Signal Wave
Submitted by Cant Stop the M... on Tue, 11/09/2021 - 5:14am
Good morning, everybody!
A Delayed Reckoning
Good morning, everybody!
A Delayed Reckoning
A few more thoughts on left and right
(cobbled together partly from responses to JtC)
Left and Right
Apologies if this is showing up already, but a very thought provoking interview. One gem on voting ‘‘Participation in this corrupt system is inherently a corrupting process.’’
OK I guess I was set off by this piece written last year that popped up when I opened Mozilla. It comes from last year, but the filter misidentified it as recent.
Preface: This is just my uneducated opinion...and the rantings of a mindless lunatic.
The sad state we find ourselves in today hasn't been the republicans or the democrats fault, but a combination of both corporate bought and sold political parties, not to mention a population that seems to be able to only think in terms of binary logic. "You're either with us, or against us".
An open thread dedicated to discussing books, movies, and tv shows we love. And occasionally some politics.
This is a portion of the email I received yesterday evening from Tim Canova:
"Debbie Wasserman Schultz -- voted down progressive values like Medicare for All, an indexed to inflation $15 minimum wage, a moratorium to ban fracking, and an amendment to stop the TPP."
And there you have it, there it is. Now, Hillary can just blame Wasserman-Schultz.
Funk that!