My comments

Subject Author Posted Votes Replies Latest Reply
Tulsi's platform
From:Tulsi condemns election interference by the intelligence agencies
laurel Fri, 02/28/2020 - 05:28pm 1 0
Triumph over Russia
From:Tulsi condemns election interference by the intelligence agencies
laurel Fri, 02/28/2020 - 04:35pm 1 0
ZH is certainly capitalist and Trump-friendly
From:ZeroHedge "reporting" on Coronavirus is an evil disgrace
laurel Fri, 02/28/2020 - 04:02pm 1 1 Fri, 02/28/2020 - 06:33pm
Yes, that's a worthy read,
From:Corona virus--a conspiracy theory?
laurel Fri, 02/28/2020 - 03:04pm 1 0
I'm thrilled that The Hill gave Tusi
From:Tulsi condemns election interference by the intelligence agencies
laurel Fri, 02/28/2020 - 02:10pm 1 0
James Corbett has a theory about this.
From:Corona virus--a conspiracy theory?
laurel Thu, 02/27/2020 - 11:23am 1 1 Thu, 02/27/2020 - 12:08pm
No irony whatsoever,
From:Day 3 of Julian Assange’s Extradition Hearing
laurel Wed, 02/26/2020 - 10:37pm 6 0
Also came in late,
From:Anyone braving the SC Debate?
laurel Tue, 02/25/2020 - 09:31pm 1 0
Bernie HAS to disown Russia,
From:Bernie Sander swallows Russiagate whole: won't call out the nonsense
laurel Mon, 02/24/2020 - 05:55pm 1 1 Mon, 02/24/2020 - 06:17pm
Sometimes it helps to share the facts --
From:"Socialism" as a word
laurel Mon, 02/24/2020 - 11:49am 1 3 Tue, 02/25/2020 - 12:58am
Damn, this is it. Perfectly said,
From:"Socialism" as a word
laurel Mon, 02/24/2020 - 11:26am 1 1 Mon, 02/24/2020 - 12:59pm
Health insurance should not be controlled by employers.
From:Biden: "People in unions don't want to give up their health insurance"
laurel Mon, 02/24/2020 - 09:32am 1 0
Deceiving citizens could be their
From:The Real Question
laurel Fri, 02/21/2020 - 04:55pm 1 0
Yep, the fight is vertical,
From:The Real Question
laurel Fri, 02/21/2020 - 02:17pm 1 0
"Something awful happened in the 80s"
From:The Real Question
laurel Fri, 02/21/2020 - 01:58pm 1 0
There are taboo subjects
From:The Real Question
laurel Fri, 02/21/2020 - 01:23pm 1 0
The latest from the Bernie campaign
From:The Real Question
laurel Fri, 02/21/2020 - 01:12pm 1 2 Fri, 02/21/2020 - 02:50pm
If they think it's only Ds vs. Rs,
From:The Real Question
laurel Fri, 02/21/2020 - 12:56pm 1 1 Fri, 02/21/2020 - 01:50pm
It just shows how deep and real
From:The Morning After
laurel Thu, 02/20/2020 - 11:12pm 1 0
Saagar noted the Dems' subtle attack on Bernie
From:The Morning After
laurel Thu, 02/20/2020 - 02:24pm 1 0
You and me both,
From:The Morning After
laurel Thu, 02/20/2020 - 02:12pm 1 1 Thu, 02/20/2020 - 04:23pm
Ha ha - shows how much they fear us!
From:The Morning After
laurel Thu, 02/20/2020 - 02:01pm 1 0
Tim Black gave the best wrap-up
From:The Morning After
laurel Thu, 02/20/2020 - 09:23am 1 0
The Guardian turned trashy years ago,
From:More lies from the Guardian on Assange
laurel Wed, 02/19/2020 - 06:39pm 6 0
"voters and elites can best play their different roles"
From:They are just coming out and saying it now
laurel Wed, 02/19/2020 - 04:23pm 1 0
And sad to know
From:BREAKING (My Heart)
laurel Sat, 02/15/2020 - 07:04pm 1 1 Sun, 02/16/2020 - 11:03am
Thanks for keeping it real
From:Friday photogs
laurel Sat, 02/15/2020 - 07:01pm 1 0
Ha! I've also seen
From:BREAKING (My Heart)
laurel Sat, 02/15/2020 - 06:35pm 1 0
But she's not a 'behind the scene' kind of person,
From:BREAKING (My Heart)
laurel Sat, 02/15/2020 - 06:30pm 1 1 Sun, 02/16/2020 - 12:46pm
Yes, it seems Bernie's successful run
From:BREAKING (My Heart)
laurel Sat, 02/15/2020 - 06:20pm 1 0
I heard he's offering $10K a month
From:The Best Case (So Far) Against Bloomberg's Entire Shtick, In 17 Tweets
laurel Sat, 02/15/2020 - 05:34pm 1 0
Please send the twitter sequence to Jimmy Dore.
