My Post at TOP: Tired of the Bullshit Here? Give Bernie a "Bernie" ($27)

Wrote this just now.

We will see how it is received. Saw so many people fighting there this morning and thought we should redirect our efforts.
Nothing pisses of Clinton supporters there more than a fundraiser for Bernie.

Lot of bullshit going down here lately.

Markos crapping on us, front pagers throwing shade right and left (mostly right). Hate, rage and insults.

You can argue with anonymous strangers on the internet who will insult you, throw flags and just be all around asses.

Or you can give them all a big middle finger by giving a Bernie ($27) to Bernie.

Hell, give two Bernies to Bernie! ($54)

The money helps Bernie compete in California and elsewhere.

Now is the time you donation matters the most. When the liberal commentariat and the captured blogs have dropped their masks and shown what they are. When the entire party apparatus is trying to demonize Bernie and YOU.

I have never seen a campaign in which the other side used a deliberate policy of demonizing a candidate’s supporters. Go back to the “English Only” lies, the false accusations of racism, sexism, etc. This was a deliberate policy.

You can fight back in the most real way by giving a Bernie ($27) to Bernie.

Times tough for you? Give a half Bernie ($13.50) Even a quarter Bernie is ok. (You can do the math) Ok, $6.75.

It all counts as a big FU to the one who compares us to Trump supporters.

Give through BNR by hitting the contribute button.


All money goes to the Bernie campaign.

You can take the abuse or fight back by

Giving a Bernie ($27) to Bernie.

Goal Thermometer
If you missed my post earlier this week at a different site, you can read it here: Bernie: "The Democratic Party has a choice."

Solidarity all.

I’ll be back later to respond to decent comments and ignore the inevitable insults.

No link. You all know how to contribute. And if you want to find it there, you know how to. Smile

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Raggedy Ann's picture

I won't go over there, though. I'm down to once a day - to post my BNR comment. I just can't go there without getting anxiety attacks anymore. The "air" there is thick as a brick. I'll contribute to Bernie today via his website. Thanks for doing this over there. Clapping

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"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11

I feel so much better away.

But I saw this morning that many are staying and fighting.

Someone wrote me an email there thanking me for fighting for Bernie. I felt I had to do something. So I did.

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Raggedy Ann's picture

that are staying to fight the good fight. I just don't want to fight anymore. Nothing we say makes a difference and we are swarmed when we say anything at all. The BNR is the only safe zone and sometimes it is infiltrated, too, albeit only rarely. I am grateful for you. Smile

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"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11

Fighting with strangers on the internet makes no sense.

It is important to build up this place.

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riverlover's picture

Not any more. I logged off, no urge to go back to rec/wreck. Another $27 to the cause, SS check yesterday? Haven't looked. Solidarity.

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Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.

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your diary over there, Tom, but I can certainly send Bernie another $27.

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the people who recced it, I just sent Bernie another $27.

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Most MOTs are now cross posted at Flowers for Socrates, for those unwilling or unable to connect at TOP.

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There is no such thing as TMI. It can always be held in reserve for extortion.

Most MOTs are now cross posted at Flowers for Socrates, for those unwilling or unable to connect at TOP.

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There is no such thing as TMI. It can always be held in reserve for extortion.

riverlover's picture

but time. I'll check over. Miss the friendlies.

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Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.

Then I'll be tempted to check the latest "rec-list hits" which can get away with more due to the softer moderation on HRC supporters. And when they started to bomb the BNR and get a good chunk of recs too I bowed out.

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Is a delicate way to put things. Markos used to have a policy (whether implicit or explicit) whereby people working for a particular campaign had to acknowledge such in their comments. The money that Hillary/Brock have given out explicitly to launch an Internet trolling war changes this. I wouldn't be surprised if GOS were itself on the receiving of some of those funds, too. After all, MM did take money from the Dean campaign way back when, at a time I couldn't really figure out the attraction to his candidacy.

Money changes everything. Everything.

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in a lefty kinda way! ; ] Most days I go there just to wreck the Berner Posts and comments. If I comment there at all nowadays, it's to policy, not politics. C&J and my homey BiPM, et all are a welcome smile and chuckle daily. On my way to tip you on the other side. Well said as always.

