably need to go to therapy to push the button for HRC if I were in a swing state. But even then I'm not sure I would. Always considered myself a moderate, but that was based on pre-New Dem reckoning. That was based on two somewhat rational parties. Now I am liberal and my views haven't evolved, tho admittedly more nuanced as this GenXer ages. Didn't vote for Gore because of Clinton. Really can't see myself voting for HRC. It would just perpetuate the rightward shift of the Dems and the accompanying downward spiral of the Repubs as the Dems take away their voice.
It is time to shake things up. I am going Bernie or Green this year and work towards a New Progressive Wing for the future. The Dems can either return to left of center and stop being wannabe Repubs, or they will finish absorbing the moderate Repubs and be the moderate party with the NewProgs on the left and whatever remains on the right.
"Intelligence is the ability to adapt to change." Stephen Hawking
Building the GP would be good thing.
I understand where you are.
The nice thing is that it is not my job to convince you otherwise.
I'll listen to Bernie and decide, but right now, I'd vote for Hillary. But that to just me.
Whatever Bernie decides to do ...
... I'll listen very closely to him. He is a very pragmatic politician, if you look at his record. Since he is the one who truly opened my eyes to the corruption of the Dem party, I owe him at least that much.
I don't believe Hillary will do a damned thing for Progressives, even if she swears on a stack of bibles on the teevee she will. That makes it difficult for me to even consider voting for her. She is a dinosaur and so is the Democratic party. There is no relation to small "d" democracy in either party and that must be addressed somehow.
I'm in no hurry - I may very well not decide until I'm in the voting booth in November as to who I'll choose on the ballot or who I'll write in.
Beat in the USA.
Makes a lot of sense.
By the way, so good to see you here. Did you leave TOP a long time ago? Or did I just not see you?
I left TOP for a few years.
I only came back because of Bernie and now am gone from there again.
I've fought all my wars there for years and there's nothing more to be gained. As buhdydharma said in his last comment there:
Beat in the USA.
I miss buddhydharma. He was a good guy.
An endorsement of Clinton by Sanders
wouldn't faze me in the least. I understand that politics is politics, but no supporter of Sanders should feel obliged to follow some pro forma showing of support by the Senator.
Not being a Democrat, the obvious fissures in that party are of little concern to me.
Hillary Clinton is not someone I will vote for.
from a reasonably stable genius.
I have been thinking about what I
will do. One of my closest work associates is gay. She is as leftie as they come, despises Clinton with a passion, but sincerely believes Trump might swing the country back to more open and condoned violence towards gays.
I believe Hillary will get us into WWIII. That would kill gays, and Muslims, and lots of American young folks who would be drafted, and innocents all over the war zones.
Limited terror and death, or just go whole hog and make it universal?
If you just ignore the likely killings, and simply look at oligarchical infrastructure of our government, Trump is more likely to challenge lobbyists and overturn Citizen United than Hillary, who has not seemed to be bothered one bit about that inequality thingie.
I think we stand a better chance at protecting our gay brothers and sisters than protecting the world from cluster bombs.
Up until the hawkish Clinton stepped up her AIPAC speech, I was teetering.
No more. I will not vote for her, and believe the world is safer with Trump.
And that, my brothers and sisters, is just how totally fucked up this country has become.
Pick your poison, vote accordingly.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
The tricky part about Trump is
that he could swing the country in so many directions. He could govern as a fascist or he could go in a completely different direction that better matches the views he espoused in the past. I do expect that which ever direction he goes in the general will be how he would govern to some degree though.
Trump is even less consistent than Hillary.
And clearly responds to the moment without giving any thought to the impact of what he says. I truly believe he would be a disaster as President. Which isn't to say Hillary would be a good president. I think she'd be terrible, but Trump is beyond the pale. I am incredibly angry that the Democratic Party and the Clintons have put us in this position. Aided by Barack Obama, I might add.
Oh, I don't disagree for the most part.
