
How to fix US elections.

Their is a lot of talk about whats wrong with US elections, and sadly to much of it is center one of two parts of the system rather then the entire process, It is rather disturbing how little security our elections have, and its not just the voting machines, or the tabulation machines, or the county ran database that swaps every ones party affiliation so that prechosen candidates can win. Its not enough to complain about an issue however so I want to outline what we can do about it.



Sooo, one minor detail that I failed to take in consideration is that many of us already boycott the MSM. Whoops, so that wouldn't work for us, would it? But I wonder if we are just the few? I wonder about the rest of the Sanders supporters?

In any event a really good suggestion was given in a response to this diary on 'Kossacks for Sanders' by Knotlookin, that I would like to copy:

Waking up from the long sleep?

Gopal Balakrishnan:

On numerous occasions since the 90s the left has rallied to a center-right candidate to ward off the far-right and the results have been disastrous. Not only is the far right strengthened by bolstering its credentials as the only real opposition force to the establishment, the left is drastically weakened at the expense of the center-right.

The Long Walk

It’s nice to see many people are giving the Democratic establishment the middle finger by declaring that they won't vote for Hillary in November if she gets the nomination. However, it's almost May, and six months is a long time from now. Will the Bernie or Bust movement be able to hold strong until then? If Hillary gets the nomination, it’ll be the beginning of the long walk.

How I plan to vote, and why I'm here.

The other day I introduced myself. Someone read what I said, and indicated that they thought I might have come here to convince you all to vote for Hillary Clinton. That isn't the case, actually I came here because there's nobody to talk to in the real world around me, and I wanted to speak to progressives like myself.

However, I thought I would explain what I do think.