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Ya got to be a Spirit, cain't be no Ghost. . .

Explain Bldg #7. . . still waiting. . .

If you’ve ever wondered whether you would have complied in 1930’s Germany,
Now you know. . .
sign at protest march

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after the win in Oregon and excellent showing in Ky. Not giving up on Bern so long as he doesn't give up on us! My contacts who still engage with corporate media and Koch Public Radio report a lot of talking heads opining Bernie should quit. Ha.

Hardly go to TOP any more. Occasionally check diary titles, but content has been mostly disappointing. No site at present has the extraordinary richness TOP once provided, but then even Atlantis eventually sank. "All things to end are made."

At least we have this and a few other options.

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But things change.

I'm excited about this place.

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lunachickie's picture

I love the bit on the Politico story, where the headline says Sanders is "wheeling and dealing for a better position" is such complete bullshit. It's such bullshit that Politico cut off the comments of that foolish fantasy. It doesn't even say that in the actual piece, it's just a lot of self-important lickspittles like Feinstein making veiled threats.

Pathetic, they are. Just absolutely and desperately pathetic.

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which they call a right wing rag when they don't like the story.

Bernie is 74. He is interested in building the movement, not a senate perk.

Just more Clinton disinformation.

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Wink's picture

"absolutely and desperately pathetic," that is. The TOP is an echo chamber (and not in a good way), and it will be fun to watch kos and his plaything become insignificant in the blogosphere.

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the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.

kharma's picture

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There is nothing which I dread so much as a division of the republic into two great parties.. to be dreaded as the greatest political evil under our Constitution.--John Adams

I now log out every time I leave. Feels good.

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kharma's picture

The place is a cesspool of hate now and gives me bad vibes. Kos has new words he wrote there now. I left him this:

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There is nothing which I dread so much as a division of the republic into two great parties.. to be dreaded as the greatest political evil under our Constitution.--John Adams


Kos will only get the Clinton supporters.

I did not read it. I'm sure he threw in some "dicks."

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Just wondering, does logging out mean anything besides what it says? I.e., does it affect Dkos website at all?

Hi Tom and all!

Sure is nasty over there... I do go over and try and rec up Bernie stuff... and still get drawn in to the stupidity. I just can't stand lies and smears.

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Someone more computer literate will know.

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Lookout's picture

OPOL, and subir dairies, but the only comments I can stand are in the BNR, and every now an then those are intolerable. BTW the BNR has a post time of 4 AM, but it isn't coming out till after 8 ET. Reckon that's purposeful? Because up till the last week LD has the BNR up by the time I get up at 5 Central. Odd don't you think?

OPOL had some great graphics today. I captured several of them and will sprinkle them around here when appropriate. In fact this one speaks well to the DailyLost...


PS I'm a ludite and mail Bernie checks. I always include a note...mainly to express support or encouragement. I asked Bernie to consider a third party in my note today. I suggested he must do what his conscience called, and I must follow mine. I simply will not support a corrupt corporate creature and party like Hellery and the Democrats. To ask me to do so would go against my values all the goals of his campaign. Of course I doubt anyone of consequence will see my note, but it makes me feel better to express my thoughts. I guess kinda like writing here.

All the best TomP!

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“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

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... from my many years at TOP.

I think it's a feature of how the blog is set up that posters get caught up in these fights, and nothing ever comes of them on either "side."

I used to get very involved and the pattern, over the years, became clear to me. First we'd take an issue, say, torture, and get people informed (Jeff Kaye/Valtin was superb at this) and little by little we'd see people come over to our side in solidarity with the idea of prosecuting those who have tortured (i.e., Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, etc.).

Then little by little you'd see the reaction, the "establishment" side (and this was even before Obama) where folks felt this action was not good for the Democratic Party for whatever reason they came up with - mostly that we were to be all about electing Dems and not pushing issues too hard.