From:The Best Case (So Far) Against Bloomberg's Entire Shtick, In 17 Tweets
laurel Sat, 02/15/2020 - 05:26pm 1 0
Do they actually run?
From:Friday photogs
laurel Sat, 02/15/2020 - 02:03pm 1 Sat, 02/15/2020 - 05:26pm
Her reckless assaults on Bernie and Tulsi
From:BREAKING (My Heart)
laurel Sat, 02/15/2020 - 12:41pm 1 2 Sat, 02/15/2020 - 04:09pm
Thank you,
From:BREAKING (My Heart)
laurel Sat, 02/15/2020 - 12:35pm 1 0
I love your attitude,
From:BREAKING (My Heart)
laurel Sat, 02/15/2020 - 12:13pm 1 1 Sat, 02/15/2020 - 12:23pm
The creepoid already thought of that.
From:BREAKING (My Heart)
laurel Sat, 02/15/2020 - 12:11pm 1 0
It truly does.
From:BREAKING (My Heart)
laurel Sat, 02/15/2020 - 11:55am 1 0
Oh. I was hoping you'd have a silver lining.
From:BREAKING (My Heart)
laurel Sat, 02/15/2020 - 11:53am 1 1 Sat, 02/15/2020 - 02:40pm
For those of us who are slow ...
From:BREAKING (My Heart)
laurel Sat, 02/15/2020 - 11:14am 1 1 Sat, 02/15/2020 - 11:45am
Maybe the aliens could save us?
From:BREAKING (My Heart)
laurel Sat, 02/15/2020 - 10:53am 1 2 Sun, 02/16/2020 - 06:50am
So was mine,
From:Will Bloomberg be the Overnight Sensation Come Super Tuesday?
laurel Fri, 02/14/2020 - 11:13am 1 0
True. Bloomberg's ads bypass the rational faculties
From:Will Bloomberg be the Overnight Sensation Come Super Tuesday?
laurel Thu, 02/13/2020 - 03:36pm 1 1 Fri, 02/14/2020 - 08:39am
Also, haven't we had enough evidence
From:Will Bloomberg be the Overnight Sensation Come Super Tuesday?
laurel Thu, 02/13/2020 - 03:11pm 1 1 Thu, 02/13/2020 - 03:16pm
I'm sure that's why
From:Will Bloomberg be the Overnight Sensation Come Super Tuesday?
laurel Thu, 02/13/2020 - 02:59pm 1 1 Thu, 02/13/2020 - 03:12pm
Michael Tracey's direct experience with Bloomberg
From:Will Bloomberg be the Overnight Sensation Come Super Tuesday?
laurel Thu, 02/13/2020 - 02:50pm 1 0
Cops in riot gear
From:Hot Air
laurel Thu, 02/13/2020 - 12:23pm 1 1 Fri, 02/14/2020 - 12:25pm
Thanks for the song,
From:Hot Air
laurel Thu, 02/13/2020 - 12:15pm 1 0
To us, this adequately describes the two systems
From:It's going to get ugly again down at the ground.
laurel Thu, 02/13/2020 - 11:44am 0
From:It's going to get ugly again down at the ground.
laurel Thu, 02/13/2020 - 11:18am 1 0
Email pleas from the Bernie campaign
From:It's going to get ugly again down at the ground.
laurel Thu, 02/13/2020 - 11:11am 1 0
Hope they brought up Rashib Talib's
From:It's going to get ugly again down at the ground.
laurel Wed, 02/12/2020 - 06:10pm 1 0
Wow, more power to Chuck Rocha!
From:It's going to get ugly again down at the ground.
laurel Wed, 02/12/2020 - 06:06pm 1 0