I'm just not as sure as to whether Donald or Hillary would make a worse President. I won't vote for either them. Donald says far worse things, but Hillary's records speaks for itself. If I can't vote for Bernie in the general, I will be voting for Jill Stein (and luckily I live in CA; I tell my mother (who will hold her nose and vote for Hillary) that if Hillary needs my vote to win CA, she's already lost every swing state).
In a Trump presidency both D's and R's will buffer his insanity.
In a HRC presidency, both D's and R's will amplify her interventionist bellicosity and disregard for plight of the 99%.
Trump frightens me less than Hillary, who I believe could usher in a more durable rule of the oligarchs. Trump's idiocy could well be a springboard for a shift to left in both parties and fertile ground for developing a viable third party, something we desperately need.
D's and R' playing patty-cake with each other, taking turns in our White House has got to stop.
“The story around the world gives a silent testimony:
— The Beresovka mammoth, frozen in mud, with buttercups in his mouth…..”
The Adam and Eve Story, Chan Thomas 1963
I think the person putting us
I think the person putting us in this position is Bernie Sanders. I don't understand what he hopes to gain from not splitting away from the corruption of the Dem Party and running as an Independent. He says it's to be sure Trump does not become President, but I have to wonder how he can square this with what he knows a Clinton administration will do to this nations people. I don't buy that Trump is a greater threat than the 'two' Clinton's ... and I hope Bernie wakes up and realizes it.. sooner than later. In fact, I'd go so far as to say, that I think Trump is approachable and would agree to implement a good portion of Sanders platform if Bernie were to come out of his own self-made bubble and meet with Trump to find out. Trump is a Nationalist after all, whereas the Clinton's are Global Corporatists and New World Order Imperialists. They are a far greater threat to this planet and it's people.. IMO
On a good note: Jill Stein.. from the BradCast radio program was interviewed yesterday (Thurs) and made it clear that she and the Green Party are working hard to make sure they are on the ballot in all 50+ States.. (and thinks they will be able to do so by the GE) and is leaving the door (The open letter to Bernie Sanders) open, if Bernie decides to answer the offer... Hopefully Bernie will realize that 'The American People' are more important than either Clinton or Trump and do that right thing... which in my mind is to have the guts to stand on his own two feet and take this to the end of the General Election. That is, once the Dems cut him off at the knees at the Convention in Philly.... But.. Jill and the Green Party may have to agree to change their name.. *Ha..
It will be a tough choice for many people.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts.
Senate leader?
I think it was on the young turks that someone suggested that if Bernie doesn't get the nomination he should get Harry Reid's job. Then he could control what legislation would come before the senate or have some effect. They got Wall Street Schumer set up. Don't y'all think Bernie has a plan? I think so. He's a damn good politician. Don't know if his plan includes senate leadership though.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
If HRC becomes POTUS and the Dems retake the Senate and
make Schumer the majority leader, it will be that old carnival game for Wall Street....."Shoot 'Til You Win".
"Just call me Hillbilly Dem(exit)."
-H/T to Wavey Davey
'Endgame' presumes a clear set of moves...
to an inevitable outcome.
I don't see any outcome as inevitable right now, as much as the WaPo and the DNC would like to pretend there is.
The only thing certain right now is that neither Hillary nor Bernie will have enough pledged delegates to win the nomination outright.
Everything else is spin.
The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?
Good points.
I agree, NHK
The narrative that Team Clinton wants us to believe is that this is the Endgame. It's not. Not even close. If Hillary were so damn certain the game is over, she wouldn't be on TV proclaiming that She Will Be the Nominee (kiss my ring, dammit!).
Most Likely Outcome
It's not at all realistic to think Bernie can overtake Clinton in the pledged delegate count. And it's equally unlikely that Clinton will be able to claim the nomination with pledged delegates alone - she will need the super-delegates to put her over the top. But probably everything will be smoothed over prior to the convention, so that the DP can put on its happy face and present a "united front" to the American public. Clinton will toss the Sanders people a few crumbs, which will have zero practical impact in terms of a new Clinton Administration's policies, or in terms of making the workings of the party apparatus, and/or the nominating process, fundamentally more fair, honest and small-d democratic.
