Political Action
Sanders, Hoh, and Finding The Ability to Act
Submitted by divineorder on Sat, 09/23/2017 - 4:13pmHey, happy saturday !
This video was suggested by Mathew Hoh, who I will feature below.
Published on
Tuesday, September 12, 2017
Common Dreams
The Divine in the Resistance
16 Candles in Afghanistan. Time to get out, not another surge.
Submitted by divineorder on Mon, 08/21/2017 - 1:07pmJust noticed that CNN put this out an hour ago. Watched it online.
Afghanistan: 16 years, thousands dead and no clear end in sight https://t.co/QkPcMdmJbX #news #latest pic.twitter.com/pWPOD9U70g
The 'Peace Movement' still alive and well. Maybe it's you that's missing?
Submitted by divineorder on Sun, 04/09/2017 - 11:52pmLove this place. Truth reigns. For the most part, anyway. But still seeing here and there 'the peace movement has been missing for the last 8 years', 'where is the peace movement ?, but you know, sorry, but hey, fck you. Where are you? The peace movement has continued on from the 60's. Sorry if you left it. Sorry if you never joined. Sorry if you are ignorant of it's workings.
Support for Single Payer Grows, But Uncle Sam Needs You
Submitted by divineorder on Wed, 12/14/2016 - 10:01amJust read Steven's excellent essay sharing his family recent healthcare experiences.
As usual when I read this type of news I am motivated to stave off depression by going to my favorite antidote, the website or twitter stream of PHNP .
Single payer, national health insurance advocacy organization with more than 20,000 physician members. #MedicareForAll #SinglePayer
Getting up to speed before Ryan Trump Try To Push Granny Over
Submitted by divineorder on Tue, 11/15/2016 - 3:40pmHave you had family member or friend whose life has been saved by Medicare or Medicaid?
My mother had a quintiple bypass and would not be alive today without these important safety nets.
Children of Occupy Wall Street
Submitted by divineorder on Sat, 09/17/2016 - 2:48pmSo we have come to the anniversary of Occupy Wall Street. Big Al mentioned it in an essay already.
Have all those thousands who participated, not just here in the US, but around the world, gone underground and dropped out of any attempt at change? Nah.
Decentralization and the End of Protest
NEW! New nuclear weapons being made in NM! No problem! Not.
Submitted by divineorder on Tue, 08/23/2016 - 2:48pmI feel like I am in a waking nightmare, with so much happening that seems to be rolling us back to the bad old days.
Back in the 80's we once heard Aussie Dr. Helen Caldicott speak in Austin while she was on a tour promoting doing away with nuclear weapons. She said Americans were suffering from 'psychic numbing' with all the fail and catastrophes that were surrounding each day, and thus were not taking the necessary action destroy nuclear weapons.
Ending Endless War -- Barbara Lee and H.R. 1303
Submitted by divineorder on Mon, 10/19/2015 - 12:32amDem D*ck Waving Succeeds, Cold War Officially Restarted!
Submitted by divineorder on Wed, 09/30/2015 - 8:43amBarack Obama's Democratic Administration has successfully overseen the restarting of the Cold War.
Ukraine. Arms to Baltic States. NATO . You could name other actions.
The Cold War lives, long live The Cold War !