Ukraine update

The Weekly Watch

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It's been another busy news cycle this week: Drone strikes in Russia, war grinding on in the Donbass, a supposed coup attempt in Germany, a definite presidential coup in Peru, China meets with Saudi and Qatar adding another blow against the petrodollar, Egypt joins the BRICS+ bank, Twitter files reveal FBI involvement, 'elensky is Time magazine and The Financial Times "Man of the Year", Dutch farms seized, and more. Jump in below the fold for details...


Ukraine Update...

Since I left off the news in today's weekly watch I wanted to at least throw together a quick look at the proxy war between NATOstan and Russia. I hope you will add news sources you find reliable in the comments below as we all grapple with the end of empire.

Scott has a new channel.
but has been disappeared which speaks volumes... but now it is back again.