By repeatedly proclaiming that preventing a Trump presidency is the most important goal going forward, Sanders has left himself with little option other than to endorse Clinton, regardless of what concessions she chooses to offer. Not so with his supporters. Many can and will walk away from the Democratic Party rather than support an unreconstructed right-winger whose agenda and policy prescriptions they view as antithetical to their beliefs, and contrary to their own perceived self-interest. Count me among those.
In the 1850's the Whig Party's inability and unwillingness to articulate a clear and unambiguous position on the issue of human slavery proved to be its undoing, and the Republican Party rose from its ashes. The overriding issues today, while more subtle, are no less profound: One, the complete disenfranchisement of all but the ultra-wealthy in determining public policy, and the resulting exploitation, degradation and impoverishment of the many by the powerful few; and two, the ongoing wholesale abuse and destruction of the earth's physical environment, represented most dramatically by the phenomenon of anthropogenic global warming.
Neither of the mainstream parties are the least bit willing to address these two inter-related problems in any serious way - indeed, both have and will continue to function as enablers and facilitators for those committed to maintaining the status quo. To those who now see the "fierce urgency" of, in Frederick Douglass' words, resisting the injustice and wrong being imposed upon us with words or blows or both, rolling over yet again to support the (alleged) lesser evil just won't do. What the Sanders campaign has demonstrated to me, above all, is that a critical mass of voters now exists in this country that is no longer willing to tolerate more of the same. If the anti-slavers of 150 years ago could translate such sentiments into a new and potent political movement, why should we not believe that, blessed as we are with the Internet and various other sophisticated and effective tools for organizing and communications, their modern day spiritual descendants cannot do the same?
inactive account
from a reasonably stable genius.
If Bernie wants to stop Trump
He should continue his run for President. We owe nothing to the corrupt Democrat establishment and this movement is not theirs. They have done nothing but lie and belittle Bernie and respectively his supporters.
Yesterday I saw that a group is planning a national campaign for 2018 that will compete for every congressional seat, house and senate, based on Bernie's platform. They also plan to use his fund raising model for a central entity collecting and distributing for the candidates to help them avoid being beholden to wealthy corporate interests.
Any links to that movement?
A Brand New Congress
Former Bernie Sanders Staffers Seek To Elect A ‘Brand New Congress’
Very interesting and good comment.
Hope Bernie Can Save Dem Party From the DLC
Good article. Thanks for bringing it here, Tom. I hope Bernie is able to get some concessions from HRC for the Democratic Party. It's never been as far left as I am, but I've been willing to accept it for all these years. I'd have to live in Europe to be represented, and I wouldn't mind that. But I can no longer afford to leave as I used to be able to do. Be that as it is. Still the DNC is no longer recognizable as democratic. I do object to that, and to DWS as the chair. Surely we should be able to better distinguish ourselves from the GOP.
I liked how Sargent ended his post
I don't trust HRC one millimeter, and I don't trust a single thing she says. I don't even characterize her as an authentic Democrat. I hope she makes concessions for the Party, but I will not vote for her in the general. I won't vote for Trump either but I'm less afraid of his presidency than HRC, who'll privatize SS and get TPP passed, promotes fracking and chooses to holiday with war criminal Henry Fucking Kissinger. There is no way she can earn my vote. It's not for sale. It's not even for rent, as poor as I am.
Thanks. Agree with much in your comment,
although I think Trump is worse. But good points.
Hillary will be able to pass
Hillary will be able to pass with little outcry "negotiated" changes to social security and a women's right to choose. She has already stated her willingness to consider these. Of course, it will be the best she can do considering the opposition. This is why the establishment wants a democratic president so badly. And they don't own Trump. I believe that if Trump tried to do what Hillary will certainly try and accomplish, the protests would ring from sea to shiny sea. Where are the protests against President Obama opening the Arctic to drilling? I believe there would be outrage if Trump did the same. I will not vote for him either - just sayin. Nothing will change for the better if we continue to hold our noses and vote for continual war, poisoning of our environment and the incremental loss of our rights, freedoms and privacy.
(Updated) Here's a Cuomo Tweet/video below,
from earlier today.
(Replaced feed with Tweet.)
