My comments

Subject Author Posted Votes Replies Latest Reply
I'm an Oregon native since
From:Oregon Judge allows "non-binary" sex option
ichibon Sun, 06/12/2016 - 11:45pm 1 Mon, 06/13/2016 - 12:09am
My normally socialist leaning English friend
From:Cameron, Corbyn, and Brexit
ichibon Sun, 06/12/2016 - 11:39pm 0
I want the rest of the story,
From:My Kinda Town
ichibon Sun, 06/12/2016 - 11:17pm 1 Sun, 06/12/2016 - 11:42pm
I'm open to joining a mass
From:It's all I can do to discipline myself not to leave Dem party tonight
ichibon Tue, 06/07/2016 - 01:22am 0
I've been waiting for after
From:It's all I can do to discipline myself not to leave Dem party tonight
ichibon Tue, 06/07/2016 - 01:19am 0
That's how I'm leaning
From:Clinton and the Democratic Party are about to have a long-overdue day of reckoning.
ichibon Thu, 06/02/2016 - 11:10am 1 Thu, 06/02/2016 - 12:40pm
I'll miss Blades.
From:My comment for Kos’s hate-filled screed against Bernie supporters.
ichibon Wed, 05/18/2016 - 03:29am 0
LL is one of my favorite bloggers.
From:My comment for Kos’s hate-filled screed against Bernie supporters.
ichibon Wed, 05/18/2016 - 03:24am 1 Thu, 05/19/2016 - 06:22pm
Me too
From:My comment for Kos’s hate-filled screed against Bernie supporters.
ichibon Wed, 05/18/2016 - 03:21am 0
My thought
From:My comment for Kos’s hate-filled screed against Bernie supporters.
ichibon Wed, 05/18/2016 - 03:14am 1 Wed, 05/18/2016 - 04:04am
Searching for ways to prevent our eventual collapse
From:Anti-Capitalist Meetup: A Mission of Unity
ichibon Mon, 05/16/2016 - 09:46am 2 Mon, 05/16/2016 - 01:06pm
Cornish origin?
From:This Week In Vexillology
ichibon Wed, 05/04/2016 - 07:29pm 0
Let the PO administer Rural Internet
From:Resilience: Let the Post Offices Lead The Way!
ichibon Mon, 04/25/2016 - 08:27pm 2 Tue, 04/26/2016 - 05:35am