Simplicius covers the terrorist attack on Russia

West Desperately Deflects as Ukraine's ISIS Gambit Backfires

Simplicius' conclusion:

The U.S. and friends really, really, really want you to know it wasn’t Ukraine who did the Moscow attacks, it was “ISIS”. Anyone who has even a functionally adult understanding of how the world works will innately comprehend that Ukraine is behind the attack. Of course, it’s possible it was one of its sponsors, the CIA or MI6—but the fact that the CIA claimed to have warned Russia of an impending terror action seems to imply to me that Ukraine had gone rogue, and even the U.S. was not standing with their gravely overreaching gambits.

It was just made known that the U.S. ‘warned’ Ukraine to stop provoking Russia by striking its energy facilities, remember? The U.S. has clearly diverged with its little pitbull on how to proceed further, as Biden’s admin is becoming averse to the increasing risks of poking the nuclear Bear.

Of course, it's of no consequence that the US warned Russia of an attack (on the wrong date, unfortunately). The real question is one of whether or not the US will offer unconditional support for every rogue element its shadow government supports with material aid. There's some history to say "yes" in this regard, and so for instance you have the US bickering with Israel while its Special Forces plan out genocide in Gaza, while terror attacks on the West Bank escalate, and while the war with Hezbollah heats up.

When you have a multi-player game, and players on the same side disagree on whether or not to escalate, then one possible outcome will be the escalation of all players. Here we should remember how World War I began.

The Britannica World War I page

World War I began as a dispute between Austria-Hungary and Serbia. Then it spread to Russia:

War was in fact declared on July 28, and Austro-Hungarian artillery began to bombard Belgrade the next day. Russia then ordered partial mobilization against Austria-Hungary, and on July 30, when Austria-Hungary was riposting conventionally with an order of mobilization on its Russian frontier, Russia ordered general mobilization.

I guess it could have stopped there, and there was some general sentiment that it should do such a thing throughout Europe. But then:

Germany, which since July 28 had still been hoping, in disregard of earlier warning hints from Great Britain, that Austria-Hungary’s war against Serbia could be “localized” to the Balkans, was now disillusioned insofar as eastern Europe was concerned. On July 31 Germany sent a 24-hour ultimatum requiring Russia to halt its mobilization and an 18-hour ultimatum requiring France to promise neutrality in the event of war between Russia and Germany.

Both Russia and France predictably ignored these demands. On August 1 Germany ordered general mobilization and declared war against Russia, and France likewise ordered general mobilization. The next day Germany sent troops into Luxembourg and demanded from Belgium free passage for German troops across its neutral territory. On August 3 Germany declared war against France.

In the night of August 3–4 German forces invaded Belgium. Thereupon, Great Britain, which had no concern with Serbia and no express obligation to fight either for Russia or for France but was expressly committed to defend Belgium, on August 4 declared war against Germany.

So, then, 40 million deaths later (not counting the 50 million or so that died of the H1N1 epidemic at the end of the war), the stage was set for World War II, twenty years later.

But, you know, vote for Biden, or something.

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Cassiodorus's picture

of Alexander Mercouris' report. It's at about the ten minute mark:

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"To watch the leader of the most powerful nation on earth endorse and finance a genocide prompts not a passing kind of disgust or anger, but a severance." -- Omar el Akkad

Cassiodorus's picture

You're in your car, driving on the Interstate toward your six-figure job. You discover through the electronic web surrounding your car that pro-Palestinian demonstrators have closed down the freeway, much as the ones in Seattle did a couple of months ago.

Are you going to get out of your car, approach the blockaders, and tell them they have to support the Squad and vote for Biden, or they're guilty of genocide?

This, gjohnsit, is why we don't support sellouts.

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"To watch the leader of the most powerful nation on earth endorse and finance a genocide prompts not a passing kind of disgust or anger, but a severance." -- Omar el Akkad

The "best" that can be said is that after CIA/MI6 trained Ukrainians on terror tactics, Ukr went rouge with attacks on non-military targets (civilians) in Russia which US did not approve. Ritter said this was a possibility but still blamed intel agencies for training terrorists and setting up terrorist networks to attack US/Uk official enemies. Well, worst case CIA/mi6 planned and approved attack. Maybe this is why Nuland was forced out--she was giving permission outside of CIA/Pentagon for these attacks on civilians. She was usurping other deep state actors--a power struggle she lost.

Amazing how many people saw through the entire charade of some ISIS group by noting how unlike the real ISIS jihadists they acted.

The bottom line regardless is that we are edging to a nuclear war with Russia.

I would tell people to get their affairs in order. But realized there will be nobody left to put their affairs in order.

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The rest of the tweet:

"The consequences for Ukraine will be catastrophic. I hope they will not be so destructive for us," American political scientist Gilbert Doctorow said in an interview with Indian WION, commenting on the terrorist attack in Crocus City.

According to him, the involvement of the United States and Britain in the terrorist attack, which was announced by FSB Director Alexander Bortnikov, puts the world on the brink of nuclear war.

It was with Bortnikov's statement that Doctorow began his remark.

He drew attention to the fact that the FSB director is a non—public figure and a rare guest on Russian TV, so his appearance on the air is an extraordinary event. Bortnikov, who has been heading the FSB for the 16th year, is a person close to Putin, explains Doctorow, and "it is impossible to imagine that his statement would not be approved from above."

Doctorow recalled another demonstrative act of Western terrorism — the explosion of the "Northern Streams". According to him, then the Russians did not officially accuse anyone, limiting themselves to hints at the United States, Britain and other states.

Whereas now we have a direct accusation from the mouth of the FSB director — read, from the Kremlin itself — albeit based on preliminary data, the analyst notes. An accusation made in a calm tone and with careful choice of words.

The involvement of the West in the shooting in Crocus City is supported by the Turkish trail of terrorists, a "false start" with a warning from the US Embassy on March 7 and... the resignation of Victoria Nuland, continues Doctorow.

All this threatens the planet with a repeat of the 1962 Caribbean crisis, Gilbert Doctorow sums up.
1:24 PM · Mar 28, 2024

The video.

11 users have voted.

@humphrey will those even crazier than nuland take charge????

Heaven help us.

7 users have voted.
studentofearth's picture

history of Isis-K, original Isis, Al-Qaeda, Ukraine and other players in the area. I am unable to post video so will need to follow link.

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Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.