The interview was insulting. Even a right-wing shill [Gloria Borger], and reporter Dana Bash said that FSC was pretty much telling Bernie, and his supporters--to 'get with the program.'
And this nugget from Sargent (below) is an understatement, IMO,
Got that right!
But, it won't work (for us). Never again will we vote for a Clinton.
FSC was so condescending in her tone, that the entire CNN crew/roundtable--including Wooooooolf--thought that Bernie might have to issue a statement in response to it, IOW, rebuking her statements/interview.
We haven't figured out what to do about voting. Unless a Court challenge is successful, Greens won't have ballot access.
Also, no 'write-in' votes are possible--unless Bernie completes the necessary paperwork.
(checked with our Election Commission this week)
Hey, thanks for the post! This miserable situation isn't any of our faults, is it?
Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage.--Lao Tzu
"Every time I lose a dog, he takes a piece of my heart. Every new dog gifts me with a piece of his. Someday, my heart will be total dog, and maybe then I will be just as generous, loving, and forgiving."--Author Unknown
Visit Us At Save Our Street Dogs (SOSD)
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
Her party will doubtless enjoy the result of her nomination.
Good for them.
from a reasonably stable genius.
Wow. She is trying to mollify Sanders' supporters by
saying that what she saw in Nevada "was very disturbing." I don't generally curse--any more = ) -- but a few words did escape me for that one. One more reason to dislike her as now I have to go wash my mouth out with soap.
I am going to take this as a general question:
Yes, it is in many ways. We became a passive electorate. We allowed things like the invasion of Iraq and when over-ridden by the media and parts of our government, we acquiesced. When the Patriot Act was signed, both times, we did not bring the house down on them. We have said that our vote doesn't count and then did nothing about it. In many, many ways we allowed this to become the situation.
The real question is what are we going to DO about it.
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
Hear, hear, WD13 - It was meant tongue-in-cheek! ;-D EOM
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
I believe
I believe that we will never have a clearer example of the difference between a non-corporatist, non-miltarist, people-planetist and a corporatist, militarist, fuck-the-people-planetist in my lifetime.
The Movement will be co-opted and the distinction will be blurred if we throw in with Hillary.
It is a very bad move that will lead to check-mate when the opponent Queen starts knocking off all protections. I'd rather sacrifice my Queen and advance my pawns (common people) to promote, not another Queen nor Oligarch, but the Movement which includes a fairer game for all.
Hillary needs to be defeated. My dilemma right now is whether I just stay on the sidelines or work to ensure her defeat because she represents everything that is wrong with one of the USA's 2 parties, the Dems. We aren't going anywhere if we throw in with the Greens. We need to hold and takeover the Dems. Or takeover the GOP. Doesn't matter. What matters is the Movement: People financed campaigns.
Hear, Hear Prune!
I'm with you! I think it will be a great tragedy if Bernie endorses Hillary!
There is a part of me that feels I'm being dupped by Bernie --- I suppose it's the part of me that is afraid of being betrayed and hurt! There is a part of me that feels some anger towards Bernie --- I suppose it's the part of me that resents that what I'm giving will be thrown away and wasted (not just money). Part of me feels like I'm being used, and not in a good way! The old feelings of my American disillusionment are slowly covering my heart again. I suppose I am giving up because I believe that Bernie's"teaming up" with Hillary will signal that he has given up!
I feel a great doom foreshadowing the DNC. I am sorry to be such a downer, but it's what I feel in my heart!
I feel the exact same way..
I feel the exact same way..
If Hillary is the Democrat nominee
And Bernie is no longer running, I will happily vote for Trump. I agree with him on the Iraq War, trade policy and 'Crooked Hillary'.
And Social Security. n/t
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
Think he may be open to Medicare for all, single payer type system. I greatly prefer Bernie, but Trump is vastly better than Hillary.
You trust him to do what he says?
He's far worse than Hillary when it comes to sticking to a position. And she changes her stances on issues all the time.
I think the environment has to come first, and that means no TPP
And no TPP, etc., means no Hillary. If we want life on earth to continue, Hillary has to lose. If we subordinate everything to multinational corporations' "anticipated profits," we won't have a chance, in any area.
