The Morning After
I'm just gonna throw together a very brief compilation of tweets I found on point this morning. #OnlyBernie is trending on twitter:
Bernie is on record saying he will support any nominee.
Bloomberg, Biden, Buttigieg, Klobuchar, and Warren have now gone on record saying they would allow the superdelegates to override Bernie even if he had a plurality of votes and delegates.#OnlyBernie
— Alvaro Rodriguez (@spacecowboy_cr) February 20, 2020
Why the hell is it called the Democratic Party anyway?
So Liz is acting all high and mighty on MSM this morning and very anti-democratic:
This is why Liz can't be trusted. As much as I liked her debate performance, it's wrong to support superdelegates over voters. That's not democratic.
Her campaign has been a mess, from accusing Bernie, to attacking his supporters, to M4A, it's been very weak#OnlyBernie
— beth, purity test enthusiast (@bourgeoisalien) February 20, 2020
Now that Bloomberg's face has been torn off to reveal an evil cyborg, I guess Warren's going to have to suffice as the last remaining flavor to try to stop Bernie. MSM/the billionaire class is in between a rock and a hard place.

I'm opposed to any candidate who shoots poor defenseless golf
This is gonna be a great day. Fore!
Bernie's Delegate Lead Projection
And this was before the debate:
Nate Silver's delegate projections through Super Tuesday — show Sanders with 41%, followed by Bloomberg and Joe Biden with 18% each.
Bloomberg is now actually cajoling other Dems to drop out because Bernie "will soon be unstoppable."
Edit/add: I'm pretty sure I read that 51% or maybe 52% of all pledged delegates will be apportioned by March 3.
Silver is now projecting that come the convention, Bernie will have 1,573 pledged delegates.
Ha ha - shows how much they fear us!
See? We the people are powerful.
(edited to include the quote that inspired this comment.)
Lurking in the wings is Hillary, like some terrifying bat hanging by her feet in a cavern below the DNC. A bat with theropod instincts. -- Fred Reed
And that comparison
omits that most (all?) of Trump's golf outings include AF1 to FL or air transport to NJ for the weekend. Most of Obama's were at DC local courses, public or military and generally only one game per weekend. Then there's the Secret Service costs for their transport, lodging, and food for Trump's weekend golf jaunts.
One thing golf is good for,
great fodder for laughs:
Robin Williams- Golf
God I miss him.
This shit is bananas.
It's my favorite
Robin Williams routine. Probably because golf jokes (often including "god") are also my favorites. (Fits well with my loathing of business events/outings that included golf, requiring me to find something else to do for a few hours.)
You and me both,
Lurking in the wings is Hillary, like some terrifying bat hanging by her feet in a cavern below the DNC. A bat with theropod instincts. -- Fred Reed
I was 11
This shit is bananas.
It just shows how deep and real
his appeal was,
-- that bright, sensitive kids could recognize and feel it.Robin was a treasure.
Lurking in the wings is Hillary, like some terrifying bat hanging by her feet in a cavern below the DNC. A bat with theropod instincts. -- Fred Reed
Liz showed her true colors in 2016
It seems a lot of people aren’t willing to accept that. She sounds impressive when she has a safe target, like Bloomberg. But when she’s really pushed, it’s establishment all the way. If Bloomberg hadn’t been there last night, I really wonder how her debate performance would have rated.
Idolizing a politician is like believing the stripper really likes you.
Billionaires and Sex Crimes
Spot on!
Idolizing a politician is like believing the stripper really likes you.
Tim Black gave the best wrap-up
I've seen so far. On point, lively, well-organized. (Over an hour but doesn't require looking at the screen. IOW, you can futz around the house or multimultitask at work while listening.)
Lurking in the wings is Hillary, like some terrifying bat hanging by her feet in a cavern below the DNC. A bat with theropod instincts. -- Fred Reed
Socialism for the Rich, Rugged Individualism for the Poor
What I like about Sanders
citing MLK, Jr. in this instance is that he brings forward MLK Jr's core message. Most politicians use references to MLK, Jr. to pander to AA and "woke liberals" and lop off MLK,Jr. deep insights and radicalism.
Reportedly, Bloomberg is shrugging
off his disastrous first debate as nothing that another couple hundred million in ads can't fix. The hits should just keep coming:
Now up: Weinstein and Bloom were bffs for many years.
How soon before someone finds zero degrees of separation between Bloom and Epstein?