The pushback would always begin with someone writing a "tone" diary claiming they were against torture, for example, but oh those leftys had such bad manners and behavior that they couldn't get behind signing any petitions or doing any actions. It was always emotion based and always refused to deal with the issues themselves, only tone.

The pushback diaries climbed the rec list and the dynamic would begin.

We'd push back ourselves and win the rec list! Then they would push back and win the rec list. In the end, everything got so confused that nothing was ever done and solidarity was simply never gained on either side.

That's the dynamic of TOP. You can feel you're really winning the internets until you realize it's just a never-ending cycle of powerlessness because someone else owns the site and you'll never be able to overcome that. It's not a public square and never will be.

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Beat in the USA.

Thumb's picture

In the end, everything got so confused that nothing was ever done and solidarity was simply never gained on either side.

I'm more and more convinced this is a feature and not a bug. It's a Potemkin progressive site to allow just enough progressive voice to let people think they have a voice, but if they go too far and get close to actually making a difference it gets shut down.

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"Polls don't tell us how well a candidate is doing; Polls tell us how well the media is doing." ~ Me

And it drives traffic.

Kos's attack on Bernie supporters drove traffic. He knew exactly what he was doing. He figured it out long ago. Strong opinions and hyperbole creates a reaction, and a reaction to that and off an running and traffic builds again.

That's the dynamic of TOP. You can feel you're really winning the internets until you realize it's just a never-ending cycle of powerlessness because someone else owns the site and you'll never be able to overcome that. It's not a public square and never will be.

But one can raise money there. Smile As my post does.

That's real. Winning the internet is not.

There was a lot of Bernie support on dkos, but most was not there. It was other parts of the internet.

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PhilJD's picture

I don't recall ever seeing this sort of sustained onslaught from the owner of TOP against anything, ever. The mask is off; it's crystal-clear now that he would STILL be a "moderate" Republican if such a thing were possible in today's GOP. All these angry centrists at TOP and elsewhere genuinely loathe and fear the left and see progressives as their TRUE ideological enemy. I really believe that for a lot of these guys all their railing about Trump is a smokescreen; if it came to a choice, they'd much prefer President Trump to President Sanders.

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Hillary Clinton 2016: I'm a proud progmoderate!

He's driving traffic. People fight with him, clicks go up. He wants his blog back.

But Markos appears to be anti-socialist.

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... but I don't think this strategy is working for him now ("driving traffic").

It was one thing when it was just an argument over the issues. But Bernie supporters are a different kettle of fish - they no longer find Markos credible (as you pointed out in one of your excellent comments over there) and so it's no longer a reason to go over there and get all involved in conflict over what Markos is saying. We just don't care any more. Bernie has replaced Markos thoroughly as a progressive leader. Markos' criticisms are so similar to what the Establishment is already saying - such tired nonsense - that I can't really see that as driving traffic as it may have done in the past.

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Beat in the USA.

isn't bought and paid for. His blog belongs to the Democratic Party. They give him his talking points. He does what he is told to do. Whatever money he makes off his blog is simply the icing on the cake. After that lunch, everything at dailykos changed.


Yes he can.

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"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon

ChemBob's picture

...just quit that horrid place? Don't let it be an addiction and please quit giving Markos page views. It's how he makes his money to fund his anti-progressive propaganda machine.

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grapevines's picture

...but I know that a lot of people still come there too read what's happening on the political scene. Thousands just read and don't comment. Bernie's positions, support, rallies ect are still on there. They influence the vote.

A lot of good discussion that clearly showed Bernie's movement/platform, in comparison to HRC, have been missing recently..due to the banning of excellent diarists and people leaving in disgust. But, you can still find good stuff..the Latino/Hispanic diaries regarding Clinton foreign past policies were great. The diarist was trolled unmercifully by Hillbots but he got his points out. He was great. They called attention to USA Imperialistic actions in Central/South America and other parts of the world.

so I stay and try too do what I can..for how long I don't know..its starting to cause me too lose sleep and I need it, I'm in my 70's.

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People Before Profits

ChemBob: if your a Buddhist or into mindfulness/insight practice, DK is great! Here's what you do. Start by attuning your attention to both your body and your emotional state. Next, read any old comment thread there. Be mindful of the changes that occur in your body and emotional state as you continue to read. Pay close attention to the sensation and feeling of your mind and body as you get more and more annoyed. But don't identify yourself with these sensations. Also, don't linger too long.

Over the past month or so, I've gotten some real insight into how I react to hateful maddening nonsense and lies. So I guess DK does have a pretty good use after all!

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riverlover's picture

had a playlist with a voice ad by KO, "voice if the Big Red (cornell)". grateful dead. Truckin'.

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Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.

thanatokephaloides's picture

My local radio station on in car, WVBR had a playlist with a voice ad by KO, "voice if the Big Red (cornell)". grateful dead. Truckin'.

Wow, what an ad!

Not KO doing a political rant to "Throwing Stones", but better than nothing!


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"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar

"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides

skod's picture

Won't go to MyDK, though- can't do it. Fuck 'em until they glow blue.

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Ken in MN's picture

I've taken to calling it Little Orange Footballs, because it's following the same pattern as Charles Johnson's Little Green Footballs...

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I want my two dollars!

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Online consultant

Seriously, does all the Sturm und Drang actually change anything? I mean, how long has it been since anyone has really said "I really care what Markos Moulistas on that site of his thinks", if ever? Much less random poster number 2,547,853 or whatever thinks. These things on both sides of the aisle don't have nearly the effect the participants want to believe they do.

By all means, donate money. There is value to a full length race. But the amount of energy spent online in pointless, fruitless argument would astound me if I knew it wasn't as old as Usenet.

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It is like a video game for political nerds.

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Texanomaly's picture

I like this space. Thank you TomP for all you have done.

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I like here also.

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mouselander's picture

He's figured out how to make this whole thing pay off like a slot machine. According to the Intercept's Lee Fang:

@ckilpatrick via FEC records, Kos Media LLC made $497,964 in recent yrs selling ads/email lists to DCCC, Dem SuperPACs, Emily's List, etc.

Nice work if you can get it!

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inactive account

are in business, not political commentary. He finds revenue streams.

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Azazello's picture

Giving a $27 donation to Bernie is fun and satisfying, I've done it a few times, but if the movement is going to continue we have to go down ballot. I'm talking about your local house race. I'm lucky, I have a true Progressive, and outspoken Bernie supporter, in my town. You might think about sending a Bernie to Raúl Grijalva HERE. Or maybe you want to send a bit to that guy in Florida HERE. No matter the outcome in California or Philly the movement must continue. We must support Progressives in the House.

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We wanted decent healthcare, a living wage and free college.
The Democrats gave us Biden and war instead.

Brief and pointed. They swarm online to demoralize us and waste our time. Don't engage. If we ignore the trolls, they're impotent. Turning their attacks into benefit for Bernie IS a middle finger. That's why I used to drop "Bonus Bucks for Bernie" pledges there for some of the most inane, content-free taunts by the likes of Trix and dhonig. And I followed through via LP's BNR ActBlue jar.

btw, the Bernie volunteer who was staying with us in OR left yesterday for CA. Now is not the time to quit--which is why the Clinton camp and media mouthpieces and Brockbots are trying soooo hard to discredit Bernie Sanders, push the violent BernieBros narrative, and peel off his support.

I continue with smaller donations to Canova and other "Berniecrats." This is a movement, and its time has come.

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"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society." --Jiddu Krishnamurti

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I was smiling the entire time I was reading it.

Like a BIG fundraising party in the principles house lol

Totally exceeded what I had budgeted for Bernie for May

But it felt so goooooooood to throw another $18 in the progressive pot.

allll the way to PHILLY!!

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Orwell was an optimist

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Tom your diary now has 750 comments! haha!

Well done!

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LeChienHarry's picture

on the top bar. Those are listed in order of recs/clicks/something. Before the last primary, Clinton was first for about a week. But now there's more Bernie again. Just can't keep a good one down.

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You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again you did not know. ~ William Wiberforce

If you can donate, please! POP Money is available for bank-to-bank transfers. Email JtC to make a monthly donation.