Second issue for me is no nuclear WW III. I think Hillary would be very likely to start that. It's another issue of all life on earth. So she has to lose. She's consistently bellicose, and the results of her actions have been consistantly disastrous.
One thing Trump has been consistent about, going 30 years back to an Oprah interview, is opposition to these "trade" deals. He also thinks our military interventions are stupid and counterproductive, which they are. So, if it's necessary to stop Hillary, I'll vote for Trump, rude, crude, vulgarian that he is.
Yes, Sunspots, the environment is the thing
All other issues, even income inequality, pale before it. Because if we do not act, if we allow Corporations to privatize our water, FFS, and interfere with environmental regulations, we are going to very soon face catastrophic changes that make even income inequality seem minor.
The nice thing, is if we could build local green industries and reform the corporate tax code, we could tackle both climate change and income inequality at once.
But if TPP in enacted, we're done.
Not the endgame of the Democratic primary
One way or another, the endgame of the Democratic Party.
I don't believe for a second that Sanders has come closer to "unifying" w/Clinton. Not after what just happened in NV. He's an old activist, he knows what it means when people invent stories of violence and thuggery about a movement. Means they're getting ready to send cops in to crack skulls.
I think that's why he and Weaver responded so much more aggressively to this than to the myriad other fraud.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
they will make Philly look like Chicago 1968,their setting the stage.
I can't understand that some can imagine there is an honest
way for Sanders to support Clinton, if he doesn't get the nomination. In my mind it would completely negate what he campaigned on and what he stood and voted for since a long, long time.. I also don't believe in any sort of "pushing the Democratic Party establishment and platform to the left" by demands that Sanders might make at the convention. Those would be kabuki pushes that bounce back the moment the elections are over and Clinton would be President.
There is no unity possible. Clinton has a devastating cold war mentality and an imperial foreign policy mind and she is not willing to fight corporate powers and influence. Bernie can't give in to those, otherwise he betrays his supporters.
I don't mean to demonize Clinton. I came to understand her only since she decided to want her own political career, especially during her SoS time. Before that I didn't think much about her (wasn't aware how deeply she desired a political power role for herself, but was not that opposed as I am now. It helped me a lot to watch especially the very early and old interviews HRC gave and also similarily very old Sanders interviews. They are very different in character and ideology and have both been since they were young. Sanders is a good sports. But if a game is rigged, there is no sense to play as if the game is fair and as if good sportsmanship could change a rigged game into a fair one. Your electoral process is just so bad, that it's impossible.
Can someone pound this into Sanders' head before he goes off to endorse Clinton?
"A reminder: the US has the #1 most expensive healthcare system in the world, yet we rank roughly #42 in life expectancy." -- Luigi Mangione
Excellent, thoughtful comment
She has introduced and re-introduced herself to a national audience a number of times. Each time more comes to light, and I think less of her. I feel more and more confident about my conclusions regarding her positions on the issues, personality and character, long term goals, etc. They are not why I am a Democrat, and if she is nominated I plan to re-register Green or unaffiliated.
I won't support Her Highness
whether Bernie does or not. I suspect Bernie has no choice but to support Her Highness if he wishes to maintain any kind of poilitical currency, cred. I can respect that, do respect that. To refuse to support the nominee is political suicide. So, Bernie must do what Bernie must do. I don't need to follow that road. And won't. I won't support The Donald, but I would rather see her lose than support her candidacy. I think most of us here have seen and heard enough over the last 20 years or more to know what's what. Is why most of us are here. I won't support another day of that. And, if that means losing the SCOTUS so be it. Fuck HRC, fuck DWS and fuck her DNC.
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
On the day Bernie endorses Hillary, in a galaxy far, far away
Obi-Wan will be saying,
I maintain, still, that the
I maintain, still, that the Trump campaign is part of the get Hillary elected campaign. It is theatre - that may backfire - but theatre just the same. Now that I hear her say that ensuring Trump does not get elected is the rallying call for progressive joining with her, I am more sure than ever that this was planned, anticipating what a hard sell Hillary would be. We have been played.