Will anyone ever ask Alex Acosta for the names of those Bush Administration folks that ordered him to find a way to cut a soft deal for Epstein? Those people need to answer a lot of questions. Unless they don't exist and Acosta did it all on his own; in which case it's time to begin stringing him up.
why was CBS Market Watch covering an Epstein statement years after he was a registered sex offender?
Krystal debates Warren surrogate on super delegates
Speaking of surrogates,
check-out Bloomberg's surrogate. Yikes!
fyi - will watch the Bell video later. She's usually very good; so, am curious how she managed this one.
Saagar noted the Dems' subtle attack on Bernie
Such an uphill battle he's facing.
Lurking in the wings is Hillary, like some terrifying bat hanging by her feet in a cavern below the DNC. A bat with theropod instincts. -- Fred Reed
That is impressively creepy
I didn't even know that about the Trilateral Commission and CoFR.
How long until
Or maybe Matt Damon?
This guy?
Maybe George Clooney. I swear it’s his voice in the
latest Bloomberg TV ad.
"The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now do you begin to understand me?" ~Orwell, "1984"
Impressively creepy
describes everything none to date about Epstein. His Trilateral Commission and CoFR stints were publicly known before his 2005 bust for statutory rape. Epstein began tooting his own horn before there was anything to toot.
That said, we still know only a portion of the Epstein story. The biggie is where he got the money and what he and his associates (mostly unidentified) were up to. (I doubt the speculation about intel -- US and Israel. For those that trade on an aura of mystery, that's the easiest thing to fake.) My guesses are a matchmaker and pimp for the super-wealthy, money laundering for the same, and the billionaires' Zionist club program and money manager.
Oh that ship sailed long ago
Bloom is in Epstein's black book discovered over a decade ago. And he has been photographed with Epstein's madame Maxwell. Then there are Bloom's ties to serial groper Weinstein. It's a big club and fortunately we ain't in it.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Unfortunately, none of that
is evidence of more than being seen out and about with a certain class/coterie of people. Too many names in Epstein's black book had never met him and had nothing to do with him. Epstein collected names and contact numbers of anyone he hoped to snag for whatever he was up to.
Maxwell was well connected with elites in the UK and NYC. What she didn't have was money, or no where near enough money to hang out with those elites. My guess is that was where Epstein came him. She could introduce him to more of those elites and he could fund the lifestyle she needed. Her pimp/madam duties would have come later.
Some insiders understand what cheating Bernie means
Short clip of some cable panel talking and David Axelrod and some other dem hack said that not giving the nomination to Bernie if he goes in with a plurality would be bad for the party. The moderator quickly cut them off implying that wasn't true.
Democrats are the only party actively trying to suppress their base.
Lyin' Liz
I's never heard of Tim Black before
but am glad I did now. Thanks, Laurel! This was supposed to be a reply to your post above, but wound up at the end of the queue!!??
Anyhow, best debate summary I've seen. I got sucked in stayed to the end. Outstanding.
"Fear is the mind-killer" - Frank Herbert, Dune
The reality is 100% opposite to the essay's conclusion
Bloomberg is an evil cyborg--but did anyone really think it took a presidential campaign to reveal that? Yes, his misdeeds are now being publicized, but all of his racist, misogynistic oligopolistic elitism was public knowledge for a long time.
Liawatha is a total fraud, proving daily how fast a campaign can fail can have reached terminal velocity.
Bloomberg is the penultimate player to stop Bernie. I'm writing an essay today revealing who the ultimate recipient of Bloomie's largesse will be.
We'll see how Bloomberg's poll numbers stack up
. . . over the next couple of weeks going into Super Tuesday.
My guess is he's going to drop quite a bit. And then he's going to do quite poorly in South Carolina. Just because his history was "public" doesn't mean that most of the public was all that knowledgable about him. Give them time. Most just got their first dose of his infamy.
I don't think Her whose name should not be spoken will even want to be further tarnished by Bloomberg. She's already recently come out after the Drudge claim and said she doesn't want to be his VP. Of course, maybe she still wants to be top dog but it won't be done in open alliance with Bloomberg. And as far as Bloomberg stealing the nomination for himself goes after last night, nah. Let him spend all the money he wants. So much the better for the pockets of those who benefit from his bankroll. They'll probably take his money and vote against him.
Hillary cannot ever be top dog
Bill was top dog.
Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur